Keep in the Cinderlands


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Joust rules, if anyone (including Kornelius) is looking to pass the day with a joust:


My joust rules:
1. Both riders charge.
2. Attack role as normal for a charge (+2 attack role, with -2 to your AC. Lances do double damage on a charge). Lances break at 15 points of damage.
3. If hit, opponent must make a Ride Check (DC=5+Damage Dealt) to stay mounted. 5 ranks in handle animal = +2 on ride check.
4. If both are dismounted, melee combat follows.
5. If dismounted, Ride Check (DC15) or 1d6 damage.

Player Options (must be indicated in invisible castle roll):
a.) Aim at helm: -8 to attack but Ride Check (DC15+damage dealt).
b.) Crouch defensively: -4 attack +4 to ride check

Sparring rules:


Combat is initiated and run as usual, but using muddied branches to avoid even non-lethal damage. Muddied branches do 0 damage, but demonstrate clearly when a hit has been achieved. First person to take 3 hits, 'falls'.

Note: These sparring rules provide no bonuses for maximizing damage and favour fighters trained in lighter weapons. No need to 'power attack' Kornelius, impressive though it might be.

Male Human Fighter (2)

Kornelius challenges Ovirid.

... I get a 2 for initiative.

Ovirid, if you can hit me three times before his fifth attack, you win.

Kornelius's first attack = 12. Not too good of a start. // My next attack is a 25. My third attack = 13. My fourth attack = 23. My fifth attack = 18.

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4
Kornelius Rowel II wrote:

Kornelius challenges Ovirid.

... I get a 2 for initiative.

Ovirid, if you can hit me three times before his fifth attack, you win.

Kornelius's first attack = 12. Not too good of a start. // My next attack is a 25. My third attack = 13. My fourth attack = 23. My fifth attack = 18.

"Atsa lad! 'ave at ye, then!"

Initiative 1d20+3=8, so Ovirid's got first attack - five tries to hit before he "falls," right? I'm assuming my Weapon Finesse works for a muddied branch.

Attack #1 1d20+5=19
Attack #2 1d20+5=7
Attack #3 1d20+5=18
Attack #4 1d20+5=19
Attack #5 1d20+5=23

Well if a 19 wasn't good enough to score, Ovirid will play a gracious but theatrical loser. You know, the stage actor that never seems to finally fall as his soliloquy goes on and on and on... Otherwise, he will be a fatherly, teasing winner, giving tips as if he knew what he was doing...

Although both Ovirid and Kornelius smack mud across each other, Ovirid's fighting style is more appropriate for this type of combat. Kornelius' heavy chops might deal more damage, but Ovirid's precise strikes win the day.

The sparring continues for much of the afternoon. By evening, Larjen returns on his riding dog 'Ogre' with a gift from Lord Kerrigan--three vials of potions Cure Moderate Wounds and a note to be careful.

The night is uneventful.

Larjen rises with the sun and shouts a word of warning arousing everyone. "Look at the sky?" he says poiting east. "That's a sandstorm coming."

Although most of the storms from the Cinderlands are pushed back from the Keep by the winds falling over the Mindspins, this one is approaching unhindered.

Male Human Cavalier L1-- AC 18-(T10-F18) | hp 13/13| F4, R0, W2 | Init+0 | Percep +0 | Status: OK

Sir Manfred squints while looking at the approaching storm.

"Gentlemen, we need cover from the storm for outselves and our mounts. Has anyone seen anything that we could use? A screen of trees, a cave, a depression in the ground, anything?"

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4
Sir Manfred VonFalkenburg wrote:

Sir Manfred squints while looking at the approaching storm.

"Gentlemen, we need cover from the storm for outselves and our mounts. Has anyone seen anything that we could use? A screen of trees, a cave, a depression in the ground, anything?"

Has Ovirid noticed anything in his searching? Would we have time to reach a cave? Or would the old road by the caves be sheltered sufficiently?

Larjen figures the storm is half an hour to an hour away. It might not even hit.

The old road might provide shelter or it might act as a funnel--depends which way the storm blows over if it comes.

The only depression in the ground you've noticed is pretty exposed. The area you are in was the most sheltered area you found outside of the caves.

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:

Larjen figures the storm is half an hour to an hour away. It might not even hit.

The old road might provide shelter or it might act as a funnel--depends which way the storm blows over if it comes.

The only depression in the ground you've noticed is pretty exposed. The area you are in was the most sheltered area you found outside of the caves.

"Hunh. Lads, Ah'm fer thinkin' we're already fer bein' in the best place short o' Torag's embrace in one o' th' caves, 'n we're not fer 'avin' time t' get there. We need t' be fer makin' sure ever'thin' is tied down 'n the animals staked. Master Larjen, would it be fer more protective if'n we tuck 'r animals 'n gear on this side o' th' trees or that?"

