Game Master Dennis Harry

Against the Goblins

Perception Checks:

Eddie [dice]1d20+6[/dice]
Gaurm [dice]1d20+6[/dice]
Zsar [dice]1d20+4[/dice]
Brogg [dice]1d20+2[/dice]
Eldren [dice]1d20+9[/dice]
Theo [dice]1d20+1[/dice]


Initiative Checks:

Eddie [dice]1d20+3[/dice]
Gaurm [dice]1d20+2[/dice]
Zsar [dice]1d20+1[/dice]
Brogg [dice]1d20+1[/dice]
Eldren [dice]1d20+4[/dice]
Theo [dice]1d20+2[/dice]


Pre Cataclysm Map - Little Detail

Pre Cataclysm Map - Detail

Post Cataclysm Map - For Perspective ONLY

Map of Tarsis. Imagine the crater next to the city being filled with water. That entire stretch of land is all port. In addition, the wall running out into the water is also a man made port and the wall is a combination of wall and dock. The elven ship is at the very end.

Another Tarsis Map The Cathedral to Branchala is just to the northeast of the Central Plaza. It is not represented on the map but I wanted to give the group a sense for the city.

House Rules for Hero Points:

Hero Point Mechanics:

1) One permanent Hero Point may be used to avoid a final death scenario allowing a narrow cinematic escape,

2) One temporary Hero Point may be used if you are between -1 and -9 hit points to stabilize yourself to prevent further blood loss,

3) Temporary Hero Points may be expended to power Feats. These grant a lasting bonus for a one scene or one round duration depending on the feat description,

4) One temporary Hero Point grants a character a chance to supplement their d20 roll by 1d6 and add the result (whatever it was - no re-roll) to the d20 result,

Progression system:
Level 1-10 1d6,
Level 11-20 2d6,
Level 21-?? 3d6. and

5) No more than one Hero Point may be expended per round.

Optional rules mostly in the form of New Feats for Hero Points:

Arcane Surge (Prerequisites - Arcane Class) (Allows wielder to increase a spell DC by 3 for 1 round by expending a Hero Point),

Attune Item (Prerequisites - A Weapon of Legacy) (Allows wielder to expend one hero point to add +3 to attack and damage for the scene with chosen item),

Defensive Ward (Prerequisites - Dodge) (Allows wielder to expend one hero point to give yourself a +3 Luck bonus to AC for the scene),

Divine Surge (Prerequisites - Divine Class) (Allows wielder to increase a spell DC by 3 for 1 round by expending a Hero Point),

Heroic Feat (Prerequisites - None) (Any saving throw successfully made 10 points above an effects DC automatically allows the character to regain 1 used Hero Point),

Heroic Grace (Prerequisite - None) (Allows wielder to expend one hero point to add +1 to all saving throws or +3 to one saving throw for one scene),

Heroic Quickness (Prerequisites - Improved Initiative) (Allows wielder to expend one hero point to add +3 to Initiative checks),

Manifesting Surge (Prerequisites - Psionic Class) (Allows wielder to increase a powers save DC by 3 for 1 round by expending a Hero Point).

Dragonlance Pathfinder Conversion

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Male CN Human Kineticist (Gambler) 2 | HP: 23/25 | AC: 16 (13 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 14 | F: +8, R: +6, W: +1 | Init: +3 | Perc: +6, SM: +6 | Speed 30ft | Power Points: 3/4, Burn 1/8, Active conditions: None.

Eddie takes off his hat and gives a slight bow. "The names Edward Richter, but most folk take to calling me Eddie. Or Ed. 'Spose it would be a matter of your preference. I'm an associate of my friends here, a professional of sorts."

Satisfied, Eddie returns his hat to its rightful place on his head.

Male Human (Solamnic) Wizard (Exploiter Wizard) 2; AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10, CMD 13; HP 14/14; AR 4/5; Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +6; Initiative +4; Perception +9, Sense Motive +7

The blue-garbed wizard nods as he cannot help but agree with Keyzer's words; that is what kender do after all, they wander. And the other man is also correct that they should somehow help Theo make up his mind about which Master to study under. However, he has to admit to himself, he cannot imagine the impressionable gnome studying under a Black Robe and a necromancer no less.

His thoughts are interrupted then as he is asked to introduce himself. "I am Eldren Vacaris, an apprentice mage under the tutelage of Truvailant Gwynnth of the White Robes," the nearly monochromatic man -well, excluding his choice of attire of course- says with a smile.

