Consolidated Treasure Lists for CotCT

Curse of the Crimson Throne

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

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As promised, here we go! I'll break them up by adventure, and we'll see how much it'll let me post in one ::chuckle::

Items are listed as Magic, Gear, Armor, Weapons and Money, ymmv on how you'd group 'em up :) I also combined so all daggers are grouped, rather than two here and one there sort of thing. Next post, Edge of Anarchy!

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Treasure from Edge of Anarchy

Crystal Vial of Silversheen (vial worth 50gp)
Dust of Appearance - 2
Elixer of Love
Elixer of Vision
Oil of Keen Edge
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds - 2
Potion of Invisibility
Ring of Feather Fall (with a tiny jade dragonfly)
Ring of Protection +1
Robe of Bones (human skeleton, goblin zombie, human zombie)
Scroll of Blur
Scroll of Command Undead
Scroll of Identify
Wand of Acid Splash (28 charges)
Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds (34 charges)
Wand of Ghoul Touch (44 charges)
Wand of Magic Missiles (23 charges)
Vreeg’s Spellbook (p55)
Zellara’s Harrow Deck (special)

Acid - 3
Blue Whinnis - 5 doses
Disguise Kit
Spider Venom - 5 doses
Tanglefoot Bag - 2
Vial of Shiver - 6 (25gp each)
Vial of Dream Spider Venom

Chainmail - 22
Leather Armor
Studded Leather Armor
Studded Leather Armor (small)
Light Shield
Heavy Steel Shield - 22

Masterwork Chainmail

+1 Leather Armor
+1 Studded Leather Armor

Adamantine Arrowhead
Kukri (small)
Light Crossbow with 10 bolts - 23
Longsword - 21
Warhammer - 1 (Cowhammer)
Silver Dagger
“Silver” Dagger (Raktavarna)

Masterwork Bladed Gauntlet - 2
Masterwork Composite Longbow (+2 Str)
Masterwork Dagger - 2
Masterwork Hand Crossbow with 10 bolts
Masterwork Hand Crossbow with 20 bolts
Masterwork Shuriken
Masterwork Spear

20 +1 Arrows

Pouch with 50cp - 4
Pouch with 50sp - 2
Sack with 100gp - 6
2 lb gold ingot - 100gp
Small Silver Chest (50gp) with 12 gold Ingots (100gp each)
450gp, 740sp, 800gp worth of gems and jewelry

Abalone Shell Holy Symbol of Shelyn - 300gp
Amber Necklace - 350gp
Collection of Books - 300gp
Garnet Amulet - 100gp
Gold Necklace fitted with Emeralds - 600gp
Jasper Studded Amulet - 500gp
Miniature Gold Crown - 350gp
Mother-of-Pearl Horn - 50gp
Scandalous Ivory Figurine - 450gp
Scrimshaw Kraken with Garnet Eyes - 200gp
Silver Ring with inscription - 150gp
Teak Cigar Case inlaid with Jade - 350gp
Bejeweled Brooch (special) - reward

From Cressida Kroft - room and board if needed
1000gp for capturing Vancaskerkin (500gp if he’s dead)
1000gp to bribe Devargo (1500gp on a good roll)
500gp bonus for retrieving Letters from Devargo
Medal of the Psuedodragon [1 ea, value 400gp, +2 Diplomacy if worn openly] (if kill Devargo)

Majenko the Psuedodragon (special)

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Treasure from Seven Days to the Grave

Amulet of Natural Armor +1
Bracers of Armor +2 - 2
Boots of Striding and Springing
Cape of the Montebank
Cloak of Resistance +1
Cloak of Resistance +2
“Elixer of True Healing” [Flask of Curses]
Eversmoking Bottle
Headband of Intellect +2
Incense of Meditation - 3 blocks
Periapt of Wisdom +2
Pipes of Haunting
Potion of Blur
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds - 21
Potion of Inflict Moderate Wounds - 2
Potion of Invisibility - 2 (maybe)
Potion of Poison
Potion of Remove Disease - 3
Potion of Shield of Faith +3
Ring of Jumping
Ring of Protection +1
Ring of Protection +2
Robe of Bones (goblin skeleton, wolf zombie)
Spellbook - Ramoska’s (p89)
Spellbook - Rolth’s (p49)
Ungeunt of Timeless - 6 doses
Wand of Cat’s Grace (11 charges)
Wand of Charm Person (38 charges)
Wand of Cure Serious Wounds (37 charges)
Wand of Magic Missiles (31 charges)
Wand of Magic Missiles (43 charges)
Wand of Remove Disease (7 charges)
Wand of Remove Disease (8)

