My subscriber tag

Website Feedback

The Exchange

Doesn't list everything I subscribe to. Looks buggy.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

That's because you're a superscriber. You also get the border around your avatar image.

Scarab Sages

Gary Teter wrote:
You also get the border around your avatar image.

Oh, is that where that came from? I wondered.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Gary Teter wrote:
That's because you're a superscriber. You also get the border around your avatar image.

Don't we also get cookies? Seems like I read that somehere.....


Former VP of Finance

Skeld wrote:

Don't we also get cookies? Seems like I read that somehere.....


Yes, lots of them. Unless your browser is configured not to accept them. Then you get no cookies. So, you must tell your browser to allow your virtual sweets through.

Scarab Sages

Chris Self wrote:
Yes, lots of them.

Except they has no flavor.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Chris Self wrote:
Yes, lots of them.

Your cookies. Give them to me.

Paizo Employee Director of Sales


The Exchange

tadkil wrote:
Doesn't list everything I subscribe to. Looks buggy.

OOOOOOH! I feel soaked in coolness then. Course, there's that entire BLOWN spot check thing...

Grand Lodge

Hmm, what am I missing for the SUPERscriber tag?

Gamemastery modules maybe?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Hmm, what am I missing for the SUPERscriber tag?

The Pathfinder Modules subscription!

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