Barakus begins (Black Tom's Necro campaign)


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Sandros, still keeping his weapon low, glances over his shoulder at Proteus. "I'm trying to find out what is going on. We can't make decisions without information..."

Which exit is the one that we thought might lead back to the ogre's room from a different direction?

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
Sandros Highmount wrote:

Sandros, still keeping his weapon low, glances over his shoulder at Proteus. "I'm trying to find out what is going on. We can't make decisions without information..."

Which exit is the one that we thought might lead back to the ogre's room from a different direction?

That would be the one at E8-9, to your right. That exit bends sharply to the left after only 10 feet or so. The other one is narrow and turns a little to the right. As far as you can see, it continues at least 40 feet.

Sandros points his blade at the floor, as unthreateningly as he can. "I don't think these things want a fight," he calls back to the others. He studies the ratmen for a moment, then points toward the smaller exit, giving a questioning look at the strange humanoids before taking a single step toward that passage.

Female Halfling Sorcerer (celestial)
Sandros Highmount wrote:
Sandros points his blade at the floor, as unthreateningly as he can. "I don't think these things want a fight," he calls back to the others. He studies the ratmen for a moment, then points toward the smaller exit, giving a questioning look at the strange humanoids before taking a single step toward that passage.

Wow it's been busy! Roylenna would have found a place to exercise her pretty fair stealth skills, also, but I think a roll at this point is unnecessary.

Whispered to the other waiting ambushers, "It sounds like Sandros wants us to join him. Should we go?"

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
Sandros Highmount wrote:
Sandros points his blade at the floor, as unthreateningly as he can. "I don't think these things want a fight," he calls back to the others. He studies the ratmen for a moment, then points toward the smaller exit, giving a questioning look at the strange humanoids before taking a single step toward that passage.

The ratmen move to block your access to that passage (moving from F10-G10)(assuming you mean the one to your left at H10-I9). They'll let you use the other passage, though.

Male Human Fighter 1 (Two Weapon Archetype)
Roylenna wrote:
Whispered to the other waiting ambushers, "It sounds like Sandros wants us to join him. Should we go?"

"No. We stay here and wait for the Highborn and Proteus. If they call for us then we go, not til then." Rana watches the way that the other two walked down, straining to here for calls of alarm. He readies his whip and shortsword and waits.

I've made 20 d20 rolls on IC. Here's the link:


I'm starting at the top, so the first will be used for a perception roll 1d20+0=18.

"Okay, new theory. That's their warren, and these guys are the door guards," Sandros says, coming to a halt. "Do we need to go poking around in their home, or should we move on to other areas and come back if we can't find Bramley somewhere else?"

Male Human Fighter 1 (Two Weapon Archetype)

Do you come back and say this?

I don't come back, but I am speaking loudly enough to be heard (hopefully) by everyone.

Male Human Fighter 1 (Two Weapon Archetype)

Speaking so Sandros can hear, Rana says, "We should only go through there area if we don't find Fenton elsewhere."

Female Halfling Sorcerer (celestial)

Roylenna nods her agreement with Rana, realizes that he can't see her as they wait in the dark, and says, "You are right. They might yet be a help to us and barging into their home will not endear us to them. Let us search elsewhere first."

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

It sounds like you're nearing an agreement not to fight the ratmen (at least for now). Do you want to explore the passage that they left open (that probably goes back to the ogre's room) or do you want to go elsewhere? There are basically three options: the north exit in the ghoul's room (opposite the stairs), (NB: The position of the stairs and the north exit are reversed on your map due to my crooked numbering. The rest of the map is quite accurate.), the south exit in the ogre's room and the est exit in the ogre's room (probably connecting with the west exit of the ratmen's room.

Let's head west from here, just to make sure that the passages connect and we're not missing anything between them. Once we figure that out, we can decide which of the remaining two exits to take.

Sandros calls the rest of the group to come on through, pointing them toward the "permitted" doorway. As the group files in and past, he watches to make sure the ratmen realize the actual size of his group.

We're both trickier and more peaceful than you thought. Remember that.

Then, as Royl trails through at the end of the group, Sandros steps back, gives the ratmen a bow, and hurries to resume his usual place in the marching order.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
Sandros Highmount wrote:
Sandros calls the rest of the group to come on through, pointing them toward the "permitted" doorway. As the group files in and past, he watches to make sure the ratmen realize the actual size of his group.

The ratmen cringe as the rest of the group reveal themselves, but they take no action as you file past, other than squeaking to each other in their rodent patois.

The passages do indeed connect, which leaves you with two options unless you want to go outside.

You get 100 xp each for peaceful trickiness.

