The Cap's Alpha Test


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male Captive2/Rower3/Brawler3

the orc is chased to the wall by Rumil, who does a mighty slash past the weak parry of the flail. the flail starts to wrap around his weapon, and he flicks it off - out of Giggles' hand, and even causes it to hit Giggles in the process. Arius dazes him sucessfully, and Anju's stone goes over Giggles' head.

Rags Comes flying over the stairs and viciously attacks Giggles. his Dagger sinks to the hilt, and then he leans into the blow - pushing it even deeper. Giggles collapses, pulling the dagger out of Rags' hand.

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

Arius rushes over to the woman. "Alika! Thank the gods!"

He helps Alika to stand. "Are you hurt?"

Branahm embraces his sister, muttering a prayer of thanksgiving to Torag.

After a few moments, he composes himself, releasing her to tend to his wounds. Noticing that Rags is injured as well, he channels the power of Torag to heal all those nearby.

Positive energy channel 1 (1d6=3)

Rags, I think that this should heal your damage from Yargin's attack.

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

"Alika, we need to make sure that you and the others are safe. We've taken care of Yargin, Hookshanks, a mercenary with Hookshanks, and... ummmm... Giggles. Do you know if any more of Lamm's hirelings are in the building? Where is Lamm?"


male Captive2/Rower3/Brawler3
Arius Pelgane wrote:

"Alika, we need to make sure that you and the others are safe. We've taken care of Yargin, Hookshanks, a mercenary with Hookshanks, and... ummmm... Giggles. Do you know if any more of Lamm's hirelings are in the building? Where is Lamm?"

She looks at you, relief in her eyes. "Lamm stays downstairs mostly. We don't see him until collection time.. I don't know what it is like down there, anyone who goes down there doesn't come up"

M Human Cavalier /1st

Ox was rewarded by the confidence he had in the others and saw that they had the situation well in hand. More so he was thrilled to see the brothers had found their sister. The problem now came of keeping her safe as they hunted the other's if she was as dangerous as Rags, she very well might be looking out for them. He turned around and went down the stairs to look around for Lamm or evidence of which way he might be. If he didn't see anything of significance in that room then he would move back around to the group. He had silently resolved something to himself, now that the Brothers had their sister, the only reason they needed Lamm back was for him...If the man was brought to the jail house and simply slipped out again and continued to organize and do things like this to others then the best justice was a quick and deadly one. His hand subconsciously went to the hilt of his blade. He crossed around to the others and Smiled under his helm at the fact that the young woman was alive, Truthfully he had to admit to himself, she probably wasn't ok. Life with the deprived and insane over you could hardly be pleasant.

" Well, M'lady. You won't have to worry about Lamm anymore. Which way to the lower level?"

Ox wrote:
" Well, M'lady. You won't have to worry about Lamm anymore. Which way to the lower level?"

looking up at you, her eyes go wide momentarily, and she stumbles over her words "w-when one of us is sent down there is when giggles takes them onto the boat...." she looks around as if seeing the whole of the party for the first time.

avatar is now Lamm

M Human Cavalier /1st

Ox squints a bit in thought. "so then the entrance is through the boat, docked up back. thank you for that lovely tidbit," he said with honest appreciation and then glanced around at the others. " Well, Branhm, Arius I wouldn't blame either of you for taking your sister and putting her well out of harms way. As for me, I have a boat to catch." Ox heads for the closest exit toward the boat and remembered well about the slippery docks. barely waiting for any others to make up their minds about moving on. He knew that some hungered as much for this justice as him and wouldn't let him get to far ahead.

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3
Ox wrote:
Ox... barely waiting for any others to make up their minds about moving on.

"Ox, wait--let's see what information we can get from Yargin."

"No, brother--he's right. We need to act quickly before Lamm can get away again."

Alika grabs at his arm, clearly afraid of being left alone.

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3
Pseudo-Branahm wrote:

Alika grabs at his arm, clearly afraid of being left alone.

"Stay here and make sure that Alika is safe--and that Yargin doesn't get away. We'll handle Lamm."

Branahm purses his lips, but nods. "Very well. I will protect our sister and the others. Now go, before Lamm can escape."

M Human Cavalier /1st

Ox nods toward Branhm thanking him great fully for releasing him from the dirty work of extracting information from an already wounded man, no doubt that Lamm was a vile master anyhow, who knows how hard they would've had to work to drag the information out him, not that the sorry excuse for fey deserved any less. Ox surged out the door throwing caution to the wind.

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3
Ox wrote:
Ox surged out the door throwing caution to the wind.

