New Skills, Table 5-4; pg 38

Skills & Feats

Just a quick note on the reworked consolidated skills. I'm very, very happy with how these were rearranged. I'm still not quite sold on fly yet, but I'm not throwing it out yet either.

On the other hand, you guys managed to keep all of the skills my group really wanted consolidated, and switched around the biggest problems they had.

The gnome beguiler wanted open locks in disable device instead of theft, and there it is. The paladin wanted sense motive separate from deception, and its there too.

I haven't gone through all of the changes yet, but I just thought I'd drop a note on the specific consolidation changes in this version, and how my players will likely be very pleased with them.

I haven't gone through everything in this list either, but just on the surface I will say this - overall, it's good.

I will say this: I still don't like Concentration rolled into Spellcraft, and I still want Search pulled out of Perception. However, if you rolled Spellcraft into Knowledge (arcana) and Knowledge (religion), I would totally dig that.

Otherwise, the skill split is peachy. I'm totally digging on your choices. Beyond the above, I am totally happy with the skill splits.

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