The Cap's Alpha Test


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male Captive2/Rower3/Brawler3

While she is talking the other guard turns and runs for the door in a full sprint.

the trip was unsucessful - are you sure his CMB is only 2? (see page 150 of the beta)

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

Although he is focused on Verik, Arius still hears the guard's attempt at escape.

Perception roll

"My pardons." He rushes after the guard, dropping his wand and pulling out his bag of spell components as he runs.

Arius moves after the guard. If he can get within 30' range at the end of his move, he will cast Charm Person on the guard and call for him to wait. Otherwise, he'll try to close the distance so that he can cast the spell next round.

Branahm would get an attack of Opportunity as well

Branahm tries to trip the guard as he runs, but only manages to knock himself off balance.

Trip attempt
Bye bye, Sanctuary. Hello, prone condition.

Male Half Orc Male 1st Druid | HP:12/12 | AC:14 (11 Tch,13 FL) | CMB +2 CMD:13 F: +3, R: +1, W: +5| Init: +3| Perc: +6, SM +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none.

Keth will break into a run after the guard.....ok with us having the same speed...assuming he has a move of 30....Ill stay caught up with him each do you want to work this Cap?

The Wolf chases the guard, lowers its shoulder, and bowls into the back of his knees. Forgot he got an AOO too they are 5 feet out of the door, next to the wagon right now, sorry guys - at least the wolf tripped correctly this time.. Arius you can change your action if you'd like - if not than I believe that you succeed - just need to check if there were any changes in the Beta - Keth, you can change too if you want

The 'Cap wrote:
The Wolf chases the guard, lowers its shoulder, and bowls into the back of his knees. Forgot he got an AOO too they are 5 feet out of the door, next to the wagon right now, sorry guys - at least the wolf tripped correctly this time.. Arius you can change your action if you'd like - if not than I believe that you succeed - just need to check if there were any changes in the Beta - Keth, you can change too if you want

I think tripping is handled through a grapple check so I added his bonus for grappling to that. I'll post the stats I'm using on the OOC. I could actually try tripping while biting apparently.

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

Arius checks his run. Staring at the guard, he mutters a few words in a monotonic voice.

Thanks, Cap. Arius will do what he was planning, but given that Tikaani and Keth are on top of the guard, Arius will cast Daze (Will DC 15) instead of Charm Person.


male Captive2/Rower3/Brawler3

the guard suffers the effects of Arius' spell

Male Half Orc Male 1st Druid | HP:12/12 | AC:14 (11 Tch,13 FL) | CMB +2 CMD:13 F: +3, R: +1, W: +5| Init: +3| Perc: +6, SM +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none.

Keth pauses to put his Battleaxe up as he picks up his thrown spear...and goes to stand over the fallen guard. "Now be a nice guard, and keep yourself alive by just laying still."

then to Verik whose surrendered he says "anyone still upstairs?"

Verik shakes his head I don't let anyone else up to my office during the work day

Dark Archive

Female Human Wizard (Conjuror) 1 Rogue 2

Elizabeth turns to Anju. "Take him down to Keth and tell him and Branham to watch them. Your wolf can stay with them too. You go and check that room down there," she points down the hall beside the stairs. "Arius you and I are going to check out Mr Vencarik's Office."
She swivels around to catch Vencarik before he is led off. "There wouldn't be any little traps up there waiting for us now would there, because if I find any after you've said no then I won't be very happy." She runs a finger softly down his cheek, "and you don't want me to get angry now do you." She gives him a cruel smile.


male Captive2/Rower3/Brawler3

Verik grunts and shakes his head

Assumeing things go as Liz mentions above


The air in this room is stale, stinking of salted meat and blood.Straw litters the floor, scattered to catch what drips from the
meat hooks affixed to the walls and ceiling on metal rods. To the north is a low blood-stained table and two barrels of salt, while to the south, a pair of double doors stands. An iron bar extends through a narrow hole at the top of the doors; the bar runs along the ceiling for five feet before ending at a vertical pole running floor to ceiling. There are a few cuts of meat here, as the butchers were refilling it for tomorrow's lot. The Majority have the general shape and look of beef or pork, which is consistent with the pig the two were cutting up as you arrived.

