Black Tom's Barakus / Necromancer Games campaign

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

WorsT, I like your character and while he stands out a bit in the company, that's not necessarily a bad thing. Since you don't have a wizard a Knowledge cleric will come in handy.

Just a couple of nitpicks: I'm assuming you are of Alryan stock, so could you please make a note of this under race. Also Domains would be simply Healing and Knowledge, which is fine by me.

Generally I think we have an interesting mix of characters, and I think this is going to be fun. You are all welcome to detail some more of your background as we go along. I hope to get the ball rolling real soon.

Liberty's Edge

Human (Minkai) Samurai (sword saint) 7 (Order of the Warrior)

While we're getting up to speed, a few technical questions for Tom: how are we handling dice rolling? And how do you plan to work combats?

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
Shisumo wrote:
While we're getting up to speed, a few technical questions for Tom: how are we handling dice rolling? And how do you plan to work combats?

I am going to trust you to roll your own dice. Concerning combat, you will get to state your actions at the start and then right after the monsters take their turn, and then we'll resolve them in initiative order. I might make any supplementary rolls to speed things up.

But like I said, I'm new at this and grateful for any tips to keep things running smoothly.

Liberty's Edge

Human (Minkai) Samurai (sword saint) 7 (Order of the Warrior)
Black Tom wrote:
But like I said, I'm new at this and grateful for any tips to keep things running smoothly.

I'm new at this as well, but if you're looking for a model (and don't already know about them), I'm been very impressed with Aubrey's various campaigns. They are without doubt the ones I would try to emulate for this kind of project...

Alright, I made those changes you requested, also added the 1 skill point bonus for favored class.


For Grond and Black Tom:


I was thinking that Roylenna has tried her hand at healing as she really doesn't have a marketable skill and has not been long out of the friendly confines of her village. She's discovered that her "green fire" is beneficial and thought to use that to benefit people for small barter - not to make money, only to stay alive - but she did not know that it would harm an evil person.

She found that out when a local bully sought her out (the local cleric felt he deserved his wounds and refused treatment) and she willingly tried to heal him, even suspecting that she would get nothing for her show of good will. A couple points of fire damage to his evil hide did not improve his mood and she was quite fortunate that Grond was there (whether he acted or not, his not-insignificant presense was enough to deter the bully from acting too rashly).

Roylenna has since discovered others that the "green fire" burns (it's actually not green when it strikes such people) and she thinks she might know why. She's very careful to preface its use for healing now with something along the lines of "this is a gift of the gods that I really cannot control - I am merely the bearer" or some such. That way, if they get burned, there is someone else they can blame -- and a couple have refused use of the fire after hearing that statement, having guilty consciences. Which probably means they had nothing to worry about...

What do you think? Roylenna would be very grateful to have a friend and would see nothing wrong with being the "face" for the pair.

Shisumo wrote:
Roylenna Brenoien wrote:

Introducing Roylenna "Royl" Brenoien.

I'm open to suggestions on the spells yet, too -- not sure that I ever actually managed to post that earlier.

I'd look for ways to leverage that Point Blank Shot feat - you might want to consider swapping one of your spells for Ray of Enfeeblement, since you've gone to all the trouble of having a bonus to your ranged touch attacks anyway. (Annoyingly, there really aren't any great ray-based sorcerer spells at 1st level - you really have to wait until scorching ray at level 2...)

I seriously considered that, but I opted against it. I may well pick it up later. The PBS is because I hope to keep my distance always and Precise Shot seems a reasonable short-term target feat-wise for such a character. But rays are definitely on my wish list.

Shisumo wrote:
Along the same lines, I don't know if it would make it easier on you or more difficult, but you might consider just adding your PBS bonuses into your heavenly fire calculation, because you'll never be able to use it outside PBS' bonus range anyway.

Yeah, I noticed that. Another reason why PBS was my first feat choice. I see no reason not to, but I will make a note in the profile so I don't forget where that bonus came from.

