Recapturing the Magic


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Female Human Rogue 1

"You have the best ideas ever Smith. When you're not being a twerp. All of those work for me. Go on, buy me another rainbow."

M Human Cleric1
Samuel 'Smith' Transon wrote:
"Say, if we're stuck here, why not drink! Drink the whole rainbow, I say! There's plenty to choose from."

Len cocks [EDIT: raises] an eyebrow at Smith, then Abby, but keeps his own counsel.

Smith catches Len's eye, and sends his own reassuring wink back.

Male Human Sorcerer /1

Smiths outburst catches Kai unawares. He turns to look at Smith, "Either he's gone mad from being here, or...Bah, as long as he causes no more porblems". Letting the thought die he turns to the waitress, "Honey wine, please"

Shaking her head at the strange humans the waitress twirls away and soon returns with their requested drinks, a polite smile on her face. "There we go!" She chimes "Was there anything else I could interest you in tonight?" She asks in an almost sensual purr, giving the party the tiniest of winks.

Male Human Sorcerer /1

Blushing sightly, " nothing else".

Female Human Rogue 1

"A plate of stuff to go with the drinks maybe?"

"What sort of 'stuff' would you care to indulge in tonight?" The waitress replies in a sultry tone.

Female Human Rogue 1

"Fruit would be nice."

A small smirk forming on her lips the waitress gives a little nod. "I'm sure I can rustle up something juicy for you"

Food & drink are provided, 'other services' are offered and the dancing and merriment continues about the group. After a while the party are rarey approached, left in comfort to relax alone with a waitress waltzing over whenever drinks are empty to refill them.

Female Human Rogue 1

"What do you think?" Abby asks quietly as the waitress shimmys away from their table and she drinks her second rainbow.

"Shall we go and look for the door now?"

Smith nods and gets up from the table.

"Oh my head. I think I've had too much. At any rate I think I need to head back to Thallthorne's. I liked the bathrooms there much better."

Smith gathers his things and starts to head down the stairs again.


Smith easily gets downstairs without running into anything or anybody.

Female Human Rogue 1

A moment later, Abby catches Len and Kai's attention.

"We'd better follow him don't you think?" before wandering back the same way as her brother.

If they agree the group can all get downstairs with no problems at all.

M Human Cleric1

Still unsure as to the plan, but confident in Smith, Len follows Abby downstairs.

Male Human Sorcerer /1

Not sure as to what's happening. Kai sighs, and follows the others.

Female Human Rogue 1

At the bottom of the stairs Abby stops Smith.

"Where to you think this door is then?"

Can I have spot checks from people please?

Female Human Rogue 1

You can have a Perception check for sure :D

Perception: (1d20 4=16)

Abby gazes around trying not to be too obvious about what she's looking for.

Male Human Sorcerer /1

Perption 1d20=6, Yay first roll made with this characrer...and it sucked

M Human Cleric1

Perception (1d20 3=4) No complaining, Lazaro!

There is no door.

Female Human Rogue 1

Abby grinds her teeth with frustration.

"I can't believe this. Everyone keeps talking about this stupid door and there isn't one. Now what?"

She glowers at her surroundings, willing them to give up their secrets.

"Kai, can you sense anything?"

Male Human Sorcerer /1

"Maybe it seals shut once it closes, leaving no seam. Perhaps only those native to this place can see the door"

Seeing Abby's frustration, and upon her request Kai concentrates on finding the door.

Emerging from hanging up a particularily ornate coat in the back room Fyrn takes up her position behind the front desk once more. At spotting the group she looks confused. "Oh, hello again, can I help you?"

Male Human Sorcerer /1

What the heck my post got ate

Turning to meet Fyrn, "We were just looking for were the door would be. Does it open it the same spot?" Kai looks at the others, "We just don't want to be late once it opens."

Fyrn gives a smile and a nod "It always appears on the same spot and is generally here for a while when it appears. The second it manifests and announcement is given to all within Thallathorne's so there is no chance of missing it!"

Male Human Sorcerer /1

"Would you by chance know how much longer it is till the opening?"

Female Human Rogue 1

"Is that announcement only given in Tallathorne's? Our friend is dancing someplace else. She'll miss it. Can't leave Iz behind, that would only makes things worse."