Alchemist’s Fire - 14
Alchemical Gear - 500gp
Flint and Steel
Giant Wasp Poison - 2 doses
Healer’s Kit - 20
Mortician’s Tools
Plaguebringer’s Mask - 21
Sealing Wax
Sewing Needles - 20
Smoke Bombs - 4
Smokesticks - 3
Tanglefoot Bag
Tindertwigs - 20

Masterwork Artisan Tools - Carpenter
Masterwork Thieves Tools

Chainmail - 2
Chain Shirts - 4
Leather Armor - 16
Heavy Steel Shield - 6

Masterwork Full Plate - 6
Masterwork Suit of Chainmail

+1 Breastplate - 15
+1 Chain Shirt
+1 Glamered Studded Leather Armor
+1 Mithral Shirt

Arrows - 120
Black Metal Bolts - 60
Bolts - 30
Composite Longbow - 6
Daggers - 22
Light Crossbows - 3
Short Swords - 12

Masterwork Club - 16
Masterwork Dagger - 3
Masterwork Longsword - 7
Masterwork Sap - 2
Masterwork Scythe - 14
Masterwork Silver Dagger

+1 Human Bane Rapier
+1 Light Crossbow
Screaming Bolt - 3
+1 Short Spear
+1 Silver Rapier
+1 Vicious Scythe

182cp, 60sp, 1014gp, 91pp
Antique Jewelry - 70gp
Bent Copper Trumpet - 120gp
Black Onyx - 6 (25 gp)
Black Onyx - 23 (50gp each)
Book Collection - 1500gp
Death’s Head Coffer - 25+ (50gp each)
Exotic Incense - 450gp
Grim, Silver Candelabra - 2 (150gp)
Holy Symbol of Urgathoa, Brass
Holy Symbol of Urgathoa, ?? - 14
Jewelry - 200gp
Lapis Lazuli Bottle - 3 (45gp each)
Lavender’s Luxuriant Liniment - 2
Midnight Wine - 12 (14gp each)
Onyx Unholy Symbol of Urgathoa - 200gp
Perfumes - 800gp
Physician’s Outfit - 20 (5gp each)
Rune Etched Onyx Skull - 35gp
Silver Tooth - 1gp
Small, Gold Locket - 100gp
Vials - 150 (1000gp total, once emptied)
Vudran Clothes - 300gp

Darkwood Coffer of Papers
Notes on Blood Veil

Purchase from Wererats - Potions of Water Breathing at half price

Miscellaneous Jewelry and Frippery from Carowyn’s guests - ??

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Next three will be up when I'm not so tired of typing :)

Scarab Sages

Thank you so much for this.
I bet it was a bunch of effort involved and it is much appreciated.
You did a great job with these lists.

I also must pass along my appreciation. Thank you!

Dark Archive

I was hoping it wasn't too bold to ask; thank you so very much, Gamer Girrl, for sharing this resource! I've just started work on an index for the "Guide to Korvosa" and will post that when it's ready to go.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Here's the next one :)

Treasure from Escape from Old Korvosa

Amulet of Health +2
Amulet of Health +4
Amulet of Natural Armor +1
Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location
Bag of Holding (Type 1)
Black Boots of Elvenkind
Black Gloves of Dexterity +2
Black Hooded Cloak of Elvenkind
Boots of Speed
Cloak of Charisma +2
Cloak of Resistance +1 - 2
Gauntlets of Ogre Power
Mantis Mask - 2
Marble Elephant (special - 26,000gp)
Potion of Barkskin +4
Potion of Cure Serious Wounds - 3
Potion of Fire Resistance - 2
Potion of Lesser Restoration - 3
Ring of Protection +2
Ring of Protection +3
Rod of Wonder
Wand of Illusory Script (22 charges)
Wand of Shield (34 charges)
Wand of Slow (13 charges)

Third Eye (special, not usuable)

