Arnwyn |

4) Nothing whatsoever.
My players aren't interested in 4e, and we've only just started the SCAP right now (with AoW and STAP untouched, along with Pathfinder), so 4e is right out.
Besides - the changes aren't compatible with my campaign world, and at this time in my life, spending all the necessary time to make conversions simply isn't in the cards.

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Probably nothing, maybe the preview adventure...otherwise, I'm waiting for the SRD because every penny they make will only encourage them.

Eric Haddock Contributor |

I'm all in.
And I'm all in with Pathfinder material as well. My next campaign depends on having good coverage.
I'm not expecting conversion to be a big deal either since I can just wholly substitute monsters and/or monster groups as appropriate for the group. If Pathfinder says two goblins, I can swap out to two kobolds or one gnoll or whatever works best with the new rules.
The important part is setting and story, and the rules are just the conduit to enjoy that. As such, I'm looking forward to a more efficient quickly-play system that allows us all to get more done.

Elorebaen |

We can only hope. This is one of the reasons why I think Erik's efforts on Planet Stories are so important. Too many "younger" players are unfamiliar with these works and what they represent.
If it has a "Back to classic Greyhawk! Howard, Leiber, Moorcock, and Lovecraft all around!" vibe, I will be! ;)
-The Gneech

Jason_CA |

I'm not buying the preview books. But I'll buy almost everything else.
Certainly I'll buy all three initial books (the books formerly known as "core"), and probably almost all of the subsequent supplements. I will continue to buy 1-2 cases of D&D miniatures per set, and will subscribe to the digital initiative.
I'll also buy future Paizo adventure paths that use 4e. But anything Paizo publishes that continues to use 3.x, I'm certainly not buying.
Actually, probably I'm even going to skip Crimson Throne, because at our current pace of going through Runelords, it'll be almost exactly the release date of 4e when we're done. And at that point, there's no reason to buy a 3.5 adventure path, even tho I'm sure Crimson Throne will be great. I just don't have time to convert it to 4e, and I won't be playing 3.5 anymore.
Please Paizo, change with the times. I will miss you if you're left behind.

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I'm all in.
And I'm all in with Pathfinder material as well. My next campaign depends on having good coverage.
I'm not expecting conversion to be a big deal either since I can just wholly substitute monsters and/or monster groups as appropriate for the group. If Pathfinder says two goblins, I can swap out to two kobolds or one gnoll or whatever works best with the new rules.
The important part is setting and story, and the rules are just the conduit to enjoy that. As such, I'm looking forward to a more efficient quickly-play system that allows us all to get more done.
First - nice looking website. :) A pity it's going to take so long before you actually get to start playing in 4e, though.
Next - I take it that you believe them when they tell you that it's going to be a "more efficient quickly-play system"? Have you seen any evidence of this yet?

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I'll take option #4.
As for playing 4th Edition? I'd rather drink turpentine and piss on a flaming pile of 4th Edition Preview books. I hope WOTC rots for all of their unabashed greed and subpar PR.