Pathfinder Hardcover this August... @ 49.99???

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

So if we all check out the Pathfinder Chronicles listing for upcoming releases... we currently see that the Pathfinder RPG Hardcover is coming out this August 2008! But it does not state if its beta or the final uber product, which i read sometime earlier was 400+ pages! Also this product is listed at 49.99 which i though was the price for the final Pathfinder Campaign Setting due out August 2009!

Have things changed or am i missing something huge here LOL
Just would like some clarification on what the deal is here for i thought the august release was the beta at 24.99 (not 49.99 as its listed now)

Can ya all help a fellow gamer out here!
I await your various reply's

Keep those dice rolling!

Liberty's Edge

Lord Thavian wrote:

So if we all check out the Pathfinder Chronicles listing for upcoming releases... we currently see that the Pathfinder RPG Hardcover is coming out this August 2008! But it does not state if its beta or the final uber product, which i read sometime earlier was 400+ pages! Also this product is listed at 49.99 which i though was the price for the final Pathfinder Campaign Setting due out August 2009!

Have things changed or am i missing something huge here LOL
Just would like some clarification on what the deal is here for i thought the august release was the beta at 24.99 (not 49.99 as its listed now)

Can ya all help a fellow gamer out here!
I await your various reply's

Keep those dice rolling!

The product you're seeing listed for 8/08 for 49.99 is the campaign setting - which is the "story" and "fluff" for the world.

The BETA being released in 8/08 for 24.99 and later in 8/09 the final product is the Pathfind RolePlaying Game - which is essentially the PHB, DMG and MM rolled into one.

The former is story, the latter is rules.


EDIT: They will of course compliment each other - but its worth noting that from my understanding one could play D&D 3.5 rules and use the World of Golarion Pathfind Campaing Setting book due out this August without a problem, OR you could play Pathfinder RPG rules that is due out (BETA) in August, in another D&D world/homebrew world. But the most synergized and beneficial would be to play the PF-RPG rules with the campaign setting.

The Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting is scheduled for release this August, which contains the background and fluff for the game setting - details on the regions, culture, etc.

The Pathfinder RPG scheduled for final release next year will be the actual ruleset for playing the game. So two different products - I was a little confused at first, too.

*Robert beat me to it!*

Liberty's Edge

Nathril wrote:

The Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting is scheduled for release this August, which contains the background and fluff for the game setting - details on the regions, culture, etc.

The Pathfinder RPG scheduled for final release next year will be the actual ruleset for playing the game. So two different products - I was a little confused at first, too.

*Robert beat me to it!*

Definitely confusing to see at first but now it makes a little more sense! The price does seem a little steep IMHO

Sovereign Court

Lord Thavian wrote:

The price does seem a little steep IMHO

Full Color, Hardcover, Rising Paper Prices, Weak Dollar, blah blah. 49.99 is right on the spot for MSRP.

Liberty's Edge

cappadocius wrote:
Lord Thavian wrote:

The price does seem a little steep IMHO

Full Color, Hardcover, Rising Paper Prices, Weak Dollar, blah blah. 49.99 is right on the spot for MSRP.

Good points all, and I forgot about those nasty Blah Blah's that creep in there from time to time these days! :P

Sovereign Court

Lord Thavian wrote:
cappadocius wrote:
Lord Thavian wrote:

The price does seem a little steep IMHO

Full Color, Hardcover, Rising Paper Prices, Weak Dollar, blah blah. 49.99 is right on the spot for MSRP.
Good points all, and I forgot about those nasty Blah Blah's that creep in there from time to time these days! :P

It's the blah blahs that'll get ya every time. :D

Liberty's Edge

Indeed they do!


Lord Thavian wrote:
Nathril wrote:

The Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting is scheduled for release this August, which contains the background and fluff for the game setting - details on the regions, culture, etc.

The Pathfinder RPG scheduled for final release next year will be the actual ruleset for playing the game. So two different products - I was a little confused at first, too.

