
Kayos's page

194 posts. Alias of Kayos..


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The squirrel from earlier scampers over to the group as they look at the dagger, seemingly mesmerised by it for a moment before giving a delighted squeak. Bouncing on the spot it blinks a little before it's bushy tail suddenly ignites, consumed in dancing flames, which only seems to delight it more.


The shorter form barks unhappily in a language Abby doesn't understand, the elf responds in kind although from her it sounds alonst lyrical in undertones.

"We'll find it" The overweight man tells the pair certainly before drinking deeply from his tankard.

Sam uncovers a dagger, it's tang bolster and blade's center appear to be made of liquid flame. It has a word inscribed along it's hilt in language Sam doesn't recognise.

The corpse is male, clearly bearing several slashing and piercing wounds. These wounds are in addition to the chunks the dogs ripped from him. The corpse still wears an old-fashioned chain shirt and his sundered longsword lies nearby. His belt pouch has been turned inside out and his belt bears an empty dagger scabbard.

As a skilled woodsman Sam also spots the tracks of three or four humanoids,clearly the ones who fought this unfortunate. All clues point to this fight having occured within the last day.

His keen eyes also spot a small glint coming from under a nearby bush.

Sam is soon joined by the husky and Ameei, both growling posessively, the mangy dogs quickly realise they're outmatched by the stronger pack and scamper off into the woods leaving their 'prize' behind.

The body is mangled, a touch bigger than a human, it's arms strong and it's skin a little grey, it also appears to have pointed ears, certainly not human.

Smith's focus is drawn to the group of mercaneries; the tall wiry woman with ivory skin, the rather rotund man with a balding head and the far shorter form all give him a bad feeling. The fourth person however, the broadshouldered man, he doesn't set Smith on edge.

The squirrel happily pounces the crumb and gnaws on it with a satisfied little expression. Curiously it edges closer keeping a eye on Sam especially although it scampers away to a safe distance every time the young woodsman gets close to Ameei or to the husky that appears to have adopted the group as it's new pack.

Todd Peel wrote:
It should be noted that Todd's gear does not change :-) (unless the kayotic one is inflicting one on me .

Nope, Todd's attire oddly doesn't change, it seems the barber does not need as much equipment as the rest of you.. that pr the magic dislikes him.

The stalls are packing up for the night but the people behind them make promises that they will return in the morning, giving the party warm, genuine smiles as they pass to enter the inn.

Business is brisk in The Traveler's Stop. A bald, short and broad, red-faced man wearing an apron works behind the bar and several young girls carry platters of food and drink to various tables. Most of the crowd seems to be farmers and merchants, seeming mostly human in appearance.

Although clustered around one table sits a rough-looking group of mercenaries. One is a tall wiry woman with ivory skin, white hair and pointed ears that reach above her head, another is an intimidating broadshouldered man, seemingly human but posessing a dark forboding attitude, the third is a rather rotund man with a balding head and slightly pointed ears and finally a far shorter form that seems far more intimidating than the others. Peering out from under a black hood are a pair of red, feral eyes and from time to time you catch glances of a fanged grin that is a sharp contrast to Redd's friendly one, this one is manic, dangerous and hungry.

At a table nearby a very short, bespectacled man with large amber eyes and an unruly head of bright blue hair stands on a chair obviously designed for someone much taller than himself and discusses a piece of decorated linen spread across the tabletop with a small group of onlookers.

Redd warmly returns Iz's hug and places a kiss on the top of her head "Oh I have every faith that we'll meet again, and soon" He responds with a dazzling fangfilled grin "And you'll have amazing stories to tell"

Patrons of the grill start to move and meander slowly towards the exit, clearly not in a hurry.

