4th Edition

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Kruelaid wrote:
[There is this guy.

I’ve never been able to put my finger on why, but I find Janus extremely unnerving. I blame Lovecraft.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Other than the Skulllord, I've really liked the art for this week. Hopefully I haven't jinxed the next two days.

What I'm really looking/hoping for is artwork of 4th Ed's goblins

Those new trolls look NICE. I always thought the long-and-lanky troll look was kind of goofy. The new ones seem much more feral and tough.

Liberty's Edge

Lazaro wrote:
"Idea for last song - ever...'Killed by a Troll"-Nathan Explosion


Liberty's Edge

I'm surprised to say that I like the new trolls. They seem to hearken back to the 'classical' trolls of Norse myth.

Jason Grubiak wrote:

The Hill Giants and Earth Titan and Fire Gians and Fire Titans are fantastic paintings.

Im still anti 4th edition but these are fantastic.

This may be the first time in history a female fire giant was portrayed.

I like that the giant's appearances were untouched from 3rd edition..and the new bigger Titan versions are a neat idea.

I wonder if the regular old CR20 Titan is gone now.

Actually it reminded me very much of the Reaper mini that came out about a year or two ago...

Lazaro wrote:

"Idea for last song - ever...'Killed by a Troll"-Nathan Explosion

The Troll
A troll eats anything that moves, from grubs to humans, and is rightly feared for its ravenous appetite, feral cunning, and remarkable regenerative power.

They look pretty fearsome, but a little too reptilian for my taste.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The Rot Harbinger
Sometimes known as angels of decay, rot harbingers are hateful winged undead that inflict a rotting curse with their touch.

Looks icky (in an eww, his skin's flaking off and now it's in my mouth! sort of way), and makes me wonder what a mini would look like.

So are these actually going to be used as Angels, perhaps by Undead loving deities, or is it just a name, you think?

Cheers! :)

The Rot Harbinger/Angel of Decay is a 3.5 monster. They can be found in Libris Mortis if you want to look up their abilites and get an idea of what they might be like in 4th edition. :)

EDIT: Now much can change between editions of course...
But in 3.5 they are not undead angels, they are undead creatures that happen to look like angels.
What they were in life before becomming undead isnt clear (just like Devourers).
They are large in terms of miniature size.

Jason Grubiak wrote:
The Rot Harbinger/Angel of Decay is a 3.5 monster. They can be found in Libris Mortis if you want to look up their abilites and get an idea of what they might be like in 4th edition. :)

I'd love to, but my wife made me stop bringing my gaming books to work (she said it'd look bad to my boss. If I can get him to start gaming with me though maybe it'll be cool ...)

Are the 3E Rot Harbingers used as actual Angels by evil gods? Or is it just because they're all decayed like and have wing-link apendages?

Cheers! :)

Is it me.. or does the gnome resemble Flea?

Lazaro wrote:

Well it's time to make one more post. It had to happen sometime, so allow me to introduce you to

The Gnome
Gnomes are sly tricksters who excel at avoiding notice as they move between the Feywild and the world, driven by curiosity and wanderlust.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
David Marks wrote:

Are the 3E Rot Harbingers used as actual Angels by evil gods? Or is it just because they're all decayed like and have wing-link apendages?

Cheers! :)

The latter. As for the art, it's alright. I, for one, perfer the Angel of Decay from Libris Mortis.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

"We can't just waste it with a headshot?" "Dude, you've been watching way too many Romero flicks." - Sam and Dean Winchester

Most zombies are created using a foul ritual. Once roused, a zombie obeys its creator and wants nothing more than to kill and consume the living.

*Edit: The scene in question is at 5:54

While a very cool picture, it doesn't exactly scream "Zombie" to me. Looks more like Ghouls to me.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

To be honest, before I found out they were zombies I thought they were Wights. It may be me, but something in the way they're drawn SCREAMS intelligent undead!

Lazaro wrote:
To be honest, before I found out they were zombies I thought they were Wights. It may be me, but something in the way they're drawn SCREAMS intelligent undead!


I think it is the reaching hands and non-slouched positions.

I agree, the art is nice but doesn't really say "these guys are mindless shambling hunger incarnate". I don't know what it is about the picture, but it does lend itself more to an intelligent undead vibe. Maybe less of a posed shot and more of an action piece with zombies tearing it up (it being helpless villagers) would have worked better?