*Robert beat me to it!*

Definitely confusing to see at first but now it makes a little more sense! The price does seem a little steep IMHO

MSRP of eberron was 39.99 and that was 6 years ago when the average price of gas was 1.31 a gallon... plus looking at the staff on it (Ed Greenwood + Kieth Baker+ multitudes of other awesome names) [sorry, i forgot the whole list]

The Pathfinder RPG is, essentially, an updated 3.5 PHB and DMG, but it does not include the MM.

More on the Pathfinder RPG MM later ...

Liberty's Edge

Joshua J. Frost wrote:

The Pathfinder RPG is, essentially, an updated 3.5 PHB and DMG, but it does not include the MM.

More on the Pathfinder RPG MM later ...

Mmmmmm....Pathfinder M&Ms.


Monte Cook's Arcana Evolved sat in at about $50 with 430 pages. I am sure with smaller print runs and more "impactful" overheads it is difficult for smaller companies to be competitive with Wizards on price points. But with such high quality coming from Paizo I think the price will be worth. This is doubly true if the book contains both the PHB and DMG between its covers.

Dark Archive Contributor

Joshua J. Frost wrote:

The Pathfinder RPG is, essentially, an updated 3.5 PHB and DMG, but it does not include the MM.

More on the Pathfinder RPG MM later ...

Yes, but that is not the book they're talking about.

alleynbard wrote:
Monte Cook's Arcana Evolved sat in at about $50 with 430 pages. I am sure with smaller print runs and more "impactful" overheads it is difficult for smaller companies to be competitive with Wizards on price points. But with such high quality coming from Paizo I think the price will be worth. This is doubly true if the book contains both the PHB and DMG between its covers.

This is a different book. The Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting hardcover comes out this August for $49.99. It does NOT contain the PH and DMG. It contains our campaign setting. In the same month, we are releasing our RPG Beta for... uh... less than that much money. THAT book will contain replacement rules for the PH and DMG.

Liberty's Edge

Mike McArtor wrote:
Joshua J. Frost wrote:

The Pathfinder RPG is, essentially, an updated 3.5 PHB and DMG, but it does not include the MM.

More on the Pathfinder RPG MM later ...

Yes, but that is not the book they're talking about.

alleynbard wrote:
Monte Cook's Arcana Evolved sat in at about $50 with 430 pages. I am sure with smaller print runs and more "impactful" overheads it is difficult for smaller companies to be competitive with Wizards on price points. But with such high quality coming from Paizo I think the price will be worth. This is doubly true if the book contains both the PHB and DMG between its covers.
This is a different book. The Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting hardcover comes out this August for $49.99. It does NOT contain the PH and DMG. It contains our campaign setting. In the same month, we are releasing our RPG Beta for... uh... less than that much money. THAT book will contain replacement rules for the PH and DMG.

Excellent, Thanx for the info Mr McArtor. ;D

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber


This book is like the Forgotten Realms Campaign Seting or Eberron Campaign Setting.

Interesting tid bits.. both were priced $39.99 and both were 320 pages. Unlike the Eberron Campaign Setting, the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting was completely color (even the background of the pages!)

An interesting side note, the 4th edition Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide is 40 pages less and won't likely be full cover. On top of that it's a DM only book and you have to buy the 160 page Player's Guide for $30.

Hopefully the Pathfinder Campaign Setting stacks up with the 4th books. :)


SirUrza wrote:
Hopefully the Pathfinder Campaign Setting stacks up with the 4th books. :)

Those 4E books need to get ready to be pwned by PCCS! Pwned!!!!

Steve Greer wrote:
Those 4E books need to get ready to be pwned by PCCS! Pwned!!!!


You said pwned. :D

Grand Lodge

"pwned" is my word for the day

Oxford English Dictionary according to Ray wrote:

pwned. v. To be b**&$-smacked into oblivion in a most humiliating way.

-W. E. Ray

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

If I am not mistaken, I believe it will expand upon what is in the Gazetteer.