Arius and Liz:

As you finish going up the stairs, you notice a round table in this room, surrounded by four wooden chairs. A stack of beat up harrow cards sits on the tabletop. A cabinet to the southwest hangs open, a tangle of dirty clothes and blankets within. Four thin bedrolls lie rolled up against the north wall. There is an closed door to the south

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

After Keth cows the remaining guard, Arius walks back to Liz and Verik, retrieving his wand as he goes. He stays alert for another ambush--or a trap--and keeps the wand out as he walks up the stairs with her.

"We should be back very soon."

Liz and Cap:


Arius turns to his companion. "I've had enough guardsmen-shaped surprises for today. Perhaps we could check the door first, and then examine the rooms more closely?"

Branahm nods in response, then returns to helping restrain the captives. Once all are securely bound, he invokes the power of Torag to heal his companions' wounds.

Branahm will make sure that none of the guards are in danger of dying as well and will pick up his mace. Who's injured?

Male Half Orc Male 1st Druid | HP:12/12 | AC:14 (11 Tch,13 FL) | CMB +2 CMD:13 F: +3, R: +1, W: +5| Init: +3| Perc: +6, SM +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none.

Keth nods at the healer..."Got a scratch, check the others first."

think Ive taken 5, but I could be off by a couple

"Right. Anju, let me take a look at you and Tikaani."

When his companions are ready, he channels the power of Torag to heal them--and the captives.

1d6=2, 1d6=5

That 30' burst of healing should take care of Keth and Branahm's wounds. Anju, if you're still down, please let me know. Branahm will defer healing the captives further until we talk with them.

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf Druid
Pseudo-Branahm wrote:

"Right. Anju, let me take a look at you and Tikaani."

When his companions are ready, he channels the power of Torag to heal them--and the captives.

1d6=2, 1d6=5

That 30' burst of healing should take care of Keth and Branahm's wounds. Anju, if you're still down, please let me know. Branahm will defer healing the captives further until we talk with them.

The wolf and I actually didn;t taske any damage at all during the fight ;)

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf Druid
Cpt_kirstov wrote:
The air in this room is stale, stinking of salted meat and blood.Straw litters the floor, scattered to catch what drips from the meat hooks affixed to the walls and ceiling on metal rods. To the north is a low blood-stained table and two barrels of salt, while to the south, a pair of double doors stands. An iron bar extends through a narrow hole at the top of the doors; the bar runs along the ceiling for five feet before ending at a vertical pole running floor to ceiling. There are a few cuts of meat here, as the butchers were refilling it for tomorrow's lot. The Majority have the general shape and look of beef or pork, which is consistent with the pig the two were cutting up as you arrived.

Anju looks at the construction of the door and (what I assume is a pulley). She pulls on the pole that extends to the ground to see if it will open the double doors.


The Bar is just that - a bar - It appears that the double doors open to the room you just battled in and the bar is an extension of the own running thought that room (see the map) Looking at the meat around you, you notice that the hooks they are hanging from all have large eye holes, which would fit on the bar, allowing the meat to be pushed in here for storage overnight. As you are looking at this, you notice that some of this meat does not appear to be from normal livestock.

Arius and Liz:

A single large desk stands in the eastern part of this large office, transformed into a makeshift bed by a bedroll and
several blankets and pillows. A table and three chairs sit to the west; several papers lie strewn over the table’s surface and a chamberpot sits under it. One of the papers is pinned to the tabletop by an exquisite silver dagger.


You notice Verik's Spear still propped against the wall of the stairs

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf Druid
The 'Cap wrote:
The Bar is just that - a bar - It appears that the double doors open to the room you just battled in and the bar is an extension of the own running thought that room (see the map) Looking at the meat around you, you notice that the hooks they are hanging from all have large eye holes, which would fit on the bar, allowing the meat to be pushed in here for storage overnight. As you are looking at this, you notice that some of this meat does not appear to be from normal livestock.

Anju looks around the room curiously. As she does this she gets a feeling that something is out of place here. She takes a closer look at the meat using her knowledge of the qualities of meat from various hunts the men in her village would return with.

Knowledge (nature)
1d20+6 -> [14,6] = (20)

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

Cap and Liz:


Arius makes a beeline for the papers. "Perhaps these have something of interest."

Branahm keeps his eye on the captives to make sure that they don't try anything.

"Once my companions have finished looking over your shop, we will continue our discussion from earlier."