Cheers! :)

I've never played zombies as hunger incarnate - that's the job of ghouls. I know the movies have them as such, but I've always seen D&D zombies as just mindless shells that basically get used to either do heavy lifting or serve as meat shields for teh uber necro bad guy.

FabesMinis wrote:
I've never played zombies as hunger incarnate - that's the job of ghouls. I know the movies have them as such, but I've always seen D&D zombies as just mindless shells that basically get used to either do heavy lifting or serve as meat shields for teh uber necro bad guy.

Hehe, true enough. Maybe the Zombies could have been painting a house while a dark robed man cackles maniacally in the background?

"Yes! No longer shall Tyrexius the Decayed be a thrall to chores!"

"Tyrexius! Are you done with the house yet?"

"No mom! Geez! I got the zoms doin' it! It'll be ready, alrigh'?!"

Lazaro wrote:
To be honest, before I found out they were zombies I thought they were Wights. It may be me, but something in the way they're drawn SCREAMS intelligent undead!

*shrugs* I've always played Ghouls as intelligent undead with an overwhelming addiction: flesh junkies always in need of a fix (they are INT 13, after all). But with hindsight I think I have to agree with you. Wights have that whole "cold of the grave" thing going for them, which I now believe this piccie is trying to portray.

Art by Dave Allsop
When a raving murderer dies, his soul passes into the Shadowfell. There it might gather flesh again to continue its lethal ways, becoming a devourer.

Viktor_Von_Doom wrote:


Art by Dave Allsop
When a raving murderer dies, his soul passes into the Shadowfell. There it might gather flesh again to continue its lethal ways, becoming a devourer.

The art looks kind of ... lame. I definitely think it is a step down from the previous artwork.

I'd say at least one par, though conceptually I do like the really big devourer with all the screaming souls impaled on horns. :-)

Kinda reminds me of some of the undead from Army of Darkness or Evil Dead 2. Its not that bad, just a tad on the cartoony side.

I like the new looks for the Morgh and Devourer alot, and that thing in the back looks like it'll be fun to fight.

Pop'N'Fresh wrote:
Its not that bad, just a tad on the cartoony side.

Yes, that's what I meant. If they had drawn it in a different style then those could have looked quite fearsome.


Some ink drawings that are kind of neat.
Slipping Away
Edit: For some reason the Cthulhu link doesn't load right away but if you just hit refresh it does.

Very Evil Dead-sque. Then again, Devourers do quite literally swallow your soul, so I guess it's appropriate.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The Foulspawn
Foulspawn are deranged humanoids corrupted by contact with the Far Realm, a maddening and distant plane.

I like the fact that they all look bat-s#!t crazy. Very appropriate. And they'd be perfect for a Far Realm-heavy homebrew I've been working on. I guess that's one thing I'll have to pilfer from 4E.

Also, is it just me or is that a Dolgrim from Eberron in the lower right corner?

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
T'Ranchule wrote:

I like the fact that they all look bat-s#!t crazy. Very appropriate. And they'd be perfect for a Far Realm-heavy homebrew I've been working on. I guess that's one thing I'll have to pilfer from 4E.

Also, is it just me or is that a Dolgrim from Eberron in the lower right corner?

I short of bares a resemblance, but is missing the hunched over, multimouth look.

T'Ranchule wrote:

I like the fact that they all look bat-s#!t crazy. Very appropriate. And they'd be perfect for a Far Realm-heavy homebrew I've been working on. I guess that's one thing I'll have to pilfer from 4E.

Also, is it just me or is that a Dolgrim from Eberron in the lower right corner?

I'm also running a campaign based on Far Realm (actually Xoriat from Eberron). I was really missing a humanoid race linked to the Far Realm, so these Foulspawn would be a great addition to my campaign!

Just a note: worgs still look like wolves with rocky-ish hindquarters. The "worg" picture is a guulvorg, the 16th-level elite version.

Did Tharzidun make it into 4E? Cause that Far Realm nutter on the left sure has the spiral theme going on.