Question: Does this mean those who go to GenCon and buy it will get it weeks before those of us who have subscriptions?


Charles Scholz wrote:

If I am not mistaken, I believe it will expand upon what is in the Gazetteer.

Question: Does this mean those who go to GenCon and buy it will get it weeks before those of us who have subscriptions?

my guess: it will be like PF1 was last year. The monday after Gencon they will ship out the bulk of the hardcovers. after that it depends on your shipping selection.

hey guys, indy is 2/3 of the continental US closer, can you just ship mine while you're there? just kidding (unless you really can)

Dark Archive Contributor

Charles Scholz wrote:
If I am not mistaken, I believe it will expand upon what is in the Gazetteer.

Yes, but so, so much more.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Lilith wrote:
Steve Greer wrote:
Those 4E books need to get ready to be pwned by PCCS! Pwned!!!!


You said pwned. :D

Pathfinder has been pwning for awhile now. :)

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Cpt_kirstov wrote:
Charles Scholz wrote:

If I am not mistaken, I believe it will expand upon what is in the Gazetteer.

Question: Does this mean those who go to GenCon and buy it will get it weeks before those of us who have subscriptions?

my guess: it will be like PF1 was last year. The monday after Gencon they will ship out the bulk of the hardcovers. after that it depends on your shipping selection.

** spoiler omitted **

I second this spoiler. Wholeheartedly. And will pay extra to do so!

Will the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting repeat (expand?) the information provided in the 64-page Pathfinder Chronicles Gazetteer, or are the contents completely different? Are they complementary?

From what I read it will repeat and expand upon the Gazetter. Once the Hardcover comes out there wont be much if anything in the Gazeteer that is unique.

However the Gazeteer IMHO is still really nice as a "Players Guide to Golarion".


Bhalzabahn wrote:

Will the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting repeat (expand?) the information provided in the 64-page Pathfinder Chronicles Gazetteer, or are the contents completely different? Are they complementary?

It expands upon the gazetteer. Some things are getting double the information, some things from the hardcover isn't in the gazetteer. thats about all we know (that and the awesome list of authors)

Liberty's Edge

alleynbard wrote:
Monte Cook's Arcana Evolved sat in at about $50 with 430 pages. I am sure with smaller print runs and more "impactful" overheads it is difficult for smaller companies to be competitive with Wizards on price points. But with such high quality coming from Paizo I think the price will be worth. This is doubly true if the book contains both the PHB and DMG between its covers.
Kind Mr. McArtor wrote:

This is a different book. The Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting hardcover comes out this August for $49.99. It does NOT contain the PH and DMG. It contains our campaign setting. In the same month, we are releasing our RPG Beta for... uh... less than that much money. THAT book will contain replacement rules for the PH and DMG.

Oops. Boy if I had my head on straight and read clearly I would have caught that. I understand the difference between the two products but I don't want to contribute towards confusion. Thank you for clearing that up. Either way, totally worth the money.

I will be buying both if that helps make up for my state of confusion. :)

In the end, I blame Joshua. He confused me with all his talk of tasty Pathfinder M&Ms.

Mike McArtor wrote:
Yes, but that is not the book they're talking about.

It sure was:

Robert Brambley wrote:
The BETA being released in 8/08 for 24.99 and later in 8/09 the final product is the Pathfind RolePlaying Game - which is essentially the PHB, DMG and MM rolled into one.

I was correcting that mistatement of what the PRPG would contain.

Edit: OOPS! I renamed Robert. Sorry, Robert!

Liberty's Edge

Jason Grubiak wrote:

From what I read it will repeat and expand upon the Gazetter. Once the Hardcover comes out there wont be much if anything in the Gazeteer that is unique.

However the Gazeteer IMHO is still really nice as a "Players Guide to Golarion".

So then it begs to question: Why would someone want to buy the Gazetteer or the Darkmoon Vale Guide (june) if all the info will also be in the hardcover come August?


EDIT: And the subsequent Chronicles books that are scheduled for later in the year.....?

