New Skill: Sprint (Str) (armor check penalty applies; trained only)

New Rules Suggestions

With a DC 15 check, you can increase your base speed by 5 feet for one round. You may normally only attempt this check once per minute, however, if you beat the DC by 5 or more, you may attempt to continue the sprint by making another check next round.

For each full 5 points by which you beat the DC, you may increase your speed by an additional 5 feet.

What do you think? It couldn't hurt to have another Strength-based skill and this one seems like it would be a good way to nix the need for the Run feat. Let's be honest, no one ever took the Run feat anyway, but I could see PCs investing a few skill points in Sprint from time to time. Barbarian, druid, fighter, monk, paladin, and ranger would receive it as a class skill. Rogues might be worthy as well.

Scarab Sages

Actually, I've played a D20 game with a sprint skill. Only it wasn't Strength based. It was Dex and Movement based. You added your movement and your Dex mod to your ranks and other modifiers. This determined how fast you could sprint as a move action.

Which d20 game was it, and do you recall the specifics of the ability?

You know what I just realized? In my earlier write-up for the skill I had made it a Con-based skill which made a lot more sense. Especially since there are no longer any Con-based skills in the game.

1) I would call it RUN
2) I would add uses for long runs/marches and endurance
3) I would merge it with CLimb, Jump and Swim into ATHLETICS

I don't like the mechanic. I'd have the speed increase scale:

+0 (less than 10, fatigued 1 minute)
+5 ft (DC 10, fatigued 1 minute)
+5 ft (DC 15+1/successive rnd)
+10 ft (DC 20, fatigued for 1 minute)
+10 ft (DC 25+1/successive rnd)

This skill either cannot be used when fatigued, or the skill is penalized (-5?) if used when fatigued.

If you have a Sprint skill, it needs to be merged with the Jump skill, then. There's a reason Carl Lewis (an insanely fast sprinter) is one of the best Olympic long jumpers of all time.

Kirth Gersen wrote:
If you have a Sprint skill, it needs to be merged with the Jump skill, then. There's a reason Carl Lewis (an insanely fast sprinter) is one of the best Olympic long jumpers of all time.

Or the discussed Endurance skill.

Gnome Ninja wrote:
Or the discussed Endurance skill.

That'd be distance running. Totally different deal. The best distance runners are almost never really fast sprinters, and vice versa.

Kirth Gersen wrote:
If you have a Sprint skill, it needs to be merged with the Jump skill, then. There's a reason Carl Lewis (an insanely fast sprinter) is one of the best Olympic long jumpers of all time.

Or re-introduce the Speed bonus to jumping.

Pneumonica wrote:
Or re-introduce the Speed bonus to jumping.

Very badly needed. Speed is THE key to long jumping. All the technique is secondary.

Scarab Sages

airwalkrr wrote:
Which d20 game was it, and do you recall the specifics of the ability?

I don't remember any more specifics to it. I don't think the game has actually been published yet. I got in on a playtest at a con, but there were no NDA's to be had, at least that I recall.

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