The Splintered Isles


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Hazir looks up and considers Yrar for a moment. "You seem to have the right of it. So I'll be straight. His crew, well they come and go. Often see them come but ..."

The old man stares out to sea, "looks like we may have a bit of a storm coming. I better get this boat further up the beach. You youngsters care to help?"

Back on the Sailor's Dream

"Two crates of silk will be a good start. Other than that I only ask a favour of you all. In return for taking you to this Black Grue. I do not know the favour yet, but I will think of something. Something you can easily afford."

Morah claps his hands in appreciation as the plates of skewered lamb sizzles up from the kitchens. The tent billows briefly in the breeze.

His two girls set small tables beside the four of you, on each table goes the skewers, coconut rice and a large salver of mixed pickled fruit and vegetables.

Morah stops talking and begins to make little snuffling noises of joy and pleasure as he eats.

Male Human Ranger 1 (XP826)

Ghari says, "We'll be glad to help, father." or some colloquial term of respect for an older man

He takes up a station at the stern and begins to push. After the boat is moved to the old man's satisfaction, Ghari asks, "We have these crates and other goods of our companions. May we leave them in the boat or with you until we find a place to keep them?"

Old Hazir looks at the crates, unsure what to say.

Finally he comes to a decision. "I could look after them for a while."

"Two crates of silk and an unspecified favor?!? Oh, noble Morah, we are not asking you to save this lass like Fazaam's childhood hero. Just for passage to the island. One crate of silk, which I am sure you can tell is worth far more than you would charge for such a simple endeavor. If you insist upon a favor then we keep our silk. This favor would also have to be one we as a group have a say in. As I do not condone activities that will affect others in a negative way. If you can agree to those loose terms and my friends here are of like mind then we have a deal."

Morah looks up from the devouring of the lamb, "agreed."

The Exchange

Uh, oh. That was a quick agreement. I hope someone has something to say to make sure that loose favor he is agreeing to isn't going to bite us in the butt later. Of course if it didn't it wouldn't be a fun adventure then would it?

Male Noble Elf Spellcaster 1

Uh-oh is right! If I am reading it right, Morah just gave up any physical payment for just the unspecified favor! Thank you Fudrick for making sure that we had to agree to it, and not just fulfill ANY wish he may have!

"A favor, which we will perform for you once we have agreed that we can fulfill our obligation to your august personage, and not cause undue harm to others?" Fazaam looks at Fudrick with obvious admiration for his bargaining skills. "Agreed!"

Fazaam takes a bite of the lamb, making his own happy noises. "And thank you again, most generous Morah! Oh, I should fetch Ghari, and Yrar!"

Male Gnome Beguiler 2

Shulim watches everything but says as little as possible. Morah is up to something, that much is certain, but who's side is he on? So Far the Witch is in league with the demons, the demons with some ancient cult, and it seems highly likely at this point that Zerea and Morah have had dealings in the past. The real question is the extent and nature of those dealings . . .

This fat little fellow is not to be trusted and in less then a minute Fazaam has told him almost everything and Fudrick has made a deal that Morah was far too quick to agree on . . . it seems to Shulim that his new allies would be bought and sold within hours of arriving in the big city and visiting the dark alleys of the bazaars.

Morah isn't doing anything out of the goodness of his heart and nobody that round is or old truly has an adventurous spirit. Morah probably wants something and his desire to speed things along as quickly as possible isn't a good sign. Was he really interested in favors or was all this talk deals and payment all show to placate us and make us think he has alternative plans?

"Fergive me Great Morah," Shulim finally says, "far be it fer me ta ask a fellow magician from reviling his trick, but I gots to know, now dat we's sealed da deal and we's all on working terms and everyting, how is it dat you know who we is? As far as O'Shulim knew, nobody on dis side O' da Vinggor knew who I is, but I guess when you's as powerful as me master you got's to expect all sorts o' spies watching yer every move, and even da moves of da humble servants."

"Apart from Marwan and Fudrick, the other names were given to me by Fazaam and Fudrick. I had never heard of any of you, or Yrar or Ghari until we met."

