Dark Sun PbP #1 - The Fine Art of Reciprocity


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male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"Not a hard one either, twonk."

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2

Radik snarls, aiming a savage punch towards the scarred little man. However, once again, Shenker uncannily dodges the blow, Spiral Jacobs-like, leaving Radik angrier than before.

/Running gag

Male Human (Athasian mutant) Psion3/Wiz1

Surprised, Faindraic stops, and turns back to 'Snikt. He nods his head, slowly,...

In Thri Kreen,...


"A pox on this soft shell tongue, it is incapable of right, right, hard-shell speak. Here is wrong, wrong understanding. I confessed my desire for spirit weapon. That has not changed. This one only seeks to remind hard-shell clutchmate of his previous wisdom, that not all spirit items are kind - good. And clutchmates should use caution in choosing which item to carry."

Faindriac nods again, then turns back toward Maliki,...

'First to see if we can separate Malaki from this crown, and then, we shall see,...'

His gaze wanders to the shattered staff emitting mental bleats for help,...

M +1 Armor Bracers of Mighty Fists
Shenker wrote:
Can we slip you on Radik's neck; kinda like as to heal his brain?"

Hmm, perhaps. Brain corruptions are not my specialty, unless maybe he has contracted a venereal disease?

Aso wrote:
Aso snatches them and tries them on.

The golden bands shrink to fit Aso as he slips them over his forearms.

"Perfect fit!"

Just fyi, all the items inform you as to their functions when you first wear them. Details are in the profile.

Shenker wrote:
do I gotta save or anything?

Against what?

Skarsnikt wrote:
With that, he starts digging into the mud with all four claws, shards of hardened clay flying everywhere.

I'm not 100% positive, but does that mean you retrieve the broken staff?

Female Gythka of Flailing (as rod)
Kirrish-Kreshk-Skiklik wrote:
Pheremone glands secrete a scent like brimstone as Kirrish responds.

That’s telling him, Kirrish-Kreshk-Skiklik. Now I’ll do you a favor in return, to show our good intentions.

A faint silver pulse emanates from the rod bundled within the kreen’s arms, expanding into a blanket of soft light that covers a 20 foot area around the mantis man before fading away.

A Zone of Truth effect now surrounds Kirrish. Anyone within the area of effect is aware they cannot lie and can refuse to answer or answer evasively (but truthfully) instead. Deliberate lies can be told with a DC13 will save.

Female Psicrown of Puncturing

It is good to be in the hands of capable warriors and learned company at last. We should act quickly and gather our few remaining members, then settle this conflict.

Female +1 Returning Dagger of Venom
Radik Aurel wrote:
"That is their decision, not yours, degenerate."

Don’t leave us Radik! We could do great things together. Ignore the hammer, it’s just a bauble.

G'mork wrote:

I almost forgot, but the half-elf's body is present as well. Will give a rundown of his possessions.

Zuko wrote:
Zuko knocks out sends the noble to sleep.
Dirt nap?

Yeah. With this little game of who gets what, it's best that he sleeps.

Ostro wrote:
"Perfect fit!"

"You sh...sh...shoot fireballs?"

Zuko wrote:
Yeah. With this little game of who gets what, it's best that he sleeps.

"Sleeps." This party's the best.

M +1 Armor Bracers of Mighty Fists
Aso wrote:
"You sh...sh...shoot fireballs?"

No, but if any hit us, I’ll put you back together. Don’t suppose you are any good with your fists?

"N...n...n...no. I b...b...bite. And use th...th... this."

Waves his club.

Points to Malaki.

"You want h...h...him."

G'mork wrote:
Zuko wrote:
Yeah. With this little game of who gets what, it's best that he sleeps.
"Sleeps." This party's the best.

"I don't wanna chaperone him."

Aso takes off the bracers to see if he can.

Aso wrote:
Aso takes off the bracers to see if he can.

The bracers slide off easily.


Puts them back on.

"No ch...ch...ch...chattering Osto."