Male Half Orc Male 1st Druid | HP:12/12 | AC:14 (11 Tch,13 FL) | CMB +2 CMD:13 F: +3, R: +1, W: +5| Init: +3| Perc: +6, SM +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none.

standing guard, Keth's eyes glance at Verik's spear propped against the stairs and he looks at Verik walking over and transferring his spear to his shield hand, he hefts the spear and looks back at Verik. Moving back towards the room where the butchering was going on, he puts Veriks spear out of reach and in a corner away from temptation

[occ] realizing this might be 'treasure' Keth wouldnt just take it unless it wasn't Verik's any longer. *shrugs* if he was dead itd be a whole 'nuther story ;) [/ooc]


You notice that the spear is exceptionally well made as is the other gear on him masterwork spear, masterwork chainmail, masterwork bow, and arrows, potion of cure moderate wounds


the papers are all inventories and amounts of livestock. You see nothing to indicate anything else illegal happening other than the fact that free meat seriously undercut the other meat merchants

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

"Huh. Nothing seems obviously out of order with the books. Have you found anything, Liz?"

Arius searches the room--or, more likely, helps Liz to finish her search. From the new map (thanks, Cap!), it looks as if he's gone ahead of her into the next room, so Arius will go back if that's the case.



male Captive2/Rower3/Brawler3


you can't figure out what type of animal the meat is from

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf Druid
Cpt_kirstov wrote:
you can't figure out what type of animal the meat is from

Anju takes a small (camping)knife out of her pack and cuts off a piece of the meat. She beckons Tikaani over and has him sniff at it. "If even you can't tell what this is I wonder what the others will think" she says to the wolf. She thinks about stories she heard when she was little about monsters that would kill their victims and assume their bodies.

I wish I could actually talk to the wolf!

Male Half Orc Male 1st Druid | HP:12/12 | AC:14 (11 Tch,13 FL) | CMB +2 CMD:13 F: +3, R: +1, W: +5| Init: +3| Perc: +6, SM +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none.

Keth makes a slight growl deep in his thoat as he thought. "Verik, I hope the Queen goes light on you and you are allowed to return to the guard. You are an asset, even though misguided into thinking fighting against her authority would benefit the common folk."


male Captive2/Rower3/Brawler3


The wolf eats the meat without complaint.and pads over to the door on the southern wall of the room, waiting patiently

Arius and Liz:

nothing else of not can be found in the room since you have found the dagger and the notes

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

After Arius and Liz finish the search, Arius collects the scattered notes. "These may be useful to us--or the Guard--later. The dagger might be valuable too." Arius picks it up (if Liz does not).

"Ready to go down?" Arius begins to walk toward the stairs.

Dark Archive

Female Human Wizard (Conjuror) 1 Rogue 2
Arius Pelgane wrote:

After Arius and Liz finish the search, Arius collects the scattered notes. "These may be useful to us--or the Guard--later. The dagger might be valuable too." Arius picks it up (if Liz does not).

"Ready to go down?" Arius begins to walk toward the stairs.

Back from camping.

Elizabeth enters the room ahead of Arius and immediately spots the glint of the Dagger on the desk. She picks it up and attempts to twirl it around her hand, but her eagerness at examining it makes her attempt clumsy at best, so she sighs and contents herself with examining it, leaving Arius to look through the papers.
Acrobatics Check. (1d20+4=8)
Appraise Check. (1d20+6=13)

Once she looks it over, she searches the rest of the room with Arius' help and then follows him back out of the room and back down the stairs, still holding the Dagger.
Perception Check. (1d20+6=24)

Dark Archive

Female Human Wizard (Conjuror) 1 Rogue 2

Once back with the others downstairs, Elizabeth casts Detect Magic on the Dagger. And then offers it to one of the Fighters (or Arius if none of them claim it), explaining that Caress is all she needs for her protection.

She then walks over to Branham and asks if he has any healing magic available as the bastard Verik hit her a number of times with his arrows.

Elizabeth Danflor wrote:

Once back with the others downstairs, Elizabeth casts Detect Magic on the Dagger. And then offers it to one of the Fighters (or Arius if none of them claim it), explaining that Caress is all she needs for her protection.

Liz's detect magic defiantly shows the Dagger as magic, but she cannot identify any specific auras on it.

Looking around, Verik's arrows also appear to be magic (+1)

Branahm invokes the power of Torag to heal Liz.

If that isn't enough:
Let me know if this and the 7 points of healing from before weren't enough to heal you to full.

