Zoomackulas's Campaign Group 1


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Female Human

Vilya lights her torch, waving it in Dron's face and giggling. Her jet-black eyes glimmer like jewels in the firelight.

"Ha ha... Vilya has a torch and she is first!"

Kaldren performs the arcanic rites and casts detect magic on the provied equipment.

What stat info should I use for the Spear, I want to add it to my character page

Liberty's Edge

Kaldren of the Skoan-Quah wrote:

Kaldren performs the arcanic rites and casts detect magic on the provied equipment.

What stat info should I use for the Spear, I want to add it to my character page

The room lights up with multiple colored auras coming from the items that you were given.

Use normal spear stat for now until you use it and then we'll see what it can really do!

Liberty's Edge

The group heads out down the hallway. Its 5 ft across. You travel a little ways and enter a larger hallway thats 20 ft across. On the right side of the hallway you see an open door and looking at you a small humanoid with a flat face, broad nose and pointy ears and holding a morning star. It screams in anger and shouts something into the room, then charges. Filing out of the room are more of the little creatures...

Roll initiative and state your actions.

Initiative (1d20+6=26)

"Fall before my awesome power!" Toranaga attempts to move to the front of the party's column.

If he can reach the front before the end of the first round, Toranaga initiates a rapid assault attack on the lead creature.

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 2/Ranger 2

Initiative (1d20+3=17)

Triska calmly raises her bow, sights down the shaft, and lets fly an arrow at the charging beast.

How far away is the beastie? (Just need to know if within 30' for Point Blank Shot.)

Dron looks down at the little critter and laughs.

Initiative 6 (+2)

He readies his greatsword but expects it to die with one blow from Yoshi.

Female Human

Vilya grins ear to ear, ducking into the shadows, ready to nab the next of the small creatures to attack.


Female Human

I'm still here. Don't know what's going on, either.

Kaldren spies the advancing critters and prepares for battle by casting mage armor upon himself chanting, "De geesten van mijn voorvaderen beschermen me!"

Initiative (1d20=11)

Liberty's Edge

Vilya- Need an init roll and a hide in shadows roll please!

Female Human

Initiative: 11 + 3 = 14; hide: 13 + 3 = 16

Liberty's Edge

NPC Kraeg-Init Roll (1d20+2=17)

Liberty's Edge

Combat Round 1

Init Order:

Toranaga= 26
Goblin 1= 20
Goblin F= 20
Triska= 17
Kraeg= 17
Goblin 2= 16
Vilya= 14
Goblin 3= 14
Kaldren= 11
Goblin 4= 11
Goblin 5= 10
Goblin 6= 9
Goblin 7= 8
Dron= 6
Goblin= 3

Vilya you have successfully entered the shadows without being seen! Toranaga go ahead and roll your attack, once Vilya moved to the shadows it cleared the way to attack one of the lead goblins! Directly in front of the group is goblins 1,2 and 3. Behind them is a goblin carrying a long sword and has better looking armour than the rest. He seems more confident and capable. He also is speaking in short phrases in goblin and the other seem to respond to what he is saying

Liberty's Edge

Triska of the Shundar-Quah wrote:

Initiative (1d20+3=17)

Triska calmly raises her bow, sights down the shaft, and lets fly an arrow at the charging beast.

How far away is the beastie? (Just need to know if within 30' for Point Blank Shot.)

You have many shots that are within 30 feet-Goblins 1-5 plus the one who has the long sword!

Everyone go ahead and make your attack rolls and state who you are attacking! Sorry should have done this with the init rolls to speed things up!! Vilya please use invisible castle for your rolls so I can see them, thanks!

Goblin 1, 2, and 3 being in front of our group means Toranaga attacks two of them

Toranaga moves through the party and attacks two of the goblins.

Steel Wind Strike - allows Toranaga to attack two adjacent foes.

Attack Roll, Sword Damage, Rapid Assault Damage, Respectively (1d20+3=9, 1d10+3=11, 1d6=4, 1d20+3=18, 1d10+3=5, 1d6=5)

It appears that Toranaga can only hit one.

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 2/Ranger 2

Triska steps a little to the side, calmly raises her bow, sights down the shaft, and lets fly an arrow at the goblin with the longsword and armor.

Attack roll (1d20+5=13), Damage roll (1d6+1=2) (Point Blank Shot)

With a bellow, at the many enemies he now sees, Dron attacks one. DM Choice by Init 6 His greatsword sweeps across the neck of a goblin.

Attack roll 4+5=9, Damage 4+6=10, Damage higher than attack roll, that's not good. Apologies I forgot to use IC.

Kaldren growls as he hurls one of his spears at the closest advancing goblin.

Not the spear he just recieved from our new benifactors

Round 1 Attack (1d20=20)

Round 1 Check for Crit (1d20=9)

Round 1 Spear Damage (1d8+1=7)

Damage will be 21 if 9 hits for the critical.

