Archade's Ongoing Playtest (COTCT Spoilers)

Alpha Release 3 General Discussion

Dark Archive

Hey guys,

Tonight we continued our 'Curse of the Wyrmling Throne' campaign (very closely modelled on COTCT). The party was 4th/5th level.

From a playtest point of view, there were a few issues. The Gray Maidens attempted to deal with a pistol-wielding PC, and since they couldn't easily hit him, tried to disarm and sunder his gun. With their CMB of +6 and his of +7, they had almost no chance of succeeding -- not sure if that's a good or bad thing, just an observation.

We're using Spellcraft DC 25 + 1/2 CL to identify magic items, and with Zellara's Harrow Deck, it's still working 90% of the time -- and the ability to identify 10 items per identify is keeping the party using items. They stole poor Dr. Davalus' magic rapier and have put it to good use.

The new Appraise rules continue to impress me -- now they have a couple expensive mundane items they don't know the value of. Very cool.

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