Alchemist’s Fire - 2
Blackjack Mask (several)

Studded Leather Armor - 18
Light Wooden Shield - 41

Masterwork Studded Leather - 23

+1 Chainmail - 3
+1 Glamered Chain Shirt
+1 Leather Armor - 2
+1 Leather Armor (small)
+2 Slick Black Leather Armor

Battleaxe - 18
Dagger - 8
Scimitar - 3
Throwing Axe - 164

Masterwork Battleaxe - 23
Masterwork Dagger - 24
Masterwork Falchion
Masterwork Hand Crossbow
Masterwork Light Crossbow with 10 Bolts
Masterwork Punching Dagger - 6
Masterwork Sai - 2
Masterwork Sawtooth Sabre - 2
Masterwork Siangham - 2
Masterwork Spear - 2
Masterwork War Razor

+1 Ghost Touch Kama
+1 Greataxe (small)
+1 Holy Light Crossbow
Javelin of Lightning - 3
+1 Ki Focus Shock Kukri
+1 Kukri
+2 Kukri
Mithral +2 Keen Rapier
Spiked +1 Light Steel Shield - 3

4000sp, 2044gp, 503pp
Gems and Jewelery - 5500gp

10# Exotic Cigars, Smoking Weed and Minor Narcotics - 1400gp
300# Toilet - 150gp
Amethyst Eye - 2 (500gp each)
Bloodstone - 3 (100 gp)
Bloodstone - 7 (200gp)
Bloodstone Javelin Head - 2 (750gp)
Blue-Coral Gecko Statue - 300gp
Gold Flame Drake with Pearls for Eyes - 1200gp
Hooka - 4 (350gp each)
Iron Chest of Arkona Documents (priceless!)
Jawassan Sitar - 350gp
Platinum and Crystal Decanter filled with Brandy - 750gp
Redwood Firepelt Cougar Statue - 200gp
Scream Painting (Post-Muse loss) - 11 (20gp each)
Scream Painting (Muse Inspired) - 6 (800gp each)
Scream Painting 1 - 450gp
Scream Painting 2 - 1100gp
Scream Painting 3 - 2000gp
Silk Glove inset with Pearls - 250gp
Silverware - 500gp for complete set
Third Eye Bloodstone - 3 (100gp each)
Third Eye Bloodstone - 200gp
Third Eye Bloodstone Heart - 500gp
Third Eye Bloodstone Paperweight - 500gp
Third Eye Bloodstone Javelin Head - 750gp
Third Eye Bloodstone - 1000gp

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Treasure from A History of Ashes

Amulet of Health +2
Bottle of Air
Cloak of Charisma +2
Cloak of Resistance +1 - 14
Cloak of Resistance +3 (bright orange!)
Decanter of Endless Water
Elixer of Shadewalking - 3
Gloves of Dexterity +2
Immovable Rod - 3
Mantis Mask - 15
Potion of Cure Serious Wounds
Potion of Haste
Ring of Protection +1
Scabbard of Keen Edges
Scroll of Clairvoyance - 2
Scroll of Dimension Door - 2
Scroll of Sending - 2
Sustaining Spoon (Spicey!!)
Wand of Hold Person (19 charges)

Gifts from Thousand Bones
Potion of Cure Serious Wounds - 5
Shoanti War Paint, Red - 3
Shoanti War Paint, Silver - 2
Wand of Create Water (44 charges)
Wand of Endure Elements (23 charges)

Large Scorpion Venom (4 doses)

+1 Leather Armor - 14
+2 Studded Leather Armor

Dagger - 56

Masterwork Sawtooth Sabre - 28

CURSED Jade Handled +2 Axiomatic Whip (p39)
+1 Magical Beast Bane Dagger
+1 Sawtooth Sabre - 2

Sapphire and Emerald Slivers from Mermaid Statue’s Tail - 3175gp
Collection of Exotic Cups, Bowls and Silverware - 75gp
Crystal Two-Headed Dove Locket - 325gp
Sapphire Cufflinks - 435gp
Bejeweled Holy Symbol of Lissala - 2000gp

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Treasure from Skeletons of Scarwall

