Kirth Gersen |

Here's what I used for it:
Awakened Monstrous Scorpion
N Colossal Magical Beast (Augmented Vermin)
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft., Listen +25, Spot +4
AC 26 (–8 size, –1 Dex, +25 natural), touch 1, flat-footed 26
hp 357 (42 HD)
Resist electricity 10
Immunities vermin traits
Fort +26, Ref +17, Will +18
Spd 50 ft.
Melee 2 claws +30 (4d6+17) and
sting +28 (2d8+11 plus poison)
Space 40 ft.; Reach 20 ft.
Base Atk +31; Grp +59
Atk Options improved grab and constrict (4d6+17), Power Attack (5-point option included)
Special Atks poison (DC 35, 1d10 Con/1d10 Con), rend
Abilities Str 35, Dex 8, Con 16, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 5
Feats Ability Focus (poison), Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack (claw), Improved Toughness, Multiattack, Power Attack, Powerful Charge, Power Lunge, Rend
Epic Feats Dire Charge, Energy Resistance (electrical), Epic Reflexes, Epic Skill Focus (Hide), Epic Will, Superior Initiative
Skills Climb +16, Hide +18, Listen +25, Spot +4 (includes +4 racial bonus on Climb, Hide, and Spot checks)
Charge AC 24; 2 claws +32 (4d6+29), sting +30 (2d8+17 plus poison); +6d6 damage on first claw hit
Rend (Ex) if Cerattakatha hits with both claws, it tears the flesh, automatically inflicting an additional 8d6+23 damage (includes 5-point adjustment for Power Attack)
Although the "awaken" spell specifically states that only trees and animals can be affected, this could be treated either as a special case (an incredibly ancient specimen that attained sentience), or one could invoke the Child of Winter feat (allowing vermin to be targeted as animals).

Humble Minion |

Thanks! Very helpful...and very LETHAL!!!!! I'm going to need to reduce him down to a CR 12. He would eat my current party as an appetizer. :)
Well in that case I'd recommend they stay well clear of Xiureksior, the dragon of the Seven! A very old Green is CR18 or 19, if I remember right...

Par-a-dox |

Par-a-dox wrote:Thanks! Very helpful...and very LETHAL!!!!! I'm going to need to reduce him down to a CR 12. He would eat my current party as an appetizer. :)Well in that case I'd recommend they stay well clear of Xiureksior, the dragon of the Seven! A very old Green is CR18 or 19, if I remember right...
Yeah, for now at least. I have already forshadowed her many times though; one of the PC's even has a necklace with one of her teeth on it. Eventually she will be presented as a Draco-lich in my Stap Campaign. For now though, they will have to settle for a scorpion TPK. LOL
Thanks again for the stats!

Zombie Boots |

Well in that case I'd recommend they stay well clear of Xiureksior, the dragon of the Seven! A very old Green is CR18 or 19, if I remember right...
Just like to point out that instead of a Green Dragon I used "He-Who-Hums" and -drastically- reduced his statistics. It's a little hard for the Olman islanders to tell one giant green leathery winged lizard from another, at a distance. ;)
“He-Who-Hums” originally is an advanced CR 24 Yrthak in the Dragon Magazine which describes Ecology of the Yrthak. I forget which number specifically but it’s one of the Savage Tide Dragon Mags. Took my player completely off guard! :)

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funnily enough, my party also encountered he-who-hums...
although not on the isle itself, it was during a sidetrek after "tides of dread" and before "city of broken idols"
they had favorable conditions (he was frozen till they woke him up, sonic damage was increased in the area) and managed to blast him with only 1.5 deaths...the druid and her animal companion were both blasted dead by the death throes, and the warmage survived due to our "die at -con score" houserule...she hit -11 or -12, IIRC.
if you use He-Who-Hums, be prepared to kill them all, as he has ridiculous HP and can easily bite/swallow/kill a lvl 12 PC in 1 turn.
(looking back, if i wanted to, i could easily have TPK'd the party with him, but went easy for some reason...don't remember why, at the moment.)
as far as the other legendary 7, i would HIGHLY recommend the beasty types (ankylosaurus, t-rex, eel) have some kind of SR. otherwise a single Ray of Stupidity (from a 4500 gp wand, nonetheless) will drop any of them in 1 shot
best of luck
-the hamster