Shisumo wrote:
Black Tom wrote:
But like I said, I'm new at this and grateful for any tips to keep things running smoothly.

I'm new at this as well, but if you're looking for a model (and don't already know about them), I'm been very impressed with Aubrey's various campaigns. They are without doubt the ones I would try to emulate for this kind of project...

I concur, but I don't pretend to know how he does it. I do like how he gives coordinate-based descriptions for the combat. Not everyone can make use of it, but it keeps most of them on the same page, position-wise.

I've discovered that a spreadsheet does a pretty fair approximation of a map for those that don't want spend a lot of time with pencil and paper or graphics programs, for whatever that's worth.

Liberty's Edge

Human (Minkai) Samurai (sword saint) 7 (Order of the Warrior)

Just FYI, in case we want/need it, the game thread is here.

Black Tom, rules question regarding Heavenly Fire.

Is it considered weapon-like with regards to criticals? I'm under the impression that if it requires an attack roll, it is considered weapon-like, with a crit range of 20 and a multiplier of x2, so that would appear to apply here.

If that's true, what about for its healing properties? Can I "crit" on a healing ray, as well? For that matter, am I required to make an attack roll to hit an ally with a wee bit o' healing as to hit a foe with my fire?

And how do you handle criticals at your table? If it's x2, do you multiply your damage roll by two, or do you roll a second damage roll and add the two results? I've seen it both ways on these boards, so it seems pertinent. Not that I expect to get a lot of crits with my chosen weapons, but someone surely will. I hope.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
AinvarG wrote:
The PBS is because I hope to keep my distance always and Precise Shot seems a reasonable short-term target feat-wise for such a character. But rays are definitely on my wish list.

Note that the cover rules are different i Pathfinder (and will change still some in the Beta), and there is no Precise Shot feat. The closest (I think) is Careful Targeting, which does not have PBS as a prerequisite.

AinvarG wrote:

Black Tom, rules question regarding Heavenly Fire.

Is it considered weapon-like with regards to criticals? I'm under the impression that if it requires an attack roll, it is considered weapon-like, with a crit range of 20 and a multiplier of x2, so that would appear to apply here.

If that's true, what about for its healing properties? Can I "crit" on a healing ray, as well? For that matter, am I required to make an attack roll to hit an ally with a wee bit o' healing as to hit a foe with my fire?

And how do you handle criticals at your table? If it's x2, do you multiply your damage roll by two, or do you roll a second damage roll and add the two results? I've seen it both ways on these boards, so it seems pertinent. Not that I expect to get a lot of crits with my chosen weapons, but someone surely will. I hope.

Yes, you certainly can crit with Heavenly fire. I haven't really had the issue of ranged healing, but I am inclined to say that if the target is willing it's an automatic hit, provided there is no cover or concealment. But I'll have to ponder that a bit more. If you are required to roll to hit, then you can crit.

Generally, we roll twice (or three times) for criticals at my table and add the results, counting bonuses twice (or thrice).

Black Tom wrote:
AinvarG wrote:
The PBS is because I hope to keep my distance always and Precise Shot seems a reasonable short-term target feat-wise for such a character. But rays are definitely on my wish list.
Note that the cover rules are different i Pathfinder (and will change still some in the Beta), and there is no Precise Shot feat. The closest (I think) is Careful Targeting, which does not have PBS as a prerequisite.

I was under the impression that just because something was not in the Alpha document did not mean that it was no longer in the game. Precise Shot is not listed, but it's also not listed in the feats that have been removed. I know Improved Precise Shot has been removed.

Are you under the impression that the -4 penalty for ranged attacks into melee has been removed from the rules? If it still exists, the rules still support Precise Shot, so I would expect it to remain.

Something I will have to watch for as things play out in the rules, I guess, but this is your campaign, so the rules are whatever you say they are. Thanks for cluing me in on the Careful Targetting feat, I hadn't really looked at it yet. I'm surprised it has to prerequisites.

