Extend Spell

Skills & Feats

Sovereign Court

While I don't think this feat has been expressly addressed in any of the alpha releases to date, I'd like to suggest a change. Instead of a flat 2x duration, a better alternative would be to bump the duration up a sliding scale os durations. Ranges for spells already do this (Touch-Close-Medium-Long-Sight). Perhaps go from rounds to minutes, minutes to tens of minutes (or hours), tens of minutes to hours, hours to days, days to weeks, etc etc. So instead of a spell lasting 1 round per level going to 2 rounds per level when extended, it would be 1 minute per level. Perhaps the Extend feat could stack with itself once or twice, pushing the duration further up the scale.

What say you all?

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Twowlves wrote:
Instead of a flat 2x duration, a better alternative would be to bump the duration up a sliding scale os durations. Ranges for spells already do this (Touch-Close-Medium-Long-Sight). Perhaps go from rounds to minutes, minutes to tens of minutes (or hours), tens of minutes to hours, hours to days, days to weeks, etc etc.

Definitely against this idea. Think of the potential for abuse! Mage Armor lasts 1 hr/level. With this variant, a 7th level mage could get an entire WEEK of mage armor with a single 2nd level spell slot at the beginning of the week. Shield could be made to last all day long with, again, only an elevation to 2nd level. What about HOURS of invisibility for a 3rd level slot? Or several minutes of improved invisibility with a 5th level slot? And don't even get me started on how bad it could get if you let the feat stack up the scale. The last thing you want is an entire party spending one day of "buff time" and benefitting from fly and greater invisibility for the rest of the month.

It's just a bad idea. Extend Spell works fine just as it is, IMO.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Twowlves wrote:

While I don't think this feat has been expressly addressed in any of the alpha releases to date, I'd like to suggest a change. Instead of a flat 2x duration, a better alternative would be to bump the duration up a sliding scale os durations. Ranges for spells already do this (Touch-Close-Medium-Long-Sight). Perhaps go from rounds to minutes, minutes to tens of minutes (or hours), tens of minutes to hours, hours to days, days to weeks, etc etc. So instead of a spell lasting 1 round per level going to 2 rounds per level when extended, it would be 1 minute per level. Perhaps the Extend feat could stack with itself once or twice, pushing the duration further up the scale.

What say you all?

Its a pretty huge step up in power then. As it allows you turn buffs into all day or even multiple day spanning powers. There is a reason persistant spell cost 6 spell levels higher and was still considered broken. You would really need to increase the requirement of how much higher a slot it takes up. I'd guess x+3 level slot for one step increase.

It creates some ugly maintence too. I cast my week long buff on player 1 on mondays, player 2 on tuesdays, ... player 6 on saturdays. And on Sunday I have my catch up day in case anyone was dispelled. Otherwise I do charity work.

Sovereign Court

Then just change the scale. Don't jump from hours to days, or over that. But going from 1 minute to two just doesn't seem worth 1 level's worth of bump. Going from 1 round/lvl to 2 rnds/lvl also seems about worthless. That basically means going from one fight to one really long fight, but no more.

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