Morah shrugs. "I am but a simple sailor with the onerous task of collecting taxes for this village. This journey will make a change from dealing with the ungrateful and lying fisherman I see here. They are always trying to get one over me."

With the last skewer bare, he smiles greasily, "they do not succeed."

After finishing his dinner quickly Fudrick stands and bows to Morah, "When can we expect to set sail? Speed is of the essence here as Ghari's sister is in grave danger."

Male Half-Orc Barbarian / 2

Yrar assists Ghari and Old Hazir move the boat. Bringing the crates back to the old sea dog, the Half-Orc sets them down and lowers his voice, “So, what were you getting at with this Morah? Are you saying he turns his crew into slaves?” Try as he might, Yrar’s voice rises and growls, his lips tighten through his mangy beard, and his teeth grind together by the time he says the word ‘slaves’.

Male Gnome Beguiler 2

"Din how do ye know we's gonna be capable of doin' dis favor?" Shulim asks looking a bit confused, "I tought fer sure you'd heard somethin . . ."

Male Noble Elf Spellcaster 1

Fazaam also bows to Morah. Then to Morah's 'right hand'.

"If you will forgive me, I will go and fetch our companions. I shall return swiftly."

Fazaam departs with a smile and a wave, saunters down the gangplank, then moves swiftly down the beach, heading towards Yrar and Ghari.

Male Human Ranger 1 (XP826)
Fazaam Al-Nak'Bar wrote:

Fazaam departs with a smile and a wave, saunters down the gangplank, then moves swiftly down the beach, heading towards Yrar and Ghari.

After helping Yrar with the crates, Ghari spots Fazaam striding down the beach and goes to meet him.

"Well met, Hasan, prince of primates! " he cries, "Oh, and you too, Fazaam " "What news of the dhow? Did your silver tongue secure us its hire?"

Before heading out behind Fazaam he asks Morah on who can provide them group with provisions in the village. Also if there is an alchemist of sorts to get potions from?

On the Sailor's Dream
Morah calls for Alif and he returns to the upper deck. After a short conversation, Alif turns to Fudrick.

"We sail on the evening tide. That is one hour from now. I have had a large cabin emptied of belongings below. It should do for you and your men."

Morah nods and smiles in agreement. He looks around to make sure everyone finished their food. His face betrays a little sadness that they did.

He listens to the confusion of Shulim and beckons him closer, to a cushion right beside himself and he whispers gently to the gnome.

Listen check Shulim DC5/Faz+Fudrick+Marwan DC16

What did you want to discuss with me Shulim?

As Fazaam and Fudrick get up to leave, Morah breaks off his whispered conversation with Shulim to answer the other gnome.

"Potions and provisions I can supply, in fact there is no one else in the village you could get them from. Remember we only have an hour before the Dream must leave, or the tide will turn again."

Sense Motive DC20

Morah is not telling you everything. Maybe there is another source in the village?

The large man points at Marwan and Alif, "you should make sure the quarters are good enough for your friends, and I wish to have a quiet word with Shulim, if you please."


Back on the Beach
Old Hazir turns a little pale at the growling Yrar and he is more than a little glad when Ghari interrupts, pointing out the approach of Fazaam and Fudrick.

In that instance of distraction, the old man runs off into the village.

Sense Motive; Listen (1d20=7, 1d20 2=12)

"Thank you. Can you have one of your men show us to this cabin so we can prepare to set sail? Do you need any of us to help with the ship?"

Male Half-Orc Barbarian / 2

Yrar turns to face the beach as Fazaam approaches and Ghari greets him. Yrar hears the shuffle of feet behind, but when he turns, he is too late as Hazir runs off, "Wait ....," Yrar says in a trailing voice. Then he just grunts as he turns to Ghari and Fazaam, "This Morah must have the villagers scared. Fazaam, what is this Morah like? Is he going to help? Should I just go smash him?" Yrar begins to walk with purpose towards the dhow, mumbling something about his hatred for pirates.

Male Noble Elf Spellcaster 1

Fazaam's Sense Motive, Listen: (1d20=4, 1d20 2=20)

Blissfully unaware, or perhaps just single focused, Fazaam's sharp elvish ears manage pick up Morah's whisper.

