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Anyone ready for a flamewar unrelated to 4e? Cause I really want to vent.
I hate what's become of OotS and Erfworld. They used to be amazing webcomics, products of absolute genius. When erfworld joined and we had a run with comics every day of the work week, I was over joyed.
But now...
Now updates are erratic and infrequent, or almost non-existent in the case of Erfworld. Then OotS blew the three month jump in the timeline. Why have three months pass if you're just going to come back to the characters in the exact same situation as you left them? When that twist was first revealed, the potential of it was overwhelming! What could possibly keep the OotS from having gotten back together and raising Roy? What happened to Elan's eye? Did he lose his innocence? Did the characters grow in unexpected and interesting ways without Roy?
No. They just sat where they were left, bumbling around incompetently and not saving Roy.
With the quality of OotS these days, I'm starting to wonder which is worse, to lose a high quality show in its prime and be left wondering at how terrific it might have been (I'm looking at you Firefly) or have the series continue on and be so bad that it taints what came before (Mr. Lucas?).
I wish they'd pull the comics altogether, get their s*!@ together, maybe get a little lead in in the can, and get a good run going again. Then, when they're down to fumes and just forcing out strips for the sake of forcing them out, take another break and do it again. But anything to get the quality back up, even if not the reliability, would be wonderful.
Edit: And I know it's "free." I'm not going to get into that pit of b*+!*@%+ again, so if that's the most worthwhile thing you have to say, save us both the effort and skip hitting the Reply button.

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Dude i sympathise with you as i'm a OotS fan. But i think you'll find that Rich is ill and can only update when he actually CAN physically do the work.
Not sure about Erfworld but then that was always secondary to me.
Gary, I understand that he is sick, and I do sympathize, but it's not just the frequency of the posting, it's the quality as well. I would much rather that he take a good long break, take care of his health, maybe get 2-4 weeks worth of good strips in the can so that he has a margin of error when he can't produce for a week, and pick back up again. Right now, his work looks like he's just forcing it out for the sake of forcing it out. If he needs a long break, he should take a long break, but he's not doing anyone any good by producing poor quality strips on an erratic timeline.

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Rhothaerill |

I still like OotS. So there.
My question is 'Will there be another edition change strip?'
But it's free. ;)
I still like OotS, but it has gotten a bit blah lately. The big battle for Azure City sucked some of the wind out of it and it hasn't recovered yet. Even the humor has gone down a bit in quality, which is a shame because we all know Rich can do better. Start of Darkness was a great product; I laughed all throughout as even the 'serious' portions of it had some great humor. The main strip right now is lacking that a bit.
Actually I think a series of jabs at the edition change could put some life and humor back into the comic.

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I feel like Oots is back in a "counting time" phase, like the endless boring stuff between the defeat of Zykon and the action that eventually happened in Azure City. I'd rather he return the focus back to the story, and not take quite so many years to tell it. Also frustrated with the erratic nature of the updates and the filler nature of a lot the strips. I don't want to spoiler, but the revelation of what's happened to Roy in the 3 months...blah. We wasted how many strips to get to that?
But that's just one dragon's opinion.
Erfworld, on the other hand, has been just ruined by the lack of updates. Oot's not quite there.


after the blog about goblinscomic.com i checked it out. i read through it in one sitting it was so good. then the updates were about every other week. it just wasnt as good reading one page at a time. suddenly i noticed it took months for anything substantial to happen. went on to multiplex.com also read it in one sitting. loved it. same problem. finally i decided my new years resolution would be to only read them once a month. figured if i cant make the artists pump out the comix any faster i would just read them in a way that made them more enjoyable to me. havnt read one yet this year.....ITS SOOOO HARD!!!!

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Is Erfworld unable to post updates on their own, and is tied to "whenever Burlew can get it posted?"
I know that in the past, they've had updates queued that didn't go up because Rich was unavailable. However, of late Erf is updating every 2 weeks or so and Rich is pretty close to 3 a week (if not over it), so I don't think that's the problem anymore.

Jason Grubiak |

Order of the Stick was at its best from beginning to the destruction of Xycon's dungeon.
So pretty much the Dungeon Crawling Fools book.
Since then it hasnt been as good but I dotn see a dip in quality since.
Erfworld is just terrible so I can care less about updates.
Order of the Stick and Goblins are the MUST READ internet strips for gamers.
8-Bit Theatre ranks way over Erfworld and 8-bit Theatre isnt that great.

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OOTS does tend to ramble more than when it first started but otherwise is still fine. Erfworld made no sense to me.
Though I am reluctant to recommend anything on GitP given the sad state of affairs - I must ask, how much did you read? It didn't really appeal to me at first, a little too pun-filled and inside joke-ish, but I came around to it. Like I said, if I didn't think I was recommending an unsatisfying one-sided commitment, I'd suggest giving it another try.
And by the way, thanks everyone for keeping the thread on topic. Even posting to say you are generally satisfied/like OotS is great. I'm just so seriously bummed by the 3 month time jump. The war in Azure City dragged and dragged, and when it was first revealed that Roy had been dead for three months, I was energized by the possibilities. I was really intrigued by the jump and thought it was a very clever way to move the comic out of the mire it had been in.
And to see it return to that mire and to sink even deeper than before is really disheartening. I want the storyline to move forward, I'm really annoyed that we moved through so much time and we're in the same place as before.