Dark Sun PbP #1 - The Fine Art of Reciprocity


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male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup


Schenker doodles something absentmindedly in the dirt. It's the vestige symbol....of....the iron maiden!!!

"Hurr....hurrr....heh heh... hmm hmm hmmm.....hrrrmmm...."

when can we go up a level? I wanna be a binder!

Male Thri-kreen Thri-kreen 2/ Ranger 2
Skarsnikt wrote:
"This kreen confused. Why Radik stone-man cut himself? Him try attract bloodsucking insect? Him possessed by dagger ghosts? Him have head boiled by hot-hot sun?"

"Suggestion: This one think it a sex thing."

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2
Skarsnikt wrote:
"This kreen confused. Why Radik stone-man cut himself? Him try attract bloodsucking insect? Him possessed by dagger ghosts? Him have head boiled by hot-hot sun?"

"'This one' makes his point, bug."

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2
Shenker wrote:


Schenker doodles something absentmindedly in the dirt. It's the vestige symbol....of....the iron maiden!!!

"Hurr....hurrr....heh heh... hmm hmm hmmm.....hrrrmmm...."

when can we go up a level? I wanna be a binder!

"There's no prayer for the dying, degenerate."

Female Aarakoras race adjustment+2; ranger 4

Preens her feathers; prays to calm the spirits of the iron. keeps watch

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"Oh well, wherever, wherever you are,
Iron Maiden's gonna get you, no matter how far."

Male Human (Athasian mutant) Psion3/Wiz1

Faindriac tries not to glare at the remains of the place of former safety.

'I cannot help but notice a particular pattern forming here Cair,...'

'Patt,.. OH! You mean the one where you guys take shelter with someone, and soon after the place is raided or trashed?! Well,It's only been twice. Technically it's not actually a pattern until it's happened at least three times.'

'Shuttup Cair.'

When the man mutters to them about meeting them later, without the weapons, Faindriac merely nods his head noncommittally. As he observes the man wandering off in the crowd, he says aloud, "And yet there always seems to be another ready to offer aid or advice."

Upon noticing the man who tripped over nothing,and earned a beating.
'It seems our invisible allies have been here as well. But were they attacking Tik's place, or trying to defend it?'

Male Thri-kreen Monk 2 (ECL 6)
Radik Aurel wrote:
"'This one' makes his point, bug."

"Certainly. But what point? 'Radik possess excess blood'-point? Such point highly odd."

"Are we there yet?"

Radik Aurel wrote:
Radik snatches up the protesting dagger, and digs it brutally into his own pectoral muscle

How delightfully eccentric.

Kirrish-Kreshk-Skiklik looks around confused, certain he’s missing something important.

"Shenker wrote:
when can we go up a level? I wanna be a binder!

Glad you mentioned it. The xp is about to pick up exponentially, but I was thinking of allowing everyone to level first to improve survivability, so start thinking now what you might want to do with the next level.

Zuko wrote:
"Are we there yet?"

You tell me. :)

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

Schenker's gonna be a binder, just to mess with Radik.

Aso wants to be a wizard.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

Schenker could show him the drawing that Radik makes to summon the hot lady.

This is going to be one odd party. Wait, did I just say that?

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

Hrrmm... I'm pretty smart; maybe I should be a wizard. Naaah...that wouldn't piss Radik off.

Male Human Level Adjustment +1 Rogue 1 Ranger 2 Sidewinder Monk 1
G'mork wrote:

…A middle-aged human with the look of a grizzled combat veteran approaches you, attempting to stay out of sight of the templars as he does so.

“I’m sorry about your friend. I can give you more information about what happened here, and about the weapons you’ve recently located, but not here. I’ll be spending high-sun inside a bar across town, “Iz Z’tal.” Do not bring any of the items with you, or I’ll be on my way.”

“Well,” says MalaKi, “we need to find a spot to lay low for a while. And we are going to have to split up. I’ll volunteer to stay behind with the weapons. I don’t think this fancy head gear of mine is going to be very keen on being left behind anyway.”

MalaKi thinks hard trying to come up with suitable place to wait for the appointed meeting time to arrive.