"Doctor Krane? Or Doctor Vianiriddallamakrane when he's at home, but that rarely fits on a sign. Noted historian, scholar, collector of old things.. that sort of thing! It sould be interesting to look in on, besides it's starting to get dark and a proper rest would do you all some good I'm sure"

As the group sit trying to work out how time works in the tree a voice graces the air around them, seemingly out of nowhere. "Ladies and gentlemen the door is now open. On this appearance it's opened onto Myr D'Vaern. Thank you" The kind voice quickly cuts out and patrons of the grill start to murmur as though trying to decide whether to leave in this instance or not.

Gently Redd wraps his arms around Iz "Things happen for a reason, it may seem daunting right now but I'm sure things will fall into place with time and you'll all find where you belong" He assures her before drawing back "I'll go get our drinks" He adds before walking away leaving the humans and Ameei to continue their chat.

On closer inspection Abby unearths a dagger. The dagger's tang, bolster and blade's center appear to be made of liquid flame. There is something inscribed on it's hilt in a strange language Abby doesn't recognise.


As Isabella asks about the others from before he merely gives a shrug. "the tree can very picky about who it keeps inside it"

As he says this you become less and less certain over who you stepped through with. You remember it was midsummer and there was a couple of nice gypsies you agreed to travel with before you came here a few hours ago. You also forget about Grace until the others mention it and you remember she disappeared off before you came here but that's about it. Your memories are a little hazy thanks to the fae enviromrnt.


Remember everything I told you in peson silly *pokes* Lyus is sure he knows her and her da. He hasn't seen her since midsummer though (6 months ago)


Sam's never seen the pretty woman before, when the name of her father comes up he does note that she has facial features similar to the carpenter from Clearbrook but he'd never spent enough time with him to know if he even had a daughter,he was too busy in the woods or mooning over Misty.


As people talk something comes back to Todd, people tend to talk when visiting their barber and a while ago there was a rumour that a carpenter's daughter had run off with a gypsy man and he had taken to acting as though he'd never had a daughter to quieten the rumours.

As Abby looks to the nearby bushes to see if they would make a good place to hide a hobgoblin corpse she spots something glinting mostly covered by the brush.

Kai rushes forward, taking a daring swing at the lead dog, his sword hitting it solidly and knocking it back. It skitters and falls to the ground deathly still. The remaining two look worried and between Abby's shot and Ameei's growl they give a yelp and retreat back into the woods leaving the party with this strange corpse.


The body appears to be a touch bigger than a human, it's arms strong and it's skin a little grey, it also appears to have pointed ears.

At Ameei's wave Redd gives one of his bright fangy grins and grabs his beautiful companion's wrist before pulling her in the direction of the other humans. "People of Pandaemya arriving on a regular basis, I never thought I'd see the day, but here we are!" He declares happily, mostly to the other fae.

Ameei leads the group down a forest path, her head held high she gives the occasional pause to sniff the air before continuing. For about an hour the journey is without anything remarkable, that is until the group rounds a bend and is faced with a trio of mangy dogs playing a gruesome tug-of-war with some sort of humaniod corpse. Their snarls and barks break the silence of an otherwise calm day.

Following the young woman into the grill with a grin Redd settles himself beside her and gives a little wave to Ameei and her group to get their attention, sure they'll all want to meet the beautiful human.

The firetail runs in circles around the group, looking to be both playful and a little tempted to be aggressive towards the party, Smith especially. It does however give ameei a wide berth, as if it can smell her canine connection.


Redd gived a small, charming (if a little fangy) grin. "Oh no, these may be friends of yours, it seems more humans have slipped through. They seem quite interesting so I'm sure you'd like to meet them!" He informs the young woman as he leads her out of the bar. "If you'd like to dance more later I'm happy to oblige, I just thought I'd arrange a meeting whilst I was thinking about it"

Feel free to write your next one out of spoilers & as entering the grill with Redd.

As it's pointed at the squirrel lets out an annoyed squeak and without warning it takes on an agressive stance and it's tail catches alight, a blaze of flame instead of bristling fur.