Turin the Mad |

as far as the other legendary 7, i would HIGHLY recommend the beasty types (ankylosaurus, t-rex, eel) have some kind of SR. otherwise a single Ray of Stupidity (from a 4500 gp wand, nonetheless) will drop any of them in 1 shot
best of luck
-the hamster
Do not forget to house-rule that ray of stupidity - none of the other rays can penalize an ability score below 1. I do believe even several of the Paizonians have criticized that spell for that particular flaw in its write up.
As far as statblocks go, I have Baaragrauth and Chakaranka for you to peruse:
Baaragrauth Advanced Augmented Antagonist Caller from the Deeps
CR 14 (9+4.5 from +18 elemental HD, +0.5 from augmented antagonist)
Gargantuan Elemental (Water) Neutral Evil
27d8 HD (maximized hit points = 594 [216 HD +378 from Constitution bonus])
Initiative +0 Space/Reach 15ft/15ft
Speed: swim 50 feet
AC: 32 (-4 size, +19 natural, +4 insight) flat-footed AC = 29
Touch AC: 13(-4 size, +4 insight) flat-footed Touch AC = 10
Base Attack Bonus +20/Grapple +44 (BAB+ 20, size +12, STR +12)
Fortitude +29 (b+15), Reflex +11 (b+8), Will +22 (b+8, feat +14 con modifier)
SQ: DR 5/-; Darkvision 60’; Immune to poisons, magic sleep effects, paralysis and stunning; not subject to critical hits nor flanking; insight bonus to AC +4
Tentacle +29 melee (3d6+12) [20-4 size+1 feat +12 STR]
Full Attack = 2 tentacles
• Improved Grab w/ each successful tentacle attack; if it wins the grapple, it establishes a hold & can both constrict (3d6+12) and use its enervating grip.
• Enervating Grip (Su): Those who take grappling damage must make a Fortitude saving throw DC 37 (10+13+14 con) or take 1 point of CON damage.
STR 34 (+12), DEX 17(+3), CON 38 (+14), INT 15(+2), WIS 14(+2), CHA 18(+4)
Feats (10): Combat Reflexes [4 AoO per round], Improved Natural Attack (tentacles), Swim-by Attack, Weapon Focus (tentacles), Hold the Line, Endurance, Die Hard, Steadfast Determination, Run
Siren’s Call 3/day (Sp) [Enchantment (compulsion, mind-affecting)]: standard action; Close range = 90’; SR? Yes; Will negates; duration of 27 rounds (D); up to 13 targeted creatures, no two of which can be more than 30’ apart; Stormwrack p. 122 has the full flavor text. Caster Level 27th.
Summon Watery Ally 1/hour (Sp): Equivalent to a 9th level spell, CL 27th.
Baaragrauth summons a fiendish dire shark to its aid (for no more than 10 minutes’ time out of a given hour) when threatened by creatures interfering with its attempts to feed on those who fall prey to its Siren Call.
No treasure (as per the Caller of the Deeps description).
Fiendish Dire Shark = Huge Magical Beast (Aquatic, Extraplanar)
Space/Reach 15ft/10ft HD: 18d8+66 (147 hp)
Initiative +2 Speed: Swim 60 feet DR 10/magic
BAB +13/Grapple +27 Resistances: cold 10, fire 10 SR 25
AC 17 (-2 size, +2 dex, +7 natural), ff AC 15, Touch AC 10, ff touch 8
Keen Scent (ex): Can notice creatures by scent in a 180’ radius & detect blood in the water as far as a mile away.
Bite +18 melee (2d8+9) [full attack = same]
• Improved Grab w/ bite = grapple check to establish a hold & attempt to swallow whole on the following round.
• Swallow Whole = up to a Large meat snack with a successful grapple check, inflicting 2d6+6 hp of bludgeoning damage and 1d8+4 acid damage per round the meat snack spends in the gullet. The gullet has an AC of 13 and 25 hp for each creature swallowed, for each time it is swallowed. (2 large, 8 medium or small meat snacks will fit in its gullet, or equivalents thereof.)
• Smite Good (Su) =1x/day dealing an extra 20 points of profane damage.
Fort +14, Reflex +13, Will +12
Listen +12, Spot +11, and Swim 14 (take 10 = 24)
STR 23, DEX 15, CON 17, INT 3, WIS 12, CHA 10
Improved Natural Attack (bite), Toughness x4, Weapon Focus (bite)
Darkvision 60’; natural weapon (bite) is treated as a magic weapon to overcome DR.
Chakaranka is the ill-tempered loco weed masticating inhabitant supreme of the Valley of Madness.
Initiative +0 CR 14 (7+5+1+1)
Monstrous Beast Advanced Ankylosaurus, Augmented Antagonist
Gargantuan Magical Beast (Air, Augmented Magical Beast)
AL: Neutral Space/Reach 20 ft/20 ft Speed 30ft
27d10 HD = 514 hp (270 hp from hit dice +324 hp from constitution)
Base attack bonus +20/Grapple bonus +48 (20+12 size +16 strength modifier)
Tail Slap +33 melee (4d6+24, 20/x2)[20 -4 size +16 strength +1 weapon focus]
AC 26 [-4 size, +20 natural], Touch AC 6 [-4 size]
Special Attacks:
“Great Belch of Rancid Loco-weed Breath” weapon (Su): sonic, 30’ cone, 2d4 rounds to recharge, 12d6 sonic, Reflex DC 35 half [10+13+12]; Chakaranka has a tendency to belch and fart regularly – these are the really GOOD belches.
1x/day, as a standard action, Chakaranka may unleash a ‘Greater Mighty Burp of Fear’, affecting every foe within 30’ that can hear this burp. Affected creatures must succeed on a Will saving throw DC 25 [10+13+2] or be panicked for 2d6 rounds. This is a supernatural mind-affecting fear effect.
Trample (ex): {4d6+24 hp bludgeoning damage}as a full-round action, Chakaranka can move up to twice its speed, literally running over any foes of no greater than Huge size. Those trampled can attempt an attack of opportunity at a -4 penalty on the attack roll OR they can attempt Reflex saving throws to take half damage (DC 39 [10+13+16 from strength]).
SQ(ex): Blindsight 100’, Darkvision 60’, scent, low-light vision
Fortitude +27 (b+15), Reflex +15 (b+15), Will +8 (b+8)
Feats (10): Endurance, Die Hard , Final Strike (Air, Reflex DC 35 half x2; everything within 60' takes 20d6 bludgeoning and 10d6 sonic), Weapon Focus (tail slap), Improved Natural Attack (tail slap), Improved Natural Attack (trample), Mighty Roar/Greater Mighty Roar, Reverberation (+2 bonus to the saving throw DC of his roar), Extended Reach (tail slap +5’ reach)
Skills: Listen +13, Spot +13, Swim +17, Hide -12
STR 42(+16), DEX 11, CON 34(+12), INT 2 (-4), WIS 10, CHA 10
Swag: none, sad to say.

