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One problem with condensing skills is where to stop. Another is where skills ought to be condensed.
Acrobatic. Why Jump? That's a strength based skill. Why not Fly, which really depends on agility. Why not Escape Artist? Again, the skill depends on agility.
Bluff. (Deception? See Feint in Combat.) How about rolling Disguise into this?
Knowledge (arcana). My sense is that this should incorporate both Spellcraft and Use Magic Device. While Spellcraft may be an easier sell, I suggest Use Magic Device, because it seems more plausible to me to accept someone's knowledge of how a magic item works as a means to make it work. (Sort of like a Craft skill is used to Make an item.)
Knowledge (nature). It remains unclear to me why Survival is separate. Survival should be rolled into Knowledge (nature). Survival is based on "common sense" knowledge of nature, be it for food, direction, tracking, etc. But each of those are taught skills. Knowledge (nature) and Survival seem redundant.
Perception. Spot and Listen. Okay. What about Sense Motive?
Stealth. Why not roll Sleight of Hand into this?
Also consider these possibilities:
Athletic. Why not? Why not combine Climb, Jump, and Swim? Oh sure, they are different. But so are Hide and Move Silently. (Moreover, might I suggest that Run be included as a skill?)
Endurance. Autohypnosis + Concentration (+ Endurance as a skill).
Investigate. This actually comes in part from d20 Modern. But my sense would be to roll Search, Research, and Investigate all into one skill - Investigate. (I see Search as different from Perception. I.e., perception is more awareness and search is more intent.)
Persuasion. Diplomacy and Intimidate. While I understand that these two skills serve different actions and intent, I also note that Gather Information has been lumped into Diplomacy. Gather Information could just as easily serve under Intimidate. Point being, whether you use diplomacy or intimidation, you are using a form of persuasion.
I congratulate Jason (and Paizo) on this work in progress. It is most excellent and most exciting. Perhaps I don't say that enough and critique too often. That said, I still am not convinced that the convinced skills are appropriate or complete.