Obviously intrigued a squirrel darts from it's hiding place and towards the group, skirting around Ameei and instead focusing up at Smith, giving a little squeaking sound as it looks at him with it's head tilted to one side.

When the crowd disperses more a small dark collie slinks out from behind a tree and looks up at the group expectantly.

The group progressively starts to notice that with each passing person giving a little information about themselves more of the other patrons of the grill listen in, apparently intrigued by the humans and not afraid to show it.


Iz went into the Rhythmn with Redd and had been dancing with him a while before he disappeared off to check in on the Grill. Half an hour after his departure he returns with a bright grin.

Bounding over to the bard he wraps his arms around her waist and speaks against her ear. "There are some people in the Grill that I think you'd love to meet!" He tells her happily.

Sorry I've been so lame latel!

The group make their way back to the the entranceway, there's a hustle and bustle of people coming and going through the single door and the party finds themselves swept up in the tide of human traffic. Soon the trio finds themselves stood in a wood almost identical to the one in Clearbrook, if it weren't for the fey patrons of Thallathorne's making their way away it would be easy to think they'd returned home.

Looking around the three soon realise that they are without Len and Iz and when they turn to find their companions and Ameei, their guide they discover the entrance back into the tree has gone.

Spot DC 20:

Nearby partially obscured by a tree is a dark collie keeping an eye on the group and looking a little downtrodden.

Giggling warmly the two young fae scamper through the snow after the humans, occasionally lobbing snowballs their way and often missing widely but having a fantastic time none the less.

Soggy, sore and laughing the group are pulled from their game by a voice gracing the air around them, seemingly out of nowhere. "Ladies and gentlemen the door is now open. On this appearance it's opened onto Myr D'Vaern. Thank you" The kind voice quickly cuts out and patrons of the bar start to murmur as though trying to decide whether to leave in this instance or not.

The trio happily throw snowballs at one another and soon a small crowd is gathered to watch, some coming outside and others peering out of the windows with smiles at the carefree humans at play. A couple of younger looking fae soon scamper forwards and start rolling snowballs of their own with bright grins on their faces.

Okay guys, I've lost a player from the Finding Thaumaturgy group and am thinking of moving Iz over as the player of Isabella knows people on that thread but I wanted to make sure you guys were okay with that first - if you are we'll work out what Iz does (maybe she stays in the tree or we can write in a 'she wasn't in the group') you'd still have a very good, close and wellrounded party..

Oh no! It'll suck to lose you hon. But I totally understand real life happens and I'll try to think up something to do with Paulus so he'll be roughly around should you ever chose to return.

"There is no set time between openings, it just.. happens" Fyrn explains kindly. "And Thallathorne's is the name of the entire tree! By Thallathorne's I mean everywhere here, not just in the grill!" she adds with a slight giggle at the misunderstanding.

Fyrn gives a smile and a nod "It always appears on the same spot and is generally here for a while when it appears. The second it manifests and announcement is given to all within Thallathorne's so there is no chance of missing it!"

Emerging from hanging up a particularily ornate coat in the back room Fyrn takes up her position behind the front desk once more. At spotting the group she looks confused. "Oh, hello again, can I help you?"

Your meal passes warmly and amicably. The staff are more than friendly and will get you anything you ask for. After the first round of drinks Redd disappears off somewhere and is replaced by a rather nice waitress with short green hair that appears to be made of blades of grass.

What are peoples plans for after their wonderful meal or would they like to sit and chat and take the opportunity to get to know each other a little better before moving onwards?

There is no door.

Can I have spot checks from people please?

If they agree the group can all get downstairs with no problems at all.


Smith easily gets downstairs without running into anything or anybody.

Food & drink are provided, 'other services' are offered and the dancing and merriment continues about the group. After a while the party are rarey approached, left in comfort to relax alone with a waitress waltzing over whenever drinks are empty to refill them.

