Dark Sun PbP #1 - The Fine Art of Reciprocity


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Male Human Level Adjustment +1 Rogue 1 Ranger 2 Sidewinder Monk 1

Will Save: (1d20 5=9)

MalaKi sneers at the items weak attempt to ensnare him; although the crown does seem…right for him. His sneer turns into a smile as he reaches for the crown and places it on his head.



Looks at his bug friends.

"Why p...p...p...people so stupid?"

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"Hrrmmm....I'm not so big, or stupid. I agree with you Aso."

Shenker looks around for magic shortswords.

Now the fun really begins. Working through a few month end-y things here at work, then I ought to be free again.

Female +1 Returning Dagger of Venom
Radik Aurel wrote:
"Enough. These weapons, what are their functions?"

They would be able to tell you better than we, but infiltration and interrogation are their specialties.

Female +1 Returning Dagger of Venom

The lesser weapons are all liars. No doubt, they will attempt to tell you they are valuable.

Female +1 Returning Dagger of Venom

So sad. We should end their misery.

Female +1 Mithral Parrying Bard’s Friend

Could someone shut those harlots up? *cough* So...much...dust...

Female Gythka of Flailing (as rod)
Kirrish-Kreshk-Skiklik wrote:
Reluctantly, he reaches into the bundle across his chitinous back and pulls out a garment and uses his lower arms to gather up the gythka in its folds.

Many thanks, brave warrior. You will not regret your choice to take me along. Together we will accomplish much!

Kirrish-Kreshk-Skiklik wrote:
...he rifles through the fallen womens'...

The white-haired woman is wearing a set of masterwork leather armor, a small coin pouch, and a choker set with a black gem.

Do be careful, she was loyal to the end, though I think her possessions might be of more use to you than her now.

Zuko wrote:
searches the man for any weapons.


Holdrus Rippor wrote:
Holdrus keeps digging out weapons if there are any to be found.

Holdrus’ diligence is rewarded when he pulls a massive hammer from the second pool. Forged of a hunk of iron so large an elf’s head would explode from greed just looking at it, the maul bellows, “FREE!” as you draw it from the bath. “Now let’s kill,” it comments.

Zuko slaps the man, "Wake up, you!"

Female Psicrown of Puncturing
MalaKi wrote:
His sneer turns into a smile as he reaches for the crown and places it on his head.

At last. Real warriors; now we shall triumph! Tell your friend we have no need of that little man, MalaKi. I can tell you whatever you need to know.

Shenker wrote:
Shenker looks around for magic shortswords.

The grey blade wielded by the second swordswoman is a short sword.

"Hey, if you guys see any falchion there, I'd appreciate you letting me know."

The noble awake already?

Male Thri-kreen Thri-kreen 2/ Ranger 2

Kirrish gently pulls the armor, pouch and choker from the slain woman. He proffers the pouch to Skarsnikt.


Kreen and clutch above self. Take "money", clutchmate, this one cannot claim for himself when an equal has nothing.

The armor he holds up toward Aso and Marada (and whoever else is around).

"Declaration: Too little....he waves his free arms that one...and too good tear holes, these. Thin-shells could use, yes?"

Zuko wrote:
Zuko slaps the man, "Wake up, you!"

The man groans a little, but otherwise remains insensate.

Male Mul Warrior 4 (SRD generic class)

Scirocco, what do you sense of these new weapons? The Maul? The Kreen weapon? The crown? All the rest? Do you detect any others in the pools?

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

Schenker picks up the eldritchy shortsword.

"Now there's a SHANK!!! Hrr...ooooh...aaaah....hsssssss!"

Aso reasons that they don't make crazy taking weapons for halflings because halflings are too smart to get mixed up in magic weapon feuds.

"N..n...n...nice, Shenker."

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"It's telling me something...hrrrmmm....Radik....wears....granny....pantieeessssss...

"Sh...Sh...Shenker! G...g...guess yers is b...b...b...broken. Or d...d...dumb."

"Everyone's gone bonkers."

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup
Zuko wrote:
"Everyone's gone bonkers."

Uh, little late for that observo, innit?

I started out 3 kanks short of a jagnook.

Male Human (Athasian mutant) Psion3/Wiz1
MalaKi wrote:

MalaKi sneers at the items weak attempt to ensnare him; although the crown does seem…right for him.

Digging in the pool for other items, Faindriac's attention is attracted by his flashing psisrystal.

