Populating Sandpoint

Rise of the Runelords

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Okay... This is mostly because I can't make up name on the fly. So let's hear about the population of Sandpoint that the lovely STs on this board have come up with.

Too kick it off...
The home between the Brodert Quink's (Sage) and the locksmith's belongs to the Yavar's. The main NPC is a eight-year-old boy named Alan who was trying to convince the players that the fire five years ago was caused by the Sandpoint Devil. He was a little to slow with the information so they hopped Alan up on coffee beans. His parents are Flora and David - the party wizard is slightly interested in Flora because David travels alot so he's absolutely convinced that she's a lonely, hot housewife. Recently the took in Amelia, whose father had his throat slit by the goblins at the Glassworks (her mother was killed by the Chopper). Alan's imaginary friend (an attic whisperer named Jonny) has recently creeped out the party but they think they've solved the problem.

I developed the town guards and their duty schedule. I posted it to the Bringing Sandpoint Alive thread.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Thank you tbug. I remember reading that a while back but I couldn't find it when I was looking yesterday.

I have two party members that spend a great deal of time shopping, so I came up with names for the guards at the Jewelers, but the personalities are lacking. (Okay, I need last names too...)


Has anyone expanded the Scarnetti family - like say Titus's wife, I can see her being a shopper-type.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

chavamana wrote:
Has anyone expanded the Scarnetti family - like say Titus's wife, I can see her being a shopper-type.

Yeah, she's always going to the outlet mall outside Magnimar and maxing out the platinum Macy's card. Really gets Titus riled up. I foresee fire involved in the mall's future...

Scarab Sages

The furthest building to the right on Rum Street and the corner of Brokestone Alley is the house of Seelani, a brewer (CN halfling rog1/exp1) who has left her family with a secret recipe for brewing something called "Twinkling Ale".

Currently she works at the Two Knights Brewery as an apprentice, but can also be found at her friend Brogar's house or business, detailed below.

At the corner of Whisker Street and Razor Street lives a dwarf named Brogar Stoutheart (NG dwarf ftr1/exp2). An outcast from his clan, he has always been fascinated with the mysterious honey that has been used to make mead. He came to Sandpoint to raise bees (something he excels at, thanks to his physical condition and resistance to poison). Often being out at night, many suspect he has seen the Sandpoint Devil, but if it has approached near him, he is unaware. Brogar has a flirtatious but innocent relationship with the halfling brewer Seelani.

The beekeeping business involves using large logs to allow the bees to build their hives. The beehives are located on the trail that leads south from Undercliff Way across the river from the town proper.Brogar can be found here on most nights, wearing his beekeeper outfit (see Arms and Equipment guide). Occasionally, rowdy kids play games of bravery whereby they roll his logs into the river and try to avoid getting stung. This keeps the dwarf busy, and often involved with the town guard. Brogar sells honey from a small shack near the hives, at a cost of 4cp for a 1 ounce jar. He also sends larger quantities to the brewery on occasion, and hires help from the town to carry barrels, paying 5sp for a days work (and often throwing in a jar of honey).

Scarab Sages

Smuggler named Arumra, hangs out at Fatman's Feedbag, owns a fishing boat re-done to allow smuggling instead of fishing. Still has fishing eqpt and small space for catch, but most of space has been re-done to hide verboten cargo. Will transport passangers for 5 gp a head, if danger to him 15 gp per head. Transporting cargo costs differ depending on value of cargo, 15-30% of value is reasonable...to him.

My group used him to scout thistletop, then remembered that one of the PC's was a former pearl diver whose friend owns a fishing boat!

Dark Archive

Sandpoint seems to have a slight shortage of foils for the PCs; psudo-enemies of the same general power-level as themselves. So I tossed in a recent arrival,

Sir Ulric NaVir, of the Order of the Nail (LN Human Paladin/Rogue [custom paladin, re-flavored for Law emphasis)
the tall, almost absurdly thin Ulrich is a Crusader; a hellknight agent tasked with enforcing the Laws of Cheliax in the wilds. Beneath the horned helm is a handsome if sallow face with opaque green eyes and a five-o-clock shadow. Currently, he is on the trail of Shaz "Redshiv" Bilger, the notorious outlaw. Ulrich stopped in sandpoint a short time after the swallowtail festival, hearing about the goblin attacks and concerned for the safety of the citizens. Yes, Ulrich really was concerned. Despite his brutal tactics, arrogant and touchy manner, and grim demeanor, he is driven primarily by a desire to protect people. Urich rides in on a hellbred light warhorse and immediately offers his fealty to Hemlock and Mayor Deverin. And, he probably takes offense at one of the PCs from the moment they meet; theres just something about Ulrich that compels a certain type of player to piss him off. Ulrich is a seemingly straightforeward combatant, but has a surprising willingness to fight dirty, and considerable skill at investigation and interrogation.

And so follows a series of perpetual one-upmanship between Ulrich and the PCs. Idealy, Ulrich shouldnt steal the show, and winds up being a bit of a butt-monkey; the PCs are fated to find redshiv themselves, after all, beneath Foxglove manor. But, his patrols of Sandpoint and the wilds surrounding it go a great deal of good, and he finds himself settling in to the place, and even begins courting the local beauty, the half-elf that runs the clothing shop. He spends his off time in Cracktooth's Tavern, enjoying the Playhouse, and brutalizing suspected criminals

In the Giant attack on sandpoint, he behaves in an extremely badass manner. One idea might be to have his girlfriend taken prisoner, so that he demands to accompany the PCs to Jorgenfist.

Ulrich likewise could have a part to play in the assault on the Scribbler's temple in #5, and may even have eventualy befrended the party enough to travel with them to xin-shalast, if you deem it appropriate.

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