Frog God Games

Lord Thavian wrote:
cappadocius wrote:
Lord Thavian wrote:

The price does seem a little steep IMHO

Full Color, Hardcover, Rising Paper Prices, Weak Dollar, blah blah. 49.99 is right on the spot for MSRP.
Good points all, and I forgot about those nasty Blah Blah's that creep in there from time to time these days! :P

[[Old man voice]]

I remember when you usedta get three blahs fer two bits. Now it's one blah fer 4-1/2 bits. Next we'll be paying in Euros and have to have papers just to buy a blah. It's all unAmerican I say! Dern Commies.

[[/Old man voice]]

Steve Greer wrote:
SirUrza wrote:
Hopefully the Pathfinder Campaign Setting stacks up with the 4th books. :)
Those 4E books need to get ready to be pwned by PCCS! Pwned!!!!

See, I like Pathfinder so much I'll even keep buying after one of you guys used "pwned". Once. If you repeat it, I'll have to cancel everything and use the money I saved to pay someone close to you to hunt you down and torture you horribly!


Liberty's Edge

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Mike McArtor wrote:
Yes, but that is not the book they're talking about.

It sure was:

Mike Brambley wrote:
The BETA being released in 8/08 for 24.99 and later in 8/09 the final product is the Pathfind RolePlaying Game - which is essentially the PHB, DMG and MM rolled into one.
I was correcting that mistatement of what the PRPG would contain.

So wait...what...I wasn't crazy? Or not as crazy as normal. So my confusion made sense. I am so befuddled.

Robert Brambley wrote:
So then it begs to question: Why would someone want to buy the Gazetteer or the Darkmoon Vale Guide (june) if all the info will also be in the hardcover come August?

The Gazetteer is our first look at the campaign setting. It's also our only currently available look at our campaign setting. Originally these were scheduled to be released six months apart but, alas, that didn't end up being the case.

The Pathfinder Chronicles guide books (such as Guide to Korvosa, Guide to Darkmoon Vale, etc.) cover a great deal of additional information about their subject then we could fit into the 256-page campaign setting hardcover. Where you might get a 1/2 page (and, no, this isn't exact--I didn't edit the book) on the Darkmoon Vale in the campaign setting hardcover, the Pathfinder Chronicles Guide to Darkmoon Vale gives you 64-pages of Darkmoon Vale goodness, including comprehensive local maps, NPCs, locations, etc.

Liberty's Edge

alleynbard wrote:
Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Mike McArtor wrote:
Yes, but that is not the book they're talking about.

It sure was:

Mike Brambley wrote:
The BETA being released in 8/08 for 24.99 and later in 8/09 the final product is the Pathfind RolePlaying Game - which is essentially the PHB, DMG and MM rolled into one.
I was correcting that mistatement of what the PRPG would contain.
So wait...what...I wasn't crazy? Or not as crazy as normal. So my confusion made sense. I am so befuddled.

You think you're befuddled??? Somehow somewhere my name got arbitrarily changed; for a moment I thought a long lost brother of mine showed up on the boards.... You can't know the depression one feels after a momentary elation of thinking you have a long lost brother - only to have that hope stripped away when you realize it was just an identity crisis....


Liberty's Edge

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
on the Darkmoon Vale in the campaign setting hardcover, the Pathfinder Chronicles Guide to Darkmoon Vale gives you 64-pages of Darkmoon Vale goodness, including comprehensive local maps, NPCs, locations, etc.

winner winner chicken dinner!

Can't wait!


Liberty's Edge

Robert Brambley wrote:

You think you're befuddled??? Somehow somewhere my name got arbitrarily changed; for a moment I thought a long lost brother of mine showed up on the boards.... You can't know the depression one feels after a momentary elation of thinking you have a long lost brother - only to have that hope stripped away when you realize it was just an identity crisis....


You're right. That doesn't compare to my Pathfinder M&Ms. It is probably better this way, long lost brothers have a bad habit of turning out to be evil twins. And those are such a hassle, let me tell you....