As Ovirid talks, he's strapping his gear onto his person, making sure everything's firmly attached, any pocket flaps are tied down, etc. He'll start hustling around the campsite to 'batten down the hatches' unless someone provides specific advice to the contrary.

Larjen thinks for a moment, "The caves are close enough but we couldn't get the beasts up there. Stake it down, it is then."

He prepares to tip over the wagon to provide added shelter from the storm.

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:

Larjen thinks for a moment, "The caves are close enough but we couldn't get the beasts up there. Stake it down, it is then."

He prepares to tip over the wagon to provide added shelter from the storm.

"Aye, ye've got th' right of it, I'm fer thinkin'." With that, the dwarf lends a hand to turning the wagon into an emergency shelter.

Male Human Cavalier L1-- AC 18-(T10-F18) | hp 13/13| F4, R0, W2 | Init+0 | Percep +0 | Status: OK

Sir Manfred also suggests that he can get the horses to lie down if needed.

He has the Handle Animal and Ride skills to do it, but not the Survival skill to know whether that would be a good idea in this situation.

Male Human Fighter (2)

"I'll try to monitor the sandstorm," says Kornelius.

Shortly after you have made your preparations, the sandstorm blows in hard. Hiding underneath the wagon, you suffer little damage from the storm. Sometimes a gust brings some sand underneath and it scrubs your skin raw, but that's nothing compared to what the more exposed animals must be suffering.

The storms been blowing for fifteen minutes when a creature starts to push its way under the wagon and then quickly withdraws. With the blowing sand, it was hard to get a good look at it, but you believe it was humanoid.

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:

Shortly after you have made your preparations, the sandstorm blows in hard. Hiding underneath the wagon, you suffer little damage from the storm. Sometimes a gust brings some sand underneath and it scrubs your skin raw, but that's nothing compared to what the more exposed animals must be suffering.

The storms been blowing for fifteen minutes when a creature starts to push its way under the wagon and then quickly withdraws. With the blowing sand, it was hard to get a good look at it, but you believe it was humanoid.

Large, Medium, Small?

"Ah'll not be fer denyin' shelter t' anythin' in this storm. What say ye? Should Ah be fer shoutin' out t' whoever that was t' come back?"

Ovirid Thorvirson wrote:
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:

Shortly after you have made your preparations, the sandstorm blows in hard. Hiding underneath the wagon, you suffer little damage from the storm. Sometimes a gust brings some sand underneath and it scrubs your skin raw, but that's nothing compared to what the more exposed animals must be suffering.

The storms been blowing for fifteen minutes when a creature starts to push its way under the wagon and then quickly withdraws. With the blowing sand, it was hard to get a good look at it, but you believe it was humanoid.

Large, Medium, Small?

"Ah'll not be fer denyin' shelter t' anythin' in this storm. What say ye? Should Ah be fer shoutin' out t' whoever that was t' come back?"


RPG Superstar plug:


When you're checking out RPG Superstar, give a good look at Neil's entries. He's turned out good stuff throughout. If anybody deserves to be considered for their body of work, it's him.

Male Human Cavalier L1-- AC 18-(T10-F18) | hp 13/13| F4, R0, W2 | Init+0 | Percep +0 | Status: OK

"Yes, of course; call him back. Charity is a commandment. We should take precautions though, just in case we are wrong and he is not a hapless victim of the storm."

Do you call him back? What kind of precautions do you take?

Male Human Cavalier L1-- AC 18-(T10-F18) | hp 13/13| F4, R0, W2 | Init+0 | Percep +0 | Status: OK


Meanwhile, all we can do is keep a sharp eye out and weapons loosened in scabbards...

The makeshift flap draws back at the point of the wagon furthest away from those gathered beneath it. Three medium humanoids cautiously crawl under the wagon and huddle together. Over the sound of scraping sand and howling wind, you hear them calling out to each other.


They are speaking orcish.

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
The makeshift flap draws back at the point of the wagon furthest away from those gathered beneath it. Three medium humanoids cautiously crawl under the wagon and huddle together. Over the sound of scraping sand and howling wind, you hear them calling out to each other.


Can he see them with his darkvision?

In Orcish:

"It's not fer bein' fit fer man ner beast out there. We might otherwise be enemies, but while the storm's fer ragin', I propose a truce. We can see what we're fer thinkin' of one another later. Deal?

That's probably more diplomatic than he'd make it with a CHA 6. I presume you will adjust as necessary.

Ovirid addresses the newcomers in similar language.

In Common, he says, "Lads, they're fer talkin' like orcs, but Ah'm not fer seein' their faces too well. Ah proposed we 'ave a truce 'til the gods' tantrum's up and finished. Ah 'ope that sets right wit' ye." In a lower voice, "An' we're not fer knowin' they're not fer speakin' Common -- they did understand yer offer, Sir Knight."