Arius rolls his eyes. "Rumil and Rags, can you make sure that our companion doesn't trigger any traps?"

He turns to Alika and Branahm. "I'll see you as soon as we catch Lamm."

Arius' inclination is to go slowly, but his player agrees that we should move in soon. Arius will follow Ox.

If Rumil still has Hookshanks' key out:


Arius is distracted by the interesting-looking key that Rumil has in his hand. "Wait--what's that, Rumil?"

m Human (Varisian) Rogue /1

Rags retrieves his dagger wiping the gore off on giggles. Almost done now. Just have to see old man Lamm brought to justice. Rags looks to Ox " Let me at least make sure he hasn't laid out any welcome mats for us big guy."Rags smiles almost as if they were heading to a festival instead of the grim work before them. I will let you roll to see if I notice anything Cap.

The easiest way to get to the boat is by leaving the way you came in and going across the slippery dock on the outside (make acrobatics checks DC 15 and tell me marching order)


you spot a rather large shadow moving through the water - it seems too streamlined to be the Crocodile you remember

Rumil pulls out key and shows it to Arius

"Not sure what it goes to but I found it on Hookshanks. Mayhaps we should search Yargin and Gigggles here make sure they don't have similar keys, or better yet we could interrogate yargin. Serving the double purpose of finding out what we are up against and finding out what this key goes to. What do you think?"

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

Arius stops his movement toward the door, distracted by Rumil's key. He calls through the door, "Ox, wait a moment! Rumil's found something."

"That's a good idea, Rumil. We may not have time to make Yargin talk, but we can at least check him and his companions for other keys. I'll look at Giggles here if you check Yargin."

If Ox returns:


Arius gingerly begins checking the bloody corpse, a look of distaste on his face. "Well, no one could say that Master Vosja leaves a job half-done."

Searching Giggles (Perception) (1d20+4=12)

Arius isn't irritated with Rags; he's just repulsed by the process of searching a partially gutted corpse.

If Ox doesn't return:


Arius bends over the corpse, but notices that Ox is not coming back.

"Splendid. Branahm, please check the bodies. I don't want to let our vanguard get too far ahead."

He follows after Ox.

Arius will stop at the door if he sees Ox or Rags slipping on the boards or if a Perception check indicates how slippery the boards are.

Noticing boards (Perception) (1d20+4=18)

M Human Cavalier /1st

Ox hesitates by the door for a moment wondering if rags will stop as well, “I suppose we can wait a moment longer." He looks toward rags sympathetically and then back toward Arius impatiently. He now senses just how closely they are coming to justice and he fully suspects the word of the clerics they have along should suffice for The necessity of the injury and or murder of these men. If these are the kind that the let slide through the cracks in Korvosa perhaps the guard isn't for him. He very Will most likely take this up with Marshcroft after this is all over.

For when the others finish up and they actually get on the way.
1d20+3 &#8594; [10,3] = (13)
Harrow point and reroll…
1d20+3 &#8594; [3,3] = (6)
harrow point and reroll of reroll
[20,3] = (23)
and thank goodness! I didn’t want to swim in armor with my sword and shield and helm and a streamline shape.
Ox would like to take lead until they come to a door.and once the possibility comes for traps then switch with rags or Rumil

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf Druid
Rumil wrote:

Rumil pulls out key and shows it to Arius

"Not sure what it goes to but I found it on Hookshanks. Mayhaps we should search Yargin and Gigggles here make sure they don't have similar keys, or better yet we could interrogate yargin. Serving the double purpose of finding out what we are up against and finding out what this key goes to. What do you think?"

"I suppose in all the comotion we got a little bit ahead of ourselves. I'll go check Giggles for a key."

sniffs the body of Giggles for food

m Human (Varisian) Rogue /1

Rags hurries along to where Ox is. " Let me take point Ox. In case theres a trap." Rags pauses at the door waiting when he hears Arius ask for a few moments. " Lets be as quick as reasonable. I don't know what Lamm will do given time. If he knows we are coming he may run, or he may try to use the children against us." Rags turns and looks and sees the form in the water. Anju! What is that? I know its not Lamm's gater . I suggest everyone be very careful."
[occ] my roll for when we do start moving.acrobatics (1d20+12=25)[/occ]

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

"Let's try to identify what it is. If it's dangerous but stupid, we may be able to sate it with fish guts from the tank."

Giggles has nothing but the flail,shield and armor on his person. as you are searching him, Guarm comes in with another key upon investigation it appears to be the same as the one rags has. "This was on Yargim, as were these." He puts down two leather bags with some jelly-like substance in them, the wand that Yargim had used on rags, a vial of acid, and a broach, and a light crossbow (with 10 bolts).