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup
G'mork wrote:

Just fyi, all the items inform you as to their functions when you first wear them. Details are in the profile.

Shenker wrote:
do I gotta save or anything?

Against what?

Swords that's smarter than me?

I like your answer best.

Male Human (Athasian mutant) Psion3/Wiz1

Fain wants to examine the staff, but is concerned about Maliki. I'll give Maliki some time to post his interactions with crown first. Then I will either try to convince him to remove it, or just give him up as a lost cause. Haven't decided yet.

Faindriac turns to Zuko, and indicates the unconscious noble.

"Leave him. If we have time, we can question him before we leave." He looks around the room at all the chattering between his group and the various intelligent items.

"It's like a day care for sand-apes!" He mutters to Zuko. "We need to get the Hades out of here, I can't believe the Templars aren't already breathing down our necks!"

Faindriac Fellstar wrote:
"It's like a day care for sand-apes!" He mutters to Zuko. "We need to get the Hades out of here, I can't believe the Templars aren't already breathing down our necks!"

"My sentiments exactly."

"Get all the weapons you can! We'll move out of here soon!"

M +1 Armor Bracers of Mighty Fists
Aso wrote:
"No ch...ch...ch...chattering Osto."

No talking? Gotcha.

Male Mul Warrior 4 (SRD generic class)

Do we have all the weapons? If so gather them up. Radik, I warn you. You give me another dirty look and I'll tear it off your face. If you wish to wield the maul just say so and stop acting as a jackel trying to steal a kill. The posturing is ridiculous.

"Unless you guys want to stage a show for the templars in the arena, move it!"

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup
Holdrus Rippor wrote:

Do we have all the weapons? If so gather them up. Radik, I warn you. You give me another dirty look and I'll tear it off your face. If you wish to wield the maul just say so and stop acting as a jackel trying to steal a kill. The posturing is ridiculous.

"He said your mother was something or other. Or, he thought it.

My swordy sword told me in my head."


male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup
Radik Aurel wrote:

Radik snarls, aiming a savage punch towards the scarred little man. However, once again, Shenker uncannily dodges the blow, Spiral Jacobs-like, leaving Radik angrier than before.

/Running gag


(Schenker throws sand in his face and attempts to disembowel him and strangle him with his intestines, but his left calf goes into spasms and he falls over.)

Front door or back?

Male Thri-kreen Monk 2 (ECL 6)

How about looking outside first?

Are we going? Aso goes. Back door?

Male Thri-kreen Thri-kreen 2/ Ranger 2

At his weapon's demonstration, Kirrish is clearly nervous. He tosses his head and draws his upper arms closer to his carapace, looking at the bundle with a mix of awe and distaste.

"Suggestion: Large ones, "honest" ones should stay here. Sneaky ones, hunter ones should look at street then get other. Not large clutches go not...alike route, yes? Not so large clutch, no get attention. Get together again, large clutch again at Tik's. Long routes, throw trail hunters no get Tik....altercation."

Skarsnikt wrote:
How about looking outside first?

Where is your sense of adventure?

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"Hrrmm...I'm the sneakiest one of the sneaksies. The most honestist too. I don't know what you want me to do about it."
(Polishes his sword with his Davy Crockett cap and admires his reflection.)
(starts shaving his chin with his bronze puchik)
"heh heh..."

Male Human Level Adjustment +1 Rogue 1 Ranger 2 Sidewinder Monk 1

MalaKi says, honestly, “I have no desire to wear this crown; however I don’t think I have the final say in the decision.” Addressing the crown he asks, “Mistress Sable there are others here who are more worthy than I. The kreen warrior Kirrish-Kreshk-Skiklik would be able to put your gifts to much better use than this humble servant.”

Female Psicrown of Puncturing

I don’t think he likes me, although I think he would quickly come to see the value in such a partnership. Besides, I think he has already made a new friend.

If we’re leaving, don’t forget to take Sartanis’ scrolls, they might come in handy.

