Marusaia |
... if Laori Vaus, the resident perkigoth in a chainmail catsuit, priestess of Zon-Kuthon, and temporary ally of the PCs, wound up being their ally later on in the story? I realize that the fact that she's a priestess of Zon-Kuthon and that Kazavon was a servant of Zon-Kuthon himself might put a damper on things, but she seems too interesting of a character to be just another opponent. Anyone see an alliance with the perkigoth cleric of pain as a possibility?
Also, this has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Laori is absurdly cute and that her chainmail cat suit is one of the hottest things I've seen yet this adventure path...

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I agree, she's a very interesting character. And the bladed chainmail catsuit is...interesting, as well.
my only complaint is that I just get this sort of fanservicy anime vibe off of her; a bit shapely for an elf, pole-dancer pose, school-girl looks.
Yes, she is cute. she's designed to be cute.
But, she's quite genuinely cute nonetheless, offers an interesting dichotomy that should confuse the hell out of the PCs, and is, frankly, a fun NPC. plus, she worships a god that is, essentialy, the god of Death Metal (watch Metalocalypse sometime; you'll find that Zon-Kuthon has the same aesthetic.) Thanks to watching the most Brutal animated show ever, I now find Death Metal to be funny, and have to work hard to resist the temptation to make a troupe of Metal bards.
It sounds like she comes back later, actualy, in Skeletons of Scarwall, if memory serves correctly. She and her retinue might be forced to work together with the PCs for some reason. But, the two groups aims are fundamentaly at odds; they want Kavazon to come back, and the PCs dont. the only thing that keeps the two groups working together is that neither want the queen being influenced by the old bastard of a dragon.
I can definitely see my Players allying with her. Hells, they might even want her to stick around, since even an evil cleric has more healing in her chainmail-clad finger than they do in their whole combined bodies. She's introduced in a fashion that makes her disturbing, but not overly hostile; she's meant to send out mixed signals to a party, and mess with their preconceptions. think about it
1. Skulls: Check. Skulls are always a bad sigh.
2. Cleric: Check. Clerics tend to be evil, especialy clerics that wear that much metal yet are so scantily clad. Evil Preistesess are a hallmark of fantasy adventuring; look at Drow, for example. Lady Andaisin, the Lamia clerics, Nualia, Ironbriar, the Scribbler; all prominent villains in previous adventures
3. Spiked Chain: Check. It's the weapon of Munchkins and Evil people (not much difference, I know)
On the other hand, however
1. She's Cute. Evil clerics tend to be cruelly beautiful, and very, very hot. Liori, on the other hand, is just cute.
2. She's cheeful. Villains arent mundanely cheefull. At most they're psychos who giggle at anything, or degenerate hicks who think anal rape is hilarious; beyond that, villains are grim and miserable. She's just upbeat; villains arent that well-balanced.
3. She's honest. She doesnt try to pass herself off as a different sort of cleric, directly lie about her motives, or pretend to be anything other than she is. Villains who try to work with you try to hide their true natures.

Marusaia |
I agree, she's a very interesting character. And the bladed chainmail catsuit is...interesting, as well.
my only complaint is that I just get this sort of fanservicy anime vibe off of her; a bit shapely for an elf, pole-dancer pose, school-girl looks.
Yes, she is cute. she's designed to be cute.But, she's quite genuinely cute nonetheless, offers an interesting dichotomy that should confuse the hell out of the PCs, and is, frankly, a fun NPC. plus, she worships a god that is, essentialy, the god of Death Metal (watch Metalocalypse sometime; you'll find that Zon-Kuthon has the same aesthetic.) Thanks to watching the most Brutal animated show ever, I now find Death Metal to be funny, and have to work hard to resist the temptation to make a troupe of Metal bards.
How would you portray her in game? I'm trying to figure out how I would do it, and so far I'm having a hard time reconciling "cute, cheerful, optimistic, and upbeat" with "evil, likes pain, worships the evil god of pain, and is probably just a shade off in the head." Is she some kind of hideously genki, uber goth girl? Is she an example of honorable evil, or a person who will obey laws but doesn't really care much about anyone other than themselves?

