Keep on the Shadowfell


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Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Rhianis, I'm going to interpret that as a Delay. You can come back into the initiative whenever you want, you don't have to wait for it to come all the way around again.

Delaying - Rhianis (5 temp hp, +3 to defense vs next attack)
H1 (soldier, bloodied)
H9, H10, H13 (grunts)
Dyrnwyna (5 temp hp)
H3 (soldier, marked by Gran)
H4 (soldier, -2 to defenses, knocked prone on hit TEOQQNT)
Frivry (5 temp hp)
Gran (5 temp hp)

OK thanks.

Male Dwarf Cleric 3

Quinn is preparing Moment of Glory for when all the hobgoblins are at or past row 14.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Dyrnwyna is swarmed by hobgoblins, but only one (a sword-wielder) manages to connect -5hp to Dyrnwyna, wiping out the temps

It was a crit, so no use of Shield; everyone else missed on the dice

H14, another soldier, charges Quinn and wraps his flail around the dwarf's leg, tripping him up. -13hp to Quinn, slowed and marked through turn

H15 (now Warcaster1 for clarity)comes into the room wearing robes and wielding a staff, laughs, and aims its staff at Dyrnwyna. "A wizard? Come to the water, little caster!" She feels herself dragged helplessly through the ranks of the besieging hobgoblins toward the well. -7hp to Dyrnwyna, and make a save to not fall in the well.

Attack vs Fort, so still no Shield use

H16 (now Archer1) moves in behind the warcaster, grins, and takes aim at Quinn through the melee, firing with uncanny accuracy -9hp to Quinn, and setting the cleric as a target for the warcaster.

Quinn, realizing the ranged attackers will come no closer, unleashes one of his most potent prayers. Only the bloodied H1 is left standing, all the others knocked prone and scattered like leaves before Moradin's wrath. Dyrnwyna is inspired to new resilience by this display.

Quinn, I assumed you'd rather hit H14 than H3, as H14 was in your face and had marked you. I also assumed you'd want to push H14 into the pit if you could. But he made his save.

Delaying - Rhianis (5 temp hp, +3 to defense vs next attack)
Dyrnwyna (must make immediate save or be in 30' pit and take 14hp falling; afterward, resist 5 all TEOQQNT)
H3 (soldier, marked by Gran)
H4 (soldier, prone)
Frivry (5 temp hp)
Gran (5 temp hp)
H1 (soldier, bloodied)
H9, H10, H13 (grunts, prone)
H14 (soldier, prone)
W1 (warcaster, bonus to next ranged against Quinn)
A1 (archer)
Quinn (marked by H14 TEOH14NT, resist 5 all TEOQQNT)

Female Eladrin Wizard 3

Dyrnwyna manages to hurl herself to the ground at the edge of the well, rather than dropping into the depths.

Save vs. falling: 14

Male Dwarf Cleric 3

Thanks for rolling for me Pat. But to clarify, it's a burst 5 so everyone in the party should have the Resist 5 All right now.

Seeing Dyrnwyna in danger spurs Rhianis to action.

Move: to N20
Minor: Warlock's Curse on H1
Standard: Eldritch Blast on H1
Attack 1d20+4=15 vs Ref
Damage 1d10+3=4
Curse Damage 1d6=5

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7
Quinn Quartzcutter wrote:
Thanks for rolling for me Pat. But to clarify, it's a burst 5 so everyone in the party should have the Resist 5 All right now.

Actually, you have both blast and burst written on your sheet, so I looked it up -- it's a blast 5.

Dyrnwyna, it's your turn, and you're prone.

Female Eladrin Wizard 3

Dyrnwyna quickly scrambles to her feet, and, dignity cast aside, scurries for the stairway. She flinches from several blows as she goes.

Stand from prone. Move to M22, taking OAs from H1 and H14 but avoiding H3.

Male Dwarf Cleric 3
pat512 wrote:
Quinn Quartzcutter wrote:
Thanks for rolling for me Pat. But to clarify, it's a burst 5 so everyone in the party should have the Resist 5 All right now.

Actually, you have both blast and burst written on your sheet, so I looked it up -- it's a blast 5.

Dyrnwyna, it's your turn, and you're prone.

Hmmm...the sheet I made my PDF from says Close Burst 5 but the character builder now says Close Blast 5. The same thing happened with Hymn of Resurgence. Looks like it was a mistake in the character builder that got fixed with the last update. Now I need to redo my PDF sheet. Oh well, might have changed a few things.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Rhianis moves into action I figured you probably meant M20, rather than in the wall, but misses.

Dyrnwyna's mystic shield enables her to glide among the hobgoblins to the relative safety of the stairs. Would have been slowed by H1's attack otherwise, so guessed you would have used Shield

H3 advances, but does not attack.