On the beach,...

"No noble Yrar! No smashing. Not yet at any rate. This Morah seems a most affable fellow. And he seemed most eager to be of aid to us. Maybe a little TOO eager. When bargaining for payment for his crew, he quickly surrendered his claim on crates of silk, in exchange for an unspecified 'favor' to be granted later. Thanks to the honorable Fudrick, we are allowed to discuss any favor he asks, and turn it down if we think it may cause harm to others. Other than that, he has agreed to allow us use of his ship and crew. We leave on the tide, in about an hour."

Fudrick Boddymil wrote:

Sense Motive; Listen (1d20=7, 1d20 2=12)

"Thank you. Can you have one of your men show us to this cabin so we can prepare to set sail? Do you need any of us to help with the ship?"

Morah smiles at Fudrick's request.

"Of course, but are you not going to leave with Fazaam? Alif can show Marwan the quarters if you are." Morah turns back to Shulim.

Meanwhile Fazaam leaves and heads down the beach.

Fudrick, staying onboard or going?

Male Human Rogue 1

Sense motive: 1d20=18, Listen: 1d20=11

Marwan stands ready to assist.

"I will be happy to accompany the noble Alif to check our quarters."

Marwan Al-Bahri wrote:

Sense motive: 1d20=18, Listen: 1d20=11

Marwan stands ready to assist.

"I will be happy to accompany the noble Alif to check our quarters."

Fudrick nods to Marwan, "Thank you Marwan. I will follow Fazaam out to help with our gear and provisions."

By running as fast as his little legs will carry him, Fudrick catches up with Fazaam as he reaches Yrar and Ghari.


Alif escorts Marwan down below to check out the cabin assigned to the party.


Is there something in particular that you wish to mention to Morah now that you are alone?

Male Half-Orc Barbarian / 2

"Fine, no smash," Yrar says somewhat angrily, "At least not yet. We should go. Crates coming with us?" The Half-Orc looks back towards the little boat with the silks stacked nearby.

"Yrar, it seems we booked passage to our destination. He half-heartedly bargained for some unspecified favor. Of course we were able to make sure all of us would agree on it and it could not harm or cause problems for anyone. I hope that is ok with you. So it seems the silk comes with us. This Morah says he can provide us with any supplies we might need. Especially since this fishing village will not have any major supplies. I do not trust him as far as I could throw him though. If you saw him you would know that wouldn't be far. Especially with his quick agreement on some very loose terms. We will need to be wary and keep an eye on everything. Watches at all hours and if possible warding spells on our cabins." Nodding to the spot we last saw the old fisherman at. "Who was your friend and why did he leave in such a hurry? Think he might know where we can bargain for this silk?"

The Exchange

I know I am not the most elegant when it comes to my own language, but that last post was all over the place. To bad it has been more than an hour or I would clean it up.

Male Gnome Beguiler 2

Shulim leans in to Morah.

"I know you know tings wise Morah, and I know a man's got to play more din one side ta survive in dis world, but I'm wondering if you know enough about dis witch and her new associates?"

Shulim holds up his hands as if he doesn't want to hear a reply.

"Now I'm just starting out in dis world, I gots no powerful friends but tankfully I gots no powerful enemies edher. A fellow in my spot needs all the friend he can find, and needs avoid pissin' da wrong people off, and he needs to honer his debts." Shulim says with a slight nod to Morah, "I don't want ta get sucked into da middle of anyting, I just wants ta help me new friends, din get back to me master's business. Completing me goals would be easier wit you as an ally . . . or as close ta one as you can allow."


Morah nods at Shulim's words. "Of a certainty that you speak well. For myself I always friendship and fun to the hard work that is dealing with enemies, especially in business. Would you care to take salt with me?
Taking salt creates a bond and means that the guest and his host may not harm each other until they part. Please spoiler any response, since no one else is around.

