Iterative attacks

New Rules Suggestions

In my opinion they are, more often than not, useless.
Wizards don't get more less powerful spells as they advance.
Recently, I've decided to give +5 dmg instead of each iterative attack. This damage does not get multiplied on criticals.

I think the Over Hand Chop and Double Strike are meant to simulate this. One is for single weapon users the other is for two weapon combatants. I may have the feat names wrong. This also allows a DM to create a simple house rule to remove iterative attacks by requiring people to use Over Hand Chop or the other one.

Duncan & Dragons wrote:
I think the Over Hand Chop and Double Strike are meant to simulate this.

Not to mention "Vital Strike" and "Improved Vital Strike" that allow you to sacrifice iterative attacks for extra damage.

Devastating Blow would also be a Standard action. Autocrit a standard attack (but don't set off burst or vorpal effects unless it's a true crit).

Grab a x4 weapon and it's basically like getting all 4 normal attacks at your highest BAB. Granted, you won't do as much damage as if you had done 4 crit attacks with a weapon that has burst effects, etc. However, the average damage would be much, much higher, and much more consistent.

One thing I'm thinking of doing is changing the way they work - instead of getting a new attack when you hit +6, +11, etc., you gain a second attack at +10, and a third at +20*. The new attack is always at BAB -5, so it would be +10/+5, and then +20/+15/+10. This accomplishes several things:

Eliminates the lowest attack, which has a very small chance of hitting anything anyway (trust me, I've done an analysis to prove it);

Cuts down on dice rolling (and thus makes combat move faster);

Eliminates the need for Perfect TWF (admittedly minor, but still).

*I've also instituted a rule whereby everyone's BAB increases to +20 - the epic attack bonus doesn't kick in until you get +20. This eliminates the Ftr 20/Wiz 20 vs. Wiz 20/Ftr 20 problem, as well as fiddling around with PC/NPC class levels to get the most out of BAB before they hit 20th level and everything is standardized.

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