"What?" HE asks irritatedly. The crystal flashes brighter, as if excited. Faindriac's head snaps around. "Malaki! NO!"

Malaki wrote:
His sneer turns into a smile as he reaches for the crown and places it on his head.

"Well-meaning, weak-willed fools." Faindriac mutters darkly. He turns to Holdrus in time to see him excavating what looks to be a hammer from the other pool. "This is getting out of hand. We need to gather these items, and then get rid of the ones that were being used against us. I think it is safe to conclude that those others do not have our best interest at heart. Perhaps we could gather them and deposit THEM in the pools? I may be able to figure out how to finish the ritual they were performing. If idiotic, ill-trained nobles could manage the process, Then I should have little difficulty." His frown deepens even more, if possible.

"But while that would relieve us of the potential problems of these ill-meaning items, I hesitate to drain anything until I figure out where the power will be siphoned to." His lips tighten into a thin line in consternation, and he begins digging again as his psicrystal flashes.

'Cair, do you detect anything nearby that could be a source of power? Natural or otherwise? If these items were being drained to provide power for the Templars or Dregoth, then it could provide a source of power for us as well,...'

Male Human (Athasian mutant) Psion3/Wiz1
Zuko wrote:
"Everyone's gone bonkers."

"Your perception of the obvious is quite acute." Faindriac mutters, mostly to himself.

"Shenker, Aso, Your assistance please?" He calls, getting up from the pool. He retrieves Cair D'Niaf and talks to the two halflings in a low voice.

"You two seem to be naturally resistant to the lures of talking weapons. Most refreshing, since I myself confess to having desire to acquire one. However, I agree that not all of the items in this room should be picked up and taken with us. Would you be so kind as to assist Holdrus in rescuing any remaining items from the pools? I'm going to see what I can do about getting rid of the ones that these Dregoth-worshippers were using."

Faindriac moves over to Zuko. "Zuko, you are probably the strongest willed of all of us here, and are therefore least likely to be unduly influenced by these,... dark items. Will you assist me in gathering them up and depositing them in the pools? I think it would be most wise to separate Malaki from that crown with all haste, before it can do any more harm. Let us try to talk him into removing it. One moment,..."

Before moving towards Malaki, Faindriac calls towards the door in Thri-kreen,...

In Passable Thri-Kreen,...


"Clutch-mate! Remember your earlier concerns regarding these talk-item spirits! I say that you were right, right! Not all talk-item spirits are of good heart, or can be trusted! I strongly, strongly suggest leaving all talk-items that were being used by these soft-skins! Will you assist in gathering the dark weapons? We can leave the dark-spirit weapons in the pools. It will be fitting justice to destroy them with the magic they meant to use on good-heart spirit-items!"

Faindriac turns to Zuko. "Let us speak to Malaki."

There being more important things to do, Zuko knocks out sends the noble to sleep. (Blow to the head.)

Zuko nods his agreement to Faindrac.

I almost forgot, but the half-elf's body is present as well. Will give a rundown of his possessions.

Zuko wrote:
Zuko knocks out sends the noble to sleep.

Dirt nap?

Male +1 Silver speed short sword
Holdrus Rippor wrote:
Scirocco, what do you sense of these new weapons?

The Maul and the bracers are long time allies, and the loss of the staff is a terrible tragedy. The others will pay dearly, the crown, the sword, and the gythka are all pawns. Servants of the enemy, the usurper.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"Err....'sallright....the sword says....it'll play ball with us."

Female Sword of Subtllety
Shenker wrote:
Schenker picks up the eldritchy shortsword.

Greetings Shenker. I think we'll make a terrific team, and woe to anyone who tries to tell us different. They have to sleep sometime, don't they?

There is a second set of masterwork leather on this body.

Aso wrote:
Aso reasons that they don't make crazy taking weapons for halflings because halflings are too smart to get mixed up in magic weapon feuds.

$5 says those daggers go out the window once Radik sees the giant hunk of hammer! ;)

The headless half-elf is (was) carrying a scroll case containing several sheets of skin parchment covered in arcane writing, and an elegant jeweled earring.

Female Gythka of Flailing (as rod)
Faindriac Fellstar wrote:
"This is getting out of hand. We need to gather these items, and then get rid of the ones that were being used against us. I think it is safe to conclude that those others do not have our best interest at heart. Perhaps we could gather them and deposit THEM in the pools?

