Dark Sun PbP #1 - The Fine Art of Reciprocity


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Female Aarakoras race adjustment+2; ranger 4

keep your eyes open for more arrows and maybe a spare bowstring please
<= carefully trys to salvage and collect the arrows she shot

Female Aarakoras race adjustment+2; ranger 4

<= checks her bowstring and equipment

<---Checks out Marada.


Adjusts his ill fitting leather codpiece.

"Y..y..y..you wanna have a b..b..b..bath?"

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2

Radik hums to himself as he lovingly adjusts the daggers tucked into his belt.

Mike's in Ireland, right?

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

I think so.

"Watch out, you don't stab your jiblets there, Grinley."

Aso gets in the bathtub and washes up for the first time in his life. The water is now brown and there is a shimmering layer of scum on the surface.

Male Thri-kreen Thri-kreen 2/ Ranger 2

Kirrish quietly approaches Faindriac and his pet rock. If Kha-Chik is also in the area, he'll bring her in as well.

"Suggestion: This one wish talk talk us this one's talk, yes? Things could interest...long-sighted clutch-ones, good?"


Upon our initial attack on the "bathhouse", esteemed clutch member Faindriac may have noticed the Templar swinging the severed head of the elf from outside of Tik's, correct? If you do not recall, larvae dropped from the dead thing and one was preparing to put the moth on the new female's face, likely for gestating more young, correct? I have to inform you that the moth species prefers to lay its eggs in the heads of irresponsible, power hungry magic users of little respect for the broader consequences of their actions. "Defilers" in your tongue.

We are all different, of course, of different backgrounds. But you and I have similar...ethical concerns regarding magic's effects on Athas and her wild places, yes? Ethical concerns that I believe our comrades will not appreciate, though I cannot hold them in contempt for such things. It is possible that I am incorrect; it is also possible that the Templar was mistaken about this woman and her capabilities. I only wish to raise the issue of caution: watch her actions, consider her words and those of our companions. I find it rather irksome that some among us are willing to throw all caution and consideration aside for the sake of these talking metal weapons and for their own urges in response to the female of the soft-skinned races. But I have made myself clear and I will not belabor the point. I am not opposed to risk, but I think a risk needs to be calculated and considered before action is taken.

I have spoken my piece.

Male Human (Athasian mutant) Psion3/Wiz1
Kirrish-Kreshk-Skiklik wrote:

Kirrish quietly approaches Faindriac and his pet rock. If Kha-Chik is also in the area, he'll bring her in as well.

"Suggestion: This one wish talk talk us this one's talk, yes? Things could interest...long-sighted clutch-ones, good?"

** spoiler omitted **

Faindraic frown becomes even more pronounced as he contemplates the Thri-Kreen's words. After a few moments he responds as best as he can in their language:

Thri-Kreen Speech,...


"I thank you for trusting my judgment enough to speak to me about this. I was not aware of the predilection of the insect for 'defiler' bodies. And I hope you are wrong about that. But either way, it explains a part of the sudden increase of Templar attacks on the society."

"I agree with your general assessment of our companions. While they each possess above-average skills at mayhem, It does seem like a few of their moral compasses is a few degrees off. I am no saint, but their actions make me look like an Avangion." He almost smiles.

"I understand your reticence regarding the weapons that speak, Though I must confess my own interest in such possessing such an artifact. However I agree that not ALL weapons that speak should be immediately picked up and used. Radik's new friends, for example." He says, touching his recently healed cheek.

"I shall do my best to watch our rescuee, as it is only wise not to trust anyone unless you have reason to." He bows slightly to the Thri-Kreen at this. "And while an attractive female may be no less or more trustworthy than any other, it does seem to bring out the worst in some males."

"Have no fear, while the clutch may not be the best at working together, we are a formidable force and shall prevail against all that work against us. From without or within."

"B...b...b..ath is great! C...c..c...ome on in!"

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup


Aso wrote:
"B...b...b..ath is great! C...c..c...ome on in!"