Kirth Gersen |

I ran a whole Burbalarg side quest, complete with bullywug tribe. I'll be happy to post stats if anyone is interested. In addition to Burbalarg, there's Gloragga, his bullywug druid 13 high priestess; Trebglor, the bullywug Bbn 12 tribal champion; and an assortment of summoned critters. Can't seem to put my finger on the maps I used, though.

Zombie Boots |

I ran a whole Burbalarg side quest, complete with bullywug tribe. I'll be happy to post stats if anyone is interested. In addition to Burbalarg, there's Gloragga, his bullywug druid 13 high priestess; Trebglor, the bullywug Bbn 12 tribal champion; and an assortment of summoned critters. Can't seem to put my finger on the maps I used, though.
I'd very much appericate those stats!
But please post them here. I always enjoy breathing "life" into encounters rather then just "finding a big monster."I'll see if I can scare up my CR 14 He-Who-Hums stats and post them there as well.

Hired Sword |

I ran a whole Burbalarg side quest, complete with bullywug tribe. I'll be happy to post stats if anyone is interested. In addition to Burbalarg, there's Gloragga, his bullywug druid 13 high priestess; Trebglor, the bullywug Bbn 12 tribal champion; and an assortment of summoned critters. Can't seem to put my finger on the maps I used, though.
Go ahead and post here and anywhere else you like so long as you are on topic, which that most certainly would be. Or post in one place then link to that post in subsequent entries.
The more info, the better.

cthulhu_waits |

I have statted them out for my game, but I also made a couple of changes. I removed Burbalarg from the list and added in Chakatru, a Legendary Ape that I advanced to huge size, a CR 13 beastie. Yep, he's Kong. My players sort of expected a giant ape on the isle, so I'm giving it to them.
I also changed Xiureksor to a black dragon, because I had no less than 3 greens in my last campaign and had already had a little green dragon as a wandering monster in STAP. So I was through with greens and changed the Isle's lone dragon to a black one.
My campaign is pretty high-powered, we use gestalt rules and fast feats and an extremely generous point buy but if anyone wants copies of my versions of the Seven let me know and I'll send them to you.