I'm sure I will have questions when it comes to those new cover rules, now that I've looked at them closer.

Liberty's Edge

Human (Minkai) Samurai (sword saint) 7 (Order of the Warrior)

I haven't seen anything that suggests Precise Shot has been removed either. The Targeting feats do make a nice set of companions to Precise Shot, though.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
AinvarG wrote:

I was under the impression that just because something was not in the Alpha document did not mean that it was no longer in the game. Precise Shot is not listed, but it's also not listed in the feats that have been removed. I know Improved Precise Shot has been removed.

My bad. I read Precise Shot for Improved Precise Shot. I stand corrected. That means of course that the rules for firing into melee still stand and that you're absolutely right to aim for that feat.

On an unrelated note, I also confused wagon with cart. Greta travels in a wagon, obviously. I blame my language skills for that one (not being a native English speaker). Be sure to ask if I don't get my meaning across or am being unclear.

Black Tom wrote:
My bad. I read Precise Shot for Improved Precise Shot. I stand corrected. That means of course that the rules for firing into melee still stand and that you're absolutely right to aim for that feat.

No problem. All that really matters is that we're all playing by the same rules. Thanks for the looking into it.

Black Tom wrote:
On an unrelated note, I also confused wagon with cart. Greta travels in a wagon, obviously. I blame my language skills for that one (not being a native English speaker). Be sure to ask if I don't get my meaning across or am being unclear.

I find nothing wrong with your English. I know many "native" English speakers that should write this language as well as you do. *ahem* Was that out loud again? Anyway, I was using the terms wagon and cart (in my head if not in my writing) interchangeably, which is apparently not good since they obviously have different characteristics.

Back on the game, doing a little research in the PHB (pp. 162, 164), it does appear that a wagon (or cart, for that matter) has a base speed of 20', so a lightly-encumbered halfling (if you find any other kind, check your pockets) should keep up just fine. And I greatly overestimated the cost of a mule or pony, so if we need to purchase mounts, I can do so, after all.

Dark Archive

If you end up needing an alternate. I will be back from a vacation on Saturday and can have a character up and running quickly at that point. Whatever the group needs, I can do. I hope your barbarian dwarf comes along as I was very interested in seeing him in action but if not, here I am. Just didn't want you to think I was ignoring you if you ended up needing one.

Liberty's Edge

Human (Minkai) Samurai (sword saint) 7 (Order of the Warrior)

I know Tom said we're rolling our own dice, which is fine and dandy, but it's actually easier for me to use Invisible Castle than to carry my own dice around all the time anyway. In case I'm not the only one, there's a campaign page for us over there now.

Shisumo wrote:
I know Tom said we're rolling our own dice, which is fine and dandy, but it's actually easier for me to use Invisible Castle than to carry my own dice around all the time anyway. In case I'm not the only one, there's a campaign page for us over there now.

I don't know the first thing about it, so this is an opportunity to check it out. Well, OK, I know the first thing - it's an online dice roller. I think. ;-)

Liberty's Edge

Human (Minkai) Samurai (sword saint) 7 (Order of the Warrior)

Another rules question:

As you can probably imagine, I expect Sandros to use Acrobatics quite frequently to avoid AoOs as he moves around. In 3.5, Tumbling meant you went at half speed, unless you took a -5 penalty to the roll. In Pathfinder, though, the Acrobatics skill doesn't have such a rule; there's just a generic entry on the "DC modifier chart" that says, "Move at normal speed or greater - +5." Now, does that mean that Sandros, with his speed of 30, can move up to 25 ft without worrying about the penalty? Or is "normal speed" something that only exists in opposition to "half speed" or "quarter speed," etc.?

