Hell Squad Pbp


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Male Human Ranger 4

Hellard grins. "Yes, in the basement, I think -- though he's hardly in a condition to be too choosy about his lodgings. If Master Zellayun is about, can someone ask him if he knows anyone who can talk to this chap? I'm hoping he'll tell us what happened to the bauble. Oh, by the way -- Malcolm, you don't see any of this; of course there's no body here -- perish the thought! We're guardsmen and nobles, not grave robbers."


Malcolm's eyes flicked from the body on the floor, to the two slightly battered looking men. His hand drifted towards his short sword, resting comfortably on the pommel."You brought the body here? It wasn't killed by one of those things was it?" His boot nudged the body slightly, assuring himself that it was indeed dead."The guard hire mystics for these occasions. If the body was in a location where further evidence contamination could have occurred, we should be able to do this by the books. Plus, we're the Hell Squad, I doubt anyone is really going to disagree"

Male Human Ranger 4

"Well, I certainly didn't kill him, and there were zombies present... I suppose that's what you chaps call 'circumstantial evidence.' In any case, I couldn't very well leave it where it was -- the bauble was gone, and I wasn't about to give up our only eyewitness as well! By the time we got a mystic to the tower, well, no telling if the second floor would still be there, much less this fellow. So... who wants to see about getting one of these mystics here? Or do we need to take the body elsewhere? I'm getting deucedly tired, carrying it about."

Male Human

"Set it down in the cells, this way we can secure the cell door. Just incase it decides to start moving again." Looking about the room, "Let's wake Master Zulleyan and see if he has any way or know's of whom would be useful to getting this corpse to speak as you suggest."

Master Zelluyan is groggy and slightly disoriented after being woken, and doesn't understand why he's being taken down to the cells. When he comes face-to-corpse with the body of Talvan, he stops, and his eyes goggle.
"Oh m-m-my." <gulp>
He seems genuinely saddened to see the body.
"Erm, I recognise this man- er- this was Talvan, a sage of high quality. We had a debate just a month ago on the relative nat- erm. And you want me to what?" His face snaps around to glare at Hellard, showing an emotion close to anger for the first time.

Male Human Ranger 4

"Master," Hellard says, with none of his usual jauntiness, "the Orb was stolen, and this great sage struck down, and there is no one but us to see justice done. Only this man himself saw the thief and murderer... and so only this man can tell us who it is that must pay for this tragedy."

Male Human

Riven looks to Master Zulleyan, "Do you have the ability to gather the information from his spirit?"

"I...I..." Zelluyan sighs heavily, eyes downcast. "...I do know of a spell which would accomplish something like this, yes. I've read of particular black magics which can communicate with those who have passed to the realm of the dead. Perhaps this conjucntion will aid us in the effort. I-I'll need some things... and the assistance of Brother Thomas, if you would be so kind?"

He seems to be greatly distressed by having to perform a black magic ritual, as well as the death of his colleague.

Male Human

Placing his hand on Zulleyan's shoulder, "I am sorry for the discomfort this causes you, but yes it is something that must be done. What supplies are you in need of?"

Liberty's Edge


"If it ditresses you to deal with your old friend, then if need be, I would perform the ritual, if it were in my power."

"Though I may need advice on any detailed questions to ask, regarding the Orb itself."

"Well, um, perhaps if we were to perform it together, it might have a higher chance of success. I-I've performed a black magic ritual before, I won't lie." The elderly, portly man looks shamefaced about this confession.

"We should fetch the supplies... I will gather the tome which details the, hum, spell, and if we send the competent Corporal to gather the requisite, hum, components." He looks over at Malcolm quickly.
"If you'd be alright with that, lad?"


Malcolm nodded briskly, "Of course Master Zelluyan, what will you need?".

Male Human

Riven moves over and places his hand on Malcolms shoulder, "I will go with you. The roads are not safe to travel alone, and if our enemy knows of our groups organized existence it would make it more wise to travel at least in pairs."

"That's a good idea... urm, here...." Zelluyan ferrets around in several books, and quickly jots down a list of required ingredients. It is slightly disturbing, but "dust from a maiden's grave" is hardly the worst. He saved that for last: "the tongue of the deceased".

Zelluyan hurries around, gets dressed, and prepares to be escorted to his home, in order to pick up the (illegal) tome.

Liberty's Edge


"Dust from a maiden's grave?"

"Given the morals of this city, I would guess finding that to be the most difficult of the tasks..."

