Little Black Boxes [spoilers]

Curse of the Crimson Throne

The Exchange

Maybe this has already been stated/asked somewhere, but have we been reading a little prelude to Crimson Throne in the form of Eando's tale? I thought there was a connection between the phage from PF#2 and the 2nd AP. Do the boxes contain the disease, or are they long lost bones of the dragon in the PF#6 preview? My guess is dragon bones, but I'm curious to see what others think.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Luke wrote:
Maybe this has already been stated/asked somewhere, but have we been reading a little prelude to Crimson Throne in the form of Eando's tale? I thought there was a connection between the phage from PF#2 and the 2nd AP. Do the boxes contain the disease, or are they long lost bones of the dragon in the PF#6 preview? My guess is dragon bones, but I'm curious to see what others think.

There are indeed connections. What those connections are will become blatantly obvious by the time we get Pathfinder #8 out there.

The Exchange

What a great use of the Chronicles chapters of the 1st AP! For the first three I was only mildly interested in the articles, figuring they were just color for the new setting. I started suspecting they might be an attempt to weave the APs into one story during the 4th installment. Now they're the first thing I read when I get the new volume. Nice job guys!

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