My model of "The Wreck" (pictures)

Savage Tide Adventure Path

Here are some pictures of the model I made for "The Wreck" (Crimson fleet fortress):
Here and

A few dozen more pictures are available in a zip file

That is awsome Matthew! What did you use for the ships? Look like actual models. Nicely done. Somewhere in the archives are several other attempts but still--wow. Nicely done.

Liberty's Edge

Awesome! Great job; I especially like the Fortitude hull.


How do you construct it? And how long did that take you?

Zombie Boots wrote:
How do you construct it?

Here's what I used:

- The Fortitude: Mega Bloks Flying Dutchman ($13)
- Baeldictum: Mega Bloks Vorgan Ice Fang Ship ($20)
- The Glad: Mega Bloks Empress ($20)
- The Two-faced Wretch: Pirateology model Ship (Swiftbuck) ($7)
- The Anger: Weapons and Warriors pirate ship ($10)
- Klutz building cards ($8)
- 36” Pine tree ($6... Christmas Clearance)
- Two 14” Palm trees x2 ($5 each)
- Plasticard (free from real estate signs littered near my house)
- Asian placemat (to cut up with scissors and use as ladders/bridges) ($2)

I already had the ships, and I gathered the other parts whenever I spotted them (over the course of several months). Almost everything I used was on clearance. Printing out and taping together the board took one evening, but assembling The Wreck itself only took another evening.

The bases for the trees were very sturdy, and I only had to drill a small hole in the top ship and the bottom ship. The other ships stayed in place simply by twisting the wiry branches around them.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

Just freaking wow... I wish I would've seen this thread earlier! My PC's just busted up the Wreck last night killing everyone except the Seventh, her assassins, and the harpies... but they're next (had to stop at 2:30am).

primemover003 wrote:
Just freaking wow... I wish I would've seen this thread earlier! My PC's just busted up the Wreck last night killing everyone except the Seventh, her assassins, and the harpies... but they're next (had to stop at 2:30am).

Did you get your hands on a Yuan-ti Anathema miniature (from the 'Against the Giants' DDM set)?

Oddly, two of the six boxes I purchased had Anathemas (unfortunately, my campaign was well past the Wreck by then).

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

No I'm gonna end up using the Aspect of Tiamat for her... I don't really picture the Anathema as havinf snakey hands. The Seventh in my head has 6 snake like heads, two burly arms, and a snake-like torso.

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Matthew Vincent wrote:
Here are some pictures of the model I made for "The Wreck" (Crimson fleet fortress)

Update: since Geocities has been dead for some time, the pictures can now be seen:


Nice! I never got a chance to look at it before.

That is pretty sweet! I just used gamer paper and a lot of markers. Did it help when you ran the encounter?

DM Gray wrote:
That is pretty sweet! I just used gamer paper and a lot of markers. Did it help when you ran the encounter?

Yup. Especially since:

A) All the players could fly (common at this level)
B) The players weren't about to enter the restricted confines of ship if they did have to.
C) The whole complex went on alert (an expected outcome)

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