Strange Loops; An Eberron game


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Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

"Nobody's ever dropped a chest on my head either. That's where mine came from. How did yours arrive?"

"I was in a skycoach when something fell from a tower and hit the coach. Some rubble landed on me, and as I was brushing it off, I found the ring."

"Well hellooo? Did you all take stupid pills this morning? Someone or something goes around dropping magic rings like sweeties. Oh my gosh how very cute. Where are we all? Because if those rings fell from the same place, that's where I'd go to ask questions. But hey, what do I know. Girlfriend, I can see your face too, so no snark from you missy."

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

"That would make a lot of sense if I knew where I was."

DM Dahn


So, where are Iri and the gang - do they have a clue?



Iri and the gang are on the lower levels of Sharn. She has wandered into a seedy area, close to The Cogs. However, she is not far from Lyrandar tower.

Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1

Yes, Sillas, we seem to have similar experiences, I was flying across town as well...

I stopped on a skybridge because a bird had been hit by falling debris, and was being pecked to death by it's flock-mates before I arrived. It was half-buried in pieces of packing crates and other junk. From their location, I'd bet that they fell from an upper part of Lyrandar Tower, although they COULD have been thrown from a sky-car as well.

Well, I'm going to see if the telepathy effect stops if I remove the ring... Err... I can't find it!?!?!?
Liberties taken for sake of flow

"Your finger? Boy, it's usually at the end of your hand. What kind of creature are you?"

Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1

I'm starting to get worried that this telepathic channel may cause madness eventually, if we can't stop it.
I feel some of the souls here may have been effected by it too long...

Perhaps if the saner of us combine our efforts, we can learn more, and be able to end the connection if we so wish. Otherwise, it doesn't look like we'll be getting much sleep...

Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1

I'm not sure where all of you are... But have you heard of that magic curio shop on the mid-levels of Lyrandar Tower? Perhaps if we could demonstrate these rings/marks/effects as a group to someone more knowledgeable in arcane objects, we could learn more about what is affecting us...

Hey, I already got to use the info from that Sharn supplement download!

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)
Starlan 'Wingy' Benex wrote:

I'm starting to get worried that this telepathic channel may cause madness eventually, if we can't stop it.

I feel some of the souls here may have been effected by it too long...

Perhaps if the saner of us combine our efforts, we can learn more, and be able to end the connection if we so wish. Otherwise, it doesn't look like we'll be getting much sleep...

"Wingy, relax. Siblings often have a very close almost telepathic bond. I'm sure Ellirayne and Deerian are quite safe.

I don't know the curio shop you mean, but if we all want to meet there, I'm sure I can find it. Although I need to get back home too."

"Actually, I believe I was near Lyrander Tower when the ring fell to me. I'm in the mid-levels of the tower now, in fact."

Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1

Sim, are you familiar with Isan's Emporium there in Lyrandar Tower?
I'm a bit lower in the city at the moment, but perhaps it'd be a good place to meet and see what we can learn together with Isan's help...???

Starlan 'Wingy' Benex wrote:

Sim, are you familiar with Isan's Emporium there in Lyrandar Tower?

I'm a bit lower in the city at the moment, but perhaps it'd be a good place to meet and see what we can learn together with Isan's help...???

"I'm afraid not Mr. Starlan. I'm sure I can find it though."

Hey Quandry, despite my allias being Sim, I introduced myself as Sillas. Just FYI. :)

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

"I'm going to try and find my way there now. Come on you lot. One of you must know the way."

Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1

Well then, I'll get headed up there...
So... How should I recognize y'all?
I'll be wearing yellow... and I'm pretty short.
sorry... it's just so easy when that's what your avatar name says :-)

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

"We all look as if we've been grubbing through rubbish, so not a pretty sight. Well, OK, not you Aphra, you look fine. I could do with a bath though. Spot us by smell Wingy."

Female Half Elf Sorceress 2

"From the sounds of things most of us have our marks granted by our rings in reasonably noticable places, I'm sure we will be able to find one another by those. Deerian and I will be with you shortly"

Male Half Elf Fighter 1/Sorcerer 1

"As my sister has said we will be there shortly. We should be reasonably easy to spot.. We might even be able to go to a bar to obtain a drink if things are a little too strained."

"A man after my own heart. I take it as Lyrander scions, you might be offering to buy?"

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

"For nine of us? I doubt it Cassio. We'll buy our own drinks. I don't want to be beholden to anyone, and especially not a dragonmarked scion."

"No drinking on the job, for me."

"My new mark is on my face; it makes me stand out just a little. When should we meet?"

Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1

I can fly up there shortly...
Shall we all meet in Isan's shop, or did someone suggest a nearby bar?

...I'll have to see that mark, Sillas,
some of my friends are into the whole Talenta facial tat thing... :-)

Female Half Elf Sorceress 2

"I would suggest a bar first, for discretions sake. From the sound of things a few of us know about magic so we may be able to work it out without having to discuss the matter with Isan. I recommend the Hideaway, as soon as is convenient for everyone."