The origional reaction was "Heretic! You break with tradition making bulky trolls! Now where do my ogres go?" and then the more I looked the more I thought "We'll, the 2nd edition mechanics of easy limb chopping are gone, so no need for fragile trolls...". Anyone remember how easy it was to make an encounter with trolls in 2nd an XP free for all? Pin one down, hacky hacky, apply fire to the new one, rinse repeat.

Oh, your ogres are still there. In fact, they are making javelin attacks while charging, or getting angry, making two attack rolls and taking the best result.

Of course, regeneration is a bit better, now. Acid and fire stops the regen from kicking in on the troll's next turn (and thats IT), and if they are dropped they get back up with 15 hit points as a move action unless the attack dealt fire/acid damage. Easier to manage, in my opinion.

Fights between ogres and trolls have greater differences aside from regeneration and some more hit points.

Lazaro wrote:
T'Ranchule wrote:

I like the fact that they all look bat-s#!t crazy. Very appropriate. And they'd be perfect for a Far Realm-heavy homebrew I've been working on. I guess that's one thing I'll have to pilfer from 4E.

Also, is it just me or is that a Dolgrim from Eberron in the lower right corner?

I short of bares a resemblance, but is missing the hunched over, multimouth look.

Yeah, the sheer weirdness of that look made those critters fun. If it is a Dolgrim, I hope they bring the old look in the future.

The Black Bard wrote:
Did Tharzidun make it into 4E? Cause that Far Realm nutter on the left sure has the spiral theme going on.

I remember reading some early 4E material that said Tharzidun is the evil at the heart of the Abyss. I don't think he has anything to do with the Far Realm this time around. But I could be wrong.

T'Ranchule wrote:

Yeah, the sheer weirdness of that look made those critters fun. If it is a Dolgrim, I hope they bring the old look in the future.

The Black Bard wrote:
Did Tharzidun make it into 4E? Cause that Far Realm nutter on the left sure has the spiral theme going on.
I remember reading some early 4E material that said Tharzidun is the evil at the heart of the Abyss. I don't think he has anything to do with the Far Realm this time around. But I could be wrong.

He's in, and how do you know it wasn't the Far Realm that made him Evil?

Cheers! :)

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The Wraith
This restless apparition lurks in the shadows thirsting for souls. Those it slays become free-willed wraiths as hateful as their creator.

Now THAT is cool!!! This is probably my favorite of the art previews so far.

Dark Archive

Yes, it is!!

Anyone know who the artist is??

Kruelaid wrote:

There is a multi faced figure from Hindu religion I think, but I can't remember which one it is.

Wikipedia says Brahma is traditionally depicted with four faces (on four heads, but sometimes they appear to blend together in representations like carvings, such as in the photo at the top of the wiki entry), with each head reciting one of the four Vedas.

I'm not aware of the emotions of the faces coming into play in reference to what David said. Kruelaid's reference to Janus seems closer to me, but it's not an area I know a lot about.

Jason Sonia wrote:

Yes, it is!!

Anyone know who the artist is??

According to Wizards site, the artist is Steve Argyle.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The Harpy
Harpies use their sweet songs pacify victims before tearing them to pieces with their claws.

Ugh. That's an ugly picture, and not in the way a harpy should be. It feels so flat and lifeless. I've always picture harpies as having more bird-like bodies myself, but that's just me.

And I've been so impressed with the efforts of the last few days, too :(

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Black Dragons
Black dragons are malicious beasts that disgorge acid. They primarily lurk in fell swamps but are also drawn to places with strong ties to the Shadowfell

What can I say? I love this artwork.

Lazaro wrote:

Black Dragons

Black dragons are malicious beasts that disgorge acid. They primarily lurk in fell swamps but are also drawn to places with strong ties to the Shadowfell

What can I say? I love this artwork.

Agreed. This is a nice piece :) .

It sounds like their taking the "skull-look" of the blacks a bit further this time around with their shadowfell ties. Not sure how I feel about that.

Dark Archive

T'Ranchule wrote:

According to Wizards site, the artist is Steve Argyle.


Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The Deathpriest Hierophant
Cultists of Orcus are demented individuals, and this deathpriest has risen to their highest ranks.

Lazaro wrote:

The Deathpriest Hierophant

Cultists of Orcus are demented individuals, and this deathpriest has risen to their highest ranks.

Ladies and Gentleman, I give you Mr. Mola Ram!

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