Hired Sword |

I have statted them out for my game, but I also made a couple of changes. I removed Burbalarg from the list and added in Chakatru, a Legendary Ape that I advanced to huge size, a CR 13 beastie. Yep, he's Kong. My players sort of expected a giant ape on the isle, so I'm giving it to them.
I also changed Xiureksor to a black dragon, because I had no less than 3 greens in my last campaign and had already had a little green dragon as a wandering monster in STAP. So I was through with greens and changed the Isle's lone dragon to a black one.
My campaign is pretty high-powered, we use gestalt rules and fast feats and an extremely generous point buy but if anyone wants copies of my versions of the Seven let me know and I'll send them to you.
Oooooo, changing the Green to Black. Maybe I get to use my Gargantuan mini (is that an oxymoron or what?) in anger.

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My campaign is pretty high-powered, we use gestalt rules and fast feats and an extremely generous point buy but if anyone wants copies of my versions of the Seven let me know and I'll send them to you.
And cthulhu_waits enters the life-changing realm of Those Who Offer To Mail Free Stuff. Allow me to set the ball rolling: foolish.child AT gmail.com :)
Batten down your hatches, matey!
Er ... hang on ... I'm not going to get a mail saying "Hastur" several times am I?

Kirth Gersen |

Advanced shambling mound
N Gargantuan Plant
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Listen +8, Spot +0
AC 23 (–4 size, -1 Dex, +18 natural), touch 5, flat-footed 23
hp 350 (28 HD)
Immune electricity (+1d4 Con per attack, lose 1/hour); plant traits
Resist fire 10
Fort +24, Ref +12, Will +9
Spd 20 ft., swim 20 ft.
Melee 2 slams +30 melee (6d6+18/19-20)
Face 10 ft. x 20 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Base Atk +21; Grp +45
Atk Options: improved grab and constrict (6d6+33), Power Attack (3-point option included), Stunning Slam 7/day (DC 24)
Special Atks: rend (12d6+25)
Abilities: Str 40, Dex 8, Con 26, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 10
Feats: Crushing Hug, Improved Critical, Improved Natural Attack (slam), Iron Will, Power Attack, Rend, Stunning Slam, Weapon Focus (slam)
Epic Feats: Epic Reflexes
Skills: Hide +19 (+27 in forest or swamp), Listen +8, Move Silently +7
Possessions 50% goods, 50% items
Female bullywug druid 13
CE Medium Humanoid (aquatic)
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Listen +9, Spot +9
Languages Common, Druidic
AC 21 (-1 Dex, +4 armor, +3 natural, +5 barkskin), touch 9, flat-footed 21
hp 111 (13 HD); fast healing 1
Immune poison
Resist +4 vs. fey
Fort +15, Ref +6, Will +15
Spd 20 ft., swim 30 ft.
Melee spear +11/+6 (1d8+1/x3)
Ranged pebbles +9/+4 (3d6+8)
Base Atk +10/+5; Grp +9
Special Atks: wild shape (Large plant) 4/day, summoning (add 1 monster 50%; if so, 25% for all uncontrolled)
Divine Spells (CL 13th, +10 ranged touch)
7th—wrack earth (13d6 Blg, DC 20 Ref ½)
6th—persistent nature’s favor*, summon monster VI (1d3 fiendish dire apes)
5th—animal growth, persistent barkskin*, persistent bull’s strength*
4th—flame strike (DC 18), greater carnivorous defender, greater resistance*, persistent lesser vigor*, turn pebble to boulder
3rd—greater magic fang, lesser woodlands prison, rogue wave (DC 19, 6d6), summon monster III (constrictor snake), vigor (fast healing 2)
2nd—bladethirst, bull’s strength, kiss of the toad (DC 16, 1d6 Con/1d6 Con), speak with animals, summon swarm, tree shape
1st—animal friendship (DC 15), cure light wounds, endure elements, greater seeker (+5), Segojan’s armor, vermin friendship
0—animal trick, warmth, guidance, lesser mudball (1d6), seeker (+2), shockwave (DC 14, knocks prone)
Abilities: Str 8 (12 with bull’s strength), Dex 9, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 14 (18 with periapt), Cha 10
SQ: marsh move, thousand faces, trackless step, woodland stride