" But the tub your in is where the Templars wash their genitals and

anuses out!after the decadent orgies!that's the rinse tub your in!

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"Rectum? It damn near killed im!"

Male Thri-kreen Monk 2 (ECL 6)

Skarsnikt sidles up to Kirrish and Fandriac as they chat.

In thri-kreen:

::At this point, it seems prudent to inquire about the nature and temperament of the possessed blades. Clutchmate Fandriac, as one who enjoys companionship with a haunted object, how do you evaluate the steel weapons and their spirits? This kreen cannot help but be worried about the newly acquired daggers - their colour is unsettling, and their disharmonious voices fills this kreen with deep unease. However, clutchmate Radik seems to favour them strongly. Is he too possessed, or is this kreen overly suspicious?::

Male Human (Athasian mutant) Psion3/Wiz1
Skarsnikt wrote:

Skarsnikt sidles up to Kirrish and Fandriac as they chat.

In thri-kreen:

** spoiler omitted **

Again, Faindriac almost smiles. He responds once again in passable Thri-kreen,...


"Clutchmate Skarsnikt, The short answer to both of your questions would be 'yes', But that would be over simplifying things."

"In regards to the daggers themselves, I would need time to study them properly to be sure, but judging by the way they were used against us," He touches his recently healed cheek once more. "And the way they are ingratiating themselves to Radik, I suspect that they would be possessed of more malevolent cunning than concerned guardianship."

He looks at the Thri Kreen, and rephrases his statement.
"They are more likely to be 'evil' than 'good' in their designs. That does not mean that they can not be wielded for 'good', or however you wish them to be. It merely requires a strong will to control them. Radik seems possessed of a strong will, or at least a strong ego. My concern is that his will is not equal to his bluster. We shall have to watch, and make sure that he is not being influenced unduly by the blades."

He strokes his chin thoughtfully, "That may be difficult to tell with Radik,..."

Marada Bhelu'Ara wrote:
Aso wrote:
"B...b...b..ath is great! C...c..c...ome on in!"

" But the tub your in is where the Templars wash their genitals and

anuses out!after the decadent orgies!that's the rinse tub your in!

<Looks at the tub water. Jumps out of the tub.>

It could have been a sewer, Aso would still be cleaner than he was before.

Female Aarakoras race adjustment+2; ranger 4

I too share your concerns; cluck chirp cirp ip.
<== listens in with interest nodding and thinking. Being the only actual Good Aligned person here; attempts do empathically feel and remember the aura of the blades when near them.
I shall pray and seek guidance:

Kirrish-Kreshk-Skiklik wrote:

Kirrish quietly approaches Faindriac and his pet rock. If Kha-Chik is also in the area, he'll bring her in as well.

"Suggestion: This one wish talk talk us this one's talk, yes? Things could interest...long-sighted clutch-ones, good?"

** spoiler omitted **

Female Aarakoras race adjustment+2; ranger 4

Prayer in Aarakoras


She calms her mind and opens her spirit; her eyes glaze over and body sways with the rythym of the way the spirit of the place moves her; in her mind she rides the battle and sees those foes overcome...

"Great Spirit hear my call; it is I; your hand to claw and scratch out the hearts of your enemies; to lead those who are lost; to strengthen those to weak to survive; hear my pray; grant me a boon.

spirits of earth; spirits of fire; spirits of water; spirits of air hear me; aid me; spirits of creatures burrowed deep; spirits of those long fallen and those recently set free from the mortal coil heed me; tell me of these blades and the voiced trapped within; whome do they serve; Good or Weal; be they Bane or Blessing; whisper to me o spirits of what they are called or use another more voiced; see yonder bard; spokesmen of those whom drub their feet upon the dry, cracked earth and kick up dust to choke and blind; clear her eyes and use her if you would if I cannot hear; for she has given her voice and trained to ride the magic of yeah my brother and sister spirits."

I then wait in the rythym of deep prayer alert for signs or whispers of answer or any feeling of guidance or heck and outright answer lol.

