Order #869757

Customer Service

My copy of Rise of the Runelords #5 (Order 869757), which is part of my subscription, seems to have never been shipped. I'm not sure if I've been charged for it either. Can this be addressed? Thanks.

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

Taeldrin Laesrash wrote:
My copy of Rise of the Runelords #5 (Order 869757), which is part of my subscription, seems to have never been shipped. I'm not sure if I've been charged for it either. Can this be addressed? Thanks.

I apologize for not having addressed your post previously. It appears that there is some problem with the payment method on your Pathfinder #5. We are having the same problem with the shipment of your Pathfinder volume 7, so I have combined the two orders. You should have just received a notification email that you can use to fix the problem.


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