Minotaur Brawler 2 / AC 16, Touch 11, Flat 15 / (HP 22/22) / Init +1 / Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +1 / Perception +8, Martial Flexibility 4/day

"I am no beast. I am Red Ohn-Gathas. This Zsar. We.. Where is this place?" he says. Looking a little confused. Also noticeably not liking having to do so much talking.

Male Gnome Wizard [Creation] 2 Init +3 AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 15 Hp 16/16 Fort +2 Ref +3, Will +4 Percpt +1

Theo continues to keep pace (barely) with the long-legged group.
The small gnome wipes perspiration from his brow; blue eyes wondering chaotically.

Male Bakali Druid(Dragon Shawman) 2
HP:19/19 AC:17 Init:+1 F:6 R:0 W:6 CMD:14

Zsar remains silent, watching the conversation continue. His companion, slizz, gives the man a sour look, not quite trusting.

Shadow's Status

8th Day of Autumn Twilight - 1030 PC - Tarsis the Beautiful

Eddie Richter, Eldren Vacaris, Theodore Samuel Waldan Glitterfounder, & Hurudithya Griffontamer

The motley crew makes its way off of the docks finally and into the city. Much like its winged ships, the buildings themselves have a flight motif. Almost without exception the buildings of the city have carved into them wings of various birds or statues of birds. Those that do not utilize an ocean motif in some cases spells create the illusion of motion in others your movement creates the illusion of motion.

Remy continues to speak, "I have lived in the city most of my life so I am used to it but the first time you see it the city makes quite the impression. Sometimes I wonder what it could have been had it not fallen under the impression of the Ergothian Empire.

Since the rise of Solamnia Tarsis has become more independent but still they must pay tribute to the Emperor of Ergoth draining the coffers of the city.

To your left is the Library of Khyystann. It rivals that of any Library anywhere else in the world".

The structure is massive and you are hard pressed to think of a larger Library, perhaps even that of Palanthus, the home of the famed Astinus is not even as large! Across from it is a gorgeous park right in the middle of the city.

You follow Remy down the street named Khrystaan Way, "This leads directly to the Cathedral of Branchala, the second largest congregation in the city. Shinare of course dominates the city as much as a Church can. After all this is a city based in commerce.".

You cross a street, another main thoroughfare named Market Street. "If you head south this way you will be at the Central Plaza. The market often sets up there. For this week though, tents are in place to allow for the Council that will be meeting.

It is not just the elves that have come but the dwarves as well. There may even be a handful of kender if you can believe that".

A cart passes by it's horses unloading some extra weight in the middle of the path. Remy crinkles his nose and steps around taking Huru by the hand to lead her around the mess. A few more steps and your attention is pulled to the Cathedral of Branchala. The building itself is different from those of the rest of the city. The motifs match song and dance and the aspects that the God cultivates.

Before Remy can open his mouth a girl comes bounding down the steps towards him. With long auburn hair, dark green eyes and a mischievous smile to go along with a curvy 5’5” human frame she is hard to ignore.

Huru Sense Motive DC 14:
She stares daggers at you as Remy has yet to release your hand...

"Remy, who are these folk and what are they doing with this Silvanesti elf!?"

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Shadow's Status

8th Day of Autumn Twilight - 1030 PC - Torath Forest

Red-Ohn Gathas & Zsar Kizar

The knight shifts in his seat, "You seem disoriented. Either you are suffering some sort of delirium or you are a spectacular liar. You stand in the Torath "Forest". I say Forest nearly in jest as this is the last copse of woods left in most of Kharland.

I am Sir Hlavath Pathwarden Knight of the Crown.

If you do not know where you are how did you come to be here?

What about your friend, does he speak?"

Male Bakali Druid(Dragon Shawman) 2
HP:19/19 AC:17 Init:+1 F:6 R:0 W:6 CMD:14

Zsar perks at the mention of their location. Torath? Where is that? Im afraid we are bot from around here... i am a druid and my minotaur friend here is my... guard... we where sent here by my master, the Archdruid Crynus, if you have heard of him... we were from the Worldscape... how far are we from there?" He looks up at the knight, sure that he shouldn't act too suspicious.

Minotaur Brawler 2 / AC 16, Touch 11, Flat 15 / (HP 22/22) / Init +1 / Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +1 / Perception +8, Martial Flexibility 4/day

Red looks at Zsar and raises an eyebrow. "Guard?" he thinks.