Amulet of Natural Armor +1
Belt of Giant Strength +2
Gauntlets of Ogre Power - 2
Gold and Ivory Gem-Studded Lantern of Revealing
Golden Circlet (Castothrane’s) - 2500gp
Greater Strand of Prayer Beads
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds - 6
Ring of Immolation
Ring of Minor Spell Storing (Displacement Spell)
Ring of Protection +2 - 2
Rod of Splendor
Scarab of Protection (fully charged)
Scroll of Analyze Dweomer
Scroll of Animate Dead
Scroll of Freezing Sphere
Shadow Essence - 18
Soul Jar - 6
Staff of Conjuration (13 charges)
Staff of Necromancy (28 charges)

Sheaves of Fine Parchment (maybe)

Full Plate - 16
Heavy Steel Shield - 16

Mithral Breastplate

+1 Breastplate - 6
Celestial Plate Armor
+3 Chainmail (small)
+1 Full Plate
+2 Full Plate - 2
+1 Heavy Steel Shield
+2 Mithril Full Plate
+1 Mithril Full Plate Barding
+3 Mithril Glamered Chainmail
+1 Mithril Shirt
+1 Tower Shield

Arrows - 160
Bolts - 250
Longsword - 16

Adamantine Battleaxe
Masterwork Composite Shortbow (+5 Str) - 6
Masterwork Composite Longbow (+5 Str) - 2
Masterwork Greataxe - 25
Masterwork Greatswords - 3
Masterwork Halberd
Masterwork Light Crossbow - 25
Masterwork Longsword

+3 Aberration Bane Heavy Pick
Akeraum (+1 Dragon Bane Frost Greatsword)
+2 Battleaxe
Bejeweled +2 Icy Burst Light Mace
+1 Greataxe - 6
+1 Hold Cold Iron Longsword
+2 Lance
+1 Lawful Outsider Bane Greatsword
+2 Speed Spiked Chain
+2 Thundering Warhammer
+1 Unholy Scythe (must be mounted to be usable once removed from devil)
SERITHIAL (The objective <G>)

836,600cp, 42,645sp, 55,300gp, 460pp

Ancient Platinum Coin - 20gp
Diamond - 5 (500gp)
Gem - 19 (250gp)
Gems Embedded in Throne (200 in all) - 20,000gp
Gems - 5800gp
Gems and Diamond Dust - 9000gp
Gold Scraped or Melted off Throne - 2500gp
Melted Remains of a Gold Wedding Ring - 20gp
Necklace of Seven Silver-Plated Red Wyrmling Skulls - 1050gp
Onyx - 200gp
Polished Green Stone (worthless gallstone <G>)
Ruby - 2 (2500gp each)
Silver Tooth, partially melted - 3 (1gp each)
Skull with Magic Mouth - 34 (100gp each)
Small Opal - 24 (20gp each)
Statues, Jewelry, Paintings, etc. - 41 (15,300gp)

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

And that's it until the next installment comes out :) Enjoy!

Dark Archive

This slightly other-topic post is not meant to derail the thread or distract from Gamer Girrl's great resource. As I tweak treasures to make use of the OGL d20 products causing my bookshelf to sag, I'll post ideas here in the hopes that others (including Girrl!) might do the same. That should keep the thread "healthy" too.

My group of the moment is a far ways off from "Scarwall" but I can see that they're non-optimized for the sorts of threats they'll face there.

CotCT SPOILERS follow:


Their primary healer is a cleric/sorcerer who's interested in mystic theurge, so their turning and mid-to-high-level spells that zap undoods will be lacking.

The blessing (assuming they earn it) will help, but it's still going to be tough going. I'm considering reducing the treasure allocations in "History of Ashes" and substituting pieces of Wraith's Woe from the Magic Item Compendium, p. 215-216. The Skoan-Quah who accompany them for much of the adventure would wear these pieces. I'm planning to assign one to each player whose characters don't have a cohort. For each one that survives the perils of the Cinderlands, they--at Thousand Bones' request--will impart their item to the party before they depart the Shoanti camp at the beginning of "Skeletons of Scarwall."

Not sure what to trim just yet, as treasure is sparse in "History of Ashes" and the Shoanti warpaint is too cool to leave out.

The Exchange

great work, Gamer Girrl, I'm doing the same thing for my campaign and as I'm still at Seven Days to the Grave, it seems that I'll spare quite some time now, thank you.