Knowledge (Local): (1d20 5=24)

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2
Skarsnikt wrote:
Radik Aurel wrote:
"'This one' makes his point, bug."
"Certainly. But what point? 'Radik possess excess blood'-point? Such point highly odd."

Radik sneers and spits, saying nothing.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"I think the metalwench makes him do that stuff. Hrrmmm....she's a good time girl."

Male Thri-kreen Thri-kreen 2/ Ranger 2

Kirrish turns to the city types in the party.

"Query: You know way this talk talk city dweller nest? We go soon, so clutch there when that nest get ruined like Tik's."

The maudlin scent of over-fermented wine belies the sandy Thri-kreen's sadness.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"It's arright, Kisher....Krish ....ger...hrmm....dude. We'll make this paid up."

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup


Male Thri-kreen Monk 2 (ECL 6)

"When nest destroyed, sad times. This kreen highly sad."

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

Schenker starts crying.

"He is Skarsnik. A thri-kreen.
He will not cry. So I will cry for HIM."

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2
Shenker wrote:
"I think the metalwench makes him do that stuff. Hrrmmm....she's a good time girl."

Shenker uncannily dodges another swat.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"when you're waiting for a long time,....
For the rest to do their....piece...
You can tell her..that you're nowhere.
You might even get it free-ee-ee!"

Male Human Level Adjustment +1 Rogue 1 Ranger 2 Sidewinder Monk 1

Here is a run down (as far as I could tell) of the loot from our last social engagement. Please update any items I missed.

Issiki possessions: Blood obsidian dagger, two bone daggers, travelers outfit, sling and 3 stones.

Aso picked up: 8 ceramic pieces, toga, a sandal, two pulsating slug creatures, smile pile of notes, locked small wooden coffer, elegant jeweled earring (from MalaKi).

Radik picked up: two steel daggers, three blackened steel daggers (Lady Dusk, Lady Ebon, Lady Onyx).

Zuko picked up: one exceptional garment complete with a small pouch of jewelry (Noble’s Outfit; male, with a garnet studded wristband, bronze pinkie ring, and a signet ring displaying a set of side-by-side cahulaks).

Faindriac picked up: male courtier’s outfit (from Kirrish-Kreshk-Skiklik) , Sartanis’ scrolls (from MalaKi), broken staff.

Shenker picked up: a smattering of gold and silver jewelry, grey bladed short sword (Madame Ebon), masterwork leather armor.

Kirrish-Kreshk-Skiklik picked up: Roughly the equivalent of five Courtier’s Outfits; three male, two female, azure rod/gythka (Matron Jet), a choker set with a black gem.

Skarsnikt picked up: a small coin pouch (from Kirrish-Kreshk-Skiklik).

Holdrus Rippor picked up: iron maul (Cer).

MalaKi picked up: crown (Mistress Sable), bracers (Ostro, from Aso).

Kha-Chik-Chik-Ka picked up: masterwork leather armor (dropped by Kirrish-Kreshk-Skiklik).

Female Psicrown of Puncturing

I know this man, MalaKi. He could be useful to our organization; we should find out what he wants. Find us someplace safe, and I will wait there with the others until you return.

Male +1 Silver speed short sword

I don’t like the idea of splitting up, Holdrus, but that man was Larcos. He used to be a leader in our organization, before being brainwashed by our enemies. If he’s a free agent again, we could really use someone like him.

Thanks Manpig! Aso has Issiki's stuff - I assume it is small.

Male Thri-kreen Thri-kreen 2/ Ranger 2

I have the stuff listed as Zuko's; I gave him one of the courtier's outfits, I think.

Female Aarakoras race adjustment+2; ranger 4

<== admires the armor

Male Mul Warrior 4 (SRD generic class)
Sirocco wrote:
I don’t like the idea of splitting up, Holdrus, but that man was Larcos. He used to be a leader in our organization, before being brainwashed by our enemies. If he’s a free agent again, we could really use someone like him.

My blade says that the man was Larcos and that he was a leader in their organization *What organization, Scirocco?* and that we could use his knowledge and/or ability.