Male Human Level Adjustment +1 Rogue 1 Ranger 2 Sidewinder Monk 1
G'mork wrote:
The headless half-elf is (was) carrying a scroll case containing several sheets of skin parchment covered in arcane writing, and an elegant jeweled earring.

MalaKi removes the scroll case and earring. "Hey Aso," he says while holding up the earring, "do you want this?" If Aso wants it MalaKi will toss it to him, if not he will give it to the first person to express any interest. He then heads over toward Zuko and Faindriac. Holding up the scroll case he says, "There might be something interesting in here."


"Does it t...t...t...talk?"

Aso will trade the bracers.

A monk really ought to be wearing these.

MalaKi wrote:

He then heads over toward Zuko and Faindriac. Holding up the scroll case he says, "There might be something interesting in here."

"Faindrac, I think this is your department."

Male Human Level Adjustment +1 Rogue 1 Ranger 2 Sidewinder Monk 1

“Thanks Aso,” says MalaKi while smiling broadly. He slips on the bracers (that is if Mistress Sable doesn’t object) while hoping that Ostro and Mistress Sable get along.

Well, no magic weapon for the little guy, eh? Sniff sniff. No more hassling the little A-man about buying his 10 ceramic piece leather armor...

ROFL. You’re just lucky she’s used all her hypnotism effects for the day and has to fall back on diplomacy.

Does the earing look valuable enough to trade for a (small) Greatsword? And is there any other loot Aso can scam toward that end? (He has the little box from the front desk, too)

Male Human (Athasian mutant) Psion3/Wiz1

"Thank you Zuko. I will study these at first opportunity." Faindriac says, accepting the scrolls with a bow of his head and tucking them into his bag. Time to read later, time to run, now!

"Zuko and 'Snikt are correct. We need to gather everyone,... and everything,... and get out of here. Now. We can sort this chaos out later."

He glances around the room, as if trying to remember what he has forgotten. "I recommend pairing Warriors with non-warriors, but I bow to the wisdom of others when it comes to stealth."

His gaze falls on the staff with the shattered crystal, lying in the sand.

"What a waste. Is it unfortunate that we did not get here earlier."
He thinks to Cair as he bends over and picks up the damaged artifact.

Aso wrote:
Does the earing look valuable enough to trade for a (small) Greatsword?

You aren’t exactly the “antiques roadshow” type, but it does look expensive.

Aso wrote:
And is there any other loot Aso can scam toward that end? (He has the little box from the front desk, too)

Well, there's always whatever Issiki might have been carrying.

Oh s@%% yeah!

Aso is going to get the body of Issiki and carry it out, and make sure it gets a proper disposal according to halfling customs, which he's going to have to go ask about.

Male Thri-kreen Thri-kreen 2/ Ranger 2

"Declaration: This one look at street. This one silent city ghost, will return to others soon, way good. Way not good, could not return, or could."

The yellow on his carapace fades and shifts to match his surroundings, even as he bounds toward the front door.

Activating second use of chameleon, if necessary. And heads cautiously out the front door to look at the street.
Hide w/chameleon: 1d20+18=19, Move Silently: 1d20+6=25

Male Thri-kreen Thri-kreen 2/ Ranger 2
Aso wrote:

Oh s%~% yeah!

Aso is going to get the body of Issiki and carry it out, and make sure it gets a proper disposal according to halfling customs, which he's going to have to go ask about.

Does that mean we should eat him?

That's worth considering.

Aso's not going to eat him until he gets a clear word on the matter, though. Let me know if he spots a halfling.

Female Psicrown of Puncturing

MalaKi, why sully yourself with such inferior company? Surely, we don’t want to be seen with…that. People might get the wrong impression.

M +1 Armor Bracers of Mighty Fists

Whoa there, absolutely not! No way am I getting into a fight with that piece of gutter trash on your head. I’m fine with healing you, but not if it’s going to help someone attached to her!

"H...h...have f...f...f...fun, Malaki."

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