Ovirid Thorvirson wrote:
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
The makeshift flap draws back at the point of the wagon furthest away from those gathered beneath it. Three medium humanoids cautiously crawl under the wagon and huddle together. Over the sound of scraping sand and howling wind, you hear them calling out to each other.


** spoiler omitted **

Ovirid addresses the newcomers in similar language.

In Common, he says, "Lads, they're fer talkin' like orcs, but Ah'm not fer seein' their faces too well. Ah proposed we 'ave a truce 'til the gods' tantrum's up and finished. Ah 'ope that sets right wit' ye." In a lower voice, "An' we're not fer knowin' they're not fer speakin' Common -- they did understand yer offer, Sir Knight."

Ovirid, Manfred, and Kornelius can see them well enough once the tears carry the sand out of their eyes and their eyes adjust to the gloom again. Three orcs--skin rubbed raw, hair matted with sand, flaring nostrils surrounded with sandy crystals--huddle together under the wagon. They don't respond to Ovirid's words but they don't seem about to attack either. The wind continues to howl outside.

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4

In Orcish:

After watching them for a while and making sure they aren't planning something, Ovirid takes a waterskin and passes it to the nearest orc.

"Ye'll be better off if'n ye get some water in ye.

He's sitting with his shield propped up between him and the orcs, ready to bash one if he makes a threatening move, but really not expecting anything of the kind, all things considered.

Female Human - Shoanti Wizard - 4

Just wanted to drop in my apologies for disappearing, real life got awful. I really am so sorry!

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4
Yintarah Fireweaver wrote:
Just wanted to drop in my apologies for disappearing, real life got awful. I really am so sorry!

My dear Yintarah, you owe no apology. That is life, this is a game. I do hope real life is treating you more kindly since you find yourself able to stop by. I can't speak for the rest, but I have no issues with your rejoining our merry band - if real life allows.

Oh, but I would wait until the sandstorm has played out first.

Yintarah Fireweaver wrote:
Just wanted to drop in my apologies for disappearing, real life got awful. I really am so sorry!

Hehehe. I sent Yin back to the keep with a load of cinderwolf pelts. I figure if anyone could get them enchanted she could. I think they give +2 fire resistance. A great gift for Yin to give her friends, eh?

And no apologies needed. I've been a bit busy with this other thing, too.

Female Human - Shoanti Wizard - 4

Thanks guys *hugs* I will keep checking back in, am happy to wait for Yin to reappear whenever's dramatically appropriate/amusing

The orcs remain huddled together until the wind dies down a bit. Before the storm has really ended, they exit quickly and suspiciously into the last gusts of sand.

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
The orcs remain huddled together until the wind dies down a bit. Before the storm has really ended, they exit quickly and suspiciously into the last gusts of sand.

Ovirid crawls over and tries to watch where they go as they leave through the storm.

Ovirid Thorvirson wrote:
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
The orcs remain huddled together until the wind dies down a bit. Before the storm has really ended, they exit quickly and suspiciously into the last gusts of sand.
Ovirid crawls over and tries to watch where they go as they leave through the storm.

The orcs head away from the caves, up the hill, to the east. They soon disappear in the blowing sand.

Male Human Cavalier L1-- AC 18-(T10-F18) | hp 13/13| F4, R0, W2 | Init+0 | Percep +0 | Status: OK

After the Orcs have left, Sir Manfred turns to Sir Ovirid.

Sense Motive--

"Well, as orcs go, they were fine fellows. Come, let us see how the horses have fared."

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4
Sir Manfred VonFalkenburg wrote:

After the Orcs have left, Sir Manfred turns to Sir Ovirid.

Sense Motive--

"Well, as orcs go, they were fine fellows. Come, let us see how the horses have fared."

"Mebbe, but they didna even say 'thank ye.' Savages."

The dwarf will keep a close eye on the direction the orcs went in case they choose to return with an attitude as he accompanies the knight-to-be.

The horses are still alive. The orcs didn't kill them as they left. What more thanks did you want?

The last of the storm disappears even more quickly than it blew in. It heads Northeasterly and will likely fade as it meets the air coming in from the Mindspins. With the wind gone, the hill and scrub seems unnaturally silent except for the snuffling of some annoyed and very betrayed horses.

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
The horses are still alive. The orcs didn't kill them as they left. What more thanks did you want?


Ovirid will see if anyone is interested in looking around to see what sort of damage the storm has caused outside the camp. He's interested in the path the orcs took, of course.

Male Human Cavalier L1-- AC 18-(T10-F18) | hp 13/13| F4, R0, W2 | Init+0 | Percep +0 | Status: OK

Sir Manfred goes over to the mounts. He calms them, then brushes down, feeds and waters them.
"There there Trouble, you've endured worse...;)"

Handle Animal: (1d20+7=9)

Even though the orcs left while the wind was still blowing, you can see their trail in the fresh-blown sand.