I've two questions, though, and some slight additions (regarding EoA):

First, where did you find the +1 studded leather armor? I went through the adventure twice and still haven't found it?

And second, am I right to assume that the abbreviation 'ea' means something on the line of each ally? (found in the pseudodragon's mark line).

Now to the additions (I'll spoiler that):

In Hookshank Grullers Statblock you'll find under melee a sap as his second weapon not included in the Gear section.

According to the SRD, the 4 Derro's gear (which you left out) consists of:
studded leather armor(4)
short sword(4)
repeating light crossbow + 5 bolts(4)

Just for the sake of completeness, there's the possibility of 6 scimitars (worn by skeletons)

And two more left-outs (I think you did that on purpose and while I appreciate your attitude I'm sure that there may be groups with another approach to certain people's gear ^-^ ):

26 small daggers (or pitchforks)
and the gear of a certain young bard:
potion of cat's grace
potion of jump
potion of shield of faith +3
wand of daze monster (10 ch.)
+1 mithral shirt
mwk dagger
two bronze bracelets worth 50 gp each
copper necklace worth 100 gp

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

WormysQueue wrote:

great work, Gamer Girrl, I'm doing the same thing for my campaign and as I'm still at Seven Days to the Grave, it seems that I'll spare quite some time now, thank you.

I've two questions, though, and some slight additions (regarding EoA):

First, where did you find the +1 studded leather armor? I went through the adventure twice and still haven't found it?

And second, am I right to assume that the abbreviation 'ea' means something on the line of each ally? (found in the pseudodragon's mark line).

Now to the additions (I'll spoiler that):

** spoiler omitted **

The Studded Leather is worn by Cabbagehead, the Ogrekin in Rolth's lair :)

Ea is short for Each, so each pc would get one.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

WormysQueue wrote:
In Hookshank Grullers Statblock you'll find under melee a sap as his second weapon not included in the Gear section.

Missed that one LOL! Thanks :)

WormysQueue wrote:
According to the SRD, the 4 Derro's gear (which you left out) consists of:

Hadn't yet looked up all the monsters for their gear :) Thanks for the help on this one, will probably be adding in the rest as more time permits.

WormysQueue wrote:
Just for the sake of completeness, there's the possibility of 6 scimitars (worn by skeletons)

Missed this one, too :)

WormysQueue wrote:

And two more left-outs (I think you did that on purpose and while I appreciate your attitude I'm sure that there may be groups with another approach to certain people's gear ^-^ ):

26 small daggers (or pitchforks)
and the gear of a certain young bard:

LOL! Never even thought of the kids gear, maybe because one of my players is missing his son, and the boy is one of Lamm's Lambs until they get a chance to do a rescue this weekend :)

And as to the bard, I figured since they're capturing her for trial, and Cressida already expressed doubt, folks would gather the gear and hand it over with the prisoner :) So didn't want to plan on them getting their mitts on it.

I do the same in later ones, like I didn't put in all the gear from the Shoanti in HoA, etc. Those ya'll will need to dig up for yourselves ::chuckle::

The Exchange

Gamer Girrl wrote:
The Studded Leather is worn by Cabbagehead, the Ogrekin in Rolth's lair :)

Ah, thank you. :)

Dark Archive

As noted here and in the "Giggles" thread (and here I thought that'd be about a half-orc that'd tussled with a devilfish...), I've made good use of the lists. Will there be one done for "Crown of Fangs" as well? My side projects are the much-delayed index for the "Guide to Korvosa" and the near-complete reference for the CotCT Item Cards, or I'd undertake this one, too. Figured I'd ask! Thank you again for what's been shared so far.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Golbez57 wrote:
As noted here and in the "Giggles" thread (and here I thought that'd be about a half-orc that'd tussled with a devilfish...), I've made good use of the lists. Will there be one done for "Crown of Fangs" as well? My side projects are the much-delayed index for the "Guide to Korvosa" and the near-complete reference for the CotCT Item Cards, or I'd undertake this one, too. Figured I'd ask! Thank you again for what's been shared so far.

Yup :) Now that I'm done with my summer crazy hours (work with a kids school program and summer is always BUSY!) I'll get the final volume's treasure organized and posted.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

And the final installment is here!