Marwan - for when you get back

Alif takes you to a large cabin directly below the upperdeck and opposite the kitchens. It is easily large enough for you six, but there is only one single bed. There are several silk wall hangings which he says will be removed. They belonged to Morah's youngest daughter. He also asks again what happened on Shelitan. He wants details and an explanation of the explosion. What happened to the gnome and his servants some of whom were villagers? Then he asks about the mission and wants to know all about the upcoming journey and what he and his crew may face.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian / 2

Yrar shrugs at Fudrick, "That was Hazir who gave us the boat to start our voyage. Don't think he will help much more. Not sure if he's scared of me or something else. This village seems poor. Not sure if the whole village could buy the silks. We could ask, not much time though with this Morah sailin' in the hour. So the silks coming with us then? We could find a better place to sell or just trade with Morah for needed supplies" Yrar moves back to the crates and picks up two of them. "Think the rest of ya could handle the other one?" The Half-Orc starts walking down the beach towards Morah's ship, two crates in hand and his favorite weapon balanced on the top.

Male Gnome Beguiler 2

You honor me cleaver and crafty Morah, of course I'll honor yer request, and I'll wish yer continued prosperity.


From his silk belt, Morah pulls out a small silvered box. He offers Shulim some of the white salt and takes a little himself.

Yrar and the rest can reach the Sailor's Dream. The first mate - the stringy elf, Dishdash waits at the top of the plank.

"What do you want, drakkar-blood!" he says looking at Yrar.

"What he wants is no business of yours. Morah has offered his assistance and is working with us. Whatever feelings you have towards my friend will have to be placed aside until we are off your masters ship. Stand aside now so we can get settled into our cabin."

Dishdash steps aside and bows ungraciously.

"It's good to have a gnome mouthpiece. Someone who can go running to my master if you get into trouble."

Male Half-Orc Barbarian / 2

Got rained out early. Was hoping the Weather Man was wrong.

Yrar stops at the bottom of the plank when he hears the sailor Elf “greet” him. The Half-Orc growls and looks up above the crates. He opens his mouth to retort, but Fudrick speaks first and likely stops a battle.

Sheherazade wrote:

"It's good to have a gnome mouthpiece. Someone who can go running to my master if you get into trouble."

When Yrar reaches the top of the plank and steps aboard, he growls and stares down at the Elf, “Trust me ‘Pointy’, I need no mouthpiece. My actions will speak. Keep talkin’, you’ll have trouble, I’ll have pleasure. You call me Drakkar again, I go smash. You go splat. Got It?” Yrar just stands there holding the crates, bulging his arms, and staring at the Elf.

The elf's face goes dark at Yrar. Then he smiles and walks off to his cronies. He speaks as he walks away, his back to the half-orc.

"Just stay out of my way, crate-carrier."

A few moments later, there is laughter at some comment among them. Dishdash smiles again and begins ordering the sailors back to work, getting ready to set sail.


The crew are busy as they prepare to get underway. Dishdash seems to know what he is doing. Alif comes back on deck and shows everyone to their cabin, where Marwan waits. He also lets Shulim and Morah know, so that the Cursed One can join the group.

Marwan - remember to answer my earlier post when you get a chance.

Male Human Rogue 1

Marwan becomes uneasy when directly asked about Shelitan. He remembers all too well what the reaction was to his telling the villlagers.

"Noble Alif, I do not wish to go into too much detail without my group with me. We have yet to tell your master Morah everything either, and I would prefer to inform him first, out of courtesy. Suffice to say there were pirates on the island that attacked us and we are following them to rescue my friend Ghari's sister. I'm sure we will all sit down soon and spin the entire tale."

Male Half-Orc Barbarian / 2

Yrar barely restrains himself from tossing the crates and launching himself at the flippant Elf. Instead he just growls and mumbles under his breath, "One of these days Pointy, you'll taste the salt."

Glaring one last time to the Elf and his cronies, the Half-Orc follows his companions to the cabin where he finally stows the two crates and repositions his hammer in his right hand as he begins to pace and stomp his feet.

Anyone listening hears mumbles of "Stupid Elf", "Filthy Pirates", & "Gonna Kill Them All".

Male Human Ranger 1 (XP826)

Ghari shoulders the remaining crate and trudges after Yrar.

Once on board he pulls the big half-orc aside. He whispers, "Easy, Yrar. I know how you feel about scoundrels like these. But they are helping us get to my sister. We need them. So please, for Temusa's sake hold your hand and your tongue."