Male Human Fighter 1 (Two Weapon Archetype)

Armour, weapons and such are carefully noted as Rana and the rest walk by the ratmen. Once they have passed them and are back to the ogre's chamber Rana says, "We should check the ghouls den again. Make sure there is nothing and no one there behind us."

I have a sneaking suspicion that this Fenton character is somewhere behind the ratmen guards. Just a feeling.

Female Halfling Sorcerer (celestial)
Bhanbhagta Rana wrote:
I have a sneaking suspicion that this Fenton character is somewhere behind the ratmen guards. Just a feeling.

Yeah, I have the same feeling.

Roylenna will conjure up another set of Dancing Lights to follow the group at 30 feet to facilitate her and Proteus' watching behind us. She will continue to maintain a set of lights above her and the cleric to be sent ahead if things warrant, but her attention will primarily be behind us for now.

Either unexplored passage is fine with me.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

All is still in the ghoul's den and the ghoul itself is not moving. Do you want to explore the north passage with the mosaic or the narrow passage south from the ogre's room?

M Half Orc 1 Rogue

Grond is ready for anything. As they pass the ratmen, Grond will growl and glare at the pathetic excuse for humanoid. Meanwhile, he will whipser to


"If we offered them a token of friendship, we might gain their trust. I have nothing, but a gift of food might go a long way."

With a shrug, he moves out and to the front.

I am indifferent to direction, but here're some rolls:
INIT: 2+3=5
STEALTH: 18+7=25
Perception: 9+7=16

Male Human Fighter 1 (Two Weapon Archetype)

I'd like to finish off the ghouls area before going further into the cave.

Female Halfling Sorcerer (celestial)
Grond the Backstabber wrote:
Grond is ready for anything. As they pass the ratmen, Grond will growl and glare at the pathetic excuse for humanoid. Meanwhile, he will whisper to Roylenna.

Quietly, "Ooh, good idea!" Roylenna stops and smiles at the ratmen under Sandros' protective eye, raises her hand with her index finger upraised the hopefully universal symbol for "one moment, please" and shrugs out of her backpack. She locates some trail rations admittedly only a small snack for two medium-sized creatures, divides them in half, and offers them to the humanoids.

If they accept the offering:

She gives them her sunniest smile, puts her backpack back on, and hustles to catch up with the cleric.

If they make no motion to take the offering or refuse to take it:

She will take a small bit of the food, eat it see, no poison! and offer it again. If that still doesn't do it, she shrugs her shoulders, smiles again, and stows the food back in her pack.

Whether they take the food or not, I think the point would be made.

EDIT: Oops, forgot the rolls.

Initiative 1d20+3=19, Stealth 1d20+7=15, Perception 1d20+0=8

I didn't get the labels on the rolls in IC, so I added them here.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

North it is, then. The corridor goes on for 45 feet, after which it opens into a large chamber (about 60 feet wide and 30 feet across. The mosaic ends before a life-sized statue of a fat man with a goat's head, who looks down menacingly on all who enter.

As Grond sneaks a peek around the corner, he hears a low growl. Two fierce-looking dogs sniff suspiciously and start to bark. A burly orc dressed in furs rises from his bedding in the north-east corner and gets ready to hurl a javelin.

Tactical map: The corridor runs from E-G18 to E-G9. The room's corners are in B9, B3, M3 and M9. There are two visible exits, one passage north from D3-F3 and one north-east from J3 to M3. Grond is in F10, the orc in J5 and the dogs in G7 and I8. The ugly idol is in F5. Sandros is in E15, Rana in F15, Royl in E16 and Proteus in F16 if you haven't got a reason for another arrangement. Royl's lights are hovering at F20.

Grond has the element of surprise and can act in the surprise round. Then you can roll for initiative if you haven't already done so.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
Roylenna Brenoien wrote:
Roylenna stops and smiles at the ratmen under Sandros' protective eye, raises her hand with her index finger upraised the hopefully universal symbol for "one moment, please" and shrugs out of her backpack. She locates some trail rations admittedly only a small snack for two medium-sized creatures, divides them in half, and offers them to the humanoids.

Quick flashback: The ratmen make no move until you have left the room, at which time they throw themselves upon the food and devour it noisily.

Female Halfling Sorcerer (celestial)
Black Tom wrote:
Grond has the element of surprise and can act in the surprise round. Then you can roll for initiative if you haven't already done so.

Round one for Roylenna:

Roylenna acts on initiative 19, posted earlier. Once she knows something is going on, Roylenna will use a move action to push her "primary" Dancing Lights forward until they illuminate the room. As the map stands now, she's already too far away to use any of her spells, so she will use a second move action to move 20' toward the room, staying to the left once it's apparent that the hostiles are on the right. That is, unless someone suggests something different before she acts.

