Valgrymr's Homebrew campaign looking for players

Gamer Connection

see the gaming discussion thread if your interested in a pbp game in a long running campaign world.

Dark Archive

Seen the game discussion thread, very cool world. Very interested :D

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Let me be the second to show my interest. Haven't had a chance to play some epic fantasy for awhile.

I'm interested as well. Since your open to all the of the deities in the gods book, I'm thinking a paladin of Athena.

I'll start working on a character bio and whatnot. Prolly have her done tomorrow.

Sovereign Court

Hmmm... dare I add another PbP?
Yah... I'm interested. I'll Probably play some sort of barbarian.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Crusader, Paladin, Barbarian, the front line is stacked. Val, what's your opinion on the Book of Experimental Might? Might go for the ranger or wizard variants there.

Sovereign Court

Valegrym... what level?

I am thinking level 3-5 ish; be am negotiable; the thing I am concerned about is that since I have not played with any of you that we are all on the same page on how things work and give you a chance to learn my world and how I run things; this is best done at low levels while people develop their character's identities and form ties with those around them; higher level guys would already have much of this as well as the possibility of better gear. One thing to keep in mind is that magic items are not common; the bad guys rounded up all the magic items they could find in seized areas and make raids and sent theives to gather them; almost all the worlds magic items are in big vaults and warehouses in once city controlled by the a bad guy; more details about that when I put out the known movers and players list.

I do not own this book; will ask around to see if anyone I know does and will lend it to me; but at the moment am saying no until I can get it.

ok; talked to a few; nobody has it yet...

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Crusader, Paladin, Barbarian, the front line is stacked. Val, what's your opinion on the Book of Experimental Might? Might go for the ranger or wizard variants there.

There are barbarians of many races and tribes; both human, elf, and others; in my game elves all have different kings by race; ie the wood elf kingdom is different from the high elf; only the rare grey elfs can travel between kingdoms and have special status; wild elfs are almost all barbarians for instance; as are many vikings and fins; and some greek tribes and many from the Arthurian/Celtic mythos and the American Indian mythos for example.

Stunty_the_Dwarf wrote:

Hmmm... dare I add another PbP?

Yah... I'm interested. I'll Probably play some sort of barbarian.

if you have access to an old dieties and demigods; my has the melnibonians and stuff for example; any diety that has levels of Paladin can have paladins; this means that there is even one halfling diety that has paladins hehe and there was a pc who played a great one.
Just keep in mind that Athenas paladins do not ride horses and ride in chariots or walk.

in making your character, you have a few choices; the Greek/Roman area over the last decade has been under the influence of the dark well and darkness filled the whole area and the undead ruled the entire region; many Greek and Roman freedom fighters stayed and fought; while much of the populous fleed south to the southern continent as refugees; who then had their own problems with wood elfs; native populations and the coming of the Ophidians (snakemen); there are also large contingents of Greeks and Romans on the western continent as they were there to protect their western colonies and had alliances with the Egyptians, Babylonians and Summerians as well as the Holy cities of the North; these forces have just returned to the colonies after a long and bitter civil war amongst the Persians; ie the last two groups; so pick a region and I can help with some skills.; homeland would have many undead type skills; south lot of wood and jungle type skills and the possibility of other mounts; and in the west; all desert skills. Athena is active in all areas.

YeuxAndI wrote:

I'm interested as well. Since your open to all the of the deities in the gods book, I'm thinking a paladin of Athena.

I'll start working on a character bio and whatnot. Prolly have her done tomorrow.

this info probably should have gone in the other thread; but there you go.

Sovereign Court

I had a thought... is there an orient? I have an idea for a character, but it really works best if he's a wandering oriental swordsman.

Sovereign Court

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Crusader, Paladin, Barbarian, the front line is stacked. Val, what's your opinion on the Book of Experimental Might? Might go for the ranger or wizard variants there.

An all-fighter campaign could be interesting. It's been a while since I was in such a group.

You have several choices here; I have both Japanese and Chinese mythos; (as well as India, but I wont talk about them here)

China is in the south of the Eastern Continent and Japan is an island chain off the coast. In the southern continent; there is a large contingent of chinese and some japanese also; on the Southeastern coast; they are refugees from the mainland; that area is Lawful Evil and they have been enslaved by Devil Worshippers; kinda like the vast numbers of slaves from africa in early US history; the LE area down there is large Plantation style Fuedal.

the mainland is typical China during the fuedal period with the Furies out of Balance and the Jade Emperor punishing the people with plagues as if the 1000 hells have come to earth.