Male Noble Elf Spellcaster 1

Fazaam seems lost in thought, looking back at the village as they approach the boat. So he is late in realizing that the elf mate seems to have a problem with Yrar. Before he can begin to interject, the brave Fudrick has interposed himself and most likely prevented a brawl.

'Very brave man.' Fazaam notes to himself as he climbs the gangplank with Ghari.

He observes the interchange between Yrar and the mate with an eye for trouble. He inwardly sighs in relief when it breaks up with no more than heated words. At Ghari's whispered word to Yrar, Fazaam also places a light hand on the hal-orc's broad shoulder.

"If actions speak louder than words friend Yrar," Fazaam also whispers, "Then I would say that you are of closer relation to me than that sorry excuse for a sea-rat. And I am proud to have it so." He declares softly.

As Yrar wanders off, still muttering, Fazaam whispers to Ghari.

"Ghar. I don't like this. We haven't even left the dock yet, and we've got trouble with the crew. And while I think I may like Morah, I don't trust him as far as I can throw him! We need to keep clear heads and a sharp eyes on Morah and his sailors." He takes a look around, and smiles. "And the best way I can think of to do that is to keep them close! Once we get settled I'll pal around. You do,... whatever it is that you do!" He winks at Ghari.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian / 2

At Ghari's and Fazaam's words, Yrar calms down considerably. He nods in appreciation but says little else. Eventually his pacing stops, and he finds a place to sit on the floor. His breathing slows and soon he is asleep, sitting up with his back against a wall.

Male Human Rogue 1

When the rest of the group is shown the cabin, Marwan attempts to have a quiet word with them ,unheard by any crew .

sotto voce: "Friends, we will be facing a lot of curiosity about our adventures on Shelitan. We need to come up with how much detail we want to discuss with the curious crew and Morah."

Male Human Ranger 1 (XP826)
Marwan Al-Bahri wrote:

sotto voce: "Friends, we will be facing a lot of curiosity about our adventures on Shelitan. We need to come up with how much detail we want to discuss with the curious crew and Morah."

"Marwan, that should be easy for you, Fazaam, and I. We need only tell the truth. We were mere pawns in Zerea's game. The party we were set to spy on perished before we could learn anything. We met Fudrick's company come to visit his kin. After that, battling undead and pirates, tracking the sorceror, sailing to save Temusa. We'll all be heroes in some fine tales when Fazaam has shaped the events into stories. " Ghari leans back. "For us the simplest truth is best. For Fudrick and the others, I don't know."

Male Noble Elf Spellcaster 1

Obviously pleased by his friends words, Fazaam nevertheless waves his hands in a 'shoo' gesture at Ghari.
"Only a warrior with moss in his ears would mistake my meager braggings for anything resembling what a true tale-teller could weave." He chides Ghari, grinning.

"However, moss-in-his-ears here has a good point. The truth is always the easiest story to tell. You can tell less or more of it, or embellish it if you wish, but you can't be caught in a lie if you only tell the truth."

"Besides", he adds thoughtfully. "I'll admit that my first reaction to any questions about what is on the island is to tell nothing. But I think that may be an old habit from my earlier training. 'Knowledge is power', and all that. But I fail to see what we may gain from not telling what we know of the island. After all it isn't much. Instead of treasure Fudrick's cousin seems to have found a burial mound full of restless spirits that can animate the dead and try to take over the living. And a sea-elf of brief acquaintance apparently discovered 'if you play with fire, you get burned!'"

Fazaam shrugs. Even seriously injured, He somehow manages to make it look eloquent. "I'll go with what you all think. Though I see little gain in not telling the tale in it's entirety. After all, we're only asking for a ride to help save Temusa, not for Morah or his crew to attack Zerea directly. Ghari and I reserve that privilege for ourselves. With the company's permission, of course." He adds at the end, smiling his disarming smile at the group.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian / 2

Yrar, in and out of sleep, appears aware during the conversation. "The Woodsman and the Elf have it right," the Half-Orc speaks up. "We didn't learn much. All of it was destroyed anyway." Yrar gives Fudrick a brief saddened look, the continues, "No harm in the truth. I doubt these scum will ask me much, but that's what I have to say about accursed Shelitan."