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
Shisumo wrote:

Another rules question:

As you can probably imagine, I expect Sandros to use Acrobatics quite frequently to avoid AoOs as he moves around. In 3.5, Tumbling meant you went at half speed, unless you took a -5 penalty to the roll. In Pathfinder, though, the Acrobatics skill doesn't have such a rule; there's just a generic entry on the "DC modifier chart" that says, "Move at normal speed or greater - +5." Now, does that mean that Sandros, with his speed of 30, can move up to 25 ft without worrying about the penalty? Or is "normal speed" something that only exists in opposition to "half speed" or "quarter speed," etc.?

I must confess that I don't quite understand what "normal speed or greater" is supposed to mean. Can you actually tumble faster than you move? Until there is an official clarification I'm going to go by the old Tumble rule, which means that you take a +5 DC for tumbling 20' or more as a move action. My take is that "normal speed" for acrobatics is half speed.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Hero points are a house-rule at my table. They are awarded for great role-playing, selfless bravery, good ideas or anything that makes your DM happy. Feel free to nominate each other, too. You all start with one hero point, and are also awarded more as you complete important objectives. I don't know the original source so you might recognize the system.

Hero points can be spent to achieve certain bonuses:

1 hp: add +2 to any d20 roll (up to 5 may be spent on any one roll)
1 hp: automatically stabilize
2 hp: maximize one damage die
3 hp: roll twice for hp when levelling, taking the best result
4 hp: get one bonus skill point
5 hp: re-roll any roll
5 hp: get one extra standard action
10 hp: force an NPC or other player to reroll
20 hp: get a bonus feat
30 hp: increase an ability score

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Just wanted to say that I'm having a blast. This is much more fun than I expected. And if anyone is not having fun, please let me know, and I'll see what I can do.

Playing with the same group for several years now has made me forget how quirky I can be as a DM. Also I'm not sure about pacing, but I try to keep the game fast and furious. Hope noone feels left behind.

Liberty's Edge

Human (Minkai) Samurai (sword saint) 7 (Order of the Warrior)

I'm having tons of fun. My only issue is that we tend to post combat actions out of order, which I think is getting us a bit confused in the fights (and leaving some of our slower posters, like Ainvar, almost falling behind!) - but we're doing it because the action's intense. I can think of worse problems to have by far!

Dark Archive

It's awesome to see Thorak catch up with the group. So far the dynamics look like a ton of fun. I'll be following your story with great interest.

P.S. Love the post rate so far :)

I am really enjoying this game thus far, as well. I would agree with Shisumo that I'd like to see combat posts go more in order as it does get hectic. Post rate is fantastic, combats have been fun, Black Tom does great describing the story. I'm having a ton of fun!

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Thanks guys. I don't really know what to do about the order of combat actions. You'd just have to wait your turn and I don't really want to slow the game down. Perhaps you should post your virtual actions (those that are out of turn) as spoilers or something. I'm open for suggestions.

I think posting future actions (future rounds) in a spoiler would really help get things a bit more organized. I second that motion (if it was a motion).

M Half Orc 1 Rogue

I am probably as much to blame as anyone, being always connected at work and home does give one a tendency to 'jump the gun' a bit. But the speed of the game will always be determined by the DM so **shrug**

(Initiative is a pet peeve of mine and I think D&D made it too needlessly complicated, but I havent been able to come up with a way to simplify it without making it worse. Same with my tabletop game. A real pain in the arse to keep track of.)

I would just like to say that I think I agree with Proteus' suggestion of going ahead with the current mission, but trying to play in character, Grond is in no mood to be slapped around like he was without having a go at vengeance. SO I will reluctantly follow the group decision but will press VERY HARD for the chance to at least skulk around a bit on the other side of the door, even if it is just him.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
Grond the Backstabber wrote:
I am probably as much to blame as anyone, being always connected at work and home does give one a tendency to 'jump the gun' a bit. But the speed of the game will always be determined by the DM so **shrug**

Actually, I'd like to try to keep the game fast and furious. I'm on vacation as of today, so I won't be posting quite as frequently, but I'll do my best. I think if you just use the spoiler tag if you post ahead, we'll be doing fine. If someone is having trouble keeping up or feels run over, just say so, and we'll try to fix it.