H4 gets to his feet and angrily charges Quinn, striking a powerful blow that is partly deflected by Moradin's armor -11hp to Quinn, reduced to -6, slowed, marked

Frivry (5 temp hp)
Gran (5 temp hp)

H1 (soldier, bloodied, cursed)
H9, H10, H13 (grunts, prone)
H14 (soldier, prone)
W1 (warcaster, bonus to next ranged against Quinn)
A1 (archer)
Quinn (slowed and marked by H4 TEOH4NT, resist 5 all TEOQQNT)
Rhianis (5 temp hp, +3 to defense vs next attack)
Dyrnwyna (resist 5 all TEOQQNT)
H3 (soldier, marked by Gran)
H4 (soldier)

M Halfling Rogue 3

Frivry steps back to the stairs at the advice of the others.

Move to L-20

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Gran (5 temp hp)
H1 (soldier, bloodied, cursed)
H9, H10, H13 (grunts, prone)
H14 (soldier, prone)
W1 (warcaster, bonus to next ranged against Quinn)
A1 (archer)
Quinn (slowed and marked by H4 TEOH4NT, resist 5 all TEOQQNT)
Rhianis (5 temp hp, +3 to defense vs next attack)
Dyrnwyna (resist 5 all TEOQQNT)
H3 (soldier, marked by Gran)
H4 (soldier)
Frivry (5 temp hp)

I'm heading out of town this afternoon through Saturday. I expect to have some access, but I really don't know how much. Please bear with me!

Male Human Paladin/3

Eldritch Blast on H4 1d20+5=17 vs Reflex; Damage 1d10+4=13

Male Dwarf Cleric 3

And now I die. :D

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

H4 stumbles a bit from the force of Gran's blast, but quickly recovers.

H3, as if waiting for the divine sanction to dissipate, swings at Quinn, knocking the dwarf unconscious. Crit, -16hp, reduced to -11hp, slowed and marked, dying at -8hp.

H1 steps over Quinn's body, laughing, and strikes at Rhianis with his flail, but misses.

The grunts rise whence Quinn's last had knocked them and reposition, one of them bold enough to charge at Frivry, slashing the halfling with his longsword -5hp to Frivry, knocking off the temps

H14 stands in position and barks orders.

The warcaster rushes into the fray and jabs Frivry with his staff, lightning crackling around the ferrule, but the halfling's luck save him. Used Second Chance. Frivry really did not want to be hit by that. The hobgoblin arcanist curses volubly.

The archer also advances, and misses so badly it is impossible to tell at whom he was aiming.

Quinn (slowed, marked by H3, dying) - Death Save
Rhianis (5 temp hp)

H3 (soldier)
H4 (soldier)
Gran (5 temp hp)
H1 (soldier, bloodied, cursed)
H9, H10, H13 (grunts)
H14 (soldier)
W1 (warcaster)
A1 (archer)

"Quinn?" gasps Rhianis when his friend falls. "Foul beasts! You shall pay dearly!"

Eldritch Blast 1d20+5=19 vs Ref
(Added +1 from Prime Shot class feature)
Damage 1d10+3=4
Curse 1d6=6

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7
Rhianis wrote:

"Quinn?" gasps Rhianis when his friend falls. "Foul beasts! You shall pay dearly!"

Eldritch Blast 1d20+5=19 vs Ref
(Added +1 from Prime Shot class feature)
Damage 1d10+3=4
Curse 1d6=6

Rhianis, you're about to draw two OAs -- please confirm.

I'm ok with the OAs

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Rhianis staggers the hobgoblin standing atop his friend, but not before taking wicked blows from longsword and flail -17hp to Rhianis, net -12 after temps.

Quinn, save

Male Dwarf Cleric 3

Quinn's moment of glory passes as his prayer expires and he slips closer to death's door.

Can't sustain my resist 5, so much for the daily.

Death Save 1d20=1

Female Eladrin Wizard 3

Dyrnywna, shocked that Rhiannis hasn't taken her own advice and retreated, nearly forgets to cast her own spell. At last her fingers twitch, seemingly of their own accord, and glowing balls of force slam into the foe above Quinn.

Magic missile vs. H1: 21 vs. Reflex for 9 damage.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

H1 collapses next to Quinn's bleeding body. Seconds later, though, another steps up. H3 and H4 both attack Rhianis, the former missing thanks to his difficult angle around the wall. H4 connects, though, tripping up the warlock. -10hp to Rhianis, slowed, marked by H4

Gran (5 temp hp)
H1 (soldier, bloodied, cursed)
H9, H10, H13 (grunts)
H14 (soldier)
W1 (warcaster)
A1 (archer)
Quinn (dying, failed 1 save)
Rhianis (slowed/marked by H4)
H3 (soldier)
H4 (soldier)

M Halfling Rogue 3

Frivry stabs his sword in the hobgoblin in front of him.