Hurudithya Griffontamer Female elf cleric (divine paragon) of Quenesti Pah 1 ( Pathfinder Player Companion: Divine Anthology 15) NG Medium humanoid (elf) Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +4

Sense Motive 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20

Shadow's Status

FYI Crynus was the black armored warrior not the ArchDruid just to be clear :-)

Hurudithya Griffontamer Female elf cleric (divine paragon) of Quenesti Pah 1 ( Pathfinder Player Companion: Divine Anthology 15) NG Medium humanoid (elf) Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +4

Greetings child, my name is Hurudithay Griffontamer, daughter of Quenesti Pah and member of House Cleric of the Silvanesti. And who might you be? she asks.

Knowing that the girl might be uncomfortable she attempts to smooth things over.

Shadow's Status

8th Day of Autumn Twilight - 1030 PC - Torath Forest

Red-Ohn Gathas & Zsar Kizar

Sir Hlavath shrugs, "I fear my knowledge of geography extends only to the south and the west. I would wager your forest in elsewhere on the continent of Ansalon.

A Druid eh? An adherent of Chislev. Perhaps you are here for the meeting in Tarsis then? We accompany a Revered Father ourselves".

His horse trots up farther and he sees that you do indeed wear a medallion of faith he seems to be trying to peer into your cloak but is simply not close enough to do so. "Strange to find a man being guarded by a... Minotaur. My understanding is that they are servants of the Dark God Sargonnas and violent towards man".

He looks to Red, "I mean no offense of course".

Shadow's Status

8th Day of Autumn Twilight - 1030 PC - Tarsis the Beautiful

Eddie Richter, Eldren Vacaris, Theodore Samuel Waldan Glitterfounder, & Hurudithya Griffontamer

The girl gives a smile to Huru, "I am Kara, Revered Daughter of Branchala. Are elves customarily so... hands on?"

That smile you know is false...

Remy drops your hand Huru and his face becomes a bit flush, "Kara, meet uh these other gentlemen. The gnome is Theo, the two robed men are Eldren and Keyser - all aspiring Mages. And that is Eddie, he is a sailor, right Eddie? That's all pretty fascinating right Kara?"

Minotaur Brawler 2 / AC 16, Touch 11, Flat 15 / (HP 22/22) / Init +1 / Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +1 / Perception +8, Martial Flexibility 4/day

"None taken. Though not all of my kin worship Sargonnas. I'm a follower of Kiri-Jolith, and I am no longer anyone's servant. What for is this meeting in Tarsis?" Red enquires crossing his massive arms over his chest.

Male Gnome Wizard [Creation] 2 Init +3 AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 15 Hp 16/16 Fort +2 Ref +3, Will +4 Percpt +1

Theo steps forward, producing a hand.


The gnome smiles.


Male Human (Solamnic) Wizard (Exploiter Wizard) 2; AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10, CMD 13; HP 14/14; AR 4/5; Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +6; Initiative +4; Perception +9, Sense Motive +7

"Juuust a little slower, Theo," Eldren says with a smile. "Actually, speaking of which, I am very interested in having a discussion with you about spellcasting. I am curious as to whether your... err... way of speaking interferes with the verbal components of spells that have them. We are supposed to be clear and specific when uttering them after all."

Male Gnome Wizard [Creation] 2 Init +3 AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 15 Hp 16/16 Fort +2 Ref +3, Will +4 Percpt +1

Theo looks confused, as Eldren relates some mysterious issue of speech....

Male Bakali Druid(Dragon Shawman) 2
HP:19/19 AC:17 Init:+1 F:6 R:0 W:6 CMD:14

*Smacks face* sorry, my habit of quick scanning is horrid but occasionally helps...
Zsar is a little confused, wondering how the man had missed his tail an scaly skin... but he saw no reason to point out he wasn't a man, for at least he was half right.... shouldn't his voice give it away? Not many human have the same rasp... It's... complicated. he says, petting his companion Slizz to calm her down, and keep her from biting the horse.

Shadow's Status
Zsar Kizar wrote:
Zsar is a little confused, wondering how the man had missed his tail an scaly skin... but he saw no reason to point out he wasn't a man.

Heh, I assumed you had a large Druid's robe on and were able to disguise most of your features as a result. If I assumed wrong, the Knight is simply a bit blind...

