Zoomackulas's Campaign Group 1


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Liberty's Edge

You procede down the steps into a long hall which is littered with shards of glass. It stretches into the darkness. Five-foot-deep alcoves are set into the walls on either side at five-foot intervals. Large, empty wooded frames hang in each niche, with bits of shattered mirror clinging to their edges like broken teeth in gaping mouthes. The frames bear ornate carvings of ghoulish faces and demonic forms.

Dron begins to walk around the left hand wall, but decides to wait for the other warriors.

Female Human

Vilya giggles, pointing to the mirrors.

"Look, they're all broken. Shame. The faces are all smiling."

Her voice drips with sarcasm.

"Perhaps, the reflection they showed was not acceptable to the viewer."

Liberty's Edge

As you pass down the hall, you note that the frame hanging in each alcove appears to be unique. One is carved with daisy flowers, another with roses, and still another with the feathers of some bird. Two unbroken mirrors hang just ahead on your right and left. Mirrors like these two are clearly the source of the glass covering the floor. A clear mirror framed with wooden carvings of dolphins and fish hangs in a niche on the north side of the wall, and a cloudy mirror with ghoulish faces hangs over the flat sections of the wall where it seems a niche would normally be.

"I say we smash the mirrors. Good sport that. What you say, Mog?"

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 2/Ranger 2

"And what if something was living in the niches behind the broken mirrors? Something that still lives behind these. A battle avoided is a battle won."

"And who's to say that not smashing the mirrors will avoid the battle that you fear fighting, hmmm?

Kaldren moves beside his half sister, "perhapse we should study these before we destroy or dismiss them. Ontdek magisch"

Cast Detect Magic

"There we go again with studying." Toranaga draws his sword as a precaution.

Triska of the Shundar-Quah wrote:
"And what if something was living in the niches behind the broken mirrors? Something that still lives behind these. A battle avoided is a battle won."

"Stupid. Fight or die. Not miss fight!" Shouts the warrior priest of a Battle Lord.

"That's the spirit, Dron."

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 2/Ranger 2

"Fine. Lead on, then. I'll cover you. Just remember what happened to our cleric in our last battle. We only have so many potions."

Liberty's Edge

Kaldren of the Skoan-Quah wrote:

Kaldren moves beside his half sister, "perhapse we should study these before we destroy or dismiss them. Ontdek magisch"

Cast Detect Magic

Waving your hands and muttering the proper phrase your spell sends out energy to find magical auras but comes up with nothing. You sense everthing in the area as normal.

Liberty's Edge

As Kaldren casts about with his magic, those looking in the direction of the cloudy mirror see that it does not look right. The surface of the mirror appears rough rather than smooth, and a similar roughness appears on the wall behind it. As you watch, you think you see slight movement in the wall and the mirror hanging on it. It's almost imperceptibly slow pulse or sway.

At that moment of understanding that whats in front of you is not what it seems to be lashing pseudopods emerge from the cloudy mirror, reaching for you....

Make init rolls

Dron sees something flicker out the corner of his eye and starts to turn towards the new enemy.

Initiative (1d20+2=11)

Female Human

Init: I GOT A 4. + 3 = 7

Vilya is quite distracted by something shiny on the floor.

Init (1d20+6=11)

Kaldren hefts his magic spear and prepares to fight.

INIT (1d20=8)

Such low init we're having, hope monster rolls low.

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 2/Ranger 2

Initiative (1d20+3=18) Boo-yah!

Triska pulls back on her bow, preparing to let fly an arrow at whatever the thing in the mirror is.

Liberty's Edge

Init Order:


Go ahead and make your attack rolls!!!

Atk, Dmg, Rapid Assault Dmg (1d20+3=15, 1d10+3=4, 1d6=3)

"For my ancestors!" Toranaga moves to flank the monster. He brings down his sword in a rapid slicing motion.

Dron slices at the monster....

Attacks the first tentacle near him (1d20+5=8, 2d6+6=12)

...and misses.

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 2/Ranger 2

Carefully aiming, Triska looses her arrow at the tentacle oozing out of the mirror.

Attack (1d20+5=20); Damage (1d6+1=2)
No idea what this thing is, but if it's a magical beast, I get a +2 to damage!

Sorry to do this in the middle of a combat, but I'll be out of town for the next 3 days with no computer access, so please NPC Triska as needed. I'll check back in Sunday when I get back.

"Magisch pantser" Kaldren invokes the words of power to cast a protective arua around himself and prepares to fight defensively.

[ooc]Cast mage armor[ooc]

Liberty's Edge

Combat round 1

Triska takes careful aim and lets fly one of her deadly arrows hitting the creature. 4 pts dam. Following the arrow in Dron attacks but misses as the arms of this thing move out of the way. You still have no idea what this thing is but it looks like the mirror has arms and is attacking. Toranaga attacks successfully hitting the creature making a loud sucking sound as the sword hits it and sticking to it. 7 pts dam. Toranaga make a reflex save to see if you can pull you sword free. The Shoanti sorcerer casts his arms about and says "Magisch pantser" while throwing out a piece of leather that disappears instantly, a shimmering light surrounds the sorcerer.
The monster takes a swipe at Toranaga and misses with one arm but is close enough with the other with the stuck sword in it to hit. 11 pts dam. plus you are now stuck to the beastie so now you'll need to make grapple attacks until you can get yourself free, there is no save roll for yourself to be free, you'll have to find another way or kill it would also work I think

I'll give Vilya a chance to play here before I move onto the next round. I am going to post for another player or two to round out the party.

