Bad Sight

Savage Tide Adventure Path

Grand Lodge

Does anyone have a copy of Lariss V's journal out of Dragon 351? I ask because I have a player who can't see very well and I'd like for him to have a copy of her journal. My current plan is to type it out, but I am a lazy so and so and was hoping not to have to finish typing it. My typing skills leave a lot to be desired. Thanks.

Dax Thura wrote:
Does anyone have a copy of Lariss V's journal out of Dragon 351? I ask because I have a player who can't see very well and I'd like for him to have a copy of her journal. My current plan is to type it out, but I am a lazy so and so and was hoping not to have to finish typing it. My typing skills leave a lot to be desired. Thanks.

I could send you a Word doc. with the contents of the journal if you like. Send me an email at and I'd be happy to send it your way. (I just scanned the pages, so if background color is the issue for your player who can't see well, it might not help.)

Grand Lodge


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