Once Yrar has stated his thoughts, he closes his eyes and starts snoring softly.

"Agreed, the simple truth without all the grisly details will do. The less they know the better." Nodding to Fazaam, "Can you ward the door or maybe the hallway to warn us of any eavesdroppers? I worry that some of the crew may feel as if we will be easy targets. On the beach I let Yrar know we will need to be on guard at all times. Especially now that at least one of bilge rats has shown part of his hand. At least with him we know where Yrar stands. The ones who manage to hide their feelings are the ones we need to watch out for." waiting for others input

After we finish discussing the crew and security ...

"Fazaam, Ghari, Marwan, and Shulim you four have the skill to bluff or befriend these sailors. Find out what you can about Morah and the crew without being to obvious. He is helping us so I would rather not bite his hand, but I would feel more comfortable knowing what his intentions are.

Male Noble Elf Spellcaster 1

Fazaam manages to look sheepish when asked about warding spells.

"I'm most sorry Noble Fudrick, but I'm afraid that I was a poor student at best. I never even kept up with a spellbook. The only enchantments I can cast are ones that I managed to ingrain from lots of enforced practice, mostly. At any rate, I'm afraid I do not have the knowledge to even cast a simple alarm spell to tell me when someone is on the other side of the door. My humblest apologies, perhaps Noble Shulim has the knowledge to cast a ward?"

About Morah,...
"Morah is,... a most perplexing puzzle indeed. On the one hand, his chosen 'job' and lifestyle tell us many things, but his choice of reading material tell us something as well." He ponders for a moment.
"I believe that it would be unwise to trust him blindly. But I think we do him a disservice if we do not deal with him in a trustworthy manner. I believe that he will keep his given word to us. Probably finding a way to turn a profit off of it at the same time, but he will keep it. Again, I recommend honesty. Let him know that we do not seek to cause him any trouble, or betray his trust in how we behave as guests. If he considers himself our host he should return the favor. We are looking for help to rescue Temura. It is only fair that he know the possible dangers his crew will face. So we should tell him that we believe Zerea has teamed up with a sorcerer. In this way we ensure that we are dealing with him in complete honesty. What say you?"

Male Gnome Beguiler 2

"Look boys, I don't know Morah's intent, and I don't tink he's ganna tell us, but der be tree tings dat we need ta keep in mind:

"One: Morah knows Zerea and it's possible dat day had dealings in da past. Two, da workers over der on dat horrible island came from dis village and I don't dobt dat some of dem yabbed about what day saw. And tree, Morah is a smart man, and well read. I tink he knows more din any of us . . . perhaps some of da background. Maybe Morah might ave even funded some o' dis exploration? beyond dis I don't know, da conclusion is simple doe, we keep watch while we sleep, we stay in pairs, and we eat wat da crew eats."

Shulim examines the cabin, take 20 search, and makes sure that the cabin can be locked from the inside (and not vise versa).

The cabin is about twenty foot square. A pile of bedding has been dumped on the single bed. There are no decorations on the wall since Marwan's initial scouting with Alif.

Shulim checks out the door and tuts when he realises that the door can be locked from both sides and considering the normal dhow, it is an extremely well made lock at that.


A pile of half cold skewers arrives for Yrar and Ghari. The crewman hands the silver platter over at the doorway.

"Cap'n Alif said dat we be to sail soon."

Male Half-Orc Barbarian / 2

Yrar, partially awake while listening to his companions, wakes fully at the crewman's entrance. Seeing the plate of food, the Half-Orc rises and moves toward the door, "So, what we got here," Yrar says as he checks out the plate. His eyes go from the plate to the crewman, "Ahh, Morah's finest. A bit cold, but I bet it is still better than the slop you get on this vessel. Feel like diggin' in and treatin' yourself?" Yrar gives a full smile through his cumbersome beard as he nudges his chin towards the food. "Go ahead, I won't say anythin'. Fill your gullet."

Sense Motive (Roll 12+2=14)

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