The horses are not happy and continue to flick and sniff.

Soon, you realize they are no longer fussing about being left out in the storm but in fear of what is coming next.

The sounds of grunting and thudding come down the hill from the direction the orcs took.

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4

Does Ovirid see a place to hide on the side of the clearing nearest the orcs' path? He'd like to be waiting unseen near the path is anything comes into the clearing.

There are several 'flask trees' around the clearing that are so wide-bottomed that even a dwarf could hide behind them. You'll still have to make a stealth check.

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4

Ovirid says, "Something's up the trail!" and hustles over to the base of one of the trees, crouching down to hide. He's hoping to be behind anything that comes into the clearing so he can evaluate the "threat" before the "threat" notices him.

Super-stealthy ninja dwarf check: 1d20+8=27

A roll like that probably means that he just hid from something completely innocent - or something that's not even traveling this way. *sigh*

Male Human Cavalier L1-- AC 18-(T10-F18) | hp 13/13| F4, R0, W2 | Init+0 | Percep +0 | Status: OK

Sir Manfred gets between the horses and the possible threat, readying his shield just in case. He does not bother to hide.

Male Human Fighter (2)

"Well done, sir. Brave knights do not hide," Kornelius says proudly.
Kornelius stands in the center of the clearing, sword prepared.

"Fortunately, I'm not a knight," says Larjen as he slips behind a flask tree on the opposite side of the clearing from Ovirid.

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
"Fortunately, I'm not a knight," says Larjen as he slips behind a flask tree on the opposite side of the clearing from Ovirid.

Aye, a knight's got 'is place. 'N folks like Larjan 'n I 'ave ours.

As Kornelius and Manfred stand in the clearing swords drawn, a hulking shape comes into view. Eight orcs are both pulling some kind of warmachine down the hill and, at times, trying to keep it from accelerating. When they see Kornelius and Manfred, they stop what they are doing and grab battleaxes off of the warmachine and proceed cautiously forward. They give no indication of having noticed Larjen and Ovirid.

Three of them seem to hold back a little, perhaps out of gratitude for your having sheltered them during the storm, perhaps out of the knowledge that there were more of you under the wagon than Manfred and Kornelius, perhaps out of shame that they have not told their clan mates that you were there.

Ovirid and Larjen can get an attack in a surprise round. Roll for initiatives when you check in.

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:

As Kornelius and Manfred stand in the clearing swords drawn, a hulking shape comes into view. Eight orcs are both pulling some kind of warmachine down the hill and, at times, trying to keep it from accelerating. When they see Kornelius and Manfred, they stop what they are doing and grab battleaxes off of the warmachine and proceed cautiously forward. They give no indication of having noticed Larjen and Ovirid.

Three of them seem to hold back a little, perhaps out of gratitude for your having sheltered them during the storm, perhaps out of the knowledge that there were more of you under the wagon than Manfred and Kornelius, perhaps out of shame that they have not told their clan mates that you were there.

Ovirid and Larjen can get an attack in a surprise round. Roll for initiatives when you check in.

Heaven forbid I get a second attack on a flat-footed group of foes...

Initiative 1d20+3=4

Ovirid will not initiate hostilities. If one of the orcs attacks the fighters, however, he will maneuver to catch one unawares.

Male Human Fighter (2)

Kornelius gets a 17 initiative--DM witnessed roll.

Five of the orcs raise their axes and begin to charge towards Manfred and Kornelius. Larjen quickly puts an arrow in one of them.

The five are surrounded by the party but there are three who have hung back and not even entered the clearing.

Ouch. The orcs got 16 initiative so anyone who beats 16 can attack before the orcs do. Also, Ovirid was holding his surprise attack and can do that now.

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:

Five of the orcs raise their axes and begin to charge towards Manfred and Kornelius. Larjen quickly puts an arrow in one of them.

The five are surrounded by the party but there are three who have hung back and not even entered the clearing.

Ouch. The orcs got 16 initiative so anyone who beats 16 can attack before the orcs do. Also, Ovirid was holding his surprise attack and can do that now.

Ovirid pads up behind an orc and brings his pick around in a wicked sideways slash, catching him just under the ribs. If there's one orc that appears to be "in charge" or more intimidating and Ovirid can target him, he will. The attack roll does not include a flanking bonus, but he was trying for a flanking position when he chose his attack position.

Attack 1d20+5=24

Damage, including sneak attack 1d4+1d6+1=9

In Orc:

"'ere now, 'at's no way t' be greetin' a neighbor!"

EDIT: Oh, almost a crit threat - I know it's a suboptimal weapon, but I want to see one crit before I give up on it!

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