You proceed from a false assumption, wise one! We were attempting to dispose of these dangerous revolutionaries, backers of a doomed regime. What you intruded upon was a police action, and the consequences could be severe. Fortunately, we are not ones to hold a grudge or run to the templars to settle our problems for us. If you give us half a chance, we will prove the truth of things, and together we will be the stewards of Raam.

Unfortunately, my previous cohort, the half-elf you see there, overreached his ability in an attempt to prove his worthiness to adorn himself with me, and his spells to seal the pool failed. The precious time we lost allowed the enemy to delude you into crashing our ceremony, but now you have the chance to make amends!

Faindriac Fellstar wrote:
'Cair, do you detect anything nearby that could be a source of power? Natural or otherwise? If these items were being drained to provide power for the Templars or Dregoth, then it could provide a source of power for us as well,...'

While Cair can inform you that the half-elf was clearly a common defiler, and that most of the weapons use a combination of Magic or The Way in their function, beyond that he senses nothing of great power nearby. The staff continues to bleat for aid telepathically.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup
Madame Ebon wrote:
Shenker wrote:
Schenker picks up the eldritchy shortsword.

Greetings Shenker. I think we'll make a terrific team, and woe to anyone who tries to tell us different. They have to sleep sometime, don't they?

There is a second set of masterwork leather on this body.


Meh,....enough time to sleep when yer dedd, I allers sedd. Who's working for who here, you rot kanky gobber?"

Yernks th' armor.

M +1 Armor Bracers of Mighty Fists

Thank you for the timely rescue new friends! You seem injured. If you slip me onto your wrists, I’d be happy to cleanse and repair your wounds, so we can get back into the thick of combat all the quicker.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"Oooh! Oooh!
Hrmmm... I'm no hurteez.
Can we slip you on Radik's neck; kinda like as to heal his brain?"

Getting crowded in here. Only a few more to go, rofl.

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2

Radik angrily levels a threat at his harem of daggers.

"The maul is of the life-metal. It is powerful. Convince me why I should not forsake the three of you.

Female +1 Returning Dagger of Venom

If you desire that slow-witted metal slag pile over us, then you deserve what you get. We’ve slain a hundred better men than you.

Female +1 Returning Dagger of Venom

I refuse to return to anyone carrying that…thing!

Female +1 Returning Dagger of Venom

Perhaps there is another in the party more deserving of success than you?

M +1 Sundering Psychokinetic Burst Maul

Whores...talk too much.

Interesting to say the least

Has anyone taken the bracers? And can a halfling wear them. If so:

Aso snatches them and tries them on.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

do I gotta save or anything?

Male Thri-kreen Monk 2 (ECL 6)

Skarsnikt nods in appreciation as Kirrish gives him the pouch, attaching it to his harness. He wanders over to Holdrus.

"Ghost in ground desperate. This kreen thinks abandoning buried ghost unwise - present ghosts become angry. This kreen help Holdrus dig out buried one. Kreen great diggers, this happen fast. However, this kreen desire no interaction with haunted objects - intersts and dreams of dead ancestors not same as living creature. Taking orders from dead spirits unwise. Mollifying angry ghosts wise, though, which why this kreen help."

With that, he starts digging into the mud with all four claws, shards of hardened clay flying everywhere.

Male Thri-kreen Thri-kreen 2/ Ranger 2
Faindriac Fellstar wrote:

Before moving towards Malaki, Faindriac calls towards the door in Thri-kreen,...

In Passable Thri-Kreen,...
** spoiler omitted **

Pheremone glands secrete a scent like brimstone as Kirrish responds.


I also recall that you had a desire for such an object, despite my protests. Now I see that you and the majority of our clutch possess at least one. In a nest of vipers, it is best to have fangs. I am thrall to none; not to power, not to greed and not to you or any of these...companions of ours. I will surrender the weapon when you have demonstrated that you are capable of what you claim, not before.

Until then, you will speak to me as an equal or not at all. I have no need for your condescension.

He throws the armor aside if none claim it and stalks about the pool room, observing. The azure rod remains bundled in spare clothing.

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2
Lady Dusk wrote:
If you desire that slow-witted metal slag pile over us, then you deserve what you get. We’ve slain a hundred better men than you.

"If you've slain a hundred better men, I must be the best still living. You need to do better."

Threateningly, Radik moves closer to Holdrus and the massive iron maul.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"I'll take them knifey gals!"

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2
Shenker wrote:
"I'll take them knifey gals!"

"That is their decision, not yours, degenerate."

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