Liberty's Edge

NPC Kraeg-
Kraeg pulls forth his trusty crossbow and fires at one of the nasty creatures.
Attack Roll (1d20+3=18)
Damage Roll (1d10=1)

Liberty's Edge

The battle so far:

The warblade attacks the goblins with a thirst for blood, he misses the first but deals a heavy blow on the second goblin killing him instantly.

Goblin 1 ducks under Toranaga's attack somehow and launches an lucky attack of his own using his morning star. 6 hp damage to Toranaga

The leader of the goblins attacks the half orc in front of him with his sword. He hits the half orc but it only seems to anger him even more than he already is. 5 hp damage to Dron

The firey barbarian lets loose an arrow into the mass of goblins but misses all of them barly.

The transmuter shoots his crossbow at goblin 3 and hits dealing minor damage.

Goblin 2 is dead thanks to Toranaga

Vilya his still in the shadows

Goblin 3 throws one of his javalins but misses way wide.

The sorcerer launches one of his own javalins and scores a hit throwing the goblin off his feet and against the wall screaming his last breath away. Kills goblin 3

Goblin 4 also launches a javalin and scores a hit on Kraeg. 1 hp damage to Kraeg

Goblin 5 does the same and also hits Kraeg. 3 hp damage to Kraeg

The rest of the goblins are out of range this round

The big bad half orc attacks with his great sword against the leader but misses as the goblin side steps the attack.

So ends round 1. Go ahead and roll your next round attacks and against who. The next time we do battle(next encounter not this one) I plan on having a map so everyone can see whats going on and it will make it easier to plan your attacks, I just wanted to get things moving for everyone. This last week was crazy busy for me but things have slowed down again so I will be able to post more often than I have been!

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 2/Ranger 2

Triska curses and nocks another arrow, once more loosing it at the goblin leader.

Attack roll (1d20+5=6), Damage roll (1d6 1=5) (Point Blank Shot)

Dron tracks the shifty goblin and slices down at his head.

Second attack 14+5=19, Damage 6+6=12

"You shall die for that!!!" Toranaga unleashes a deadly overhead slash that would slice the goblin from shoulder to hip if it connects.

Attack vs. Goblin 1 (1d20+3=20, 1d10+3=10)

Toranaga then steps back to assess the situation.

Kaldren howels with delight as he watches the victim of his spear pass into the Great Plains. He launches another spear attack targeting the next nearest Goblin that is not ingaged in melee.

Round 2 Attack Roll (1d20=11)
Round 2 Damage Roll (1d8+1=9)

Female Human

Vilya springs from the shadows like a hunting cat, her kukri and short sword scything out from either side.

Attack 1 (kukri): 4 + 1 = 5; Attack 2 (short sword): 17 + 1 = 18; damage: 1d6 + 1 = 5

She pounces on one of the charging goblins. The long, curved knife in her left hand goes wide, but her leading weapon digs into the goblin's warty flesh in a spray of blood.

Liberty's Edge

Kraeg take aim at another goblin with his trusty crossbow and lets fire.
NPC Kraeg Attack Roll (1d20+3=13)
NPC Kraeg Damage Roll (1d10=10)

Liberty's Edge

Round 2 of Combat:

Toranaga attacks the goblin and unleashes his full fury slicing the goblin open, killing it instantly.

Goblin 1=DEAD

The leader of this crew of goblins attacks Dron again missing with a scared look in his eyes knowing death is certain.

Letting fly another arrow, Triska misses the mark again.

Kraeg shoots his crossbow and misses

Goblin 2=DEAD

Vilya detaches herself from the shadows and swings wide with her Kukri but follows up her attack with an direct hit killing the nasty goblin(7).

Goblin 3=Dead

Kaldren launches another spear but misses wide

Goblin 4 jumps over his fallen brothers and attacks Toranaga hitting him with a little prick of the skin. 4 hp damage

Goblin 5 tries to follow his mate but trips over one of the dead messing up his attack

Goblin 6 Seeing his leader fall attacks the ugly half orc with his morning star, running and twirling his weapon he strikes and hits. 6 hp damage

Goblin 7=DEAD

Raising up his great sword, Dron takes a mighty swing and delivers a mighty blow sending the goblin leader down the hallway never to get up again. As he finishes the leader Dron takes a hit from another goblin and falls to the ground from blood loss and a big gash in his head

Goblin 8 flees for his life

Goblin 4 is still engaged with Toranaga and goblin 5 is just getting up off the ground. Make your attack rolls for round 3.

down to 4 hp

"I come for you!" Roars Torinaga.