Shadow's Status

8th Day of Autumn Twilight - 1030 PC - Tarsis the Beautiful

Eddie Richter, Eldren Vacaris, Theodore Samuel Waldan Glitterfounder, & Hurudithya Griffontamer

Kara blinks as Theo speaks the look on her face one of confusion. She shakes her head and turns back to Remy and Huru, "The elves could not have possibly come with these people Remy, why are they here?"

Soze responds, "I and my friends are here for a trade deal on behalf of my Master. As we were making our way into your beautiful city, the elves had just arrived and faced a dilemma which I believe that I am my allies can solve".

Kara narrows her eyes and turns to Huru, "Revered Daughter, do you trust this black robe to aid you and your people?"

Shadow's Status

8th Day of Autumn Twilight - 1030 PC - Torath Forest

Red-Ohn Gathas & Zsar Kizar

Sir Hlavath frowns, "Complicated eh? If I cannot receive an answer from you that makes sense then I cannot be sure of your intentions and cannot then offer for you to journey with us. You have done me no harm so I shall do none to you. Good luck on your own journeys. North you will find the city of Hopeful, south the city of Tarsis". He slowly turns his horse about to head back to the group of horsemen from which he broke off to encounter you both.

As he turns, you both see a wagon crest the same ridge that the horsemen did it too heads south.

Shadow's Status

8th Day of Autumn Twilight - 1030 PC - On the Road to Tarsis

Brogg & Garum

Fibrial Felseed sits atop the wagon leading his team of two horses south down the road to Tarsis. Within sit Brogg and Garum too large to ride on horses, the merchant purchased an oversized wagon for the two half-ogres to sit in for the journey.

He turns to you both, "Look lively my friends, I see several horsemen south of us on the road".

Male Half-Ogre Vangaurd Commander (Warlord) 2 [HP 21/25 | AC 17/10/17 | Fort +6, Ref +0, Will +0 | Init +2; Perception +6]

8th Day of Autumn Twilight - 1030 PC - On the Road to Tarsis

Brogg & Garum

Gaurm hops out of the wagon, reaching back in to retrieve his shield. As he settles it onto his arm, he looks at the merchant. Despite walking beside the cart upon which the man perches, Gaurm is able to look him in the eye, "Do you think they are trouble, Master Felseed?"

Minotaur Brawler 2 / AC 16, Touch 11, Flat 15 / (HP 22/22) / Init +1 / Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +1 / Perception +8, Martial Flexibility 4/day

Red looks at Zsar. "That went well. Hopeful sounds hopeful?"

Shadow's Status

8th Day of Autumn Twilight - 1030 PC - On the Road to Tarsis

Brogg & Garum

"They are Knights Garum. Knights are always trouble. I know you have had some positive experience with them in the past but mine own run ins have rarely been positive. We shall pull off of the road and allow the horses a rest so they can pull ahead of us to wherever they go".

Male Gnome Wizard [Creation] 2 Init +3 AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 15 Hp 16/16 Fort +2 Ref +3, Will +4 Percpt +1

8th Day of Autumn Twilight - 1030 PC - Tarsis the Beautiful

The small gnome's face flushes a bit, as he realizes that he has been speaking to fast for them...again.

I am sorry.
It's just that I have never been off our Island before.
The architecture on display here is amazing.
Look at those lines there; those 12 buildings lined up perfectly to mirror each other.

Theo points in another direction.

You see how the Sun's light reflects perfectly off every tower, allowing the streets to continue to be evenly well lit.

He then looks at his guides.

I also have things to consider.


Brogg & Gaurm

Brogg nods in agreement with Fibrial's assessment and clambers out of the wagon. He does his best to look casually nonthreatening - not a pose that's easy to strike for someone of his size and armament - lounging near the wagon on the side of the road.

Hurudithya Griffontamer Female elf cleric (divine paragon) of Quenesti Pah 1 ( Pathfinder Player Companion: Divine Anthology 15) NG Medium humanoid (elf) Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +4

Revered Daughter? No. I am simply a daughter of Quenesti Pah. she smiles. Do I trust the Black Robe? The Disks of QuenestI Pah teach that redemption is possible

Male Half-Ogre Vangaurd Commander (Warlord) 2 [HP 21/25 | AC 17/10/17 | Fort +6, Ref +0, Will +0 | Init +2; Perception +6]

Brogg and Gaurm

Gaurm does not try to look unthreatening, he simply lounges against the side of the wagon once Fibrial brings it to a halt. Seemingly at his ease, a practiced eye can tell that Gaurm is ready for action on the instant but not looking for trouble.