Feats: Augment Summoning, Easy Metamagic (persistent spell), Extend Spell, Nature Sense (B), Persistent Spell, Spell Focus (conjuration)
Skills: Hide +0 (+6 in marsh), Intimidate +15, Knowledge (nature) +17, Listen +9, Spot +9, Survival +19, Wild Empathy +12
Wild Shape (shambling mound):
AC 29, touch 9, flat-footed 29
Immune electricity; plant traits
Resist fire 10
Melee 2 slams +15 (2d6+7)
Atk Options improved grab (+20 grapple), constrict 2d6+10
Abilities Str 21 (25 with bull’s strength), Dex 10, Con 18
Possessions periapt of wisdom +4, staff of summon nature’s ally VII (greater elemental, 1 chg) and planar ally (2 chgs); 10 chgs total left in staff (8 after Borunga)
N Medium Plant
AC 21, touch 9, flat-footed 21
hp 22 (1 HD)
Fort +15, Ref +6, Will +15
Spd 0 ft.
Melee 4 bites +15 melee (2d6+6)
Giant constrictor animal companion
N Huge Animal
Init +4; Senses low-light vision, scent, Listen +9, Spot +9
AC 23 (–2 size, +4 Dex, +6 natural, +5 barkskin), touch 12, flat-footed 19
hp 108 (13 HD)
Fort +13, Ref +15, Will +8; evasion
Spd 20 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.
Melee bite +23 (1d8+21)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Base Atk +9; Grp +33
Atk Options improved grab and constrict (2d6+21)
Abilities Str 26 (30 with bull’s strength), Dex 18, Con 14, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2
SQ link, share spells
Feats Alertness, Improved Natural Attack (constrict), Improved Grapple, Improved Toughness, Skill Focus (Hide)
Skills Balance +12, Climb +18, Hide +13, Listen +9, Spot +9, Swim +17
Animal Growth (1 min/level):
AC 25, touch 10, flat-footed 21
hp 134 (13 HD); DR 10/+1
Fort +14, Ref +16, Will +9
Melee bite +25 (2d6+21)
Atk Options constrict +41 (3d6+21)
Abilities Str 34 (38), Dex 18, Con 18
Fiendish legendary ape
CE Medium Magical Beast
Init +3; Senses low-light vision, scent, Listen +3, Spot +10
AC 19 (+3 Dex, +6 natural),
touch 13, flat-footed 16
hp 123 (13 HD); DR 10/+1
Resist cold 20, fire 20; SR 18
Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +11
Spd 40 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee 2 claws +19 (2d6+10) and
bite +14 (2d6+5)
Base Atk +9; Grp +19
Atk Options: smite good 1/day (+13)
Special Atks: rend 4d6+15
Abilities: Str 30, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 3, Wis 17, Cha 11
Feats: Improved Natural Attack (claw), Improved Toughness (2), Penetrate Damage Reduction (adamantine)
Skills: Climb +19, Move Silently +11, Spot +10, Listen +5
Male bullywug barbarian 12
CE Medium Humanoid (Aquatic)
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Listen +6, Spot +6
Languages Common
AC 23 (+1 Dex, +6 armor, +4 natural, +2 dodge), touch 13, flat-footed 20; uncanny dodge, improved uncanny dodge, trap sense +4
hp 143 (12 HD); DR 2/—
Fort +13, Ref +5, Will +3
Spd 30 ft., swim 40 ft.
Melee +1 greataxe +15/+10/+5 (1d12+16/19-20/x3)
Base Atk +12/+7/+2; Grp +17
Atk Options: Power Attack (4-point option included)
Special Atks: greater rage 4/day
Abilities: Str 17 (21 with belt), Dex 12, Con 20, Int 7, Wis 9, Cha 5
SQ marsh move
Feats: Axeshield, Improved Critical (greataxe), Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (greataxe)
Skills: Hide +16 (+22 in marsh), Listen +6, Move Silently +16, Spot +6, Survival +0
Possessions: +1 greataxe, +3 studded leather armor, belt of giant strength +4, amulet of natural armor +1, 3 potions of cure moderate wounds, 1 oil of keen edge
Greater Rage (11 rounds):
AC 21, touch 11, flat-footed 18
hp 179 (12 HD); DR 2/—
Fort +16, Ref +5, Will +6
Melee +1 greataxe +18/+13/+8 (1d12+22/19-20/x3)
Abilities Str 23 (27), Dex 12, Con 23

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Yeah, thanks a million. You couldn't help yourself, eh? So I read it, said to my girlfriend, "He went and wrote Hastur Hastur ..." and then my arm fell off.
Plus the cat was sick on my printer, the windows spontaneously cracked when I looked at them, I put my socks on inside out and fell off my bike in the rain.
Curse you, servant of the mythos!