Ken Marable |

I realize it's probably not feasible this early on while still trying to establish/solidify the Planet Stories product line, but I figure I'd throw out there that I would love audiobook versions of Planet Stories. Doesn't have to be packaged and in stores, Audible.com is ideal for myself. I just find it leaps and bounds easier to get through a book on my iPod (going to and from work, doing the dishes, etc.) than it is to find time to sit and read a book.
It's unfortunately been months since I read a novel, but I get through 1 every week or two listening to it.
Just throwing out the request to see what other interest there is in it, and get the Paizo folk considering it someday. :)

Ken Marable |

No problem. I figured it wasn't on the radar for any time soon, but I also should have figured that it would be different rights.
But like I said, just saying, at least with this customer and however many quietly hypothetical customers I may represent, there's interest for when it does become feasible.