Male Human Ranger 4
Brother Thomas von Mandelbrot wrote:
"Dust from a maiden's grave?" Given the morals of this city, I would guess finding that to be the most difficult of the tasks..."

Hellard smiles. "Zounds! Nowhere does it specify the age of the said maiden! All we need is to find the grave of a little girl, or to be extra-safe, even a baby girl that died soon after birth. A quick check of the obituaries should turn up several examples easily enough."

Male Human

"This tongue? Would one from the now walking dead work?"

Zelluyan humms and herms for a minute, but shakes his head gravely. "No, the necromantic energies involved in raising the dead would nullify any virtue inherent in the remains... I think. You may need one more... fresh." His eyes are downcast at this.

Male Human

Riven looks at our newly acquired corpse, "Could we use his?"

Liberty's Edge


"I assumed that his was the one he meant."

"Hrm, yes. Unfortunately, yes." He shudders slightly, and heads off to find his things.

Male Human

"So then all we need is the Maiden's grave dust?" Riven looks to Malcolm, "Shall we go to the cemetary?"

Liberty's Edge


"Hmmm; I don't recall the penalty for graverobbing, maybe it would be wise for me to provide an illusory veneer of authority to your search?"

Male Human

"As a member of the Hell Squad I would not call it grave robbing." Riven bolsters the resigns, "However the local peoples I fear would not agree, please join us Brother Thomas."

At this time of night, the graveyard is quiet, for a change. An early mist has crept into the dell to the West of the city, and eddies around at knee height. The moon is high, but only a quarter-circle, providing a little cold, blue light. It is a very cold night, and finding your way in the dark could be hazardous. However, a pair of guards have been patrolling near the Lichgate, watching for lanterns, torches, and other obvious giveaway signs of grave-robbing.

Does anyone in this city actually know a maiden? Even a dead one?

Male Human

Well the real question is: What clasifies one as a maiden?

Liberty's Edge


"Maybe I should have brought a unicorn, to tell us?"

Male Human

"What do you suppose would happen if the dust was not from a Maidens grave?"

Liberty's Edge


"Then you will have Maiden Error..."

That was a terrible joke, but you get +50 experience for it. [/groan] OK, so... any actions?

Male Human

Riven shrugs, "Well I suppose we should start looking at the names on the graves...perhaps we can identify one that way as being female and go from there?"

Male Human Ranger 4

"Look for a girl's name, and then a birth and death date VERY close to one another... the closer they are, the better our odds, even in this city... Hey! Here's one:

"Melinda Springstreet; born 18 Reapharvest 1492, died 25 Reapharvest 1492. Her sweet smile brightened a cold month."

Male Human

"Perhaps we should sample a few graves?"

You avoid the notice of the patrolling constables long enough to gather a handful of dust from the young lass's grave, and hurry back to the Hell Squad headquarters. Zelluyan (and Malcolm, it seems) don't seem to be there. A thorough search reveals a small smear of blood on the front door, and a small hessian sack is lying on a table. Inside is a book bound in black leather, with an odd, blasphemous figure inscribed on the cover. It seems perhaps Zelluyan has been here...

Male Human

Is the corpse still there?

Yep, the body has been left (out of sight) on a table, still mostly wrapped in a curtain.

Male Human

"Well it would seem it isn't wise for us to split apart at all." Riven looks about the room, "What should our next step be?"

Male Human Ranger 4

"Malcolm would have left a note, or some sign... but maybe something less obvious, if he were afraid others' eyes might see it... let's search the body's pockets, the book, and maybe the walls to see if he left any word."

Very pointedly, Hellard makes no mention of looking for fresh blood or other signs of a struggle; the floors have seen so much of it over the years that recent stains might well go unnoticed.

Male Human

Riven will examine the front door, looking for any possible sign that might indicate the door was forced open or perhaps marks on the inside indicating someone was trying to hold the door shut.

After a quick check, you determine that there are no signs of any kind of struggle. The body is undisturbed, the only thing that has changed is the hessian sack on the table, with the book and a few black candles, with some odd-looking herbs.

Male Human

Riven looks up at his compatriots, "I can find no sign of forced entry or even a struggle...whomever took them is certainly skilled enough to hide their tracks or simply came with enough force to warrant an immediate surrender."

Liberty's Edge


"Vici Arcanum!"

<cast Detect Magic>

Are there any lingering traces of magic, as if they'd disintegrated themselves, or got sucked into The Bagworld(TM)?

Was the book, or the bag, the centre of attention, maybe set inside a ring of candles to form a summoning circle?