"There is no set time between openings, it just.. happens" Fyrn explains kindly. "And Thallathorne's is the name of the entire tree! By Thallathorne's I mean everywhere here, not just in the grill!" she adds with a slight giggle at the misunderstanding.

Okay guys, I've lost a player from the Finding Thaumaturgy group and am thinking of moving Iz over as the player of Isabella knows people on that thread but I wanted to make sure you guys were okay with that first - if you are we'll work out what Iz does (maybe she stays in the tree or we can write in a 'she wasn't in the group') you'd still have a very good, close and wellrounded party..

Male Human Sorcerer /1

It's fine with me

Female Human Rogue 1

It makes sense if Iz's player already knows the players in the Finding Thaumaturgy thread. Go for it.

Male Human Sorcerer /1

"Well shall we retire back to the bar?" Kai turn and looks at the others. "If we'll be notififed I see no reason for us to be here"

Female Human Rogue 1

"I suppose. Do you think Ameei will tell us more about the old wizard who lived in Clearbrook? If we ask her nicely - and that includes you Smith. Len could try. She seemed to like him."

Male Human Sorcerer /1

"I'm sure she tell us if we asked"

Female Human Rogue 1

"Even so," Abby grumbles quietly to Kai as they go back upstairs, "it's a pity having thieves tools and not being able to use them." She has a sudden thought and brightens up.

"Hey - the snow! Let's have that snowball fight. Bagsy me to bury Smith."

Male Human Sorcerer /1

Kai smiles at Abby's suggestion. "Lets"

Female Human Rogue 1

Hauling her brother along by one hand, Abby pants back up the stairs to the Winter Wonderland room. Through the bar and out into the open they go, Smith being relentlessly dragged by an unexpectedly strong hand.

In the crisp wintery air, Abby shivers delightedly, breathes deeply and grabs a handful of snow which she shoves down Smith's back.

"Over to you brother mine. You and Len against me and Kai. Catch us if you can."

And with that she's off grabbing handfuls of snow and hurling them recklessly at her opponents.

"Oh that's it! I am more than catching up with you! I'm going to teach you for mocking me!"

Smith packs a snowball as tight as he can, and whips it at his little sister.

Not wanting to feel the sting of the retaliation, he dives into a large bank of snow, and begins crafting a handful of more snowballs, using his back as cover.

The trio happily throw snowballs at one another and soon a small crowd is gathered to watch, some coming outside and others peering out of the windows with smiles at the carefree humans at play. A couple of younger looking fae soon scamper forwards and start rolling snowballs of their own with bright grins on their faces.

Sam tosses a particularly mushy snowball at the newcomers, feeling better and better with every toss.

"Take that!"

Female Human Rogue 1

Taking advantage of Smith momentarily taking his eyes off her, Abby dashes behind a tree and assembles a particularly huge snowball for her brother when he turns around.

"Smmmmiiiiithhhh - look behind you!" she calls, ready to launch the whole mass at him.

Male Human Sorcerer /1

Kai relaxes as the siblings fling snowballs at each other. "It's beautiful here. I can't remember the last time I was somewhere so peaceful" He remarks to himself before turning his attention to Abby and her brother.

With ease he scoops up two orbs of snow and looses them. One pegging Smith shoulder, while the other winds up hitting Abby in the rear. "Well anything goes in snowball fights."

He quickly dives into a snowbank and begins stalking his next victim.

Female Human Rogue 1

Abby squeaks as the snowball hits her rear end.

"Don't think you'll get away with that Kai!"

She grabs an armload of snow and tears after him, ignoring Smith behind her and intent on her new victim.

Giggling warmly the two young fae scamper through the snow after the humans, occasionally lobbing snowballs their way and often missing widely but having a fantastic time none the less.

Soggy, sore and laughing the group are pulled from their game by a voice gracing the air around them, seemingly out of nowhere. "Ladies and gentlemen the door is now open. On this appearance it's opened onto Myr D'Vaern. Thank you" The kind voice quickly cuts out and patrons of the bar start to murmur as though trying to decide whether to leave in this instance or not.

Female Human Rogue 1

Abby grinds to a halt mid throw at the announcement.

"Let's find Ameei. We're going. She's our guide."

"Yes, Let's get out of here, whatever we do."

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