Male Human Level Adjustment +1 Rogue 1 Ranger 2 Sidewinder Monk 1

MalaKi takes an opportune moment and approaches Kirrish-Kreshk-Skiklik. “I’m sorry sorry about the loss of your friend,” he says, “Perhaps the time for our revenge will arrive sooner rather than later.” MalaKi also inquires about getting one of the courtier’s outfits.

Looking over everyone's attire, i.e. noble and courtier outfits, Zuko comments that, "We're a dandy bunch, aren't we?"

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2
Zuko wrote:
Looking over everyone's attire, i.e. noble and courtier outfits, Zuko comments that, "We're a dandy bunch, aren't we?"

Radik glances at his rotting, bloodstained mekillot-hide armor.

"Don't push it, fire boy."

Radik Aurel wrote:
Zuko wrote:
Looking over everyone's attire, i.e. noble and courtier outfits, Zuko comments that, "We're a dandy bunch, aren't we?"

Radik glances at his rotting, bloodstained mekillot-hide armor.

"Don't push it, fire boy."

"Such negativity. Woke up the wrong side of the bed?"

Male Human (Athasian mutant) Psion3/Wiz1

Faindriac looks after the swiftly departing man.
"It sounds like it would be prudent to speak with him then. As long as we don not make the assumption that we can trust him."

"You are correct, we must find someplace out of immediate sight to bide until we can meet this individual at his appointed time. Though it chafes me to submit to a place and time of his choosing. Does anyone know this area well enough to be able to direct us to a suitable hiding place? We need to move before those Templars finally wake up and notice us."

"Who c...c...cares where. L...l...l...let's go!"

"What he said." Zuko points to Aso.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"Aye,....the iron maiden says let's go go go!!!"

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2
Shenker wrote:
"Aye,....the iron maiden says let's go go go!!!"

"Run to the hills, degenerate. Run for your life."

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"You'll take my life but I'll take yours too,
You'll fire your mouth off but I'll run ya through..."

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

I guess I am an indian; where's my bicycle hehe

ok; back to the game,

Kha, chick:
Have I seen a party member to hit upside the head with a rock to warn them not to go to the place; am I back with the party; am a bit confused.

Male Human Level Adjustment +1 Rogue 1 Ranger 2 Sidewinder Monk 1

If Kirrish-Kreshk-Skiklik gives MalaKi a courtier’s outfit MalaKi will do the following:


MalaKi quickly begins to rip up the shirt and turns it into a makeshift head wrap. The head wrap is loose and covers all of his head with a strip that can be pulled across his face veiling everything but his eyes. “Perhaps, Mistress Sable, you can attend the rendezvous after all.”

Hey Valegrim, I’m not 100% certain but I think we are all together at the moment.

Female +1 Returning Dagger of Venom

Not such a big man while we can’t poison. Let’s see you try this again tomorrow, if you dare.

Male +1 Silver speed short sword
Holdrus Rippor wrote:
*What organization, Scirocco?*

We are an ancient order, once loyal priests of the Queen of Raam. Raam fell into chaos when the Umbral Whore murdered her, and with our waning power we embedded out spirits within these powerful items for safe keeping, biding out time and gathering strength.

We seek to return her both to life and to rightful rule; our rewards will be without number.

Faindriac Fellstar wrote:
Does anyone know this area well enough to be able to direct us to a suitable hiding place? We need to move before those Templars finally wake up and notice us."

A DC15 knowledge (Local) or Gather Information check will get you to a place to rest where questions often kill (and therefore aren’t asked).

Valegrim wrote:
Have I seen a party member to hit upside the head with a rock to warn them not to go to the place; am I back with the party; am a bit confused.

Yes, and if you like, sure.

MalaKi wrote:
MalaKi will do the following:


Female Aarakoras race adjustment+2; ranger 4

cool; togetherness; chirp

Male Thri-kreen Thri-kreen 2/ Ranger 2

Kirrish wordlessly hands Malaki a small wad of random clothing.

Sorry, missed it a few days ago.

Just to recap: it’s first light, the day is just starting, and the group is standing around a melted inn encapsulating the corpse of yet another friendly face they’ve killed by association, while trying to keep anyone from noticing they’re carrying a dead halfling and enough iron to purchase a small city-state.

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