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

"The Hideaway? I'm sure Cassio can find it. Be there soon"



I guess we can find it? If so, that's were we're going.



Sure can. It's in the upper levels of Lyrandar tower. Basically you just have to enter the tower in front of you, and walk up up up until you get there. There's signs. No worries. The Hideaway has the added benefit of Sillas being there RIGHT NOW.

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

Iri and her friends arrive very shortly at the door of the Hideaway. Before entering, she glances down at herself.

"Ack. Mama would have a fit if she saw me like this. No chance of a tidy up either.

"Relax girlfriend. Hold your head up and set a new trend. The garbage look is in this year. We'll talk about that haircut later."

Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1



I'll take Dragonheart up to an appropriate level on Lyrandar Tower.
He can circle in the general area, or rest if he feels like it, and I'll either wave or call on my whistle for him to pick me up when needed. In the interest of our group magical diagnosis, I still have my speed effect going, so that the others can see it. I'll try and walk at a normal pace into the bar, to not freak out random passers-by. And BTW, feel free to tell me when it is noon-time, and if I see any 'visuals'.

I vaguely recall once partaking at this establishment, but perhaps I had *TOO* good of a time, as they say. In any case, I casually walk in the front door, looking for those I seek. Hi? I'm here now...


It is not quite noon. I'll let you know. Trust.
As you walk in the front door of the bar, you see only a few tables.

One, a group of robed figures sit, imbibing their drinks merrily. They appear to be using some kind of tube underneath their headscarves to drink. They appear a little drunk.

Another table seats a group of four individuals who appear to be studying a map of some sort. They appear to be arguing, quietly.

A third table seats three individuals; A laid back gentlemen is casually rubbing his chin and laughing; a young woman with incredible posture is sitting and listening to the third man speak; he is a sharply well dressed man with what seems like a tattoo on his right cheek. His eye catches yours.



Just before you can enter The Hideaway, a young woman comes out of the bar. She appears to be crying, and she wipes her eyes as she walks past you. As you walk in the front door of the bar, you see only a few tables.

One, a group of robed figures sit, imbibing their drinks merrily. They appear to be using some kind of tube underneath their headscarves to drink. They appear a little drunk.

Another table seats a group of four individuals who appear to be studying a map of some sort. They appear to be arguing, quietly.

Standing in front of the third table is a brightly dressed Halfling. His dress is slightly wild, and would suggest that he may not be a native of Sharn.

The third table seats three individuals; A laid back gentlemen is casually rubbing his chin and laughing; a young woman with incredible posture is sitting and listening to the third man speak; he is a sharply well dressed man with what seems like a tattoo on his right cheek. His eye seems trained on the Halfling, and he does not notice you when you first enter.

A muscular young woman strides up to you, her face warm and inviting. "Welcome to the Hideaway. Are you together today?", she asks, revealing Iri's presence behind Starlan.

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

"We might be." says Iri doubtfully, wondering if the cheerfully clad halfling is one of their telepathic group.

"What are you talking about? What haircut?". She protectively clutches at her lengthy and rather beautiful hair.

"Are you right in front of me?"

Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1

Wha...? (turning around quickly)
Oh. Well it looks like we've found each other.
"I'm Starlan. And I take it you would be...???"
looking back at those seated "...Mind if I take this chair?"
I sit down and order a drink from next waitress.

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

"Iriangi Biasharan."

To the waitress "Guava and lemon juice please."

Then to Starlan "I'd better. Benefor has views."

"He's a spoilsport.

"Drink to me only with thine eyes ..."

Green-eyes, you should have the wine. It'll put colour in your cheeks and help you see the world in a more comfortable light. Be bold!"

Female Half Elf Sorceress 2

Arm in arm with her twin brother Ellirayne enters the Hideaway with a bright smile, green eyes carefully scanning the barflies already gathering. Leaning in she whispers something against her siblings ear with a bright, playful grin before regaining an air of restraint and polite dignity.


"So, are we ready to be accused of being evil, scheming psychic monsters some more by Wingy?"

"I'll be along shortly; I just have to finish a little buisness and then I'll join you. The Hideaway you say? I know the place."


I'm sorry, which chair did you take? It's not entirely clear; there are three tables with others, and a bunch more empty ones. And the guy with the tattoo may not be Sillas, as he said he would be at The Hideaway shortly.

Lyrandar Twins

As you walk in the front door of the bar, you see a slightly dishevelled young woman; her hands appear to be covered in a little dried goo or blood of some kind. Her hair is a little wild, and she appears to be scanning the room. Beyond her you see only a few tables.

One, a group of robed figures sit, imbibing their drinks merrily. They appear to be using some kind of tube underneath their headscarves to drink. They appear a little drunk.

Another table seats a group of four individuals who appear to be studying a map of some sort. They appear to be arguing, quietly.