Male Human (Alryan) Cleric 3

Initiative = 3

Male Human Fighter 1 (Two Weapon Archetype)


Assuming I can still use the one I rolled from before, which I haven't needed yet, here it is again:

Initiative (1d20+4=20)

Waiting for Grond's surprise round to be resolved before I post my first actions.

Female Halfling Sorcerer (celestial)

So, waiting for the surprise round:

Initiatives (Locations)

Sandros 20 (E15)
Roylenna 19 (E16)
Rana 18 (F15)
Grond 5 (F10)
Proteus 3 (F16)

Dog #1 ? (G7)
Dog #2 ? (I8)
Orc ? (J5)

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
Roylenna Brenoien wrote:

So, waiting for the surprise round: Initiatives

Dogs 4, Orc 12.

Female Halfling Sorcerer (celestial)

OK, Grond's up!:

Initiatives (Locations)

Sandros 20 (E15)
Roylenna 19 (E16)
Rana 18 (F15)
Orc 12 (J5)
Grond 5 (F10)
Dog #1 4 (G7)
Dog #2 4 (I8)
Proteus 3 (F16)

I'm assuming the sound of growling dogs is sufficient for Roylenna to assume that a throwdown is in progress...

M Half Orc 1 Rogue

How far from the orc is Grond?

My map has him at 35 feet. A 5 ft step to G9 should get you to 30 ft., and thus sneak attack range.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
Sandros Highmount wrote:
My map has him at 35 feet. A 5 ft step to G9 should get you to 30 ft., and thus sneak attack range.

Correct. Is that what you want to do in the surprise round (step to G9 and hurl a javelin at the orc)?

M Half Orc 1 Rogue

Yes and then have 3 attacks against me next round? That is how it has gone down every other time. I think I'll try something else.

Ground has shown himself around the corner. He will duck back around the corner, and make ready for a surprise flanking attack against the first orc or other to come around the corner. He will also motion the others forward.

Init (previous): 5
Stealth (new): 3+7=10
To Hit: 12+3=15 (flank or surprise bonuses?)
Damage: 5+4=9+5=14

Female Halfling Sorcerer (celestial)
Grond the Backstabber wrote:
Yes and then have 3 attacks against me next round? That is how it has gone down every other time. I think I'll try something else.

Can't say as I blame you. Roylenna's actions are unchanged as stated earlier.

Grond the Backstabber wrote:

Yes and then have 3 attacks against me next round? That is how it has gone down every other time. I think I'll try something else.

Ground has shown himself around the corner. He will duck back around the corner, and make ready for a surprise flanking attack against the first orc or other to come around the corner. He will also motion the others forward.

Well, you're going to need someone to flank with - but this means I'm going to be in serious danger of taking a javelin through a vital organ or two...

Sandros, seeing Grond stepping back under cover, nods in understanding and rushes forward, rapier leading the way as he tries to run it through the dog he can see.

Charging (to F8) rapier attack (1d20+7=22, damage 1d6+2=4)

Male Human Fighter 1 (Two Weapon Archetype)

Rana readies his whip and sword and moves around the corner to stand next to Sandros. Moving to just within range he lashes out with his whip tryting to disarm the Orc before he knows what is happening. Disarm attempt 1d20+4+2(whip)=19. If it fails he'll drop the whip and get ready for a quick stab next round.

Bhanbhagta Rana wrote:

Rana readies his whip and sword and moves around the corner to stand next to Sandros. Moving to just within range he lashes out with his whip tryting to disarm the Orc before he knows what is happening. Disarm attempt 1d20+4+2(whip)=19. If it fails he'll drop the whip and get ready for a quick stab next round.

I think you have to get to G8 to attempt that, and that's too far to move and attack even if you didn't have a reduced move at the moment...

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Grond looks around the corner and then quickly motions the others forward while he drops his javelin and draws his falchion, hoping for a flanking attack.

At Grond's sign, Sandros charges to F8 and stabs one of the dogs in the side. Roylenna moves her dancing lights ahead to illuminate the scene and moves forward to E12.

Rana has the choice of moving to E10 and attacking the nearest dog with his whip or else double-moving somewhere into the room, possibly dropping the whip and drawing a sword.

Male Human Fighter 1 (Two Weapon Archetype)
Black Tom wrote:

Grond looks around the corner and then quickly motions the others forward while he drops his javelin and draws his falchion, hoping for a flanking attack.

At Grond's sign, Sandros charges to F8 and stabs one of the dogs in the side. Roylenna moves her dancing lights ahead to illuminate the scene and moves forward to E12.

