Custom RotRL minis... from Fimo

Rise of the Runelords

OK, inspired by such notaries among us as Lilith, I took it on myself to spend some of my precious skill points on Craft (D&D minis).

Seeing as I'm running Rise of the Runelords at the moment, I made some of the minis I thought I could use (and probably re-use).

If anyone's interested, I have links to the photos of my work so far (sorry if they're a bit slow to load, the images are reasonably large for detail):

Rukus Graul
Rukus and his hounds
Rukus (rear view)

Crowfood Graul
Crowfood on the attack!
Crowfood (rear view)

Mammy Graul
Warning... gross (just as Nicolas Logue intended her).
Mammy Graul (view from right)
Mammy Graul (view from left)
Mammy Graul (view from rear)

Lamia Matriarch
Lamia Matriarch (view from left)
Lamia Matriarch (view from right)
Lamia Matriarch (face detail, sorry about poor makeup)

Ogre 1 (front view)
Ogre 1 (rear view)
Ogre 2 (front view)
Ogre 2 (rear view)
Ogres (group shot, with Cleric of Corellon for scale)

Black Magga
Black Magga (headshot)
Black Magga (pieces)
Black Magga Attacks!!!
Black Magga (tentacle detail)
Black Magga (group shot, with Farmer for scale)

All of these were made with Fimo, which is great modelling clay (for an amateur like me, anyway). You can mold it, mix it, play with it, and then bake it to harden it. It can even be superglued together (as I did with Rukus's spear, if you notice carefully). They are all mounted on standard Games Workshop bases (which may be a bit old, they were lying around in the garage from my last LotR stint, a couple of years ago).

Anyway, if anyone has any particular critters they'd like to see, please give me some inspiration. However, I can't yet do great detail work, so monsters, rather than people, would be good.

Hey, what a fantastic idea!

If I don't have any spare bases lying around, do you know where I can grab some?

Also, I particularly like what you did with Black Magga. Are those stone columns in the first picture your creations?

Take care.

The Concordance RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Those are fantastic!! Great work!

Cesare wrote:

Hey, what a fantastic idea!

If I don't have any spare bases lying around, do you know where I can grab some?

Your local Games Workshop store probably has them by the packetload. Otherwise, you might try eBay (the place of many wonderful things).

Cesare wrote:
Also, I particularly like what you did with Black Magga. Are those stone columns in the first picture your creations?

No, sadly. Also Games Workshop work, some 'imperial ruins' or some such, about 5 years old, possibly out of production now.

I'm thinking about making up some more tentacles for Black Magga, but they're slightly expensive- I would probably get about 4 more out of a block of green and a block of black mashed together, maybe 5 if I made smaller ones. How many tentacles does she have, anyways?
[afk, checking book]
[/checking book]
Ah, OK, only 4. Hmf. The picture on the stat block shows 8, but I'm guessing maybe she has to use half of them to swim? Maybe I could make a few extra-small ones, and put little Dianoga-style eyeballs on them, which will definitely be reusable.

This is super awesome. I'm going to try and do this with my daughter's Play-Doh for the CotCT adventure path.

Nice! I like Sculpey myself. Black Magga came out very nicely - I like how you did the tentacles. A set of wooden clay shaping tools is really handy.

For bases, I've used the small mirrors you can get at craft scores. Holds up to baking a lot better.

*is now itching to run home and make stuff*

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Blue_eyed_paladin wrote:
Cesare wrote:

Hey, what a fantastic idea!

If I don't have any spare bases lying around, do you know where I can grab some?

Your local Games Workshop store probably has them by the packetload. Otherwise, you might try eBay (the place of many wonderful things).

Gamesworkshop indeed has them by the bagful. Look here.

Scarab Sages

Those rock!

You got teh mad Fimo skillz yo!

I knew I shouldn't have clicked on the Mammy Graul (view from rear) link! It really delivered the crack-fear that I feel is required of a run-in with mammy.

Blue you are a master craftsman and well worth the 5sp/day.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

*kicks the internet*

Half the sites I've been visiting today I can't connect to. Stupid internet. I want to see but sadly photobucket seems to be on the part of the internet that's broken. :)

Can't wait to see!

Lilith wrote:

For bases, I've used the small mirrors you can get at craft scores. Holds up to baking a lot better.

I actually bake them then put them on the bases... I don't think my wife would appreciate melted plastic bases on our baking trays. :)

Dark Archive Contributor

Dude. The Paizo R&D team approves. Well done, Sir. Well done. ^_^

(We particularly enjoyed Mammy Graul and Black Magga.)

Mike McArtor wrote:

Dude. The Paizo R&D team approves. Well done, Sir. Well done. ^_^

(We particularly enjoyed Mammy Graul and Black Magga.)

Agape...speechless. Squee!

Liberty's Edge

Very cool man!

Where do you get the modelling clay from?

Mothman, you can get Fimo or Sculpey from any craft supply store (Michaels, Hobby Lobby, etc). Online, I like ordering from Dick Blick. You can even get metallic clay, translucent clay, glow in the dark clay, clay you can bake into the consistency of an eraser...

Fun stuffs. :)

Blue_eyed_paladin wrote:
Maybe I could make a few extra-small ones, and put little Dianoga-style eyeballs on them, which will definitely be reusable.

OK, while I've got a day off sick from work (that's what I get for making my wife a romantic 3-year anniversary dinner... she's fine and I'm dying) I've been watching a DVD and making these while I sit on the couch. I'll post pictures tonight, but basically I have 3 "large" bases, each with a tangle of about 5 small, thin tentacles and a single eyestalk. That'll spice up the encounter with Black Magga a little.

I'm now out of ideas. Anyone got anything they'd like me to make?

OK, now that wifey is home, I can use the camera (I also have to ask permission to use hot things and sharp things).

Black Magga, revisited
Tentacle pods
Discounted for the 'entire family' shot

What I've dubbed The Skull Golem (to be found on the upper of p43, PF#4)
The Skull Golem
The Skull Golem again, with a Clay Golem for scale
The Skull Golem action shot

Some details on the Skull Golem...

I was looking through my Pathfinder books today, searching for something appropriately visually exciting, and ran across this critter deep in the heart of PF#4. As statted, it's just a standard stone golem, a little dull for its appearance. So I decided that as it looked more like a clay golem (but much bigger) anyway, I re-statted it, giving it CR 12 (a net +1 increase, ah well) and size much more commensurate with its picture.
Advanced Clay Golem (MM 134)
N Huge Construct
Init –2; Senses darkvision 60ft., low-light vision
AC 23, touch 6, flat-footed 23 (-2 Dex, -2 size, +17 natural)
hp 139 (18d10+40)
Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +6
Immune Magic (acid damage, disintegrate, earthquake, move earth)
Spd 20ft.
Melee 2 slams +22 (4d8+11 plus cursed wound)
Special Attacks Cursed wound, Haste
During Combat The Skull Golem will gladly smash any creature smaller than 8 feet tall, using its haste as often as possible in order to gain mobility and an extra attack.
Morale The Skull Golem fights to destruction.
Str 32, Dex 7, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Base Atk +13; Grp +32

As always, please let me know if there's anything you'd like me to make, I'm easily amused.

I really like your black magga, And will have to take some notes on yours because.

I'm working on my own RotRl minis, however i'm using some old dreamblade minis as the foundation for my work I plan to post picks as soon as they are done.

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