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

"Magic? Hmmmmm...."

Arius accepts the dagger from Liz and begins scrutinizing it.


Branahm looks at his brother with a combination of amusement and annoyance.

"I appreciate fine craftsmanship in a weapon as much as anyone, but don't we have more important things to do right now?"

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

"Ah... Verik. Right."

He walks over to their captive.

Are we ready to start the interrogation? Where's Anju at the moment?

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf Druid
Arius Pelgane wrote:

"Ah... Verik. Right."

He walks over to their captive.

Are we ready to start the interrogation? Where's Anju at the moment?

Anju shrugs and walks over to the southern door after the wolf. She joins Arius in his interrogation of Verik.

Arius Pelgane wrote:


You still see no specific auras, although it defiantly radiates magic


Sorry forgot about you over there
The wolf eats the meat... you notice its ears cock up at an interesting angle. unfortunately you can't really get much extra information about the source of the meat from this darn profanity filter!

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

"So, Verik, to continue our interrupted conversation, I reviewed your ledger. Feeding the hungry is a worthy goal, but I'm wondering where you are getting the money to subsidize your charity."

Everyone, please jump in. Arius doesn't know about the funny meat yet, but I have a bad feeling about it.

Dark Archive

Female Human Wizard (Conjuror) 1 Rogue 2
Pseudo-Branahm wrote:

Branahm invokes the power of Torag to heal Liz.

If that isn't enough:
Let me know if this and the 7 points of healing from before weren't enough to heal you to full.

Thanks. The 7 from before and the 5 will do me. That takes me to 25, so a rest will give me back the other 2. Save that other Heal for someone else.


male Captive2/Rower3/Brawler3
Arius Pelgane wrote:

"So, Verik, to continue our interrupted conversation, I reviewed your ledger. Feeding the hungry is a worthy goal, but I'm wondering where you are getting the money to subsidize your charity."

Verik looks directly back at you and replies I found some backers who share my interest in keeping the people of our city alive during this crisis. Not all of us are care-less Otyugh whelps like the queen


male Captive2/Rower3/Brawler3

Arius and Liz can make spot checks - if not done by when I get home tonight (7PM EST {GMT-5}) I'll roll them as passive - I forgot the DC and results at different DCs at home

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf Druid
The 'Cap wrote:

The wolf eats the meat... you notice its ears c#~% up at an interesting angle. unfortunately you can't really get much extra information about the source of the meat from this darn profanity filter!

Gotta love the profanity filter, it seems to block some really random words! I guess I'll just have to take the meat at face value for now and look for more clues.

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

Arius notices that spittle is flying from Verik's mouth. He takes a step away.

I hope that you have better luck, Liz.

"Well, that's most generous of them. Why should they choose to go through an intermediary and not take the credit for their good deeds?"

"You still have a few scratches, but I'll take care of them when we're done."

Elizabeth Danflor wrote:
Thanks. The 7 from before and the 5 will do me. That takes me to 25, so a rest will give me back the other 2. Save that other Heal for someone else.

No need for that: Once this excursion is over, Branahm will channel more positive energy to heal your last two points. He's saving a few turns for the unlikely case of running into undead, but no sense not using them before resting.

Arius Pelgane wrote:

"Well, that's most generous of them. Why should they choose to go through an intermediary and not take the credit for their good deeds?"

"Some people don't need recognition to fight the good fight, ever think of that? Or how the enemies of these powerful people might take it out on the people that they are helping? hmmm?"

Male Half Orc Male 1st Druid | HP:12/12 | AC:14 (11 Tch,13 FL) | CMB +2 CMD:13 F: +3, R: +1, W: +5| Init: +3| Perc: +6, SM +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none.

Keth had been standing guard while the others searched. When Verik barked the first time, he bit his toungue...but he had a low tolerance for sarcasm. "Look you. Shut your Tongue Trap. Be polite or Ill gut you where you stand and take the dead body back instead of the live one. Answer His question. Who is your backer!."

Keth takes a step in...Hes not trying to intimidate him. Hes honestly getting heated.


male Captive2/Rower3/Brawler3

"For all I know, you're the reason my back doesn't want to be known... I'm not telling you anything."

Arius and Liz

You don't notice anything spectacular - The silver dagger looks very well made, with a serpent motif coiling up the hilt and across the cross-guard

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