Sly Flourish at H13: 1d20+7=25, 1d6+9=12

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

H13 collapses in a heap as Frivry's shortsword neatly pierces his armor.

Gran (5 temp hp)
H1 (soldier, bloodied, cursed)
H9, H10, H13 (grunts)
H14 (soldier)
W1 (warcaster)
A1 (archer)
Quinn (dying, failed 1 save)
Rhianis (slowed/marked by H4)
H3 (soldier)
H4 (soldier)

Male Human Paladin/3

Gran out at h4. In the process challenging the hobgoblin

Divine Challenge on H4. Shielding Strike on H4, 1d20+7=19; Damage 4d4+5=20, Frivy gains a +1 power bonus to AC until the end of my next turn

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Gran's mighty blow catches on H4's armor, doing no damage.

H9 and H10 shift position, but do not close. Similarly, H14 stays in position.

It soon becomes clear that this was to allow the warcaster and opportunity at the front lines. The hobgoblin arcanist holds his staff out in both hands, and a wave of force flies up the stairs, knocking all of the allies prone and blasting them up the stairs. Hit Frivry for -12hp, Crit on Rhianis for -20hp, Hit Gran for -12hp (net -7hp), Crit on Dyrnwyna for -20hp. Oh, my.

H14 then moves up the stairs in front of the warcaster and swings his flail at the bloodied warlock, smashing into Rhianis's prone form, knocking him unconscious -16hp to Rhianis, marked/slowed

The archer moves further into the room, but holds fire.

Quinn (dying, failed 1 save) - death save
Rhianis (slowed/marked by H14, dying) - death save
Dyrnwyna (prone)

H3 (soldier)
H4 (soldier, marked by Gran)
Frivry (prone)
Gran (prone)
H9, H10 (grunts)
W1 (warcaster)
H14 (soldier)
A1 (archer)



Male Dwarf Cleric 3

Quinn starts seeing the soft glow of Moradin's forge in the distance.

1d20=8 Death Save

Female Eladrin Wizard 3

Dyrnwyna pries herself to her feet and casts again. Her face looks as though it has just occurred to her that she may actually lose.

magic missile at the warcaster. IC is down and I'm at work with no dice; please roll for me. +5 vs. Reflex, 2d4+4 force damage.

Rolling real dice on behalf of Drynwyna: 1d20+5 = 16, 2d4+4 = 11

Male Dwarf Cleric 3

Quinn regrets suggesting that we charge ahead without having taken a short rest.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Dyrnwyna's force missiles hit the warcaster square in the chest, elciiting a grunt of surprise and pain.

H3 steps over Quinn's bleeding body and moves to attack Frivry. The hobgoblin hits and takes advantage of the situation to move further up the stairs, atop Rhianis. -12hp to Frivry Shift as part of attack power

H4, sensing victory, steps up and takes the Raven Queen's punishment to attack the halfling as well. -13hp to Frivry, marked/slowed and dying, -7hp to H4

Frivry (slowed/marked by H4, dying) - death save
Gran (prone)

H9, H10 (grunts)
W1 (warcaster)
H14 (soldier)
A1 (archer)
Quinn (dying, failed 2 saves)
Rhianis (slowed/marked by H14, dying, failed 1 save)
H3 (soldier)
H4 (soldier, marked by Gran)

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Please see discussion thread

Male Human Paladin/3

"Dyrnwyna if anything running may be are only option. An option I hate, but Fate is against us here."

Standing, Gran grits his teeth throws down his glaive and draws Aecris. Dark energy wraps around the blade as Gran channels the enegies of his mistress

Invigorating Smite on H3 1d20+9=12, definiatly a miss. But all allies, that are bloodied, within 5 squares regain 6 hit points. Not much but should give us one round to either flee or try to mount a comeback. Odder things have happened.

Action Point; Ardent Strike on H3 1d20+9=25; Damage 1d8+6=11 and H3 is under my divine sanction

"Dyrnwyna I don't care if it hits me or not! But if you can use that magic of yours to clear out some of these hobs then do it!"

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7
Gran Rey wrote:

Invigorating Smite on H3 1d20+9=12, definiatly a miss. But all allies, that are bloodied, within 5 squares regain 6 hit points. Not much but should give us one round to either flee or try to mount a comeback. Odder things have happened.

Sorry, Gran, but the Invigorating is only on a hit, not an Effect. Everybody's still down, but you bloodied H3. More later.

Male Human Paladin/3

Ah must of misread it!

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

Per discussion thread, I'm calling this game on account of fatalities. Good job meanwhile, all!

m human 1

Can we assume the undead hordes of Orcus will now flood the streets of Winterhaven?

Male Human Expert 1

I like to think Quinn resurrected as Moradin's avatar and cleansed the place singlehandedly. At least that's the story I'M going to tell.

Sovereign Court

M Human Expert 7

For everybody but Quinn, JZ's probably right . . .

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