Japan is Fuedal Samuri Japan; they have fought many waves of Sharkmen and other things from the see; a Kraken now lives right in the trade route between the East and Central continent. Then the Nine Demons of Kimone came and starting killing masses of people and no hero heh no Jubai has come to save them yet...

Stunty_the_Dwarf wrote:
I had a thought... is there an orient? I have an idea for a character, but it really works best if he's a wandering oriental swordsman.

Still dont know anything at all about book of expiremental might.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

It's currently only available as a PDF from Monte Cook.

Valegrim wrote:

so pick a region and I can help with some skills.; homeland would have many undead type skills; south lot of wood and jungle type skills and the possibility of other mounts; and in the west; all desert skills. Athena is active in all areas.

YeuxAndI wrote:

I'm interested as well. Since your open to all the of the deities in the gods book, I'm thinking a paladin of Athena.

I'll start working on a character bio and whatnot. Prolly have her done tomorrow.

I like the idea of a border warrior. Part freedom fighter, part special forces of the border patrol. I've had the idea of a arcane archer build with ranger/sorceror levels. Maybe a special contingent of friendly elves who are tasked with fighting the undead? Like, a special order of Athena/Artemis/Aphrodite dedicated to the eradication of undead?

I'm defninetnly leaning towards a ranger of some kind, after I've given it some thought.

Shoot me down if those ideas clash with preexisting ideas, though. It's your world.

sheesh paizo just ate my post; you idea is a good one; easy to flesh out; lots of choices available; here is a quick list of the easily available races and cultures that would fit.

Wood elfs, American Indians, halflings, civilized lizardmen, are native accepted as well as half elfs of these cultures.

Orcs,half orcs, goblins and Dark (Kobolds,Ogre,Ogrillion - shadow touched) are allies by truce and alliance with the Greeks

there are about a million greek/roman refuges that have been here about 30 years; they have an organized militia and fortified encampments; well except for those who have gone native and live by the Well of Life. There are a few thousand Chinese and Japanese who live with the Greeks (most avoid the well)who are also refugees.

high elves and some half breeds; Egyptians, Scandanavians (vikings and finns)and Dwarves - hill and mountain are all here as occupying armies; they are currently encamped.

some undead half breeds like half vamps or just about any bloodline could easily be here; no true undead can get very close to the well of life though. Lots and lots of the Grecoromans are touched by undead after all. titan blood line is easy for example; as is dragon and among the egyptians; djin or efreeti are easy.

Ok; I really would like a few more PBP players; three would be nice; and elf and dwarf would be nice; but anything is good.

Anyone out there want to pbp; we are not very deep into the story; read up on Valgrymr's homebrew; I think we are going to have a great time; post on the discussion thread;

Need players- am a long time gm.

The Exchange

I've posted on the discussion thread but thought I'd throw one in here as well. I'd be keen to join your game if you're still needing players. It would be my first PbP but I've been DMing for years and am very keen to try this out.


Welcome Wrath; get your character done; we are starting at 5th level. No magic items other than what you get as background; all dwarven holds are under seige and no magic items are allowed out to fall into the hands of the enemy. There are about 40 thousand dwarves at the well at this time; and lots of crafters so masterwork most everything is available.

If you want to pick your dwarven clan; the oldest clan in in the Valley of the Ancients, proud and stoic. There are the dwarves of this Southern continent that are like the Hillbillies of the American deep south a hundred years back; also, proud and stubborn. The Dwarves of eastern continent have two holds; Lenap; the most cosmopolitian who trade with the Egyptian; they are not under siege yet; the only clan; and the Northern dwarven hold of Araby, who no one has heard from for sometimes as they shut their gates to await the winner of the Arabic Civil War; a human matter to be sure. Lastly; there are the dwarves of the central continent; their range in in the center of the continent and they are fairly standoffish as they believe the humans (greeks and romans) far to hotheaded and unstable to be allies.

otherwise roll two d6 and tell me the numbers

We are still looking for another player.

anyone want to play a myrmidon; greek warrior; or the like; Greek or Roman warrior type would be nice; but another player would be nice regardless.

I would be interested joining your group. I've began reading the description page for the campaign (only the first page) and it seams like I would need a bit of help catching up though. Also I should note I'm not very familiar with pbp and most my D&D experience is with 2e and its been a while since i played even that.

