Savage Pathfinder!

Rise of the Runelords

This is a continuation of what we started over here.

Burt the Ogre wrote:

I hadn't thought about intimidate. I keep trying to get the players to use Tricks, but for some reason they don't. At first I thought it might not be right to use them against them, but it may be just the thing to make it more challenging for them and also to show the value of them. I'll have to check out War Cry.

I have 5 PCs in the group with no allies. They haven't picked up on using allies yet. Also, until I get a better hang of challenging them, its probably better that way. Sometimes its hard to always justify hoards coming at them.

Another thing is that right now I am only using the SWEX for rules. I haven't brought in any other edges or powers from outside. I'm working up a list that I want to add in. Any suggestions?

And I think you had a good idea in one of your earlier posts. We should probably start a new thread for this, about SW tactics and such. We don't want to thread-jack.

The hands down best way to get players to use Tricks is to use Tricks on the characters. Especially Smarts tricks on the less intelligent characters. :D

Five PCs are powerful. More powerful than they realize yet. One thing you might try are some ranged weapons, from a fair distance. Individually they often don't seem to do much; a squad of 10 are terribly deadly.

Here are Savage Supplements that I'd recommend:
* Fantasy World Builder Toolkit
* Horror GM's Toolkit (lots of great items)
* Shaintar Player's Guide
* Runepunk Player's Guide

I'd start with those, and maybe add the Fantasy Gear Toolkit. Even though its a 3rd party setting, I consider the Shaintar PG essential for constructing a fantasy world, if for nothing else than to see how they do it.) Also, Runepunk is listed because its got GREAT summoning/binding rules and an interesting way of doing racial edges (that the free Wizards and Warriors PDF from PegInc uses).

You should also definitely download Dungeons and Savages by Joel Sparks, and the Savage Beasts by Butch Curry.

The rest of my suggestions would all be based off settings, and obviously, these are in order of applicability. You can do either full Setting Book or Player's Guide on these, depending on whether you want the whole setting or just the character-relevant info.

* Evernight
* 50 Fathoms
* Soloman Kane
* Deadlands
* Rippers (iffy, but has some useful stuff)
* Low Life (iffy, but also has some useful stuff)

I mostly plunder edges, hindrances and additional powers from the settings, but occasionally there are cool flavor bits, new ways to handle Arcane Backgrounds, or even some additional rules (50 Fathoms has cool rules for carousing and trading, for example).

I have a collection of edges, hindrances, powers and equipment that I've collated from various sources (free and not), and a series of Arcane Backgrounds (Sorcerer, Wizard, Druid, Cleric and Monk) and "Class Templates" (a suggested list of skills and edges to emulate D&D classes) that I created to help SW "feel" more like D&D, specifically Pathfinder. (Actually, I started them to emulate more of an old school, 1st Edition feeling, but thats how Golarian feels to me, so it works well.) I could probably share the ABs and Class Templates, but the other lists contain too much copyrighted work to share.

I have some of the books you mentioned. I am slowly combing through them figuring out what I want to bring in. If you could send me those ABs and Class Templates that would be cool. Send them to mcfarlandster at gmail dot com.

Burt the Ogre wrote:
I have some of the books you mentioned. I am slowly combing through them figuring out what I want to bring in. If you could send me those ABs and Class Templates that would be cool. Send them to mcfarlandster at gmail dot com.

Sent! :)

Burt the Ogre wrote:

Sweet! This is just what I was hoping it would be. Waiting on my copy in the mail. Grrrrr......why didn't I subscribe?!?!? I could have the pdf by now.....

SavageRobby, we may have to start work on converting the whole works to SW. You interested?

Of course. :)

(Grrrr. Board ate my post, and I forgot to Select-All and Copy it this time. Double grrrr.)

So really, its pretty easy to do the conversion. I think the only hitch will be the later adventures, when you'd be dealing with higher level characters - mainly the magical effects. Default Savage Worlds magic is so very tactical compared to D&D magic, which often has more strategic potential, especially at higher level/ranks.

My plan to address that is loosely formulated. :) I'm going to let players with Arcane Backgrounds create their own edges to allow them to expand their potential with given powers/spells, kind of like metamagic, for lack of a better term, but limited to a specific spell/power per application, but probably more generous in terms of what they can do with the spell/power. (Of course, this will only happen if they desire - and think to ask - but they may get some hints from the setting and some of the bad guys.)

I'm also going to let them create/define their own spells/power. I use the default spells/powers as a guide, but I really like Vancian spells - not the magic system, but the arbitrary nature of the spells themselves - so the more unusual and arbitrary the players define their powers/spells, the more latitude I give them. The more like "this is Bolt, using a Fire trapping" the spell/power is, the less latitude they get. :)

I also made up an additional Rank after Legendary called Mythic (at 200 XP), and if/when characters get there, I'm going to really let them loose on creating additional edges and powers and such. I don't know if that will be necessary, so I'm kind of playing that one by ear.

I did get the Fantasy Bestiary Toolkit to go along with Butch Curry's most excellent Savage Beasts PDF, and I've got copies of the various Tome of Horrors ordered and on the way, since Pathfinder uses those. Starting a Savage Pathfinder monster guide would definitely be a good place to start (and I think would fit nicely into the Savage fan conversion rules, and the OGL).

SavageRobby wrote:

Starting a Savage Pathfinder monster guide would definitely be a good place to start (and I think would fit nicely into the Savage fan conversion rules, and the OGL).

I would be up for helping convert monsters. What are the rules for something like this involving the OGL since SW is a completely different game system? And would we be able to convert the Paizo creatures (sinspawn, etc.)?

I think if you just posted the conversion, and didn't include all the flavor text it should be ok, assuming you don't copy stuff word for word that is.

Most of the conversion should be relatively simple and I love the fact that most of the monsters won't need magical powers to be effective anymore.

The main challenges with converting stuff I can forsee are the Pathfinder creature's unique abilities that really set them apart from anything else. Although I think if you have the Fantasy Bestiary and Savage Beasts pdf's them most of that can help with examples.

I'm using Savage Worlds for my next campaign, which will either be Birthright, Dark Sun, or Pathfinder. I'll usually let the player's decide which one they wanna play but I'm assuming they'll want to head back to Athas or Cerilia before they try a new setting like Pathfinder, since they are just wrapping up Savage Tide.

SavageRobby wrote:
Burt the Ogre wrote:
I have some of the books you mentioned. I am slowly combing through them figuring out what I want to bring in. If you could send me those ABs and Class Templates that would be cool. Send them to mcfarlandster at gmail dot com.

Sent! :)

Ahem....could you be so kind as to send them my way, too?! Please?

I am attempting a conversion of my own, but haven't had the oportunity to test anything yet. I'd like to see what you've done to compare.

If you are willing, please send to torillan at a-o-l dot com.

Thank you!

Wow, me too please. I just recently bought the SWEX and am really digging what I am reading.

sascha7186 AT hotmail DOT com


SavageRobby wrote:
I could probably share the ABs and Class Templates...

I hope it isn't too late to request for this document? My email is lap_arcilla(at)yahoo(dot)com. Thanks in advance!

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