Female +1 Returning Dagger of Venom

“Wise, this one is.”

Female +1 Returning Dagger of Venom

“And so handsome!”

Female +1 Returning Dagger of Venom

“We will make him rich and powerful.”

Female +1 Returning Dagger of Venom

“The little man wishes to wield us. Perhaps we should see if he is man enough? Do not fret dear Radik, we have a friend inside you will like.”

Female +1 Returning Dagger of Venom

“Ignore the bug, he is jealous of you.”

Female +1 Returning Dagger of Venom

“He’ll kill you in your sleep and steal us away!”

Female +1 Mithral Parrying Bard’s Friend

“Sirocco and I have known each other for many centuries. Long years of imprisonment beneath Raam. No more though; we are free, and we will fight to remain free!

Male +1 Silver speed short sword

“We dare not waste any more time. Quickly Holdrus, through the door in the pool chamber before we are too late to rescue the others!”

Tables, dancing on women. Nope, I just don’t see a market.

Zuko funnels the power of elemental fire into a few cauterizing cantrips for Faindrac, sealing the hole in his cheek, pulling the skin around the area tight. It isn’t pretty, but it gets the job done.

You locate little to scavenge. The women held only daggers, now in the possession of Radik, and the corpses outside have been picked clean, likely by their unseen murderers.

A bubbly sound draws Kirrish to the chamber left of the foyer. Rows of short, padded benches line this marble-floored room. Past the benches, you see a number of immaculate privies, though an elaborate, glowing fountain easily overshadows these. A light cascade of water bubbles and froths down the front of the mouth of a dragon, before draining into a circular pool in which kneeling petitioners supplicate, palms together and facing upwards, eyes wide with rapture. You stride past bins of clean towels to a row of wardrobes, a quick search of which reveals numerous sets of well made clothing ( Roughly the equivalent of six Courtier’s Outfits; four male, two female), and one exceptional garment complete with a small pouch of jewelry ( Noble’s Outfit; male, with a garnet studded wristband, bronze pinkie ring, and a signet ring displaying a set of side-by-side cahulaks).

Aso quickly searches the opposite side of the building, entering into a large room filled with an abundance of weights, springy mats, and sporting equipment. Several metal devices, which would be equally at home in a gladiator stable or templar “confessional” line the walls. A few trampled bodies lie here, bereft of clothing or equipment. Beneath one of the dead, you find a broken bone flute.

Anyone gotta problem if I claim the noble's outfit?

Kha-Chik-Chik-Ka wrote:
<= carefully trys to salvage and collect the arrows she shot

About half of the shots should be recoverable.

Radik Aurel wrote:
Mike's in Ireland, right?

Yeah, sorry about that. Had connection issues.

Shenker wrote:
"Rectum? It damn near killed im!"

Though I haven't mentioned it before, I am tracking xp quietly. I gave a bonus for managing to work that quote into a game, rofl.

Kha-Chik-Chik-Ka does not wait long before a soothing, but undeniably powerful presence touches her mind. Somewhere nearby, a Spirit of the Land dwells. Responding to her call, the avian receives a brief hallucination:

A tiny lizard runs across the desert floor, desperate to escape the claws of a diving Kes’Trekel. A nearby tortoise offers welcome shelter, and the lizard scurries beneath the soft underbelly just in time, gasping for air. Wheeling off, the bird of prey has no choice but to hunt for easier quarry. Safe for the moment, the lizard takes stock of its options, and then promptly buries its claws into the soft underbelly of its erstwhile savior. Breathing a final wheezing pant, the shelled creature collapses, crushing the greedy lizard beneath it.

You are left momentarily dazed by the dream.

G'mork wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

You are left momentarily dazed by the dream.

It's not like I looked or anything, but, ummm, that spoiler doesn't work?!?! Maybe it's the italics bbcode.

Aso wrote:
It's not like I looked or anything, but, ummm, that spoiler doesn't work?!?! Maybe it's the italics bbcode.

Confirmed broken in Ubuntu with Firefox. Working in XP with IE 7.