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Well, for a start, cheerful does not necessarily mean "nice." Offhand, I might site a particular character:
Carcer, from Discworld's Night Watch, by Terry Pratchett, was a cheepy, chirpy, lovable city sparrow...who knifed a cop in the street because he thought he had been found. The cop was off duty and eating a rat pie (he was a dwarf). Carcer was a complete and utter sociopathic killer, with brains, and an immediately charming and cheerful manner. He could also pull knives from anywhere. No matter how many knives you took off him ,he always had one more.
Now, Carcer was more CE than LE, but use that as a template. The only problem is that the cheer soon seems to be an affectation; beneath the smile, cold wheels are turning. I dont know how you can prevent that; you just have to make it clear that what she does is FUN for her
Make her SCARY, when they see her in combat. Maintain the niceness and perk, even when the subject matter is mutilation and torture
"Well, I HAD to nail him down like that. He was wiggling too much. Can you hand me that barbed wire? Thanks!"

Marusaia |
Well, for a start, cheerful does not necessarily mean "nice." Offhand, I might site a particular character:
Carcer, from Discworld's Night Watch, by Terry Pratchett, was a cheepy, chirpy, lovable city sparrow...who knifed a cop in the street because he thought he had been found. The cop was off duty and eating a rat pie (he was a dwarf). Carcer was a complete and utter sociopathic killer, with brains, and an immediately charming and cheerful manner. He could also pull knives from anywhere. No matter how many knives you took off him ,he always had one more.Now, Carcer was more CE than LE, but use that as a template. The only problem is that the cheer soon seems to be an affectation; beneath the smile, cold wheels are turning. I dont know how you can prevent that; you just have to make it clear that what she does is FUN for her
Make her SCARY, when they see her in combat. Maintain the niceness and perk, even when the subject matter is mutilation and torture
"Well, I HAD to nail him down like that. He was wiggling too much. Can you hand me that barbed wire? Thanks!"
Okay, cool. That gives me some ideas. I was also thinking of having her throw around a few nonsequitors like the following:
Laori: "But I love everyone!"
the party: "But you inflict horrible pain and torture on your enemies!"
Laori: "Oh, of course, that's my way of showing love! Everyone understands pain, don't they? It's only right that I should make myself understood, and besides, it's nice to share something that has so much meaning to you!"
Hmm. Hard call. Do you think we should be going for "evil = selfish" here? Have her be self-centered and not particularly caring of other people, but basically honorable and obedient to rules?
I think perhaps I should start another thread about this...

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Laori: "But I love everyone!"
the party: "But you inflict horrible pain and torture on your enemies!"
Laori: "Oh, of course, that's my way of showing love! Everyone understands pain, don't they? It's only right that I should make myself understood, and besides, it's nice to share something that has so much meaning to you!"
I think perhaps I should start another thread about this...
Somehow I got a "Wizards First Rule Mord-Sith" feeling reading this...

Rechan |
Cross Wednesday Adams with a cheerleader and a doctor with wonderful bedside manner. Subject matter is dark and dreary, but it's all positive.
"All right. I'm going to pull your nails out with these pliars. This is going to hurt juuust a little. If you need to scream, go on ahead! It helps, promise."
There's your portrayal.
Also, don't be afraid to emphasize how nice she looks in blood, after combat. She "wears it well", so to speak.

Cheddar Bearer |

I think Rechan may have hit the nail on the head there. Thanks for that as I too was a little confused as to how to role play such an unusual NPC. I was thinking that I might go the route that she was a masochist who had no idea that the rest of the world wasn't so she thought that she was generally doing good. Think this method of role playing her is much better though.

PMAvers |

For some reason, every time I read about her, I keep on thinking of portraying her like Bangladesh DuPree from Girl Genius.
Bang: "Klaus, are you torturing this man?"
Klaus: "No."
Othar: "Yes! Help!"
Bang: "Oooooh! He asked me to help! NOBODY knows more about torture than me!"
Klaus: "I believe he expected you to rescue him."
Bang: "What, is he stupid?"
Klaus: "A bit."
Or this series of pages...

Rechan |
Thanks for the advice, PMAvers!
So... cute and genki one minute, blood and guts the next, and cute and genki about the blood and guts the minute after that? XD
Never heard of Hawk and Dove before...
Similar to Go-Go, the schoolgirl bodyguard from Kill Bill Vol 1, except likely less overtly vicious, more friendly/happy.