Rana has the choice of moving to E10 and attacking the nearest dog with his whip or else double-moving somewhere into the room, possibly dropping the whip and drawing a sword.

I'll go for the trip on the dog Sandros attacked. My roll will be reduced to 17 instead 19 also I belive the dogs get a plus for being four legged.

M Half Orc 1 Rogue

I'll wait for Roylenna and Proteus before posting Grond's actions. Which will be to hopefully sneak attack.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Rana moves to E10 and tries to entangle the dog at G7 with his whip, but the dog has cover from Sandros and easily shrugs the coil off.

The orc shouts a battle cry and flies into a rage, hurling the javelin with insane force at Rana. Fortunately his armour is able to absorb the impact. The orc draws his greataxe, ready to charge.

The dogs spring at you, one snapping at Sandros with slavering jaws but not connecting) and the other making a leap at Rana (charging to F9 - K9 on WorsT's map), but Grond cuts it down in mid-flight, severing an artery (sneak attacking for 14 damage). The dog slumps to the floor in a rapidly widening pool of blood.

Proteus is up, then Sandros, Royl and Rana.

Edit: I'll use the new coordinates for my next post, but the dog was the only one to move this round. All others are still in the positions indicated at Finding Fenton 3.

Black Tom wrote:
Edit: I'll use the new coordinates for my next post, but the dog was the only one to move this round. All others are still in the positions indicated at Finding Fenton 3.

Map link so I can find it easier. Royl should be at J12, not J16, by the way.

Sandros stabs again at the dog, finding another opening, before ducking behind the idol to set up a rear attack against the orc after he charges.

Rapier attack (1d20+5=23, damage 1d6+2=8)
Crit confirm (1d20+5=13, damage 1d6+2=7)
Dangit! I haven't managed to crit yet!
Move to J5.

Female Halfling Sorcerer (celestial)
Sandros Highmount wrote:

Map link so I can find it easier. Royl should be at J12, not J16, by the way.

Sandros stabs again at the dog, finding another opening, before ducking behind the idol to set up a rear attack against the orc after he charges.

Yeah, Roylenna moved forward 20' last round, so she should be in J12. Starting from that point...

Unable to use her spells without affecting an ally, Roylenna hopes that a position farther into the room will be more effective. But she doesn't want to be alone, so she follows Sandros. Double move to I4.

I have a scimitar in a tabletop game that only crits when the foe has less than five hp, I swear. It's not my PC, it's the sword. Really.

Male Human (Alryan) Cleric 3

Proteus keeps an eye on the south making sure that no other enemies approach. I'm going to say 'delay' in case something goes horribly wrong and I can take an action

I just realized that my movement provoked an attack of opportunity from the dog unless I managed to drop it. Bugger.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Proteus stays and keeps a watchful eye to the south, while Sandros stabs the dog again. The beast is bleeding pretty badly but is still almost able to take a bite out of him. Only his reflexes save him. Roylenna runs into the room, taking a position behind Sandros.


Male Human Fighter 1 (Two Weapon Archetype)

Rana steps to K8 over the now bleeding dog, that Grond has dispatched, and attempts to stab the second dog at L7. With his recently injured hip still bothering him, Rana falters on the widening pool of blood and misses the dog cleanly. Cursing under his breath he readies himself to defend against orc or dog.

Going by the set of d20 rolls I made I know that i missed the attack. I can't remember what the roll was but I know it was low.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Rana draws his sword and advances on the second dog, but slips in the pool of blood and loses his momentum. Meanwhile the orc, furious of the treatment accorded to his beloved pets, charges Rana (moving to L8), but gets the straps of his greataxe tangled in his armor. For a brief moment, the lethal combat turns into slapstick.

Sorry, no fumble rules, but a natural 1 should be embarrassing.

Grond is up, then the dog and the rest of you. Since I doubt the dog will do anything spectacular, you might as well post your actions for the next round.

Sandros, unable to reach the orc past the dog at his side, steps up to K6 and tries to end the cur's life. Still, bleeding though it is, the dog's snapping jaws keep his blade from its hide.

Rapier attack (1d20+5=11, damage 1d6+2=3)

Female Halfling Sorcerer (celestial)

Roylenna continues her path around the idol to L4 and fires her Heavenly Fire at the orc.

There will be penalties for the orc being in melee and for cover from the dog, I'm certain, but here are the rolls:

Heavenly Fire attack; damage (1d20 5=6, 1d6 1=3)

Bah. And Otto wonders why she doesn't make her presence known in combat. Natural 1 - who'd I hit?

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