And kudos on the fine role-playing all around. I must admit that I was a little bit wary when I first saw the characters, but your differences just add to the fun.

Grond the Backstabber wrote:
I would just like to say that I think I agree with Proteus' suggestion of going ahead with the current mission, but trying to play in character, Grond is in no mood to be slapped around like he was without having a go at vengeance. SO I will reluctantly follow the group decision but will press VERY HARD for the chance to at least skulk around a bit on the other side of the door, even if it is just him.

I have no problems with the rest of the group pursuing the ghoul(s) and have tried to make it very clear that Proteus is obviously very torn between friends and his commitment. If it weren't for that dang alignment, Proteus would be barrelling headlong into the frey.

From the slow poster -- I'm having a blast, everybody! I'm trying to post some future actions so the rest of you can proceed without me, because I prefer the fast pace.

Last week when I was on a different schedule, I can't tell you how much time I spent waiting for someone else to post, only to go to work and have 15 posts to reach at lunch! But I won't generally have that much free time -- I don't have access at my desk, so I'm trying to get three chances to post each day, just to keep up.

But don't feel like you are running me over, I'm loving this! And, Black Tom, I trust you to keep her in character if you feel you need to go forward and I haven't provided actions -- don't worry about my feelings.

Spoilers for virtual actions gets my vote, too. I'll try to remember them for my hypotheticals.

M Half Orc 1 Rogue

Sandros, not sure why you are dropping the rapier and choosing dagger or falchion? I think you are about to die, personally. With the DR we have no chance in this battle, even at full strength and with Proteus I doubt we could win. I suppose depending on how effective the bottle-necking is, and if you can keep it down to 2 enemies within striking distance, it is just possible, but unlikely.

In any event, you will probably not get the chance, cuz Grond is about to seal you in the vault if he has his way.

Liberty's Edge

Human (Minkai) Samurai (sword saint) 7 (Order of the Warrior)
Grond the Backstabber wrote:
Sandros, not sure why you are dropping the rapier and choosing dagger or falchion?

IC: because Thorak's axe seemed to be perfectly effective. OOC: because zombies have DR 5/slashing. And trust me, I'd rather have the falchion.

As for being about to die... well, note that Sandros' move puts him outside the doors, yes? And that he called to Thorak to tell him to "fall back" as soon as Thorak moved - i.e., last turn, before Grond's action. So if Grond isn' too panicked, he should at least know Sandros is headed that way...

M Half Orc 1 Rogue

OK, got it, I wasnt paying too much attention to the grid coords, so you are in the square on the OUTSIDE of the door, excellent news! Pull that dwarf out and lets shut this door.

Oh, and I never give away my Falchion :)


Real life calls and my fiance has requested that I go with her to NY state to visit her ailing grandfather who has kidney failure so he he can see our 8 month old.

Short story, it is going to be difficult for me to get access to the internet from Friday morning (August 1) to Tuesday night (August 5). I was thinking that either Shisumo could play for Proteus or, if you are uncomfortable with that, you could cover my actions while I am away.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
WorsT wrote:


Real life calls and my fiance has requested that I go with her to NY state to visit her ailing grandfather who has kidney failure so he he can see our 8 month old.

Short story, it is going to be difficult for me to get access to the internet from Friday morning (August 1) to Tuesday night (August 5) I was thinking that either Shisumo could play for Proteus or, if you are uncomfortable with that, then you could cover my actions while I am away.

Oh, it's absolutely no problem with me. I can only wish you the best and pray for you and your kin. I am a minister in real life, you know. If Shisumo will run Proteus that works fine for me.