Basically, we are making level 5 characters for a group to do some adventuring. The first adventure will be in what we might call the country of Greece searching for a lost artifact that the dwarven priest who lives on the ice pyramid is going to introduce.

currently; the Greek/Roman area is no longer under Undead control; human forces have taken back much of the area; but there are still fierce battles and undead still roam everywhere; just not during the daytime as much.

While it is not required; it would be nice to have a Greek/Roman type mythos player; a warrior or barbarian would be nice; but, you could play anything you like really as all kinds of peoples from everywhere have come to fight the undead incursion.

If you have your 1e or 2e dieties and demigods or even the 3.5 stuff; I use the those dieties in this area.

do you have any specific questions?


YeuxAndI wrote:

I'm interested as well. Since your open to all the of the deities in the gods book, I'm thinking a paladin of Athena.

I'll start working on a character bio and whatnot. Prolly have her done tomorrow.

Valegrim wrote:

Basically, we are making level 5 characters for a group to do some adventuring. The first adventure will be in what we might call the country of Greece searching for a lost artifact that the dwarven priest who lives on the ice pyramid is going to introduce.

currently; the Greek/Roman area is no longer under Undead control; human forces have taken back much of the area; but there are still fierce battles and undead still roam everywhere; just not during the daytime as much.

While it is not required; it would be nice to have a Greek/Roman type mythos player; a warrior or barbarian would be nice; but, you could play anything you like really as all kinds of peoples from everywhere have come to fight the undead incursion.

If you have your 1e or 2e dieties and demigods or even the 3.5 stuff; I use the those dieties in this area.

do you have any specific questions?

First I don't have those books. Second would a Fight/Rogue fit. Lastly

looking at at the discussion I saw that you gave the players there
background this is fine but I would like to have some input on the
occupation (Mercenary Company Leader) of my father the rest is not
important to me is this possible?

Your fathers occupation is no problem; keep in mind that the area your from has been at war for like the last 12 years; most cities and village are decimated; in many areas necromancers and undead hold the areas in a death grip; there are many bandit groups as well as nobles and families trying to restore order. Most of the wealth of the land now lies abandoned or in undead crypts; not that there is much to buy anyway; food is scarce and famine is a problem as well as disease. Many walking around are infected by undeath in one way or another. There are several outposts of Greek Nobles in the south and Roman Senators in the north that hire any standing soldier they can get.

I would like you to have some familiarity with the druids in the area if you can work that in; would like you and the druid joining us to have had an association of at least co-operation in the past; perhaps she hires you to relieve greedy people of the burden of wealth or food or some such; perhaps you ahve needed healing and she rendered it without asking questions; stuff like that.

about backgrounds; what I give in backgrounds is only your lineage; what your parents did or had and what they may have given you; your character itself has whatever backgroun you decide on; so if you want your father to have been a merc captain; one of the roles will just tell you how successful he was; hence, what he might give you to start whatever career you pick.

Valegrim wrote:

I would like you to have some familiarity with the druids in the area if you can work that in; would like you and the druid joining us to have had an association of at least co-operation in the past; perhaps she hires you to relieve greedy people of the burden of wealth or food or some such; perhaps you ahve needed healing and she rendered it without asking questions; stuff like that.

Hmm, This can be worked with my idea for the mercenary company was to have

it disband at some point before the adventure but with this area being at
war for so long I could rework it so that the mercenary company was wiped
out in its last battle and the druid came along and found me the only
survivor and nursed me back to health or some such and the two if us are
now friends.

that sounds cool and is great if that is good by you. One thing; were you in a merc group that got worked out; or in your dad's and his got wiped out?

Valegrim, is it really true you're still looking for players? If so, I'd be very interested.

thereal thom wrote:

Valegrim, is it really true you're still looking for players? If so, I'd be very interested.

check out the

Play-by-Post Discussion / Valgrymr's Homebrew
and post there if you're interested. Valgrymr is usually more active in posting there and the PbP thread Sundays through Wednesdays.
Play-by-Post / Valgrymr's Homebrew

Fritholf wrote:

[check out the

Play-by-Post Discussion / Valgrymr's Homebrew
and post there if you're interested. Valgrymr is usually more active in posting there and the PbP thread Sundays through Wednesdays.
Play-by-Post / Valgrymr's Homebrew

ALready checked them out. Thanks for the response, Fritholf.

yes; it would be nice to have a wizard just to round things out; group looks like it has a wide variety of skills; would be nice to have maybe one more; wizardry type or maybe a barbarian; group doesnt have one of either.

I dont check this particular thread much; it is more to get attention and direct to my homebrew thread.

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