Shadow's Status

8th Day of Autumn Twilight - 1030 PC - Torath Forest Near the Road to Tarsis

Red-Ohn Gathas & Zsar Kizar --- Brogg & Gaurm

Once Sir Hlavath returns to the Knights on the road they make haste to the south. They do not even glance back at the wagon, after all they have places to be.

Red and Zsar though cannot help but notice the two massive men that exit the back of the wagon. To go north, you would have to pas by this now stopped wagon being led by two, likely overworked, horses.


The two massive men follow the origination of the Knight who hovered by the forest and see of all things a Minotaur! Next to him stands a cloaked figure its origin of race not clear due to distance and dress.

Felseed sees the Minotaur as well, "Interesting, I did not know their kind ranged this far. For it to have encountered the Knight and no blows be struck is an interesting development..."

Shadow's Status

8th Day of Autumn Twilight - 1030 PC - Tarsis the Beautiful

Eddie Richter, Eldren Vacaris, Theodore Samuel Waldan Glitterfounder, & Hurudithya Griffontamer

Soze considers Eldren's statement, "A fair point Eldren makes. Once the dilemma of lodging is resolved we can all three sit down and discuss how exactly we will resolve the Wizardly issues that have yet to be addressed by us.

As for my redemption daughter of Quenesti Pah, why would it be necessary? Do the Gods of Neutrality not teach that there must be a balance in all things? There can be no light without the dark and no dark without the light. Certainly I will not aid you all out of the kindness of my heart, I will wish something in return but all things an be bargained, Hiddukel be praised".

Kara seems scandalized by the Black Robe, "You'll not be allowed on these grounds..."

Before she can finish a slightly older than middle aged human approaches the group from the stairs of the Temple, "Now now Kara, since when do we turn anyone away from the Temple.

Good day. I am Revered Father Dent, the caretaker of Song here at the Temple of Branchala. It seems that Remy has brought more than just elves to our House this day!"

Shadow's Status

You hear a whisper from Soze, "My friend, distract this Kara girl with your charms, will you?" He must be using magic to speak with you!

Hurudithya Griffontamer Female elf cleric (divine paragon) of Quenesti Pah 1 ( Pathfinder Player Companion: Divine Anthology 15) NG Medium humanoid (elf) Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +4

An interesting phrase you use, Black Robe the elf remarks. Tell me what does the god of the Black Moon think of his follower, one who gets his power from the Devouring Dark, swearing to and by another god?

Shadow's Status

8th Day of Autumn Twilight - 1030 PC - Tarsis the Beautiful

Eddie Richter, Eldren Vacaris, Theodore Samuel Waldan Glitterfounder, & Hurudithya Griffontamer

Soze chuckles at Huru's response, "I have yet to pass my test and therefore have not fully committed myself to Nuitari. The God of my youth has always aided me in negotiations, I should hope that Nuitari would realize what he excels in and what he does not. He is a God after all!"

Hurudithya Griffontamer Female elf cleric (divine paragon) of Quenesti Pah 1 ( Pathfinder Player Companion: Divine Anthology 15) NG Medium humanoid (elf) Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +4

The elf simply raises an eyebrow at the comment.

Male CN Human Kineticist (Gambler) 2 | HP: 23/25 | AC: 16 (13 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 14 | F: +8, R: +6, W: +1 | Init: +3 | Perc: +6, SM: +6 | Speed 30ft | Power Points: 3/4, Burn 1/8, Active conditions: None.

"Well what am I supposed ta-" starts Eddie outloud, before the thought catches up with him. Ok, sure.

Eddie speaks up from the rear of the group "Uh, sorry to interrupt the bit of philosophy here, but if possible I'd like to start getting the lodging sorted out. Miss Reverend Daughter, ma'am, is there any way we can let the father and the robes sort this out while I get things set up?"

Shadow's Status

8th Day of Autumn Twilight - 1030 PC - Tarsis the Beautiful

Eddie Richter, Eldren Vacaris, Theodore Samuel Waldan Glitterfounder, & Hurudithya Griffontamer

Kara stares at Remy and then turns to Eddie smiling, "Yes, let's do so..."

She takes Eddie's hand and starts heading towards the street to the Market.

Remy opens his mouth and then shuts it.

Sense Motive DC 12:
He appears to be a bit jealous but is trying to play it off.