Feel free to look at that one. It's only a spoiler because it's in Kha-Chik's head:

A tiny lizard runs across the desert floor, desperate to escape the claws of a diving Kes’Trekel. A nearby tortoise offers welcome shelter, and the lizard scurries beneath the soft underbelly just in time, gasping for air. Wheeling off, the bird of prey has no choice but to hunt for easier quarry. Safe for the moment, the lizard takes stock of its options, and then promptly buries its claws into the soft underbelly of its erstwhile savior. Breathing a final wheezing pant, the shelled creature collapses, crushing the greedy lizard beneath it.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup
G'mork wrote:

Though I haven't mentioned it before, I am tracking xp quietly. I gave a bonus for managing to work that quote into a game, rofl.

I been waitin on that one.

I linked this into a game too, on Saturday...

Pearl the Landlord

Male Mul Warrior 4 (SRD generic class)
Sirocco wrote:
“We dare not waste any more time. Quickly Holdrus, through the door in the pool chamber before we are too late to rescue the others!”

Holdrus quickly moves through the door in the pool chamber, following Scirocco's instructions.

Female Aarakoras race adjustment+2; ranger 4

Whom are we to rescue Sirocco; be thou the tortoise eager to give shelter?

Sirocco wrote:
“We dare not waste any more time. Quickly Holdrus, through the door in the pool chamber before we are too late to rescue the others!”

Liberty's Edge

Manwolf Werewoof testing upper middle class twit 5

Ignore post--just so this thread's dotted.

Male Mul Warrior 4 (SRD generic class)
Heathansson wrote:
Ignore post--just so this thread's dotted.

Ah! Werewoof!!!

Liberty's Edge

Manwolf Werewoof testing upper middle class twit 5


Holdrus Rippor wrote:
Holdrus quickly moves through the door in the pool chamber, following Scirocco's instructions.

You find the way barred. In fact, the door does not appear to have a handle, lock, or mechanism of any kind; only a thin line of draconic runes imprinted into the door mar the surface of the portal.

Draconic Runes:

What can move through water and never become wet?

Male +1 Silver speed short sword

Uhhh, tortoise? Is that some sort of metaphor I’m not privy to, or are you having an “episode?”

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2
Heathansson wrote:

There wolf. There castle.

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2

Radik listens to the voices in his head and is content.

Radik Aurel wrote:
Radik listens to the voices in his head and is content.

lol. Now he won't be lonely anymore.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"Hrmm....hey, Grinley! What are your doing. Your drooling, hmf!"

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2
Shenker wrote:
"Hrmm....hey, Grinley! What are your doing. Your drooling, hmf!"

"You are jealous of my power."

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"Hrmm...it's damn sure not your face."

Male Thri-kreen Thri-kreen 2/ Ranger 2

Kirrish grabs just about anything he can carry, likely grabbing a bin to hold it all. He's going to check out the water before drinking it Knowledge (nature) 1d20+4=11. After drinking as much water as possible, he brings the spoils of his panty raid to the rest of the group and searches about for any gourds or waterskins he can fill up and carry with him.

"Declaration: Get drink, there. Get gourds or skins, get drink later. Shell-hide things worn thin-shells here, thin-shells need."

Subconsciously, he pulls a little on the collar of his grody padded armor.

Marada Bhelu'Ara wrote:

Marada looks about for money and armor; something comfortable, that offers protection and looks sexy!



Male Human (Athasian mutant) Psion3/Wiz1

Faindriac nods at Zuko's request,
"Not as long as you don't mind me claiming one of these others. A vast improvement over our previous garments."

He nods again at the Thri-Kreen's wise words of preparation. But moves to examine the runes that Holdrus has found.

"Hm. Draconic. 'What can move through water and never become wet?'" His frown deepens.

"I detest riddles. Nonsense made up by lesser minds to make themselves feel intelligent. Nevertheless it would appear that we must play this game if we are to continue. And the first thing that comes to mind that can actually travel through water and emerge unaffected would be an air bubble."

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