Etreus Dread |
Thanks for the Alpha 3 release. I just briefly skimmed through the pdf and found some things I really liked - like the simplication/clarification of the combat maneuvers (e.g. the grappled condition), the reduction of those bonuses, the either/or "bond" options for paladin, druid, ranger, etc. and the specialization of the domains/schools/bloodlines for the casters. I like the optional idea of limiting the enhancement buffs to 3 because it really does get to the point where a PC might have 15 spells on when a dispel comes into play... And it reduces the importance of magic items for specific characters, like clerics and mages. Some spell revisions were great (polymorph, glitterdust, darkness, identify). Relaxing some of the unnecessary restrictions (prohibited schools), favored class penalties were a good idea. The fact that most casters have something (sp or su) they can do in a silenced area (without "silent spell") is a great benefit.
I think I'm going to try and convert my campaign to Pathfinder Alpha 3.
Some things that I am wary of/would likely houserule are things like: grapple = standard action, CMB = DC 15+bonus (would playtest, but consider DC11+bonus or opposed roll, especially given the available combat maneuvers defense feat), classes still getting benefits very late (like Paladin getting free-"aligned weapon" at L14 ... he'd probably need it from like L8 - why not have it apply to the paladin PC at L8 and then extended to the 10' at L14?), cover for large creatures - if a huge creature (3x3) is mostly out of a hallway (say 2x3 is sticking out), I don't see why he should gain any cover benefits. It should be relative to the size of the attacker (for example, a 1x1 square guy could fully target that 3x3 square guy by making a line to all four corners (8 corners of a cube) of one of the 1x1 squares comprising the enemy's space). I'm afraid the channel energy curing/harming could be too powerful (especially on the evil cleric harming the group side). It might make more sense to have the pos=healing/neg=harming effect be 1/2 the damage to undead (pos). The only mitigating factor is accidentally healing your enemies when you heal your allies in combat. I'll definitely playtest it. Given the healing boost, does a cleric really need to still be able to spontaneously convert to cures? Maybe that should revert to a feat...
I don't understand the DR example right away: does a +2 longsword "give up its +2" (to attack and damage) in order to penetrate the DR? or does a +2 silvered longsword gain an additional +2 (in addition to the +2 from weapon enhancement) because it's silvered? The phrasing seems awkward to me. Maybe it would be more clear if different bonuses were used (+1/+3).
Some things that I think still require thought:
mirror image - the revision is pretty good, but the debate we always get into is whether the advantages from other spells, such as displacement or blur "stack" with the figments (i.e. does the attack on a figment suffer a miss chance?). It should be explicitly understood.
Manyshot - it's almost fixed, but how do you calculate a truestrike spell cast just before? and what if you use a +5 arrow and a mundane arrow? how do you calculate the hit?
Stealth and invisibility. It seems to me that a flat +40 or +20 to stealth for being invisible is dumb, if the perception skill being used is smell or hearing... I think that the invisibility spell/condition itself should be rewritten. Something like "this spell makes the recipient difficult to see and allows the recipient to make stealth checks when he would otherwise be considered observed. He gains a +20 for opposed stealth checks vs. vision, increased to +40 if he remains motion less. This bonus does not apply to other sense / perception checks.
I don't understand the text from the magical belts - what is the difference to say that "This bonus is a temporary ability bonus until the belt has been worn for 24 hours." from "The belt grants the wearer an enhancement bonus to Dexterity of +2, +4, or +6."?
Lastly, I think Broddigan Gale's suggestion to change the Fighter's Armor (defensive) training to a Dodge bonus is a good one. This would increase a Fighter's defenses vs. touch attacks (historically poor) and would allow a multiclassed Fighter who doesn't wear armor to still benefit from the class ability. Similiarly for the ability to choose Natural attacks (bite, claw, etc.) as a weapon group (Assuming the char has the capability - such as a wildshaping fighter/druid) or add it to "close".
Additional comments (probable spelling/grammar mistakes in the pdf):
p 4. "you" should be "your". "After a few sessions, YOU character should earn enough experience to gain a level,"
p. 153 "against a creature's" should be "against a creature"
"Such weapons deal +2 points of damage on a successful hit against a creature’S whose DR they overcome. This bonus does not apply against creature’s with DR/magic."