On an unrelated note, I am awarding Proteus a hero point for sticking to his alignment even when it hurts. You should know that I respect and appreciate that.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Although I have no doubt that you all knew all along what you were doing, maybe I didn't emphasize enough that in Necromancer Games modules, not all challenges are going to be level-appropriate, and you simply have to know when to run.

But you knew that, didn't you? *wink*

Black Tom wrote:
Oh, it's absolutely no problem with me. I can only wish you the best and pray for you and your kin. I am a minister in real life, you know. If Shisumo will run Proteus that works fine for me.


I will try to check in as often as possible and hopefully there will be somewhere semi-nearby that has wi-fi as I will be taking my laptop on the trip.

Shisumo, are you up for taking care of Proteus while I am away. I expect him to be alive and well upon my return. ;)

Black Tom wrote:
On an unrelated note, I am awarding Proteus a hero point for sticking to his alignment even when it hurts. You should know that I respect and appreciate that.

Thanks. It has been nearly unbearable watching my allies and not able to aid them.

Also I have a question for you, Black Tom, my current plan for level 2 is to take a level of monk which would give me the Improved Unarmed Strike feat for free. I would like to retrain the current Improved Unarmed Strike feat slot at level 2 and take Extra Channeling in its place. My other feat selection would be Selective Channeling. This would keep me in line with my clerical duties and not have a wasted level 1 feat. Would it be possible for me to do this so that I do not have two Improved Unarmed Strike feats?

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
WorsT wrote:
Also I have a question for you, Black Tom, my current plan for level 2 is to take a level of monk which would give me the Improved Unarmed Strike feat for free. I would like to retrain the current Improved Unarmed Strike feat slot at level 2 and take Extra Channeling in its place. My other feat selection would be Selective Channeling. This would keep me in line with my clerical duties and not have a wasted level 1 feat. Would it be possible for me to do this so that I do not have two Improved Unarmed Strike feats?

Yes, I am going to allow you to retrain at level 2, swapping Improved Unarmed Strike for Extra Turning as it's still called ;) . Or Selective Channeling, should you prefer that.

By the way, I am also awarding Proteus a piety point. Good characters start with one, good clerics and paladins with two. They aren't of much consequence until you have a lot of them, but then you can use them to pray for miracles.

Black Tom wrote:
Yes, I am going to allow you to retrain at level 2, swapping Improved Unarmed Strike for Extra Turning as it's still called ;) . Or Selective Channeling, should you prefer that.

Alas you are correct.

Then in case I am not here when levelling, I will take a level of monk. I will gain Improved Unarmed Strike, retrain my current Improved Unarmed Strike feat for Extra Turning. I will take Throw Anything as my bonus monk feat in the hopes we will be using holy water and I will take Selective Channeling with my 2nd level character feat.

I know its early, but I have a feeling...

Black Tom wrote:
By the way, I am also awarding Proteus a piety point. Good characters start with one, good clerics and paladins with two. They aren't of much consequence until you have a lot of them, but then you can use them to pray for miracles.


Liberty's Edge

Human (Minkai) Samurai (sword saint) 7 (Order of the Warrior)
WorsT wrote:
Shisumo, are you up for taking care of Proteus while I am away. I expect him to be alive and well upon my return. ;)

Don't worry man, I've got your back. Do what you need to, and take our best wishes with you. We'll look forward to your swift and safe return.

I do have a question for you though. When (if?) we make it back, I think there's a decent chance Sandros is going to try to punch Proteus out of misdirected anger. Given that you've got IUS and don't have to put up with that, would you let him?

Shisumo wrote:
I do have a question for you though. When (if?) we make it back, I think there's a decent chance Sandros is going to try to punch Proteus out of misdirected anger. Given that you've got IUS and don't have to put up with that, would you let him?

I'd rather let it play out then respond ooc. Be true to your character.

Liberty's Edge

Human (Minkai) Samurai (sword saint) 7 (Order of the Warrior)
WorsT wrote:
Shisumo wrote:
I do have a question for you though. When (if?) we make it back, I think there's a decent chance Sandros is going to try to punch Proteus out of misdirected anger. Given that you've got IUS and don't have to put up with that, would you let him?
I'd rather let it play out then respond ooc. Be true to your character.