Standing in front of the third table is a brightly dressed Halfling. His dress is slightly wild, and would suggest that he may not be a native of Sharn.

The third table seats three individuals; A laid back gentlemen is casually rubbing his chin and laughing; a young woman with incredible posture is sitting and listening to the third man speak; he is a sharply well dressed man with what seems like a tattoo on his right cheek. His eye seems trained on the Halfling, and he does not notice you when you first enter.

The waitress nods at the first orders, and returns promptly with them. "May I show you a seat," she asks, trying to lead Starlan and Iri to a separate table. Nodding to the twin newcomers, she adds "And I'll be right with you".

Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1

Dahn & Irirangi:


hm, I guess this ISN'T Sillas.
I guess I did't make it clear, but I INTENDED to ask the TABLE if I could take a seat.
I was also fishing for their reaction to me, before sitting down...

To those at the table:
"I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else, please excuse my interruption..."
Where are you? I thought I'd found you. I'm at the Hideaway, in yellow.

Sense Motive on the party at the table: 14 (I need to re-cast Guidance now)

"Well, you did find me."

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

"And me..." Aphra - just be quiet will you? You are Starlan? I'm not sitting at a table with a completely strange halfling in yellow. Please tell me I'm not."

Male Halfling Rogue 1/ Druid 1


I was talking about the table with the marked face guy and noble seeming types.

Male Half Elf Fighter 1/Sorcerer 1

Unlike his sibling the elegant young man's look is one of caution. Could they really trust anyone here? Afterall it was his duty to protect his sister. Speaking softly in response to her whisper he says "I certainly hope that won't happen... Family honour and all that."

As the waitress speaks he nods polietly in agreement and then frowns a little at the new mental communication. "Ah I take it that some of the others have already arrived then."

Err... Assuming this chap doesn't immediately identify himself as Sillas...
Starlan graciously pulls himself away from the table of 3, and notices two half-elfs dressed to impress talking with the hostess just inside the main floor of the establishment.

"...Irirangi, I beleive?", he quietly but firmly tells the disheveled-looking Human at his side, "Perhaps here are the rest of our mysterious conversation club. Let's find out."
Taking Irirangi by the hand, if she doesn't object, and she seemed liked she needed it, he confidently strides over to the half-elf pair, who bear a striking resemblance to each other.

Meeting their gaze directly, but smiling, he thinks I'm trusting you two are the ones we are meeting. The facial tattoo thing is getting so modish, our friend Sillas really needs to think of another distinguishable trait to describe himself with. I really don't want to be introducing myself to every table of humans I run across, you know.
indicating the table of 3 with body language

"Holding your hand? Oh green-eyes, what are you doing?"

As we get closer to the well-dressed half-elf pair

"Ellirayne. Enchanted to meet you at last. You and your brother. Your eyes, sweet lady, are the green of storms and forests."

"He's going to regret taking that hand girlfriend. Kobold goo."

as we get closer

"Ignore Cassio Twinnies - he's an unreliable sneak thief with a thing for green eyes. I'm so gonna hurl."

Female Human Cleric 1/Sorcerer 1 (Manifest Spellshaper)

Iri allows Starlan to lead her over to the impressively self-possessed half-elves.

"Yes, I'm Irirangi. I'm sorry about my hands - they're pretty icky ..." she murmers.

Embarrassed by her friends comments, she blushes.

"And I'm really sorry about this. They don't mean any harm and we've all been together a long time, so they're quite outspoken."

" Not all of us! Hrumph! Sometimes I just want a little peace and quiet up here."

Taking their order, the waitress leaves Irirangi and Starlan, and heads over to Ellirayne and Deerian. "Oh, excuse me," she says, bowing slightly "I did not know that it was you. I am very sorry to keep you waiting. Please follow me to one of our VIP rooms."

She leads the twins past all the other tables, and toward a separate room in the back.

Hey guys, I know the telepathy thing is a bit difficult, but you're all doing a great job. It adds a complete new layer to the PBP, which can be very confusiing. Quandary, just remember that there is no 'whispering' to one another using thought-speech. Everyone that is linked, can hear everything in 'bold'. Awesome.

Female Half Elf Sorceress 2

"There's really no need to apologise" Ellirayne assures the waitress gently with a bright smile "We're actually here to share drinks with a few associates" She informs the other woman easily as she follows along towards the seperate room.

"Oh fantastic, they have a private room free, that should make matters a little easier."

Giving a light, professional grin at the halfling and dishevelled woman she inclines her head in their direction "And here are two of them now, we're expecting at least..." She pauses catching Iriangi's 'we've all been together a long time' and without even the slightest of flickers in her outward demeanor she finishes her sentance. "one other, he'll make himself known to you shortly, I'm sure"

"Sillas, once you've arrived and are ready to join us just tell the waitress that you're an associate of Deerian and myself and you should be brought through to join us."

"As you wish. I'll be back shortly with something very special for you all." the waitress says as she bows out of the private room.

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