Razor Sharp Chair Leg

Skills & Feats

Dark Archive

Please bring back the Alpha 1.1 version of Razor Sharp Chair Leg or at least reduce its prerequesits and make it a normal feat. Why would any 8th level character take a feat that gives him a weak longsword or greatsword and also blocks the use of combat feats? The old RSCL was fun and flavourfull.

Dark Archive

I want to nominate this feat for "Best Name Ever", it just cracks me up. I can hear it now.. characters all across the country annoucing that they are using their Razor Sharp Chair Leg feat this round.. ROTFLMAOSMOMNFTW!*

*Yes this is unnecessarily long. Yes I did that on purpose. No I will not tell you what they all stand for. 1 bonus Pathfinder point to anyone that can guess them.**

**Yes I am just this bored.

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