Male Gnome Wizard [Creation] 2 Init +3 AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 15 Hp 16/16 Fort +2 Ref +3, Will +4 Percpt +1

8th Day of Autumn Twilight - 1030 PC - Tarsis the Beautiful

Theo follows along with the group.
He listens to them talk; and how they talk to each other....

Male Bakali Druid(Dragon Shawman) 2
HP:19/19 AC:17 Init:+1 F:6 R:0 W:6 CMD:14

Zsar sighs, No one ever seems to notice him, and he guessed that was probably a good thing... he keeps silent again.

Male Half-Ogre Vangaurd Commander (Warlord) 2 [HP 21/25 | AC 17/10/17 | Fort +6, Ref +0, Will +0 | Init +2; Perception +6]

8th Day of Autumn Twilight - 1030 PC - Torath Forest Near the Road to Tarsis

Brogg & Gaurm

Gaurm glances over at the merchant, "I have never encountered a minotaur. What are they like?"

Shadow's Status

8th Day of Autumn Twilight - 1030 PC - Torath Forest Near the Road to Tarsis

Brogg & Gaurm

Falseed grins his gold tooth showing, "Let's ride up and meet one hey?"


Brogg shrugs. "Why not? Maybe meet someone who knows what it's like to be tall for a change," he says flatly. It's hard to tell if he's being funny or serious.

Male Half-Ogre Vangaurd Commander (Warlord) 2 [HP 21/25 | AC 17/10/17 | Fort +6, Ref +0, Will +0 | Init +2; Perception +6]

8th Day of Autumn Twilight - 1030 PC - Torath Forest Near the Road to Tarsis

Brogg & Gaurm

Gaurm chuckles at Broggs comments as he comes fully back to his feet, "As you say, Master Felseed. Though I think I will walk this stretch."

Minotaur Brawler 2 / AC 16, Touch 11, Flat 15 / (HP 22/22) / Init +1 / Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +1 / Perception +8, Martial Flexibility 4/day

"Friend Zsar, it looks like they are coming here. Let us walk ahead and meet them instad of standing here. Two of them look large for humans." and then Red starts walking towards the men and the wagon.

Male CN Human Kineticist (Gambler) 2 | HP: 23/25 | AC: 16 (13 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 14 | F: +8, R: +6, W: +1 | Init: +3 | Perc: +6, SM: +6 | Speed 30ft | Power Points: 3/4, Burn 1/8, Active conditions: None.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

Eddie goes along with the woman, though he is none too happy about his potential inclusion in what seems to be a budding romance. He tries to distract himself with smalltalk:

"So, you're one of those priestly-types, right? What's that like?" he asks.

Male Gnome Wizard [Creation] 2 Init +3 AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 15 Hp 16/16 Fort +2 Ref +3, Will +4 Percpt +1

Nothing kills the mood like religious talk, aye, Eddie...lol.

Male Bakali Druid(Dragon Shawman) 2
HP:19/19 AC:17 Init:+1 F:6 R:0 W:6 CMD:14

Zsar nods and follows his minotaur friend, he thinks for a moment and realized that his cloak is quite large and heavy, so the gaurd had a good excuse not to realize what he was, taking it as a compliment to his ability to be conspicuous. However the monitor lizard following would have at least aroused suspicion.

Male Human (Solamnic) Wizard (Exploiter Wizard) 2; AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10, CMD 13; HP 14/14; AR 4/5; Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +6; Initiative +4; Perception +9, Sense Motive +7

"Greetings, Revered Father," Eldren says to the other man with a little bow of his head in acknowledgment of his status. "As Eddie has said, the Silvanesti appear to be facing a problem with lodging. Now, my... colleague," he continues, indicating the Black Robe, "seems to have some solution in mind. Still, the elves thought it prudent to first see if you can provide some assistance before they hear him out and consider his proposal."

The mage says little else, preferring to leave it to the Silvanesti Revered Daughter or someone else more immediately concerned rather than speak on their behalf.

Shadow's Status

8th Day of Autumn Twilight - 1030 PC - Torath Forest Near the Road to Tarsis

Red-Ohn Gathas & Zsar Kizar Meet Brogg & Gaurm

Falseed dismounts from the wagon and places a bag of oats before each horse. He follows along with the two huge men at nearly a run.

Halfway between the Forest and the Road the two groups meet. Falseed cackles, "The robed figure is no man but a Bakali, what is it you do out here scaled one?! I am Fibrial Falseed the Merchant of Merchants!"

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