No, no, I get that - I was just thinking that it might well happen before you get back, so I'll need to know whether to toss myself about for my impertinence. ;)

Shisumo wrote:
No, no, I get that - I was just thinking that it might well happen before you get back, so I'll need to know whether to toss myself about for my impertinence. ;)

I am hoping that I will be back in the action before Thursday night rolls around. I am not leaving until Friday. I didn't want to wait until the last minute to make appropriate arrangements. If such is not the case, then I will spoiler you before I leave.

I must say I have noticed three things about Black Tom in watching this action from the sidelines.

1. BT holds no punches

2. BT has a great mind for monstrous action.

3. BT is definately old school with zombies going in init 1 (unless of course he actually rolled a 1 for their initiative). ;)

M Half Orc 1 Rogue

Hold on I wanted to punch him! (lol)

And see ya WorsT and hellows Shusimo

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Alas, already we have our first character death. Thalyn, you are welcome to create a new character if you wish. You will be joining them at Roadside Inn, when they get there. Any remaining hero points carry over. If not, maybe Dark Arioch is still interested in joining us.

I guess any character class would be useful, but I still think a frontline fighter wouldn't hurt.

Dark Archive

I really liked Thorak and how he was played so hopefully he'll make a new character. Are you sure you couldn't use a 6th? That was totally brutal. Real old school hard core stuff. I was yelling and on the edge of my seat the whole time, "GET OUT OF THERE GUYS!". Heh, fighters tend to take on more than they can chew. Have lost a few that way myself.

M Half Orc 1 Rogue

You know there are lots of lessons to be learned from that encounter. Setting aside any mention of meta-gaming (which are very valid reasons themselves!) that was pretty disastrous and I feel at least partly to blame.

I helped lead the charge towards the cave. Tried to 'smoke 'em out' heh. Not the best of ideas! It is this blasted alignment, CN! I have a hard time imagining a half-orc any closer to good than that alignment, but I feel I should bend towards good over time. Then the open door, I found too enticing, to sneak a look, he is a rogue after all, and greedy. Still, bad idea.

I would like to extend an apology to our dwarf player, and hope that he rolls up a new char. to join us. Mebbe a little less wild than Thorak he. At least Grond is trying to be civilized, ha.

But towards alignment, I would like to try to shift Grond's alignment towards good. I know it may seem inconceivable of a 'good' half-orc, especially a rogue, which might rule out certain future prestige classes, but I think he would be an easier character to control, if he were at least half-good heh. And meta-gamingly-wise it would definitely be wiser in a Necromancer game. I remember a certain encounter with manticores...

But ya, that was a fun encounter, even if it didn't need to happen and probably shouldnt have happened. As a tabletop DM, I have seen my players get into much quicker trouble just as quickly thruogh ignorance. (the manticore in Crucible...) Well, I am totally ignorant of this module, but I am going to try to learn a lesson from this one and stick closer to the trail haha.

Liberty's Edge

Human (Minkai) Samurai (sword saint) 7 (Order of the Warrior)

I'm going to come post over here for a bit and let the game thread sort itself out...

Yeah, I can't wait to meet Thalyn's new character! Whatcha got up your sleeve, man?

Grond the Backstabber wrote:
But towards alignment, I would like to try to shift Grond's alignment towards good.

Without getting too deep, it is very conceivable. You've already got a 'good' hook with taking on Royl as a charge. Not to mention you are surrounded by good characters. It is quite possible that their actions could have a positive impact on Grond as he develops.

I like Grond and find him quite interesting. It will be cool to watch him develop whichever path you take.

I would also like to see Thalyn come up with a new character. With the way things went, I think that it's highly probable there will be several new characters along the way (I just hope it's not mine). ;)

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