Brothers of the Seven society & Skinsaw Men

Rise of the Runelords

I must admit I am a bit confused with the distinction between the Brothers of the Seven Society and the Skinsaw Men.

Apparently there is a "semi-secret" (whatever that means) society named the Brothers of the Seven. It was established by Ironbriar, Vorel Foxglove and five other merchants in Magnimar about a hundred years ago. I can't see what they actually do (except for some blackmailing, extorsion, and some real-estate financing).

What is the Brothers of the Seven and what do they do?

One of the cult's leaders (Ironbriar) also leads a second cult called the Skinsaw Men (worshippers of Norgorber). This is actually a cult of murderers that comes from old blood - a master cult in the city of Vyre, although it is now very much its own entity.

It actually says that Ironbriar established the Brothers of the Seven as a cover for the Skinsaw Men cult. Why would you use one illegal organization to cover another? That doesn't make much sense to me. And what kind of cover are they supposed to provide? Is the cover just the lending the Seven's Sawmill? You would hardly have to establish a semi-secret organization just to operate a Sawmill...

Also, the Sawmill is called the Seven's Sawmill, and is supposed to be a cover and a safe place to meet for the Brothers of the Seven. However, it seems only Skinsaw Cultists work there and visit sermons.

Are All Skinsaw Men also members of the Brothers of the Seven?

All in all, the two names seem to be used interchangably and this can be confusing. For example, on p. 40 it says "Magnimar's guards aren't equipped to handle a cult as crafty and sneaky as the Brothers of the Seven "- when talking about the Skinsaw Men's murder spree.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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There's probably a bit of confusion generated there by the simple fact that we were still in the early days of Golarion ourselves, alas. But the basic breakdown between these two groups are as follows, more or less:

The Brothers of the Seven are like the Freemasons or the Templars, at least how they're portrayed in popular fiction. Folk in Magnimar know about them, but they don't know MUCH about them. They're basically a small group of aristocrats, nobles, and successful businessmen who had too much free time on their hand and decided to form a little secret club. At this point, they're not evil.

Then, Ironriar joined the group. And that's when things went bad. He used the Brothers of the Seven as a cover for his own nefarious cult of Norgorber worshipers—the Skinsaw Men. Over time, the members of the Brothers of the Seven basically met one of two fates; either they converted and became worshipers of Norgorber, or they got murdered and replaced.

Today, Ironbriar's continued using the Brothers of the Seven as his cover, with the Skinsaw Men being the REAL secret cult. It's basically a secret society hidden inside of a secret society. There's no real distinction anymore between the two, but while Magnimar's society more or less knows about the Brothers of the Seven, very few, if any, know about the Skinsaw Men.

I see. Thank you very much James - that explains a lot.

Like everybody here, I really appreciate getting a response directly from the designers and developers. This is not something we take for granted, and I think it is amazing how much time you guys can spare, while at the same time churning out these great products.

Keep up the good work!

Grand Lodge

Speak for yourself; I take it for granted!

Now get back to work Paizo;)

-W. E. Ray

Sovereign Court

As an aside, I would suggest to any GMs running Rise of the Runelords -change the name of The Brother's of the Seven. It's a painful red herring, right when most of the players are starting to figure out what sin magic is.

"We're The Brothers of the Seven!

Oh...that seven pointed star we've been ordered to carve in our victims? That's something else. Snake lady told us to do it. Total coincidence."

Sovereign Court

Selk wrote:

As an aside, I would suggest to any GMs running Rise of the Runelords -change the name of The Brother's of the Seven. It's a painful red herring, right when most of the players are starting to figure out what sin magic is.

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On the other hand I would argue that the red herring is perfect and exactly the kind of thing the pc's need to chase around for a bit.

James Jacobs wrote:

There's probably a bit of confusion generated there by the simple fact that we were still in the early days of Golarion ourselves, alas. But the basic breakdown between these two groups are as follows, more or less:

** spoiler omitted **

Thanks.. this was super helpful to clarify

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