A small smirk forming on her lips the waitress gives a little nod. "I'm sure I can rustle up something juicy for you"

"What sort of 'stuff' would you care to indulge in tonight?" The waitress replies in a sultry tone.

Redd gives a small bow to the group after taking their orders. "Business is always good!" He replies to Lyus' words "I'll be right back, in the meantime enjoy picking your meal from our fine selection.." He starts barely finishing before Paulus is over there. Giving an amused smile and a chuckle he shakes his head "I'll be right back with the drinks then." He declares and with a small wink to Ameei heads off.

The waitress helping people to food at the grill gives a hearty giggle at Paulus' enthusiasm. "I can certainly do that!" She tells him before starting to load his plate with a vast array of meats, some recognisable to him, others not, but they all smell truly delicious.

Shaking her head at the strange humans the waitress twirls away and soon returns with their requested drinks, a polite smile on her face. "There we go!" She chimes "Was there anything else I could interest you in tonight?" She asks in an almost sensual purr, giving the party the tiniest of winks.

Sorry I've been ill too

The waiter gives another grin at the group. "I have no end of wonderful suggestions but if you're unsure and are new to Thallathorne's I would heartily recommend the grill itself" He declares, nodding over to the fire in the middle of the room as another patron, a man with faintly glowing amber skin approached and helped himself to a portion of the meat cooking on a spit with the assistance of a waitress.

A scantily clad waitress with long flowing golden hair dances her way over to the group still clustered around the doorway of Silks. "Hello there" She purrs softly and slightly provocatively as she looks over the group with deep sapphire eyes "What can I do for you fine people today?"

"That can most certainly be arranged" The pretty man replies with a bright grin that shows a collection of brilliant white and very pointy teeth "If you'd all like to follow me" He leads the group to a table large enough to accomodate them all before taking a notepad and stick of wrapped charcoal from his pocket, noting down Sam's order before looking to the others "And what can I get for the rest of you?"

Lyus Fivetrees wrote:

He was sure he’d see home, Aria and Marcus again.

But not Moss, he doesn't care about Moss! :P

Oriniya gives a smile "I'm sure Ameei can lead you to the Grill, I have some matters to attend to upstairs" She remarks smoothly witha small bow of her head "But I'm sure I'll see you again before the night is up" she adds certainly.

Ameei gives a grin and gladly leads the group out of the bar and down the wooden stairs, past the door that reads "Twilight's Fine Dining" and onwards to the next one and pushes it open.

Upon walking through the door marked 'Thallthorne's Grill' the group are are hit with the scent of meat cooking and the sounds of laughter and happy conversation. Before them is a large circular room filled with tables of varying shapes and heights, each has a lit candle or two sat in the middle of it, all of the flickering flames given off by the wax sticks are different colours. In the center of the room is a large contained fire on which various meats are being cooked, some on spits, some on large metallic slabs hung over the flames and some on meshed metal trays.

As they take in these sights they are greeted by a young man who facially can only be described as pretty, femenine features adorning a masculine, if a little slender, form. Tearing their attention away from the man's stunning green eyes the party start to notice the strange things about him. His short tufty hair is an especially bright tone of red, the colour of poppies or perhaps roses and sprouting from his back are a pair of wings, delicate gossimer things in a dark leafy green colour. He's dressed in dark trousers, a white shirt and a brown silk tie adorned with a green leaf pattern.

It's at seeing his features that causes the group to take a closer look at the other 'people' frequenting Thallathorne's, like upstairs the forms clustered around some of the tables are equally bizarre, unnatural shades of hair and of skin and extra attachments to their bodies, be they wings or horns or extra limbs.

"Hello and welcome to the Grill!" The red haired man declares brightly, his grin growing especially bright as he spots Ameei.

"If it's food you're after I'd suggest The Grill or Twilight's." Oriniya suggests with a smile "Either way let the staff know I've sent you and that they can put it on my tab"

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