Combat Feats and Mobility

Skills & Feats

Liberty's Edge

While I understand the reasoning for limiting Combat feats per round, one combination no longer makes sense.

Mobility and Spring Attack.

Since both are combat feats, I can only benefit from one at a time. So my PC can run through combat without provoking attacks of opportunity OR he can move, attack, and move again BUT invokes attacks of opportunity, since he cannot benefit from Mobility while using Spring Attack. Is this correct? It seems like the purpose of this feat chain is gone. Especially since Mobility is a prerequisite for Spring Attack (and Shot on the Run, but one at a time please). Anyone?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Paizo's version of Spring Attack has mobility built into it.

Liberty's Edge

I just noticed that. I must be tired to have missed that! But Shot on the Run still causes attacks of opportunity. Are there any other examples like this, where a combat feat is negated by another combat feat on the same chain?

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