Locked PDFs

Customer Service

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber


I was wondering if there was any way to either get the PDF unlocked, or a player friendly version of some of the information?

What I am looking to do, is to give my players access to the information concerning Sandpoint and Magnimar -those that grew up there probably know a fair bit about their respective towns. But, I would prefer to remove all the DM information that is spread throughtout the texts.

Liberty's Edge

What I've done for these things is more or less edit them by hand. If you use adobe reader(or foxit I believe) then you can use the selection tool to select the text you want and just copy it straight into notepad, or word or whatever office tool you use.

I don't think there is any official version of those articles without DM info, but its fairly easy to pull that out, either just through skimming through it and deleting to remove sections you don't want the players to read, or even using the find feature to cut out the parts NPCs classes and alignments. Find is "ctrl f" in most programs. If you just do a search for a parenthesis then you can find the NPC info spots really quick, as normally those are the only spots they uses parenthesis.


Mistwalker wrote:


I was wondering if there was any way to either get the PDF unlocked, or a player friendly version of some of the information?

What I am looking to do, is to give my players access to the information concerning Sandpoint and Magnimar -those that grew up there probably know a fair bit about their respective towns. But, I would prefer to remove all the DM information that is spread throughtout the texts.

What Tarlane suggested is exactly what I do. I just cut and paste the relevant sections into another doc, and then edit as desired.

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