Treasure from Crown of Fangs

Amulet of Health +4
Amulet of Natural Armor +5
Boots of Speed
Bracers of Armor +4 - 2
Bracers of Armor +8
Cloak of Charisma +2 - 8
Cloak of Flight (as wings of flying, but no wings appear in use)
Cloak of Resistance +1 - 32
Dust of Disappearance - 4 doses
Gloves of Dexterity +2 - 7
Gloves of Dexterity +4
Gloves of Dexterity +6
Handy Haversack
Headband of Intellect +4
Magical Harp (65lbs - combines powers of both a harp of charming and pipes of sounding) - 9000gp
Mantis Mask - 8
Minor Ring of Cold Resistance
Necklace of Adaption
Portable Hole
Potion of Barkskin +5
Potion of Shield of Faith +5
Ring of Invisibility
Ring of Major Spell Storing (with Heal, Stoneskin)
Ring of Protection +2 - 9
Ring of Splendid Security (p60)
Scroll of Banishment
Scroll of Binding - 2
Scroll of Etherealness
Scroll of Gate
Scroll of Greater Planar Ally
Scroll of Greater Planar Binding
Scroll of Greater Teleport
Scroll of Plane Shift
Staff of Evocation (32 charges)
Wand of Magic Missile (34 charges)

Togomar’s Spellbooks - All prepared spells (p30), Arcance Sight, Darkvision, See Invisibility, Tongues, Contingency, Permanency, and all spells needed to create an Akaruzug; plus 2d6 additional spells of GM choice for each spell level; also contains additional notes, detailed on p31

Note: Serithial’s Bane explanation p 8!

Zellara’s Harrow Deck becomes a Harrow Deck of Many Things! pp 44-45

Truths of the Sihedron - large tome, written in Infernal, detailing the chronicles of the Seven Runelords - value not determined

Permanently Invisible Gold and Ruby Scroll Tube (3000gp), holding a human skin parchment with a contract written in blood between Ileosa and Sermignatto!

Crown of Fangs (Special!)

Large Scorpion Venom - 8 doses
Rope - 4

Heavy Steel Shield - 24

+2 Full Plate - 24
+3 Hide Shirt - 6
+1 Leather Armor - 8
+3 Leather Armor
+3 Mithral Shirt - 4

20 Arrows - 24
Dagger - 32

Adamantine Spiked Chain

Masterwork Composite Longbow (+2 Str) - 24
Masterwork Dagger - 6
Masterwork Sawtooth Sabre - 16

+1 Flaming Scimitar
+1 Longsword - 24
+1 Returning Dagger - 7
+1 Shocking Burst Sawtooth Sabre
+1 Shock Sawtooth Sabre
+1 Thundering Greatclub
+2 Flaming Burst Returning Trident - 4
+4 Dancing Icy Burst Adamantine Rapier (disguised as a fan)

53 gp
93 pp

Cracked Garnet - 3 (30gp each)
Sapphire - 20,000gp (with Trap the Soul!)

20-year-old “Cayden’s Gab” Brandy - 3 (200gp ea)
Card Deck Collection - 2000gp
Clothing and Jewelry - 12,000gp
Collection of Exotic Perfumes and Grooming Devices from Royal Baths - 1200gp total
Crown - 5000gp (7)
Crystal Decanter - 500gp
Extravagant Royal Gown - 2500gp (7)
Gold Statuette of Sorshen - 2500gp
Harrow Deck with Wooden Case - 100gp
Harrow Deck with Redwood Case - 100gp
Rolled Maps of Korvosa and Varisia - 400gp total
Silver Platter (keeps foodstuffs on it fresh) - 3 (500gp each)
Tapestry from Throne Room - 6 (1000 gp each)
Treasury of Castle Korvosa - 215,000gp! (But mighty dangerous to keep *chuckle*)

Ring of Keys - Seneschal’s Keys to Castle

I did not include Sabina Merrin’s gear (since she surrenders to the party)

In the Castle, there are several rooms with general gear (weapons in the Armory, food in the Pantry, etc.) that the party could pick up. I did not list this, as the numbers are nebulous, for the GM to decide.

Where potions or other usable magic is consumed in preparation against the PCs, I have not included it the lists.

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