Female Human

Attack 1 (short sword): 19; confirm threat: 18 + 1 - 2 = 17; damage: 2d6 + 1 = 11
Attack 2 (handaxe): 4 - 2 + 1 = 3

Vilya pounces on the indescribable, tentacled thing. Her first strike digs deep into a tentacle, but her follow-up swing misses by a wide margin.

"What is this THING?"

Kaldren stabs at the creature with no effect.
Magic Spear Attack (1d20+1=2)

Liberty's Edge

Vilya the Taker wrote:

Attack 1 (short sword): 19; confirm threat: 18 + 1 - 2 = 17; damage: 2d6 + 1 = 11

Attack 2 (handaxe): 4 - 2 + 1 = 3

Vilya pounces on the indescribable, tentacled thing. Her first strike digs deep into a tentacle, but her follow-up swing misses by a wide margin.

"What is this THING?"

The monster moans as it is hit by Vilya's blade but quickly recovers enough to attack Toranaga successfully pulling the big warrior to it in what looks like some wrestling move.

This ends round one of combat. Vilya needs to make a reflex save roll to see if your blade is stuck to the creature! Go ahead and state your next actions for round two!

Dron's attack = 18, Damage = 8

The half-orc steps up to slash at the arm holding Toranaga with a roar.

Ref (1d20+3=23)

Attack Roll in Lieu of Grapple Check (1d20+3=21)

Damage (1d10+3=10)

Toranaga pulls his sword free and and strikes for the mirror from which the tentacles are emanating.

Kaldren thrusts at the monster with his spear again this time cursing the so called magical weapon.

Magic Spear Attack (1d20+1=3)

Female Human

Vilya's teflon sword gets a 22 on its reflex save.

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 2/Ranger 2

Triska maneuvers around, trying to get a clean shot at the creature among the press of bodies surrounding it, before loosing another arrow.

Attack (Precise Shot) (1d20+5=14); Damage (1d6+1=7)

Liberty's Edge

Vilya the Taker wrote:
Vilya's teflon sword gets a 22 on its reflex save.

Your sword comes easily away from the monster.

Go ahead and make an attack for this round(2)!

Down to 2 hp, BTW

Liberty's Edge

The monster wails as it takes hits from all sides. Triska moves to a good location to fire her bow and lets loose one of her deadly arrows just missing the creature. The half orc moves in and attacks hitting the creature and doing damage to it but now his sword is stuck fast to the creature.Make a reflex save roll to get your weapon free. Toranaga attacks again even though he is still stuck to the creature but he was able to get his sword free and hits the thing again doing more damage. A spear thrusts in but misses as Kaldren tries to help with the monster.

The monster tries to grapple attack Toranaga which provokes an attack of opportunity. Go ahead and make your attack if you want!

Atk, Dmg (1d20+3=14, 1d10+3=7)

"Release me!" Toranaga hacks the tentacles.

Liberty's Edge

Your attack just misses as the monster shifts his arm to get a better hold on you and deals damage to you(7 pts dam).

The monsters other arm attacks at Dron whose blade is currently stuck to it also, it hits doing damage to the half orc(4 pts dam).

Only Vilya left to attack in this round!

Negative five hit points

Dron pulls at the greatsword in anger.

Reflex Save (1d20+3=16)

Female Human

"Tentacle this!"

Short sword: 18 + 1 -2 = 17; damage: 1d6 + 1 = 7
Handaxe: 5 + 1 - 2 = 4. Damn, that handaxe sucks.

Liberty's Edge

Vilya's first attack hits the creature who lets out an shriek that hurts everyone's ears. She does damage to the creature but it is still alive. Dron with mighty strenth pulls his weapon free from the monster.
Toranaga is laying on the floor bleeding and unconscious.

Roll for next round attacks

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 2/Ranger 2

Triska fires another arrow, but the press of bodies around the creature spoils her aim, and she curses as her shot misses.

Attack (1d20+5=9); Damage (1d6+1=3)

Failed to Stabilize now at negative six

As the tentacle hits, Dron sways about in its grasp.

Dron calls out loud, "Gorum, take me!" and swings his sword for all he is worth at the tentacle.

As the sword bites in, the half-orc collapses in a heap, his sword stuck.

Final attack = 22, Damage = 11

Liberty's Edge

Dron Drox wrote:

Dron calls out loud, "Gorum, take me!" and swings his sword for all he is worth at the tentacle.

As the sword bites in, the half-orc collapses in a heap, his sword stuck.

Final attack = 22, Damage = 11

Triska's arrow flies into the wall missing the beastie. Dron's attack hits the creature and shatters the mirror to pieces, the arms coming out of the thing lay against the wall not moving, all is quiet now.......

DM Spoiler

Dron will bleed for another round after he falls and then he stabilises on -2

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