Feint = Deception Skill Check? Is this Bluff? Sleight of Hand?

Skills & Feats

Liberty's Edge

There is no Deception skill. There is Bluff and there is Sleight of Hand. Both could serve as a Feint. Most likely, I would go with Bluff.

Sidebar: Should Sleight of Hand be rolled into something? Bluff? Stealth?

Saurstalk wrote:

There is no Deception skill. There is Bluff and there is Sleight of Hand. Both could serve as a Feint. Most likely, I would go with Bluff.

Sidebar: Should Sleight of Hand be rolled into something? Bluff? Stealth?

Slight of Hand works great by itself, and melding it with Stealth would make it too loaded of a skill. Especially considering that Hide and Move Silently got melded to make Stealth. They should bring back Deception, Sense Motive is a weak skill by itself and I think it should be rolled in with Bluff. It takes a good liar to know one, and it makes sense that someone who can spot liars can also lie well, even if he/she chooses not to.

But to answer your original question, the feint mechanic works under the Bluff skill, although I would allow a character to use Sleigh of Hand for it in my game if it involved using a hidden or palmed weapon.

Aye I like the below list of skills I think it covers all the bases without being too few skills.

Craft (each seperate as current list)
Disable Device
Escape Artist
Knowledge skills (each seperate as current list)
Perform (each seperate as current list)
Profession (each seperate as current list)
Thievery (or Sleight of Hand which ever name you want)
Use magic device

Liberty's Edge

Dyvim wrote:
But to answer your original question, the feint mechanic works under the Bluff skill, although I would allow a character to use Sleigh of Hand for it in my game if it involved using a hidden or palmed weapon.

That's what I thought. There's a typo in Alpha v.1.2 in the Combat chapter. For Feint, it lists a Deception skill check, not bluff.

Liberty's Edge

Cringer_luvr wrote:
Aye I like the below list of skills I think it covers all the bases without being too few skills.

Of course, I'm still of the school of thought that Knowledge (arcana), Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device should be rolled into one skill.

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