Activating Punishing Stance: +1d6 damage; -2 to AC

1d20+3=20, 1d10+3=4, 1d6=3

Total damage 7

Toranaga faces the remaining goblin, covered in blood, he roars at it, "Raaaaaaahhhhh!!!"

Dron lies on the ground twitching, in a pool of blood.

Stabilisation roll 12%, stops bleeding out.

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 2/Ranger 2

If Toranaga hasn't dropped the remaining goblin:

Triska takes a deep, calming breath, calling to her ancestors in her head to guide her arrow. She slowly draws and nocks another arrow, closes her eyes, and lets it go at the fleeing goblin.

Attack (1d20+5=24), Damage (1d6+1=2)

Liberty's Edge

Round 3

Toranaga hits and kills goblin 4 easily

Triska hits the fleeing goblin 8 and he falls to the ground trying to crawl away

Goblin 5 is curled up on the ground next to Toranaga crying and shaking.

Dron is twitching laying on the ground

End of combat

Tell me your actions!

Toranaga catches the goblin and places the sharp point of his sword at the neck of the goblin. "Do not make any sudden movements or you die!"

Without turning his back on the goblin, "Check on, Dron."

Yoshi Toranaga wrote:

Toranaga catches the goblin and places the sharp point of his sword at the neck of the goblin. "Do not make any sudden movements or you die!"

Without turning his back on the goblin, "Check on, Dron."

Kaldren moves to his fallen companion and drops to one knee, "Easy Dron. Let me tend to your wound."

Heal Skill Check (1d20+4=17)

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 2/Ranger 2

After checking that Dron is being looked after, Triska heads into the pack of goblins, administering coup de graces and checking if any of her missed arrows are recoverable.

Recovered arrows (<50%) (1d100=49, 1d100=6)

"It's not a good omen when our cleric is the first to fall," Triska says as she returns.

Female Human

"Oh, he was just too dumb to get out of the way..."

Vilya continues to mumble and cackle to herself as she rummages through the belongings of the goblin she killed.

Liberty's Edge

The goblin curled up in a little ball just keeps crying and saying over and over Please don't kill me!

Kaldren healing is successful and he stablizes Dron.

Vilya only finds rusty weapons, old well worn out leather armour and smelly clothes the goblins were wearing.

Triska's arrows are all found and have no damage to them. They just slid down the hallway after they passed the battle not hitting anything.

"Give Dron one of the potions, Kaldren."

"Vilya... can you scout ahead and find out if these guys have other friends coming. But don't go to far."

"Triska, Kraeg, go with Vilya."

Turns to the goblin, "Now draw for me a map to your lair."

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 2/Ranger 2

"Lead on, Vilya. I will cover you."

Triska waits for Vilya and Kraeg to go ahead and follows quietly behind them, alert for danger.

Move Silently (1d20=7), Spot (1d20+3=9), Listen (1d20+3=6)

Liberty's Edge

Down the hallway a bit you see two doors open where the goblins came out from. At the edge of your light source farther up the hall you can see the begining of steps decending. The only noises you hear are from your group moving around and Dron grunting in pain on the floor.

Female Human

Vilya creeps along the hallway, stopping at the staircase. Pulling a coil of rope from her belt pouch, she ties one of the goblin's rusty, broken weapons to the end. Vilya swings the rope in a lazy circle, tossing it down the staircase. Tugging slowly, she bounces it on every step from the bottom up.

The rope is thirty feet long. Just FYI. Dex check (if needed): 14 + 3 = 17

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 2/Ranger 2

Triska takes a peek behind each of the doors, keeping an arrow nocked and ready for anything that might be in the rooms beyond.

Spot check Door #1 (1d20+3=13); Spot check Door #2 (1d20+3=16)

Kaldren uncorks one of the cherished healing potions and hands it to Dron, "Here fella, this will make it all feel much better."

Dron wakes up from the healing potion, rolled 7hps putting him on 4hps.

The half orc looks around for his greatsword.

"Ta," he looks at Kaldren. Then the half orc tries to see if others have honest battle wounds that Gorum will heal.

I believe others took wounds, but who is badly in need of healing. Other than Vilya the distant rope-bouncer.

Toranaga has two honest battle wounds in need of relief.

Dron taps Yoshi and small detonation of energy fires into his wound.

CLW on Yoshi (1d8+3=5)

Toranaga's more grievous wound closes.

Presently at 9 hp, still down 5

"Thank you, Dron." Smiles Toranaga.

Liberty's Edge

Vilya tosses her make shift device into the darkness and it lands with a loud clank. As she pull it towards herself it makes a loud scraping noise. She notes when it hits the first step its only about 15 feet away and as she grabs the rusty weapon she figures its about 5 steps total and not very steep decent. In the distance you hear a faint moaning coming from the darkness.

Triska checks behind both doors seeing nothing but cob webs and dust.


Second CLW on Yoshi (1d8+3=10)

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