The book and bag are not magical in themselves, but the book has traces of unclean and unmistakeably evil magic. The contents of the bag seem to be ritual components, probably for use in one of the spells detailed within.

Sorry to have been offline for a little while guys, my computer and desk are currently being stored in the spare room, and I'm on my wife's notebook. I will try to post more often- just email me a prod if necessary!

Male Human Ranger 4

...and then there were three...

"Blast! Our compatriots and our only witness -- all gone together. Methinks this is more a job for Strabos the Omnipotent, the legendary archmage who could bind demons to his will -- or so it was said -- when he wasn't becoming possessed of other spirits himself, if you take my meaning. Even while drunk, he could probably solve this case, without disappearing himself halfway through...

But, sink me, Strabos seems to be notably absent. And my mind is notably empty of ideas now. Short of waiting for another zombie attack, there seems to be little we can do that won't be undone faster."

The book probably contains the instructions for performing the ritual to speak with the dead sage. Likewise, the bag probably contains the materials necessary for such a ritual, excepting those which you gathered personally. Brother Thomas has the necessary training (if perhaps not lack of morals) to perform such a black magic ritual, if the desire and need should so arise.

Male Human Paladin 4/Moral Compass 3/Master GM 1 (ex-Retail Ninja 2)

OK guys, at this point, shall we just call it quits? It's been dead three weeks without anyone posting... if anyone reads this and disagrees, let me know. Otherwise:

Thanks to the players who stuck it out. It wasn't always easy, but I appreciate the effort. Hellard, Brother Thomas, Riven, I have enjoyed playing with you guys, and will hopefully do so again some time. If you're ever in Australia, drop me a line, you would be welcome at my weekly gaming table.

Liberty's Edge


I'm happy to continue if anyone else is.

Sorry for not posting as often as I should. I changed job last Autumn, which means a commute instead of the 10-minute journey I had before. And I started running my real-life game at the same time, so when I have got to the boards, I've been scouring the AoW archives. Then Kirth and I had to grab the chance to 'Save the Paladin'! That's the nature of the Beta test, if we don't resolve all the problems in 3.5, we'll be stuck with them for another 5 years.

I think another problem is that we're all far too polite! If you check out the longer PbPs, like Heathy's Saltmarsh campaign, it's full of the biggest egotists on the boards (and I mean that in the nicest possible way!). They know they have to post or be left behind, so it's a case of 'Match my posts or EAT MY DUST!'.

We're all 'After you!'
"No, after yooouuu.."
'No, I insist, after you!'
"I couldn't possibly, I've posted alrerady this week!"...etc.

If we want to make it as PbPers, we have to forget that idea of 'only needing to post once a day', grow a pair and hammer the thread whenever we can. And not worry about being rude, or barging in, or talking out of turn.

I'm happy to continue if everyone else is; if not, then I've 'met' some good people here. See you on the other threads.
Kirth, give Derek's lizard a worm from me!

Thomas stretched out his hand toward the vile tome, attempting to hide his involuntary tremble fro the others. Whether their associates had been abducted by physical agents, or destroyed themselves in their ritual, he could not tell, but he owed it to them to find out.

For the first time in a long while, he felt he had a purpose. This went beyond internecine ecclesiastical disputes, or petty noble vendettas. Good men had laid their lives on the line, for the safety of the city, the welfare of her citizens, and possibly the soul of mankind, and he had to rescue them, avenge them, or die trying.

He grasped the book, and inwardly flinched, in expectation of its evil prescence awakening...

Liberty's Edge


And before I forget, as I reach for the book...

"Klaatu, Barada, <cough>Nectarine<cough>"

Thanks, Brother Thomas. OK, I'll give it a shot. after all, it's only as dead as it needs to be, before being animated.

The book has no discernable reaction (it's a book) but something about holding it feels... wrong. (And then you say the magic words, and everyone turns into a zombie. Game over!)

Being previously owned by the sage Zelluyan, it is in good condition- the pages are dry and clean. You quickly find the marked page- a navy silk ribbon lies in it- and you read the ritual contained within. The dread words evoke a feeling of disgust and horror- imploring the greater powers of the Underworld to allow the spirit to speak its last- but the effect seems relatively benign - there are no warnings, like so many of the other pages, about "releasing spirits of the damned" or "calling up entities".

Liberty's Edge


We've still got the body of the other sage, so I suppose we'd better think of some questions to ask.

"Who took the Orb from your study?"

That will do for a start.

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