Anju [spoiler]You know that the shadow looks like the body of a fish and to be about 10 feet long.[spoiler]

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf Druid
The 'Cap wrote:

Giggles has nothing but the flail,shield and armor on his person. as you are searching him, Guarm comes in with another key upon investigation it appears to be the same as the one rags has. "This was on Yargim, as were these." He puts down two leather bags with some jelly-like substance in them, the wand that Yargim had used on rags, a vial of acid, and a broach, and a light crossbow (with 10 bolts).

Anju [spoiler]You know that the shadow looks like the body of a fish and to be about 10 feet long.[spoiler]

I'll take the items off of Giggles unless people want them. What kind of armor is it?

Anju carefully walks over to the dock and peers into the water

Knowledge (nature) roll on shadow

Knowledge (nature) (1d20+5 -> [18,5] = (23))

Dexterity roll in case I need to keep from falling in and having a more personal encounter...

Balance Check (1d20+6 -> [16,6] = (22))

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

"Right. I'll see if any of this seems useful." Arius mutters a brief incantation and looks intently at the items.

While Anju tries to identify the creature, Arius casts Detect Magic to see if any of the items from Giggles or Yargin is magical and then tells his companions the results. This should take about three rounds, but he'll break off early if his input is required.

nothing magical other than the obvious wand of acid splash (25 charges).

anju : as you are studying it, the fish rises closer to the surface, and a blue and rust colored, pointed dorsal fin sticks out of the water. Right now it seems uninterested in you, but if one of you fell in....

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf Druid
The 'Cap wrote:

nothing magical other than the obvious wand of acid splash (25 charges).

anju : as you are studying it, the fish rises closer to the surface, and a blue and rust colored, pointed dorsal fin sticks out of the water. Right now it seems uninterested in you, but if one of you fell in....

nice linking the picture haha!

"Watch your step here friends, that's a shark in there!"

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

"Lady Anju, could you keep it from attacking somehow with empathy? Or could we feed it enough fish or dog to keep it from attacking even if we slipped?"

In case we just walk it:

Acrobatics (1d20+1=2)

Right. He'll use a Harrow point if we do it that way.

Acrobatics Take 2 (1d20+1=3)

Looks like Arius is going into the water. What were you saying about Invisible Castle, Rumil?

Arius Pelgane wrote:

Looks like Arius is going into the water. What were you saying about Invisible Castle, Rumil?

Utterly and completely hate it!!!!

Rumil cautiously move along the the dock beside Rags (if this is possible, behind if not)

Acrobatic check (1d20+9=14)

harrow point reroll of acrobatic check (1d20+9=16)

"If any more of you want to try the catwalk, let me give you the blessing of Torag first. It will steady your feet."

Branahm will use Touch of Good on anyone else yet to cross the walk, which will give a +1 to the chance of success. It looks like Ox, Rags, and Rumil have or are about to try the catwalk, with Arius not far behind after he makes his plan for Sharkey. Branahm will use the ability on Arius when his brother makes the attempt, though it won't help because of Arius' wretched rolls.

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf Druid
Arius Pelgane wrote:

"Lady Anju, could you keep it from attacking somehow with empathy? Or could we feed it enough fish or dog to keep it from attacking even if we slipped?"

In case we just walk it:

Acrobatics (1d20+1=2)

Right. He'll use a Harrow point if we do it that way.

Acrobatics Take 2 (1d20+1=3)

Looks like Arius is going into the water. What were you saying about Invisible Castle, Rumil?

"It certainly is a hungry fish, maybe I can calm its demeanor a bit. If anything else, at least distract it while the rest of you make it across"

Anju throws some meat scraps into the water away from the dock

Wild Empathy
1d20+4 -> [8+4]=(12)

how does one go about communicating with a shark anyway *does the crazy shark dance*

Anju wrote:

how does one go about communicating with a shark anyway *does the crazy shark dance*

well there is a charter in Australia somewhere that they bring wild great whites to the side of the boat and let you pet them...

Ok, so rags makes it across the dock no problem, ox starts across, slips on some allege, and almost overbalances, before catching himself. As he moves to the turn, the weight of his armor makes it hard for him to stop, and he almost slides off the end of the dock. he catches himself and makes it to the side of the boat. Rumil crosses quickly, he almost falls in once at the turn, but quickly jumps from one part of the dock to the other, avoiding the plunge. Arius isn't so lucky... he stops falling in once, but the second time he falls over the side, falling 5ft into the water on the side opposite Lamms building lucky percentile dice roll there - the shark is under the building. Anju follows across the dock with elvish grace. The clerics are checking the children for any wounds when one of the Lambs comes over to tell Braahan that Arius had fallen in the water with a shark!


there is another dock directly below the one you fell from, leadings from the boat to an opening in the building's lower floor, you think it looks slippery, but not quite as bad as the one you fell from

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

"This dock is slipperier than a... yeaaaghh!"

