RiTz21 |

TOS+ (The Only Sheet +) is currently undergoing modifications to allow it to fully support PathFinder. TOS+ is one of the most powerful Automated Character Sheets currently available for D&D3.5. It supports Dynamic Play, meaning that you can use it with a LapTop if you wish to apply 'effects' directly to your character (Check the Dynamic Play video in the video section for an example). Because of its full implementation of the stacking rules, you will not have to worry about stacking. Of course, if you prefer Pen & Paper, you can always print out your character.
Richard Taillon
Designed of The Only Sheet+

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I found this Excel sheet one here: http://chargen.motime.com/
Are there any others?
I've been doing some custom additions to this page, and the creator has been very helpful both in guiding me in adding custom races and prestige classes from the standard 3.5 rules (backwards compatibility and all) as well as implementing some of this work in the actual releases. I like this sheet much more than other free ones, like HeroForge which can be really slow and cumbersome most of the time.

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RPGXplorer has just announced that we will be supporting the Beta in version 2.0 which is due this fall.
For those currently playing 3.5, we also have a special edition of 1.9 available exclusively at the Paizo stand at GenCon which is preloaded with all Pathfinder and Pathfinder Module datasets (RoTR, CotCT, GameMastery).
There's a special one-off show-only discount of $10 too!
There is general free upgrade to version 2.0 from 1.9 so if you buy now, you are getting your Pathfinder RPG functionality included.
Said same 3.5 datasets will be available for general download shortly but you'll get them first at GenCon for sure.
If you've been living under a rock or not seen our cool ad in Kobold Quarterly 1.9 is chock full of Animal Companion, Familiar, Special Mount etc. goodness plus the ability to create a Mount (e.g. warhorse) and print off statblock for it. Not to mention monster playable races!
Coming in 2.0 is the ability to create and level Monsters!
Ooooh, I nearly forgot. We've just put up our Pathfinder Society and Pathfinder RPG character sheets also (both for 3.5 Edition at the moment of course) and check out the Paizo-style statblock too (as well as all the other stuff you'd expect such as 3.5 Classic, 3.5 Revised, Character Cards etc.)
Drop by our site and take a test drive.
CEO RPGXplorer