Xaaon's Pathfinder Playtest

Alpha Release 3 General Discussion

Scarab Sages

Gamemastery Module D0

My wife and a friend played a L1 Gnome Rogue and L1 Human Monk respectively.

One rules change I did was to allow ALL class skills to have an effective trained Rank 0, thus they gain the +3 to skills even without a rank spent in the skill. Max ranks = Level. This made up for the lack of skill points, and didn't break the system. For Craft and Profession skills, I allowed 1 for a background.

With only 2 characters, I didn't modify the stats of the monsters, I just changed skills, and added a couple extra HP (except for the Worg).

I used the racial based HP. Rogue had 15hp, Monk had 20 starting HP. These extra HP allowed for the characters to push through the minor damage they took. They lasted through the Hobgoblin/razorclaw attack by the extra starting HP, The rogue was down to 1HP after that encounter.

They smartly ran away from the Cauldron at the witch's hut, but did not get the magic item.

They used coup de grace profusely, as they were evil characters...don't know how I'm going to motivate them towards Crown of the Kobold King...through hatred and greed might play an active role in that decision...

New classes and races worked wonderfully. We ran the entire module in 3 hours, as the CMB was much simpler to use.

For those with Giant fighting, I made the decision to add +4 to CMB in addition to AC. That's combat training...

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