Arius tries to swim back to the dock, but makes little progress. He thrashes around in the fish-entrail-filled water like an injured seal.

Swimming (1d20-1=8)

Eventually, he manages to swim over to the dock... if the shark doesn't reach him first.

Swimming Round 2 (1d20-1=18)

Initiative (1d20+1=2)

Thank you, Invisible Castle. I'll use that second Harrow point now.

Initiative Take 2 (1d20+1=16)


Arius will climb out of the water onto the lower dock even if the shark reaches him; he has little other choice if he wants to use his spells.

Let me know in what round Branahm makes his appearance at the door.

M Human Cavalier /1st

Ox nearly dives in after Arius but hesitates realizing he very well might sink them both if he tried to help Arius out of the water. He instead peers around looking for the shark. He hands his shield to rags and then grips his blade with two hands pointing down. If he thinks he can make it to the shark then he will attempt to jump and land on it , blade first.

1d20+3, 1d20+5 &#8594; ([17, 3]=20, [17, 5]=22)


Branahm replies to the Lamb, "Get a rope. Quickly."

Branahm rushes to the doorway with his sister Alika at his heels.

"Guarn, get that dog carcass!"

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

A fin breaks the water as the shark snaps at something--one of the bloody hunks of fish thrown in by Anju. Arius redoubles his efforts to reach the dock.

Branahm and his sister Alika appear at the door. He looks down into the water at the approaching fin.

"Almost there, brother! Hurry!"

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

Arius scrambles out of the water onto the lower walkway, the shark at his heels. "Made it!"

He lies gasping for a few moments to regain his breath.

"There's a second walkway below the one that you're on! Don't come back--I'll try to cross over on it!"

Arius gingerly rises to his knees, very aware of the nearby shark. He looks around.

Perception on the lower dock (1d20+4=11)


male Captive2/Rower3/Brawler3

Arius :

MapI'm useing Ross' map, so the avatar portraits are wrong, but you're in that same location as the portraits in the picture. the black outline he drew in the water is where the shark currently is.

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

Not sure where Ross' map is; could you link?

Arius will describe what he sees to his companions.

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf Druid
Pseudo-Branahm wrote:

"Guarn, get that dog carcass!"

Anju shutters at the fact that her companions are about to feed the dead dog to the shark. Seeing Arius swimming helplessly through the water makes her feel that it might be for the best unfortunately.

Feeling the pressure of the situation Anju tries once again to tame the shark. Humming a small hyme she heard from her fellow villagers as they would fish in the nearby river, Anju pears into the water to see if she can spot the shark again.

Wild Empathy (1d20+4 -> [19+4]=(23))

wow, I might just be able to pet this shark like the ones in Australia with a roll like that!

Arius Pelgane wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Arius will describe what he sees to his companions.

in the above spoiler - the first word is the link - sorry

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

"The walkway down here reaches the boat. Also, there's an entrance to the lower level of the building."

"Wait till I cross to underneath you, and Ox can give me a hand up."

Arius crosses over to the ship on the lower deck, going extremely slowly to avoid any chance of slipping off into the water again. He watches the dock beneath him closely for any signs of rotten wood, and he listens for any sounds of boards giving way.

Nice empathy roll, Anju!

Dexterity and Perception checks (1d20+1=6, 1d20+4=9)

Arius Pelgane wrote:

Dexterity and Perception checks (1d20+1=6, 1d20+4=9)

I should make you slip just for that bad roll.. you get over so that you are under where the party is, over by the ship (the end of the dock closest to where the shark is)


when you get there you notice a section of the boat's hull 4 feet wide by 5 feet tall looks different from the rest - right where the dock ends

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

"Okay, I'm underneath you. Can you pull me up?"

He adds much more softly, "There's an entrance down here. Shall we take it to surprise them perhaps?"

The roll was dreadful, but that's why he was going so slowly. Why give Invisible Castle another chance at Arius?

In any case, I'm okay going either up or down--just pull me up or start coming down quietly, as you prefer.

When Guarn brings the dog's body, Branahm makes ready to throw it into the water if anyone else falls in.

Branahm will go back inside to help more Lambs as soon as the party goes into the ship.

m Human (Varisian) Rogue /1

"I say we come down to you." Rags says as he tries to make his way down to the soaked, but intact mage.

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