Dark Archive Contributor

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Mike McArtor wrote:
Yes, but that is not the book they're talking about.

It sure was:

Mike Brambley wrote:
The BETA being released in 8/08 for 24.99 and later in 8/09 the final product is the Pathfind RolePlaying Game - which is essentially the PHB, DMG and MM rolled into one.
I was correcting that mistatement of what the PRPG would contain.

Ah, I see. :D

Dark Archive Contributor

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
The Pathfinder Chronicles guide books (such as Guide to Korvosa, Guide to Darkmoon Vale, etc.) cover a great deal of additional information about their subject then we could fit into the 256-page campaign setting hardcover. Where you might get a 1/2 page (and, no, this isn't exact--I didn't edit the book) on the Darkmoon Vale in the campaign setting hardcover, the Pathfinder Chronicles Guide to Darkmoon Vale gives you 64-pages of Darkmoon Vale goodness, including comprehensive local maps, NPCs, locations, etc.

What Josh said. Korvosa gets a paragraph in the hardcover. Guide to Korvosa is 64 pages. Same with Darkmoon Vale. Same with all the other places that get covered in other products. It's like the difference between a 100-level survey college course (the hardcover) and a 400-level course on a specific subject (the guides).

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

alleynbard wrote:
Robert Brambley wrote:

You think you're befuddled??? Somehow somewhere my name got arbitrarily changed; for a moment I thought a long lost brother of mine showed up on the boards.... You can't know the depression one feels after a momentary elation of thinking you have a long lost brother - only to have that hope stripped away when you realize it was just an identity crisis....


You're right. That doesn't compare to my Pathfinder M&Ms. It is probably better this way, long lost brothers have a bad habit of turning out to be evil twins. And those are such a hassle, let me tell you....

You want Pathfinder M&Ms? Go for it!

Send us some?

Liberty's Edge

Vic Wertz wrote:

You want Pathfinder M&Ms? Go for it!

** spoiler omitted **

I thought about these actually. Unfortunately they are a bit out of my price range for right now. Trust me, if I had the money I would shower Paizo with Pathfinder M&Ms.

Oh yes....there would be much feasting.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Vic Wertz wrote:

You want Pathfinder M&Ms? Go for it!

** spoiler omitted **

Well, how many people work at Paizo? Wouldn't want to send too few!

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Just send them the 10 lb box.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Okay, it has been a long time since there has been talk of this book and frankly I forget if it is included in the Pathfinder Chronicles subscription or if I have to order it... Any help???

Liberty's Edge

Greg A. Vaughan wrote:
Lord Thavian wrote:
cappadocius wrote:
Lord Thavian wrote:

The price does seem a little steep IMHO

Full Color, Hardcover, Rising Paper Prices, Weak Dollar, blah blah. 49.99 is right on the spot for MSRP.
Good points all, and I forgot about those nasty Blah Blah's that creep in there from time to time these days! :P

[[Old man voice]]

I remember when you usedta get three blahs fer two bits. Now it's one blah fer 4-1/2 bits. Next we'll be paying in Euros and have to have papers just to buy a blah. It's all unAmerican I say! Dern Commies.

[[/Old man voice]]

Hey now, lets not even bring those "Dern commies" into this. We're still trying to clean up the abyssal mess they left!

Liberty's Edge

Shem wrote:
Okay, it has been a long time since there has been talk of this book and frankly I forget if it is included in the Pathfinder Chronicles subscription or if I have to order it... Any help???

This campaign setting is part of the Pathfinder Chronicles Subscription (If one has chosen that), It's where I saw its listing which led me to my original question at the beginning of this discussion! Which was promptly answered by our fellow gamers and designers!!! Thanx to you all!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

The only reason to not buy the campaign setting is to make Mike suffer... that might be worth it. :P

Dark Archive Contributor

SirUrza wrote:
The only reason to not buy the campaign setting is to make Mike suffer... that might be worth it. :P

*heart attack*

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