The Great Squirrel Experiment

Off-Topic Discussions

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Come on, quit posting on this thread! Who carers about some dirty excuses for skiurids anyways?

Vomit Guy wrote:

I see vomit guy is spreading much love and puke as he can.


Where's the mop and bucket?

David Jackson 60 wrote:

Surprised this hasn't been posted yet.

Mission impossi-squirrel

Bravo! The sound score! The obsticle course! The scene with the vending machine was great!

Ungoded posted this on another thread, but since this is something cool I thought it should be shared.

I see the Force flows through all living things. How about a photomanip of some Sith squirrels?

Oh Curaigh, have you been around the cloning faculty again. You and I look so much alike....

David Jackson 60 wrote:
Foamy the squirrel

Ah, you have mentioned Foamy the Squirrel and his companions. You have earned a rightful position on this thread. Thank you sir.

No Squirrel shall ever climb me.

Time to kick start this thread again.


Someone loves squirrels, they really do!

Sovereign Court

BluePigeon wrote:

Time to kick start this thread again.


Someone loves squirrels, they really do!

The link didn't work. :-(

Scarab Sages


Callous Jack wrote:
BluePigeon wrote:

Time to kick start this thread again.


Someone loves squirrels, they really do!

The link didn't work. :-(

Try it Again.

Aberzombie wrote:

I hope you can eat all of us.

Pay special attention to the quotation on the card...

~bumps the thread for humors sake~

Dark Archive

Squirrels must die. Painfully.

Word of Advice: don't feed the Squirrels at the Golden Gate park in San Francisco. Besides not beign very proper (or allowed), after feeding one, you'll have from 3 to 5 fat squirrels following you around for several meters. It is kinda cute until they start to close in on you...

yes, meters, so what? ;P

The Exchange

Hugo Solis wrote:

Word of Advice: don't feed the Squirrels at the Golden Gate park in San Francisco. Besides not beign very proper (or allowed), after feeding one, you'll have from 3 to 5 fat squirrels following you around for several meters. It is kinda cute until they start to close in on you...

** spoiler omitted **


Mmmmm....squirrel stew.

Silver Crusade

"The Great Squirrel Experiment" reminds me of this one time in college when I...

Oh, nevermind.

The Exchange

Celestial Healer wrote:

"The Great Squirrel Experiment" reminds me of this one time in college when I...

Oh, nevermind.

So that is what all the duck tape is for!!!

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